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Lelutka Evolution heads - your experiences?

Nika Talaj

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Evolution's been out for a while, I'm interested in hearing your experiences with it.  The tl;dr version: I think Evolution is lovely mesh that tends to only look good with skins/tattoos created for it.  Being full BOM, not much in the way of 'looks' are provided in the HUD; I think I'd spend a lot of time & money finding tattoo layers.  Lelutka supplies zero written documentation for it, and only very rudimentary videos.  Feel free to skip my experiences with it below and just post your own :)


I spent a few hours playing with Lake and Erin, watched Novata's videos, as well as the Lelutka ones.  Given the very good written documentation Lelutka provided for their earlier heads, the paucity of information for Evolution puzzles me.  What is the best review you've seen/read?  Though I love the work @Strawberry Linden is doing, at this moment I really miss Strawberry Singh!

  • I hoped that Evolution would be lower lag than other Lelutka heads, but looking at its complexity/triangles, I don't see that.  Am I wrong?
  • The mesh itself seems great to me, great noses and better head shapes.
  • Full BOM.  I had hoped this would mean that I could wear old system makeups, but the lipsticks look rather bad.  Some eye makeups might look ok.  Full system skins - didn't find one that worked, and I don't think playing with the sliders would help.   The older Lelutka heads can also use BOM, and interestingly, old system lipsticks seemed to work fine on my Bianca head.  The one system skin I tried on Bianca worked well enough that I am tempted to try some of my old novelty skins.
  • True or false: Evolution heads using BOM only look great with BOM makeups/skins made for it. What do you think? 
  • I believe you can use old Lelutka appliers for eyeshadows & lipsticks with Evolution?  Haven't tried it yet, do they work well?
  • New HUD.  It is similar to the old HUD, but different enough that I really want written documentation for it!  Because Evolution is meant to be used mostly in BOM mode, it has no skins in the HUD, you just wear the 'face' you want.  Personally, I don't like the HD lipsticks that are built in, or most of the HUD eyeshadows.  So it seems to me that you get a whole lot of flexibility with Evolution to create exactly the look you want, but the downside is that you have to find and wear a bunch of new Evolution BOM tattoos & skins to do it.

I expected to love this head, but I can't seem to find any compelling reason to get it.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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I love my Lelutka Evolution heads. I am currently using it with both Blush and Debi. I've never expected old system skins to look good on a mesh head of any brand. Though I have tried a few older system skins just for grins and they weren't too bad. But I want perfection so I went skin shopping when I got my new evolution heads. I don't tend to use old system skins on my Maitreya bodies either. I think it's unrealistic to expect old system skins to look anywhere as nice as the new skins that are made specifically for mesh body parts.

I love Bakes on Mesh so much that nearly all of my make up is done with system layers and not appliers. Honestly, I've NEVER been a fan of appliers. The main reason I switched to the new Evolution heads is because I love the shape of the heads. They give me the perfect base shape and respond so nicely to the sliders in edit appearance that I can finally have a face that I love without having anything that bugs me about my appearance.

I also really like the simplicity of the HUD. It's really intuitive. I never looked for any instructions because I didn't need any.

Oh, and lastly, I use a ton of system layers to add details to my skin. I have lots and lots of skin detail products from Izzie's.

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For me, I've owned quite a few heads over the years, and was never really  happy until I found Lelutka Lake. About BOM make up and skins, I  personally never entertained the idea of wearing my old skins and tattoo makeups on a regular basis. My system stuff is incredibly old (2007!), and the skill and technique of creators is so much better now. Stores like Izzies and AlaskaMetro who have offered system layers for as long as I can remember do have some older stuff that I can wear , but it really is mixed bag especially with lips. I can wear some stuff made for different heads but you generally want to wear stuff that is made with your head in mind, but this goes for any head really no matter the brand. If I were to put something on made for Catwa, the nose, corners of the mouth, and eyes would have shadows in all the wrong places. Some of that you can correct with fixes from stores like Izzies, but you'd be better off just finding something that was made for it instead. 

Old Lelutka appliers for lipstick and shadow do not work on the evolution heads. The only appliers that do work are new HD ones, and the creators are usually pretty good at stating this, but if its HD applier for Evolution, it definitely won't work on older heads either.  Hd lips included in the hud  can definitely be made to look better by playing with opacity as well as adding 4 different materials that add shiny and texture to them (remember to turn on Advanced Lighting to see it!)

TL;DR of this : Some old stuff works, some doesn't. Experiment. Old lelutka appliers made for the older heads do not work on the new heads, just the HD ones.

Should you buy? I'd say no if you are really attached to your old Lelutka appliers and look. That being said, its been an overwhelmingly great experience for me transitioning from Genus. I definitely understand the frustration some might have if they are not well versed in how BOM works.

With all that said, I am happy to help anyone who is trying to figure it out. Feel free to give me a holler in world via IM or notecard.

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I love my Evo head! I wear Lake.

  • As far lag wearing it never noticed tbh.
  • Its true that old BoM may or may not line up properly. But I didnt mind so much since I had delete most of my system appliers long ago.
  • I use a combo of HD appliers for makeup and BoM.
  • I've always loved Lelutka's HUDs. I find them very easy to use, easy on the eyes and thoughtfully laid out.
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The mouth on Evolution does not look good with any other makeups/skins than made for Evolution. You can find something that works for you - YMMV.

Makeups for eyes is another thing. I find that I can use a lot of eyemakeup. But I find out that I do not like the old makeup anymore. This is not only on Evolution. I saw this on Simone head too. Makeup that is a few years old have eyeliner. Often lots of eyeliner. On the waterline, and inner corners, the black eyeliner is drawn out so it almost meet the nose.

Yes, I have invested in a eyeliner cover from Izzie's. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes the eyeliner is so exaggerated that even the cover layer can't hide it. So I find it better to buy new, subtle and more sophisticated makeup.

I used a lot of hard makeup when we had the default avatar. The better and more realistic the new heads look, the more delicate and "natural" makeup will I use.

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I own many mesh heads from Catwa, LeLutka, Genus, LAQ as well as smaller brands and I could not be happier with Evolution. I like these heads so much I bought them for 2 alts as well. I love the HUD, it is simple to use, especially compared to the utter nightmare that is Genus. I haven't noticed any lag. I've found most older BOM skins fit pretty well, except for the lip issue that has already been mentioned. I solve this by wearing the BOM skin of my choice with lip makeup designed specifically for Evolution. The animations are outstanding as well. I did not like the look of many of the LeLutka heads pre-Evolution but this range I find much softer and prettier.

I would absolutely recommend these to anyone look for a new mesh head. 


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I love them, personally. I've got a wide range of heads from several creators and the Evolution heads are up there in my favorites of shape versatility. I will find the breaking point of a shape if I'm able. So far they're the only heads I can start from a new shape and it not look absolutely crunched. It's great! As for makeup. I have dug out my stuffed box of makeups/tattoos and various stuff and have had a blast mixing and matching and general experimentation to see what still works. So far I haven't been that disappointed.

Izzie's has a lot of 'fixer' layer stuff that helps adjust things here and there and it's really easy to bring an older skin/makeup back from the dead now. As with all heads, the shape and mesh starting shape is going to have a big influence on how something looks.

All I can say is experiment, demo and decide for yourself.

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18 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

Evolution's been out for a while, I'm interested in hearing your experiences with it.  The tl;dr version: I think Evolution is lovely mesh that tends to only look good with skins/tattoos created for it.  Being full BOM, not much in the way of 'looks' are provided in the HUD; I think I'd spend a lot of time & money finding tattoo layers.  Lelutka supplies zero written documentation for it, and only very rudimentary videos.  Feel free to skip my experiences with it below and just post your own :)


I spent a few hours playing with Lake and Erin, watched Novata's videos, as well as the Lelutka ones.  Given the very good written documentation Lelutka provided for their earlier heads, the paucity of information for Evolution puzzles me.  What is the best review you've seen/read?  Though I love the work @Strawberry Linden is doing, at this moment I really miss Strawberry Singh!

  • I hoped that Evolution would be lower lag than other Lelutka heads, but looking at its complexity/triangles, I don't see that.  Am I wrong?
  • The mesh itself seems great to me, great noses and better head shapes.
  • Full BOM.  I had hoped this would mean that I could wear old system makeups, but the lipsticks look rather bad.  Some eye makeups might look ok.  Full system skins - didn't find one that worked, and I don't think playing with the sliders would help.   The older Lelutka heads can also use BOM, and interestingly, old system lipsticks seemed to work fine on my Bianca head.  The one system skin I tried on Bianca worked well enough that I am tempted to try some of my old novelty skins.
  • True or false: Evolution heads using BOM only look great with BOM makeups/skins made for it. What do you think? 
  • I believe you can use old Lelutka appliers for eyeshadows & lipsticks with Evolution?  Haven't tried it yet, do they work well?
  • New HUD.  It is similar to the old HUD, but different enough that I really want written documentation for it!  Because Evolution is meant to be used mostly in BOM mode, it has no skins in the HUD, you just wear the 'face' you want.  Personally, I don't like the HD lipsticks that are built in, or most of the HUD eyeshadows.  So it seems to me that you get a whole lot of flexibility with Evolution to create exactly the look you want, but the downside is that you have to find and wear a bunch of new Evolution BOM tattoos & skins to do it.

I expected to love this head, but I can't seem to find any compelling reason to get it.

I happened to have all of them, so I will try my best to answer your post based on my experiences:

- complexity - not sure about the older generations, but Korina (pre-Evolution head) already had low complexity too

- meshes - and how they fit shapes or how flexible they are, thats matter of personal taste, its hard to make some general conclusion about that

- BOM makeups: Not being creator myself I have limited understanding how the UV maps work, but as I understood each head/ each brand is fully compatible and looking good with make ups fitting the head's UV map, not with everything in general. Lelut EVO isn't exception here. 

I succesfully wear some eyeliners made for Genus, it looks a little different (small, bigger etc), but you would not guess it wasn't made for Lelut. Yet other eyeliners from other creators won't fit at all, even if they were made for Genus as well.

Lips area is way more complicated and thats nothing new - before BOM lipsticks - omega appliers weren't usable with all omega complatible heads for very same reason, BOM works exactly same (not only for Lelutka, in general).

Also one of my favorite hairbases are very old ones made for system heads I found in my hair folder stored with old hair (Analog Dog for the instance).

Conclusion: something will fit, old and new, made for other brads, something won't.

- Appliers: I must admit I'm not willing to go back to situations when my makeups are eaten by alpha from my hair, so I prefer BOM and didn't try the old appliers (I'm happy I got red it off that!), but I beleive the only appliers which will work are the new HD ones made for Evo. Except eyes, they are omega compactible + they have solution for different sizes of appliers, you can adjust the position and the size of the eye texture after you apply it on the eyes. 


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On 7/14/2020 at 12:23 PM, Nika Talaj said:

Evolution's been out for a while, I'm interested in hearing your experiences with it.  The tl;dr version: I think Evolution is lovely mesh that tends to only look good with skins/tattoos created for it.  Being full BOM, not much in the way of 'looks' are provided in the HUD; I think I'd spend a lot of time & money finding tattoo layers.  Lelutka supplies zero written documentation for it, and only very rudimentary videos.  Feel free to skip my experiences with it below and just post your own :)


I spent a few hours playing with Lake and Erin, watched Novata's videos, as well as the Lelutka ones.  Given the very good written documentation Lelutka provided for their earlier heads, the paucity of information for Evolution puzzles me.  What is the best review you've seen/read?  Though I love the work @Strawberry Linden is doing, at this moment I really miss Strawberry Singh!

  • I hoped that Evolution would be lower lag than other Lelutka heads, but looking at its complexity/triangles, I don't see that.  Am I wrong?
  • The mesh itself seems great to me, great noses and better head shapes.
  • Full BOM.  I had hoped this would mean that I could wear old system makeups, but the lipsticks look rather bad.  Some eye makeups might look ok.  Full system skins - didn't find one that worked, and I don't think playing with the sliders would help.   The older Lelutka heads can also use BOM, and interestingly, old system lipsticks seemed to work fine on my Bianca head.  The one system skin I tried on Bianca worked well enough that I am tempted to try some of my old novelty skins.
  • True or false: Evolution heads using BOM only look great with BOM makeups/skins made for it. What do you think? 
  • I believe you can use old Lelutka appliers for eyeshadows & lipsticks with Evolution?  Haven't tried it yet, do they work well?
  • New HUD.  It is similar to the old HUD, but different enough that I really want written documentation for it!  Because Evolution is meant to be used mostly in BOM mode, it has no skins in the HUD, you just wear the 'face' you want.  Personally, I don't like the HD lipsticks that are built in, or most of the HUD eyeshadows.  So it seems to me that you get a whole lot of flexibility with Evolution to create exactly the look you want, but the downside is that you have to find and wear a bunch of new Evolution BOM tattoos & skins to do it.

I expected to love this head, but I can't seem to find any compelling reason to get it.

I stick with cate, know how to use it all and I like how it looks.  I did not like the mouth on the new ones...

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On 7/15/2020 at 5:36 AM, Laurel Aurelia said:

Old Lelutka appliers for lipstick and shadow do not work on the evolution heads. The only appliers that do work are new HD ones, and the creators are usually pretty good at stating this, but if its HD applier for Evolution, it definitely won't work on older heads either.  Hd lips included in the hud  can definitely be made to look better by playing with opacity as well as adding 4 different materials that add shiny and texture to them (remember to turn on Advanced Lighting to see it!)

TL;DR of this : Some old stuff works, some doesn't. Experiment. Old lelutka appliers made for the older heads do not work on the new heads, just the HD ones.

Just to clarify here also.  The old appliers that don't work are those for lipstick, eyeshadow (as you correctly said), hairbases, eyebrows or anything that uses what used to be the layer for facial features such as blush or tattoos.  Old and new appliers for eyes, eyelashes and skins do work.

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I have the Lake head as well as the origins heads Simone and Chloe.

The Lake is really lovely and responds very well to shape sliders.  Usability for the new Evolution heads is as superb as the origins has been.  In my opinion Lelutka has always been light-years ahead of any other vendor in this area.  The minimal style HUD is very efficient to use and logically laid out.

One of the many new additions to the Evolution heads I like, is being able to turn the eyes to BoM as well as the head.  Origins heads need a separate applier to make that happen.

The materials support is also way better than it used to be with a lot more options.  I find the new animations are superior as well.  They were always excellent and best-of-breed, in my opinion, but I find the ones used in Lake look more natural than in my origins heads.  Some people do like the old ones better so it is subjective.

If there is one criticism I have, it is that considering it is aimed at BoM use, it is a shame that the base head didn't come with just BoM support and no additional layers.  Lelutka could have then have had the HD layers in the box as an add-on to be put on separately along with a similar set of layers aimed at compatibility with the original layers and existing make-up appliers.  This would have pretty much given everyone the combination of options that they wanted.  It would have been similar to the way Maitreya did layers with the v5 body update.  Obviously that would have been more work and I can understand them not doing that.  However, it does mean that the base head is still an applier head and has layers above what is needed for BoM.  The take away from this is that they swapped one set of applier layers for a new set of applier layers for HD.
This neither caters for those who wanted to use existing make-up appliers nor the BoM purists who don't want to use or carry any extra layers around.  The lack of support for existing appliers did make me wait a lot longer than I would have done before making a purchase, to make sure I could live with these limitations when using this head.

That said, I do want to stress that the criticism is generally minor, I am aware that not everyone will agree and it clearly didn't detract from me making a purchase in the end.

Overall the new heads are fantastic and well worth a purchase.

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I usually like a head that can give me more of a softer look, cause I really don't wear a lot of make up in SL.  However, I decided to try demoing these heads and I find these heads give you a stronger look, more bold.   In fact, it made me bring out my red hair and want to get a pair of B*(* boots.   So I bought the Erin head with the League skin.  I can't say I will wear the head everyday, but I certainly will bring it out when I am feeling sassy!

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21 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I have the Lake head as well as the origins heads Simone and Chloe.

The Lake is really lovely and responds very well to shape sliders.  Usability for the new Evolution heads is as superb as the origins has been.  In my opinion Lelutka has always been light-years ahead of any other vendor in this area.  The minimal style HUD is very efficient to use and logically laid out.

One of the many new additions to the Evolution heads I like, is being able to turn the eyes to BoM as well as the head.  Origins heads need a separate applier to make that happen.

The materials support is also way better than it used to be with a lot more options.  I find the new animations are superior as well.  They were always excellent and best-of-breed, in my opinion, but I find the ones used in Lake look more natural than in my origins heads.  Some people do like the old ones better so it is subjective.

If there is one criticism I have, it is that considering it is aimed at BoM use, it is a shame that the base head didn't come with just BoM support and no additional layers.  Lelutka could have then have had the HD layers in the box as an add-on to be put on separately along with a similar set of layers aimed at compatibility with the original layers and existing make-up appliers.  This would have pretty much given everyone the combination of options that they wanted.  It would have been similar to the way Maitreya did layers with the v5 body update.  Obviously that would have been more work and I can understand them not doing that.  However, it does mean that the base head is still an applier head and has layers above what is needed for BoM.  The take away from this is that they swapped one set of applier layers for a new set of applier layers for HD.
This neither caters for those who wanted to use existing make-up appliers nor the BoM purists who don't want to use or carry any extra layers around.  The lack of support for existing appliers did make me wait a lot longer than I would have done before making a purchase, to make sure I could live with these limitations when using this head.

That said, I do want to stress that the criticism is generally minor, I am aware that not everyone will agree and it clearly didn't detract from me making a purchase in the end.

Overall the new heads are fantastic and well worth a purchase.

there is a lot of words here, but I agree with the HUD. I think that is one reason I dislike cataw and genus the huds are complicated and take hours in video tutorials to learn.....

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On 7/15/2020 at 1:53 AM, Nika Talaj said:

Evolution's been out for a while, I'm interested in hearing your experiences with it.  The tl;dr version: I think Evolution is lovely mesh that tends to only look good with skins/tattoos created for it.  Being full BOM, not much in the way of 'looks' are provided in the HUD; I think I'd spend a lot of time & money finding tattoo layers.  Lelutka supplies zero written documentation for it, and only very rudimentary videos.  Feel free to skip my experiences with it below and just post your own :)


I spent a few hours playing with Lake and Erin, watched Novata's videos, as well as the Lelutka ones.  Given the very good written documentation Lelutka provided for their earlier heads, the paucity of information for Evolution puzzles me.  What is the best review you've seen/read?  Though I love the work @Strawberry Linden is doing, at this moment I really miss Strawberry Singh!

  • I hoped that Evolution would be lower lag than other Lelutka heads, but looking at its complexity/triangles, I don't see that.  Am I wrong?
  • The mesh itself seems great to me, great noses and better head shapes.
  • Full BOM.  I had hoped this would mean that I could wear old system makeups, but the lipsticks look rather bad.  Some eye makeups might look ok.  Full system skins - didn't find one that worked, and I don't think playing with the sliders would help.   The older Lelutka heads can also use BOM, and interestingly, old system lipsticks seemed to work fine on my Bianca head.  The one system skin I tried on Bianca worked well enough that I am tempted to try some of my old novelty skins.
  • True or false: Evolution heads using BOM only look great with BOM makeups/skins made for it. What do you think? 
  • I believe you can use old Lelutka appliers for eyeshadows & lipsticks with Evolution?  Haven't tried it yet, do they work well?
  • New HUD.  It is similar to the old HUD, but different enough that I really want written documentation for it!  Because Evolution is meant to be used mostly in BOM mode, it has no skins in the HUD, you just wear the 'face' you want.  Personally, I don't like the HD lipsticks that are built in, or most of the HUD eyeshadows.  So it seems to me that you get a whole lot of flexibility with Evolution to create exactly the look you want, but the downside is that you have to find and wear a bunch of new Evolution BOM tattoos & skins to do it.

I expected to love this head, but I can't seem to find any compelling reason to get it.

Not finding the lag or high complexity issues you seem to be experiencing with any of the LeLu Evo heads(?) but you can always create a copy of the head and delete the scripts to see if that helps/makes a difference.

The HUD-only-BOM-only makeup and eyelash thing is a source of frustration for me with LeLutka Evo heads - it limits choices if you don't happen to find the lashes or lipstick on the HUD all that appealing.

There are one or two creators who are making some applier cosmetics for LeLu Evo heads, but most of them (bar one or two) aren't all that great; it seems the enthusiasm just isn't there for these heads with cosmetics creators in general - not like there is with Genus. 

The flip side of that coin - as someone mentioned - is that with these heads, you really don't absolutely need to wear cosmetics, so if you can put up with the limited eyelash range and unappealing lipsticks, you'll be fine. Its all going to depend on the skin you choose, though - some skin brands can leave the lips looking a bit McGoo but you'll generally be ok if you stick with the well known, big brand names.

Agreed - official detailed info is limited and lacking but I'm going to guess LeLutka think its a trendy irritant (like those creators who stopped including LMs in their product packaging because they think they're so big, everyone should know who they are and how to find them).

Nope, not a lover of the new HUD either. To me, its an eyesore; spindly, unattractive and awkward as arse to get used to (used to it now though - still don't like it); a pokey little strip of a hud all in black and white with nothing but symbols isn't my idea of appealing. The old HUDs were 100% gorgeous, smooth as silk to use and so very professional looking.

But, as my mother would say, there's no accounting for taste; its their product, they can make any or all of it as ugly as they want. 

Who are we lowly, unimportant customers to complain?

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4 hours ago, Kia Kiyori said:

The HUD-only-BOM-only makeup and eyelash thing is a source of frustration for me with LeLutka Evo heads - it limits choices if you don't happen to find the lashes or lipstick on the HUD all that appealing.

The Evo heads accept regular lelutka/omega lashes, as well as eyes. Which also can be BOM (skin too but limited because of the intention for BOM).Just need to use the omega installer for lelutka. As for HD makeup, if you're part of the group, or part of the discord you can see all the creators producing makeup for these heads. There's lots of crossover with genus creators as well. 

Lots of people making BOM makeup and places that have always had layer makeup that looks fantastic on it. You can clear the texture layer of the HD makeup, and leave blend all the way up to use the materials of that HD section to make the BOM makeup, pop so to speak.

As for the HUD, personal opinions aside it looks much cleaner than the magazine look they had before which also confused (and still does) a bunch of people. And in the demos is a ton of information, as well as on their website which they list like crazy, and always help available in the aforementioned discord channel which is in their group and in notecards that come with demos and heads.

They take customer input to heart. The next updates to the Evolution options and abilities when the newest head releases is pretty exciting, and takes into account a lot of customer input.

Edited by Aeromia
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Thought I'd show examples of what Debi and Blush look like now as well as the BoM layers I'm using to get the look I wanted. Both use the Erin head and skins from Amara Beauty.  I think Blush has a more dramatic look while Debi is very soft looking. Both use brows from Simple Bloom. Both also add the same HD shadow from the Lelutka HUD but Debi takes the opacity slider way down while Blush does not.





It's near impossible for me to find a skin I like just out of the box. I have to add various skin details to be happy with the look. This also ensures that my avies have a rather unique look. So play around with BoM. It takes time to find just the right things to make the perfect you.

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I really wanted to like the Lelutka heads but I could not get the mouth shape I wanted with any of them; the lip cleft is never curvy enough. Back when I had my first mesh head, it was a pre-Bento Catwa head and it had a little smirk to it that became my "trademark". I've never found a head made by any other creator that can do the same. 

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I'm actually taking a break right now from posting on the forums, but I felt I had to come in briefly to thank all of you!  This thread is so informative.  All  your perspectives are REALLY  interesting to see, and I hope folks keep posting.

I 've played some more with Evolution heads, and have learned the hud well enough. As  you all have said, the mesh is terrific.   I agree that the HUD is a cleaner design, but personally I liked the old 'magazine' layout better.  Partially because it is on a white background; I sometimes have to use a small-screen gaming laptop, and the tiny, grayish icons & text on a black background are just plain hard to see.  But mostly it's because the previous hud just screamed FUN, whereas the Evolution hud has a much more professional look.  I have to be encouraged to mess around with my looks, so LOOK! FUN! worked for me :)

I'm sticking with Bianca for the moment, not only because of the HUD, but mostly  because I'm not the sort of power fashion user who enjoys hunting down skins & tatts.   Your work in that regard, Blush, is very impressive!

I do like the Lake head, and am interested to see what Fleur will bring.  I hope some day they choose to share a list of Fleur features in WORDS, in addition to glitzy but content-free videos like that which Janet posted.  I was very disappointed when I went to read the Evolution "manual", only to find 3 very simplistic videos, none with content specific to using the Evolution head.  Words are so helpful.

On 7/15/2020 at 8:27 PM, Gabriele Graves said:

If there is one criticism I have, it is that considering it is aimed at BoM use, it is a shame that the base head didn't come with just BoM support and no additional layers.  Lelutka could have then have had the HD layers in the box as an add-on to be put on separately along with a similar set of layers aimed at compatibility with the original layers and existing make-up appliers.  This would have pretty much given everyone the combination of options that they wanted.  It would have been similar to the way Maitreya did layers with the v5 body update.  Obviously that would have been more work and I can understand them not doing that.  However, it does mean that the base head is still an applier head and has layers above what is needed for BoM.  The take away from this is that they swapped one set of applier layers for a new set of applier layers for HD.

I really like this suggestion.  I'm really enjoying the 5.2 Maitreya body, and rarely wear the extra layers.  But they are good to have, and have enabled me to update a few older outfits that I love.

When I spoke of lag, I actually meant lag for other people, should have been specific.  I often attend really large events, 60-80 avatars who are all dolled up, and believe me the mesh heads are the very  last things to rez, lol.  It seems a shame to have to derender everyone, but often there is no choice.  I went once in a system avatar wearing only  system clothes & no one noticed, lol.

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LOVE my Lelutka heads, especially the Evo line.

Lake has become my go-to. New version 2.0 out now with some nice updates. I'm wearing The Skinnery Maya, Toffee.

Excited for the new upcoming head. That ad is the BOMB



Edited by Elora Lunasea
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On 7/16/2020 at 4:29 PM, Marianne Little said:

The Lake head is really growing on me, I find that I don't need makeup. The heavy makeup look was a thing I did when I had the ugly default head. It was the same with jewelry. I had a stack of bangles on both hands to hide the wrists.

I almost never wear makeup anymore with the Evo line, even when I dress up. Might use a heavier lash, or some minimal color on the lips but that's about it. They are pretty perfect as is.

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One of my alts has the Letutka Evolution head (Lake, I think), and I do rather like it.  Cazimi is designing their products for Lelutka Evolution and Omega.  My main and other alts are Lelutka (Simone and Piper, I think).  

I find Bakes on Mesh intimidating, but sometime when I have time, I'm going to try to learn how to use it. 

While I understand that previous Lelutka products may not work on the new Lelutka Evolution heads, what about new Lelutka products?  Would they work on the previous Lelutka heads?

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6 hours ago, Taern905 said:

While I understand that previous Lelutka products may not work on the new Lelutka Evolution heads, what about new Lelutka products?  Would they work on the previous Lelutka heads?

The lips look very different. If it is a demo, you can try. I have heard that all makeup appliers marked "HD" does not work. But if tattoo layers are included, they works any way. All other things than lips should look much the same.

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