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What are some more of your pet peeves?

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10 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

see now your getting it. if someone gets offended by what someone says its really a them problem. it means they are taking it too serious.. serious enough to get annoyed about it aka peeved.

why waste time doing that. just ignore it and let it go. dont wast the energy. dont give it that sort of power or control over you. which by peeving you are doing.

it is human nature to make judgments and assumptions about others. that will never stop or end online because there is no real context to what is being said. to know how that person really thinks or feels about the situations or if it is a minor thing or a major thing. and should still ultimately be a non-thing.

thin or thick.. its all a matter of judgment and perspective based upon the reaction given.

lots of things annoy me.. but usually only for that moment. I dont tend to internalize things or keep them for very long. its just not worth the energy to do so. i get upset over something I find something else to do that I can enjoy at that moment. most of the things that peeve me are really not worth commenting about.. or else I could have doubled the page count easily if I took everything so serious all the time.

i poke at people and their peeves to show them how silly it is to have them. that at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. the people or things they are peeved at is not going to change just because they posted it here in the forums. which is the primary reason for rants on forums.. to hope that the one that peeved you sees it and changes. when the majority of the time they wont and dont care and wont ever care.

most online rants are just pitty parties.. sympathy parties.. feel sorry for me parties. if it was a real problem you would contact ll with a support ticket instead.

this thread is basically just people saying feel sorry for me.. comfort me.. agree with me..validate me and my waste of time and energy over something that should have been a non-issue.

if you dont like a content creator find another simple.. or learn to be one yourself.. you dont like how a sim is run find another or start one yourself. at the end of the day you have only yourself to blame if you got upset or peeved over something in a virtual reality world. this same thing applies to any and all actions here on the forums or inworld.

if something makes you so bothered or upset or angry that you need to get peeved and express that peeve then you are doing it wrong..

Yeah I guess you're right, about judgements and assumptions being human nature, and not giving power to the peeves.

But don't you ever feel better after a rant even if no one feels sorry for you? I dunno, I used to keep a journal and it was basically me just writing to myself and at the end of the day, all those words just disappear into the void. It's kinda nice though.

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Just now, AdminGirl said:

Yeah I guess you're right, about judgements and assumptions being human nature, and not giving power to the peeves.

But don't you ever feel better after a rant even if no one feels sorry for you? I dunno, I used to keep a journal and it was basically me just writing to myself and at the end of the day, all those words just disappear into the void. It's kinda nice though.

see there is a difference with  a journal you kept to yourself to express the feelings knowing no one would ever probably read it. online its a whole different beast. online your looking for that reaction, that validation, that acceptance, that comfort, that support to refill your energy.

ranting will make some feel better, it triggers the brain chemicals to make you feel better. your expressing that anger, using that power, that control that who or what ever made you peeved had taken away from you before. your attempting to regain control and power over a situation that should have simply been let go and ignored especially when its online related.

someone stole your lighting.. so now your making a lot of thunder about it.. hoping to re find your lighting. when really your just wasting even more energy at that point.

better solution re direct that energy into something better useful or enjoyable. regain your lighting by taking it back by doing something that matters instead. change your perspective.

something or someone in sl or the forums peeving you.. take a break from sl or the forums and find something else to do for a while. even if just for a few hours or that day. dont let your energy be drained and depleted needlessly.

stop.. think.. breathe.. reanalyze the situation..then adapt change and move on.

dont let your fun or enjoyment be ruined by some small no-nothing event.

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15 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

why waste time doing that. just ignore it and let it go. dont wast the energy. dont give it that sort of power or control over you. which by peeving you are doing.

.... I dont tend to internalize things or keep them for very long. its just not worth the energy to do so. 

Two days ago, I made a mildly humorous and totally inoffensive two-line comment on a thread about minor irritations. Since then, you've made eight comments in response, some of them bigger than my phone screen, most of them rude and all of them incredibly pompous and self-aggrandising. 

Obviously our posts are a sign of how over invested and pathetic we are and how much we need telling from you, and yours are a sign of your edginess and general superiority. But it's still a bit ironic that the person who is clearly the angriest about this whole non-event and who has spent the most time and energy frothing about it is the one banging on (and on, and on) about how much it doesn't matter. 



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22 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

 online your looking for that reaction, that validation, that acceptance, that comfort, that support to refill your energy.

 your attempting to regain control and power over a situation that should have simply been let go and ignored especially when its online related.

someone stole your lighting.. so now your making a lot of thunder about it.. hoping to re find your lighting. when really your just wasting even more energy at that point.

dont let your energy be drained and depleted needlessly.


My God what a lot of projection. Most people on this thread just post minor frustrations and don't dwell on their displeasure. Hardly anyone is taking it to the depths you are imagining, if anyone.

Sure...it's not good to hang onto negative experiences. But simply acknowledging them and expressing them doesn't mean others are doing what you're describing. Please, your psycho-babbling is going overboard.

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1 hour ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Two days ago, I made a mildly humorous and totally inoffensive two-line comment on a thread about minor irritations. Since then, you've made eight comments in response, some of them bigger than my phone screen, most of them rude and all of them incredibly pompous and self-aggrandising. 

Obviously our posts are a sign of how over invested and pathetic we are and how much we need telling from you, and yours are a sign of your edginess and general superiority. But it's still a bit ironic that the person who is clearly the angriest about this whole non-event and who has spent the most time and energy frothing about it is the one banging on (and on, and on) about how much it doesn't matter. 



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lol amusing.. keep trying.. you still dont get it.

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45 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

My God what a lot of projection. Most people on this thread just post minor frustrations and don't dwell on their displeasure. Hardly anyone is taking it to the depths you are imagining, if anyone.

Sure...it's not good to hang onto negative experiences. But simply acknowledging them and expressing them doesn't mean others are doing what you're describing. Please, your psycho-babbling is going overboard.

you failed ya know.. keep trying. you might understand it at some point.

if they were so minor then there was no real need to express them or post them here. the fact they did makes them more then just minor.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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42 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:
1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

My God what a lot of projection. Most people on this thread just post minor frustrations and don't dwell on their displeasure. Hardly anyone is taking it to the depths you are imagining, if anyone.

Sure...it's not good to hang onto negative experiences. But simply acknowledging them and expressing them doesn't mean others are doing what you're describing. Please, your psycho-babbling is going overboard.

you failed ya know.. keep trying. you might understand it at some point.

if they were so minor then there was no real need to express them or post them here. the fact they did makes them more then just minor.

People have the right to cope with frustration in their own time, and not when you tell them they should. People let go of frustration in differing ways -- some need to express it outwardly while others don't...some may need to express it only once while others express it several times. It's not up to you to determine when someone's expression of frustration is minor or major, or to even judge that having a major frustration is wrong. You don't know what their experience in life has been or what stage they're at. Just because it's possible to get stuck in the frustration phase of moving through a difficult experience does not mean all who post a peeve are doing so.

If you want to pretend or talk yourself into believing you need nothing from anything or anyone on the forum, that's fine. But when you start trying to control others via attempting to make them into the 'person who needs nothing' you imagine yourself to be, and squashing their valid emotions in the process, then it starts to become abusive. You need to stop trying to control other people's emotions.

When I see abuse I get angry, I get PEEVED, and that's a good thing...

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5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

People have the right to cope with frustration in their own time, and not when you tell them they should. People let go of frustration in differing ways -- some need to express it outwardly while others don't...some may need to express it only once while others express it several times. It's not up to you to determine when someone's expression of frustration is minor or major, or to even judge that having a major frustration is wrong. You don't know what their experience in life has been or what stage they're at. Just because it's possible to get stuck in the frustration phase of moving through a difficult experience does not mean all who post a peeve are doing so.

If you want to pretend or talk yourself into believing you need nothing from anything or anyone on the forum, that's fine. But when you start trying to control others via attempting to make them into the 'person who needs nothing' you imagine yourself to be, and squashing their valid emotions in the process, then it starts to become abusive. You need to stop trying to control other people's emotions.

When I see abuse I get angry, I get PEEVED, and that's a good thing...

ah but you see it is my right to judge anyone at anytime for anything even if you or they dont think so. just as it is their right to judge me and for me to ignore it as many have tried to do here before irregardless of how I may have felt or thought about it.

That is how life works Luna.. it doesn't change just because its online.

getting peeved..is not a good thing its wasting energy that could have been used for other things. you will one day understand this.

by getting peeved you have given power and control over your emotions and thoughts and feelings to the person or object or situation that made you peeved.. never a good thing.

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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2 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

getting peeved..is not a good thing its wasting energy that could have been used for other things. you will one day understand this.

by getting peeved you have given power and control over your emotions and thoughts and feelings to the person or object or situation that made you peeved.. never a good thing.

Give me a break.  One day I will understand your pseudo-spirituality?   lol

I am in full command of my faculties alongside feeling the anger of witnessing abuse.  You should try it sometime - emotions are your friend, and they don't need to be split off from the forum into inworld or RL.

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14 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

ah but you see it is my right to judge anyone at anytime for anything even if you or they dont think so. just as it is their right to judge me and for me to ignore it as many have tried to do here before irregardless of how I may have felt or thought about it.

That is how life works Luna.. it doesn't change just because its online.

There you go with your projections again...I don't feel any differently because this is online....guess who does though!!??

Sure, it's your right to judge anyone about anything, but an aware person knows when to keep their mouth shut -- they know when they are projecting -- they know their motivation for judging another. But your attempt to change others is in the service of you trying to create some alternate reality for yourself and make others conform to you -- you aren't helping them though this is often your persona.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

Give me a break.  One day I will understand your pseudo-spirituality?   lol

I am in full command of my faculties alongside feeling the anger of witnessing abuse.  You should try it sometime - emotions are your friend, and they don't need to be split off from the forum into inworld or RL.

you still dont understand.. but that is ok..

and your not in as control as you like to think you are if I can make you angry or upset by what I say online. you just want to think and claim you are because it makes you feel better about your choices of responses.

i have emotions, I just dont let them control me or my enjoyment of my time in life. if something bothers me or upsets me I go do something else instead of wallowing in that frustration wasting energy. maybe you should try it sometimes.. maybe you wont be so frustrated by what some random individual that you dont even know more then just but what ever posted on an online forums says.

getting peeved over simple things is a waste of time and life and energy.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

There you go with your projections again...I don't feel any differently because this is online....guess who does though!!??

Sure, it's your right to judge anyone about anything, but an aware person knows when to keep their mouth shut -- they know when they are projecting -- they know their motivation for judging another. But your attempt to change others is in the service of you trying to create some alternate reality for your self and make others conform to you -- you aren't helping them though this is often your persona.

see that is part of the problem no one should ever have to keep their mouth shut because someone else thinks they should just because they dont like what they say or how they say it.

problem is too many people let others influence them on if they speak or dont.. and that is a bad thing. I do not.

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1 minute ago, TDD123 said:

Peeve : the permanent state of unawareness by everyone.

Yep. Shoulda kept mine shut too.

Oh you jest!...

and yes keep quiet in the peanut gallery before you make someone peevy about how you respond.  for they might attack you and then where would your life be? in ruins over what some stranger online said??


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2 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:
8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Give me a break.  One day I will understand your pseudo-spirituality?   lol

I am in full command of my faculties alongside feeling the anger of witnessing abuse.  You should try it sometime - emotions are your friend, and they don't need to be split off from the forum into inworld or RL.

you still dont understand.. but that is ok..

and your not in as control as you like to think you are if I can make you angry or upset by what I say online. you just want to think and claim you are because it makes you feel better about your choices of responses.

i have emotions, I just dont let them control me or my enjoyment of my time in life. if something bothers me or upsets me I go do something else instead of wallowing in that frustration wasting energy. maybe you should try it sometimes.. maybe you wont be so frustrated by what some random individual that you dont even know more then just but what ever posted on an online forums says.

getting peeved over simple things is a waste of time and life and energy.

I understand perfectly, and I know when I'm in control and when I'm not  --  you can stop determining my inner reality.

BTW, anger is very energizing, so not wasting energy at all.

I don't think of the forum as "random individuals" that I "don't even know".......they are people...and I see you being abusive toward them.  In other words, though this may be difficult for you to grasp, I am different from you.


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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

I understand perfectly, and I know when I'm in control and when I'm not  --  you can stop determining my inner reality.

BTW, anger is very energizing, so not wasting energy at all.

I don't think of the forum as "random individuals" that I "don't even know".......they are people...and I see you being abusive toward them.  In other words, though this may be difficult for you to grasp, I am different from you.


ah.. you think your different but your not.. your still a judgmental human like everyone else here. you are not better or superior or above.. neither am i, but at least I do know this.

and no matter how much you claim you in control you really are not. you still dont understand that yet.

the forums are random invidiuals.. faceless nicknames. that you dont know nearly as much as you might want to think you ever can or do.

Anger is wasted energy it always is and was and will be. Unless it is turned around. anger clouds the mind and stops it from doing something more enjoyable.

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5 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:
8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

There you go with your projections again...I don't feel any differently because this is online....guess who does though!!??

Sure, it's your right to judge anyone about anything, but an aware person knows when to keep their mouth shut -- they know when they are projecting -- they know their motivation for judging another. But your attempt to change others is in the service of you trying to create some alternate reality for your self and make others conform to you -- you aren't helping them though this is often your persona.

see that is part of the problem no one should ever have to keep their mouth shut because someone else thinks they should just because they dont like what they say or how they say it.

problem is too many people let others influence them on if they speak or dont.. and that is a bad thing. I do not.

True...people should not keep their mouths shut because someone else thinks they should.  We should keep our mouths shut when we know our only purpose for speaking is to pump up our own ego while knowing our words will hurt someone else.  I don't know what world you come from, but in my world I don't like to hurt people unless it can't be helped.

Personally I'd never mind if you disagreed with a peeve, but you disagree with peeves to bolster some bizarre notions you have about what it means to be human. 

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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

True...people should not keep their mouths shut because someone else thinks they should.  We should keep our mouths shut when we know our only purpose for speaking is to pump up our own ego while knowing our words will hurt someone else.  I don't know what world you come from, but in my world I don't like to hurt people unless it can't be helped.

Personally I'd never mind if you disagreed with a peeve, but you disagree with peeves to bolster some bizarre notions you have about what it means to be human. 

again wrong.. no one should ever have to keep their mouth shut because someone else has told them to do so because of some judgment they made about them. or because of some morals or ethics or standards they are trying to push upon the other person.

again you fail..you still dont understand.

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2 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

ah.. you think your different but your not.. your still a judgmental human like everyone else here. you are not better or superior or above.. neither am i, but at least I do know this.

and no matter how much you claim you in control you really are not. you still dont understand that yet.

I never said I'm not judgmental, or that I'm better or superior.  I'm saying I generally let others have their feelings unless they're abusing others. So I keep my mouth shut, unlike you who feels a need to make everyone else how you imagine yourself to be -- a person with no needs.

Really, where do you get this -- that someone is out of control if they feel emotions?  Is that how you become if you feel the slightest emotion? Out of control?

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2 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:
5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

True...people should not keep their mouths shut because someone else thinks they should.  We should keep our mouths shut when we know our only purpose for speaking is to pump up our own ego while knowing our words will hurt someone else.  I don't know what world you come from, but in my world I don't like to hurt people unless it can't be helped.

Personally I'd never mind if you disagreed with a peeve, but you disagree with peeves to bolster some bizarre notions you have about what it means to be human. 

again wrong.. no one should ever have to keep their mouth shut because someone else has told them to do so because of some judgment they made about them. or because of some morals or ethics or standards they are trying to push upon the other person.

again you fail..you still dont understand.

Yes I guess I do fail according to your standards.  I have manners.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

I never said I'm not judgmental, or that I'm better or superior.  I'm saying I generally let others have their feelings unless they're abusing others. So I keep my mouth shut, unlike you who feels a need to make everyone else how you imagine yourself to be -- a person with no needs.

Really, where do you get this -- that someone is out of control if they feel emotions?  Is that how you become if you feel the slightest emotion? Out of control?

no not at all.. I feel emotions all the time.. but I dont feel the need to have to come online and rant about things that I think was unfair knowing full well it is not going to do any good or change anything at all by doing so.

I dont need a pity party as some here seem to need. for that is all this venting/peeving is.

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1 minute ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:
4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I never said I'm not judgmental, or that I'm better or superior.  I'm saying I generally let others have their feelings unless they're abusing others. So I keep my mouth shut, unlike you who feels a need to make everyone else how you imagine yourself to be -- a person with no needs.

Really, where do you get this -- that someone is out of control if they feel emotions?  Is that how you become if you feel the slightest emotion? Out of control?

no not at all.. I feel emotions all the time.. but I dont feel the need to have to come online and rant about things that I think was unfair knowing full well it is not going to do any good or change anything at all by doing so.

I dont need a pity party as some here seem to need. for that is all this venting/peeving is.

Mentioning a pet peeve is ranting?  You don't seem to recognize degrees when we discuss emotions.  There's a big difference in degree between mentioning a peeve or irritation vs ranting.

And people don't generally mention a pet peeve thinking it will actually change the situation, so that's your choice regarding whether this is a criteria for mentioning a peeve, and not one you should impose on others.

Pity party?  Once again, wanting sympathy or acknowledgment is not the same as an all out "pity party".

You seem very confused regarding emotions.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yes I guess I do fail according to your standards.  I have manners.

no.. you have false expectations on how others have to be according to your standards, values, ethics and morals..  so no you dont understand and no you are not in control still.

if you were.. you would have let this go.. many many posts ago. but clearly you cant. so you are not in control. you think if you continue to talk with me I will see it your way and stop or capitulate to your wishes or desires. Its not going to happen. im not going to change to suit you or anyone else here on how I respond. it doesn't work that way.

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