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Portraits of Friendship

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19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, that's pretty adorable!! And yes, the three of you look like you belong together!

I totes ❤️ these girls and feel very blessed that we found eachother. 😇

8 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Heh, coincidentally, four of us have just rented land for a place together.

Is anyone else thinking sleepover/pyjama party with drinking games? Or... 🤔

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I just want to say this, because since Scylla kicked this thread off, there have been a few ripples in the pond. The friends group we have is the result of collaborating for pictures. Anyone can join us, for group shots, or just to hang out and chat.

My objective in the forums has always been collaborations, and from this, common ground emerges, and friendships grow. For sure, timezones sometimes get in the way, but friendships grow by just hanging out and chatting, mostly about shopping and events.

So anyone who would like to join us, just shout up in world.  I would love to do more collaborations.

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@Madelaine McMasters is one of my oldest, and certainly my best friend in SL. We first met on the SL forums sometime in 2009, when she was using a different account. I think we both liked and respected each other almost from the beginning. I don't remember when public interactions on the forum began to be supplemented by exchanged DMs, and an in-world acquaintance, but it wasn't too long after she created her current account, I think. We've maintained at the least sporadic contact in all the years since then, even when one or the other of us was not very active in-world or on the forums.

There isn't anyone in SL who knows me better than Maddy, nor anyone with whom I am more comfortable and at home. She knows my strengths, and she isn't afraid to remind me of my weakness and my foibles. And that's to the good: it's one of the things that a really strong friendship is about. Certainly, she sets fire to me at regular intervals; I like to think of it as "purging."

I asked Maddy whether she thought this photo captured our friendship, and her response was, of course, spot on: "How could it?" There are so many facets to our relationship that that would indeed be impossible. But I think this does embody at least one aspect of our friendship: Maddy's love of old movies and TV shows, and her regular sharing of them with me. She's the most talented storyteller I know, and she's learned from the best.

She is, simply, one of the most important reasons I log in to SL every day.

PS. The root beer on the floor is Maddy's: that's her drink. Ick. Mine is the glass of wine behind the popcorn.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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15 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

@Madelaine McMasters is one of my oldest, and certainly my best friend in SL. We first met on the SL forums sometime in 2009, when she was using a different account. I think we both liked and respected each other almost from the beginning. I don't remember when public interactions on the forum began to be supplemented by exchanged DMs, and an in-world acquaintance, but it wasn't too long after she created her current account, I think. We've maintained at the least sporadic contact in all the years since then, even when one or the other of us was not very active in-world or on the forums.

It's the same for me, Scylla. When I first discovered the forums, I lurked for a week or so. It didn't take long to recognize one voice above the rest. It was articulate, it was reasoned, it was focused, it was kind, it was funny (sometimes accidentally)... it was yours. I set about the task of getting your attention, and I did. That has been the best investment of time and energy I've made here in SL.

A year or so after we met and had become good friends, I was sitting at the bar at the Forum Cartel Hangout. Two other women were nearby discussing how they wished they could be more like you. I was as saddened to hear that as you'd have been. By then, you and I had already identified admirable traits in each other, and we would have found admirable traits in those two women, which is precisely what I told them.

Friendship is not about being more like the other, it's about helping the other be more.

Thank you.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
Spelling, as usual.
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So my trailer has gone. I tried a log cabin, but I want water so bad! I was very lucky to drop on a Houseboat. Before I saw these I couldn't work out what the fuss was about. Now I get it. Roomy inside, with lots of add-ons available from LH. This really is me. And with a mooring! Wow!

Stranger linked his pics to who was there, so I won't do all that again. If you would like a look around, just ping me.




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I haven't known @Saskia Rieko for as long as I've known many of my friends, but in the year and a half or so since we first met here on the forums, our friendship has grown steadily, and become a strong one. We are drawn together, I think, by a number of interests, of which SL photography is certainly one, and I've come to rely upon her good sense and her level head quite a bit. She's someone whose opinion I can rely upon, but also -- and this is key, after all, a friend with whom it is just a pleasure to chitchat idly about, well, anything.

Saskia has never taught me how to dance, although if she had, I imagine she'd be a painstaking, caring, and very effective teacher. She has, however, taught me a great deal about other things, such as photography, and I wanted to show her in that role, as it's been an important one for me. We've done a few pics together in the past, of which the most notable, perhaps, featured us both wearing potato sacks. Not my best look, but it's amazing what you can get away with in the company of a non-judgmental friend!

It's a bit intimidating posting a picture of someone as accomplished in that field as she is. Fortunately for me, she's too good a friend to be anything other than supportive and generous. And she's also my housemate, now, so she knows if she says anything unkind, I'll spike her toothpaste.

Thank you Saskia.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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51 minutes ago, Saskia Rieko said:

this is again me and my friends, but apparently not so many residents want to post here :)

anyway, today we had a nice time by the pool. Drinks, chats, lovely weather, do we need anything else? From left to right: me, @BelindaN, @Eva Knoller and @Scylla Rhiadra



I like your photo the best, because of the "faded" old photo quality!

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I like your photo the best, because of the "faded" old photo quality!

Thank you, i often use a filter available in the snapshot menu, which is called 1970. This faded touch is really lovely. 

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17 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

These are all YOU?! Very convincingly girl friends. Love the poses.  

Yes they were all me.  Was a nightmare switching between screens to make sure everything lined up.  I was going to add my male alt and child alt in as well...but dealing with five me's....eeep no thanks!!!  One of me is plenty!

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