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The Maitreya v5 Hype(?) Thread


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I am overall satisfied with the update, it is not all about BoM, they definitely took notes on what other bodies offer and what ppl expect .... 

Implementation of BoM seems to be well thought through and offers a variety of options...They also separated certain parts which allows you to use just core body without all the extra stuff, this alone was a great move by Maitreya...I mean before we kinda walked around with not one but 3-4 bodies one on top of the other (each layer is pretty much a whole body),  meaning, if you wear just the updated core body, it`s 4 times less triangles....Another cool part is the ability to use each arm, hand or foot separately ...There are 3 built in material options that also work with BoM, and they also added additional sliders to further personalize specular effect (intensity, environment, glossiness), both for skins and nipples...They added 3 nipple versions, so you won`t need 3rd party nipples anymore...There are 2 more feet positions....

Creator kit got a few more options as well, shoe script that will put Maitreya feet in correct position when worn, materials only applier script...

Speaking of updates and wishful thinking, I`d love to see shoulders remodeled, that is my biggest issue with Maitreya...someone said old clothes would be unusable but that is not true...shoulders as they are right now are too bulky and lack any realism in terms of human anatomy, so in that sense they would need to "chisel" out the excess and shoulder would only have less volume...not just that, by utilizing alpha cuts, you could also cover any problematic area if needed, which is being done as it is anyhow...


BoM alpha, or basically same alpha we used before with default avatar, it is really simple to make, you don`t have to have some mad skill, just a UV map and some graphic software (i.e. PS or Gimp which is free)..

  • open SL avatar UV map in PS/Gimp (avatar is separated in 3 textures, upper body/lower body/head)
  • create a new layer
  • use selection tool like polygonal lasso (it`s the easiest one to work with, it allows you to fix, add, remove parts until you`re happy, then close selection by joining start point with last point)
  • fill the selection with black color and deselect (Ctrl+D)
  • hide UV map and save as .png (this is important, png supports transparency)
  • upload texture, create a new alpha from closet and apply your texture, save

Important note, parts that are supposed to be hidden should be empty, parts of your avatar that are supposed to be visible should be solid color (usually black)...when selecting you can select the part you want to texture, meaning visible part of avatar, but if it`s easier for you to select parts that are going to be hidden, you can do that as well, just before adding fill/color, inverse the selection (Shift+Control+I)..

Another tip to save you some upload Lindens, you can use Local textures in SL Edit to test, any time you save over that same texture on your computer, it will get updated in SL. This way you only upload once, when you are sure you got it right...

Hope this helps!

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11 minutes ago, MaxMare said:

Speaking of updates and wishful thinking, I`d love to see shoulders remodeled, that is my biggest issue with Maitreya...someone said old clothes would be unusable but that is not true...shoulders as they are right now are too bulky and lack any realism in terms of human anatomy, so in that sense they would need to "chisel" out the excess and shoulder would only have less volume...not just that, by utilizing alpha cuts, you could also cover any problematic area if needed, which is being done as it is anyhow...

   There are a couple of different body morphers around that can mitigate the shoulder area (and the thighs or belly) a bit, but you're right, for it to look proper the mesh would require remodelling - however, any remodelling would require all apparel made to fit to be re-rigged to the new model or they'd float over a shape that's no longer there (depending on the design of the apparel, of course). If you make a shirt, jumper or jacket that fully encloses the shoulder area though, you could very well model it to look better (which is often the case, at least by some of the craftier designers - same idea as making a tight corset and just alpha'ing the body beneath it).

   Another possible solution would be to make 'shoulders á la V-tech' add-on, that could at least be worn with strapless apparel such as tube tops, or with apparel that has a rigging option for the add-on (just as apparel that comes rigged for both Maitreya and V-tech). 

   The 'thing' with mesh bodies at the moment is that whilst there are several options out there, none of the bodies have all the features and capabilities you might want, Maitreya's popularity is both due to the fact that it's a good body (even if it's hard to say it's the 'best', objectively), and because it's relatively affordable. It's also one of the lightest bodies, with a VRAM that sits at 1/4.8th that of Legacy (which is what most seem to compare it to) - the Slink Redux bodies and Signature Alice are the only other bodies which have comparable features and a competitive weight (there are lighter ones, but they either have less support or just look blocky).

   The 'dream body' which would have the mesh polish of the Legacy (without the insane VRAM), the support of Maitreya, the features of Belleza, the BOM-mindset of Slink (and maybe their hands / feet), and the shape of <insert favourite body shape here>, just isn't probable to be anything we'll see anytime soon (unless someone is currently developing zhe NextGen übermensch body in a dark cellar, cut off from the Internet). Which body one ultimately decides to go with is up to one's own preferences - I'd might consider one of the Bellezas if I had the time and money to sort through and update my wardrobe and stuff, and if their BOM update is nice. We'll see what the future brings.

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49 minutes ago, Orwar said:

Which body one ultimately decides to go with is up to one's own preference

Overall, this is a great post, and I agree with you . . . except for this part.

Obviously, one's preferences do matter: I don't do Hourglass or Freya because it's not the look I want.

But I won't use Legacy for reasons that have little to do with my aesthetic preferences. For whatever reasons, it's (to me) a clearly superior looking body. And I got a Lara not because I'm particularly enamoured of its look (I generally prefer Physique, tbh), but because clothing choices for Physique (and, increasingly, other bodies) are so very limited these days. It's one of the reasons I feel a little resentful about the market for women's bodies and clothing these days. However, it is what it is.

The problems with all of these bodies, and their strengths, are really well-known and documented. Why isn't there someone taking note of these, and creating a really beautiful, competitive mesh body for women that avoids these pitfalls, and combines the advantages?

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But I won't use Legacy for reasons that have little to do with my aesthetic preferences. For whatever reasons, it's (to me) a clearly superior looking body. And I got a Lara not because I'm particularly enamoured of its look (I generally prefer Physique, tbh), but because clothing choices for Physique (and, increasingly, other bodies) are so very limited these days. It's one of the reasons I feel a little resentful about the market for women's bodies and clothing these days. However, it is what it is.

   Yes, but thus you made your choice of body based on what you felt was important, in this case access to the widest possible variety of apparel. Someone else may put more weight into the body's appearance and go with Legacy or HG, or are super-nerdy about the lag and go with a barely supported Signature Alice or Ebody, someone else maybe doesn't want to spend any money at all and get a free mesh body from Altamura, and someone may just really, really want to be a she-hulk and go with a Sking, or have a plump avatar and go with the Piggu. 

   So yes, the choices are being made for us, in a sense, but ultimately we have the choices before us and can choose how to approach it.

20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Why isn't there someone taking note of these, and creating a really beautiful, competitive mesh body for women that avoids these pitfalls, and combines the advantages?

   What's the ETA on the [Rhiadra]: Übermensch? 

   It's the same question as I (and several others) have been asking for ages - why isn't anyone making nice-looking, decent menswear? It takes skill, time and resources (although granted, once you've got the hardware you don't really 'need' to buy anything to make it happen). I unfortunately don't have the skills or the time required to make apparel or mesh bodies, and even if you did make a new body you're up against some pretty stiff competition, and even if you're successful it's going to take time before clothiers begin to produce stuff for it.

   And to be fair, I think many believed that Legacy -was- that body, and by this point it feels as if people are pretty much sick and tired of new stuff in flashy packaging that promises the world and more, only to find out that they've been deceived (fooled twice, even). In my opinion, a very strong candidate would be Signature Alice - but that body is pretty much a 'C-list' body at the moment, with no support to speak of, which few people seem to even be aware of (and personally I'm not overly keen on the shape - but the polish of it is on the same level as the other Signature bodies, and that's not a low standard!).

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23 minutes ago, Orwar said:

So yes, the choices are being made for us, in a sense, but ultimately we have the choices before us and can choose how to approach it.

This is really well put, especially the part of bolded: it nicely describes the root of my "resentment." But yes, we do have choices in how we respond to the options we've been handed. They just aren't necessarily the kinds of choices we'd prefer.

25 minutes ago, Orwar said:

It's the same question as I (and several others) have been asking for ages - why isn't anyone making nice-looking, decent menswear? It takes skill, time and resources (although granted, once you've got the hardware you don't really 'need' to buy anything to make it happen). I unfortunately don't have the skills or the time required to make apparel or mesh bodies, and even if you did make a new body you're up against some pretty stiff competition, and even if you're successful it's going to take time before clothiers begin to produce stuff for it.

The difference between producing a new mesh body, and producing nicer options for mesh clothing, is that, in the former case, you are dependent upon others for its success in a way that reflects the odd symbiotic/parasitic relationship between mesh body makers and those who produce things for it. If you produce a new line of men's clothing, you're working from a set of known and largely invariable parameters based upon existing men's bodies. There are likely to be many factors that relate to your success (price points, quality, your ability to publicize your line, etc.), but those are to some degree in the hands of the creator. A mesh body producer, however, can produce the best product ever -- and if there's no support for it from skin makers, clothing creators, etc., it's dead in the water.

And I suspect that that's why we won't see a new, previously unknown maker producing a new body. Because unless it arrives on the market with a reasonably substantial amount of clothing already made for it, no one is going to buy it. How many people produce "standard sizes" for mesh clothing anymore? It's all rigged for particular bodies.

If a recognized and successful maker like Signature can't get support for one of it's female bodies, what hope is there for an unknown?

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8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

If a recognized and successful maker like Signature can't get support for one of it's female bodies, what hope is there for an unknown?

   I think this is the main problem, really, because there isn't a good way to reach 'all' people with an advert - Signature does have a handful of official bloggers that all use the Alice and advertise it regularly, but I suspect that the majority of their followers don't even realize that it's 'not a Belleza', and even then they only got a small clique of the Flickr crowd, and far from everyone in SL is on Flickr. 

   Signature also has Geralt, which, although some creators cater to it these days, far from all who rig for Gianni rigs for Geralt as well, even if it is a body shape that I believe may well be more suitable for most people looking for a male body (as it's not as 'beefy' as Gianni). I have both, and whilst I enjoy both I prefer Geralt - but I barely have any clothes for it, and can't really find much that is both rigged for that specific body, and suits my fashion sense. In a way, it's a bit like Belleza's 'other' bodies, such as Isis; a lot of people tell me that they love the Isis and want to use it, but that there simply aren't enough clothes.

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17 hours ago, Gryphon Ronas said:

The HD nipples are an overlay, like a tattoo.

I got the v5 demo and tried it out. I wanted to compare it to the v4... Oops... I only had a v3 demo. So I used that.

In the process I caught the HD nipples pre-render and posted a picture here. (Borderline NSFW) You can see the HD nipple is an overlay. If you wear a system shirt, the nipples will be on top of the shirt. But one should not be wearing large textures no one can see...

1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The problems with all of these bodies, and their strengths, are really well-known and documented. Why isn't there someone taking note of these, and creating a really beautiful, competitive mesh body for women that avoids these pitfalls, and combines the advantages?

Good question. I suspect human nature. People have egos and beliefs. Challenge either and you are in trouble. So, my thinking and way of doing things is the best. I am just waiting for the world to be woke enough to realize that.

43 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   So yes, the choices are being made for us, in a sense, but ultimately we have the choices before us and can choose how to approach it.

In a sense, yes. But, ultimately we decide where to spend our L$. And... we have the freedom to learn how things are built and build our own. Udemy.com offers a Blender 2.8 course of 33 hours of video for US$16 (formerly $187 but they use 2.8 Beta in the videos).

I'll be all set as soon as a find a place selling talent.

22 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

If a recognized and successful maker like Signature can't get support for one of it's female bodies, what hope is there for an unknown?

My thinking is the problem is in the marketing. It is easier for the well known. The unknown have to work harder and provide a better product & service. Maitreya was once an unknown. They haven't changed the game, they have achieved dominance. But, someone was dominant before them.

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25 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Maitreya was once an unknown. They haven't changed the game, they have achieved dominance. But, someone was dominant before them.

This is certainly true, but the environment and marketplace are different now than they were when Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, TMP, et ai. first appeared.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't pretty much all of the currently successful mesh body makers establish themselves before Bento, and at a time when most mesh clothing was still being made in standard sizes?

This is hugely important, I think, because it meant that any new make of body, assuming that it wasn't wildly out of whack with those standard sizes, arrived on the market with clothing already available that would fit it. Makers weren't yet focusing almost exclusively, as they now mostly do, on producing clothing for particular bodies.

And what that means is that a new body arriving on the scene is going to be at a terrible disadvantage in terms of the availability of clothing, because the only stuff likely to fit will be that available in standard sizes, which tend to be older and not nearly as nice as current garments.

Aside: the puzzling aberration here is TMP. It's true that TMP has been around a long time, and is an "established" brand, but it had largely lost most of its support over the past few years. What's more, its reputation was surely a negative, rather than a positive. It's very odd to me that consumers and clothing creators were so quick to jump on the Legacy bandwagon in that context. I could understand if it were getting some support. But to judge by new clothing I've been looking at, it's maybe on its way to becoming Maitreya's major competitor. In the context of its history (and I'm not making value judgements: objectively TMP has had a terrible reputation), I don't really understand how it's taken off as successfully as it has.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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10 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

But, someone was dominant before them.


   Yes, but the question is how one would go about that. The blogging scene is pretty cliquish, and I suspect most users don't know or care much about things like VRAM or script usage, or even BOM - a lot of people still use non-Bento mesh heads. 

   I think that going out with the mindset that 'I'm going to create the new Maitreya-killer', you're setting yourself up for a whole lot of hard work and disappointment - it'd have to be a project of passion. And who knows, there may well be some bodies that are capable of most of the things we sit here dreaming about, but never heard of. Even as a Signature user, who's in their Discord channel, and allow notices from the group, I didn't find out there was an Alice until I accidentally spotted it when I browsed the update notes for my Gianni and scrolled a bit and saw 'Alice x update'.

   That's not to say that the body 'failed', it may well take off as time goes on. I'm certainly curious about it and will be playing around with shapes for the demo for a bit whenever I find the spare time to do so, and if I do get it and then go buy some of the clothes made for it, and start wearing it when out and about, perhaps someone else will get curious about what it is and go try it out for themselves, and tell a friend. *shrugs* I don't even have any solid suggestions for how Signature should go about advertising it. A Signature event, for creators catering to the Gianni, Geralt and Alice? Exclusivity deals? Ad boards around various clubs? Flickr competitions? Carpet-bombing populated regions with notecard leaflets? 

   Just look at the things Legacy have been doing lately - competitions where they give away tons of free bodies and offer discounts, and make exclusivity deals with creators to try forcing attention and demand to their product. Still not as big as Maitreya. And just one more reason to hate TMP, because it again shows just what kind of greedy, double-crossing pieces of carp they are. 

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Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza were all well known brands before mesh clothing or bodies ever hit the grid. All had established reputations for producing a high quality product so when they announced that they were in the process of making a mesh body, residents got excited. One of the biggest reasons for being excited to get into a mesh body was that we would no longer be trapped in those god-awful standard sizes.

With the introduction of rigged mesh, which made the mesh bodies possible, we also got rigged mesh clothing. I remember just how much money I made selling applier clothing when the mesh bodies first arrived while people were waiting for rigged mesh sizes for their particular body. We didn't have to wait long at all to get body specific sizes of mesh clothing. Standard size clothing quickly became a thing of the past. I do not believe the existence of standard sizes had anything to do with people choosing to switch to a mesh body.

I have no desire for a better mesh body, because I personally have everything I want in the Maitreya. I tried all the other bodies and I don't like the modeling of their body parts that's why I chose the Maitreya body. I think perhaps you are overlooking the possibility that many people have not settled with a body while wishing there was something better. For many, like myself, we love the modeling of the Maitreya body and don't want something different.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

If a recognized and successful maker like Signature can't get support for one of it's female bodies, what hope is there for an unknown?

Couple of thoughts on this, I don’t think it’s really about being unknown. I know of a skin maker that made a very nice looking body, but never came out with it. I mean like “holy crap” gorgeous. You’ll probably never see it, because the creator had some serious concerns about how it would be received.

1) Signature Alice just came out. I don’t mean like, it recently came out. I mean it was just there. Very little marketing, very little fan fare, it was just available one day. The only reason I found out about it was because it was it just so happened to be in my Flickr feed. There was very little marketing done and that was a mistake. Big mistake. It’s an excellent body too!

2) If you compare Alice to Legacy, you can see what Legacy did right and what other body creators do wrong. Legacy dropped the price of the TMP body first, got some buzz, got people going to the store again. Then they dropped the Legacy and had some big named creators making things for it....immediately. There is also a machine behind Legacy, whether it was intentional or not...it is. People were in group chats asking for Legacy products, saying “Oh my gawwwwd! I love my Legacy body! Look at these pictures!” As it was said before, it’s a little questionable how many people are actually using Legacy, it definitely appears to be the case.

3) Me too. Not that me too. SL is a very me too environment. That doesn’t just go for users, it also goes for creators as well. So when certain creators start making things for a certain body(or head in the case of Genus)...there’s gotta be a reason for it right? Know what? Me too! And the effect snowballs. Then users are thinking, it must be popular creators are creating for it....me too! If you can create that kind of buzz, that snowball effect you can kick in the door in the market.

4) Certain bodies are in a certain wheelhouse. All bodies that are similar to Maitreya are in Maitreya’s wheelhouse. That includes Belleza Isis, Tonic, Ebody (not curvy), Alice. Same thing goes for Belleza Freya, Hourglass and now Legacy. They all have a certain user that invested a lot of money into those bodies: skins, makeup, clothing and footwear. They aren’t going to give up on that investment easily. The buzz has to be there and the support has to be there.

It’s possible for an unknown to come on the scene and take a big chunk of the market, certain things have to be in place first. 



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32 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza were all well known brands before mesh clothing or bodies ever hit the grid. All had established reputations for producing a high quality product so when they announced that they were in the process of making a mesh body, residents got excited. One of the biggest reasons for being excited to get into a mesh body was that we would no longer be trapped in those god-awful standard sizes.

With the introduction of rigged mesh, which made the mesh bodies possible, we also got rigged mesh clothing. I remember just how much money I made selling applier clothing when the mesh bodies first arrived while people were waiting for rigged mesh sizes for their particular body. We didn't have to wait long at all to get body specific sizes of mesh clothing. Standard size clothing quickly became a thing of the past. I do not believe the existence of standard sizes had anything to do with people choosing to switch to a mesh body.

Thanks, Blush: this is, I'm sure, a much more accurate timeline than the one I suggested. I managed to miss the popular adoption of mesh bodies: when I last left in 2014, most people were still using system avatars with mesh clothing in standard sizes.

I wasn't so much suggesting that people adopted mesh bodies because of standard sizing: rather, what I was saying was that the prevalence of standard sizing meant that a new entrant into the mesh body field could expect not to be at much of a disadvantage in terms of availability of clothing. My essential point, I think, remains: a really new mesh body would, today, be at a huge disadvantage because almost all clothing is made for specific bodies.

32 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I have no desire for a better mesh body, because I personally have everything I want in the Maitreya. I tried all the other bodies and I don't like the modeling of their body parts that's why I chose the Maitreya body. I think perhaps you are overlooking the possibility that many people have not settled with a body while wishing there was something better. For many, like myself, we love the modeling of the Maitreya body and don't want something different.

It is indisputable that most makes of mesh body have their hardcore partisans. That would certainly be true of Maitreya, but even less popular makes, or those going out of fashion, have their fans.

A lot of us aren't particularly married to one make or another, however. I prefer Slink Physique over the others, but I could write a reasonably lengthy post on things I think are wrong with it, beginning with the rather shapeless breasts, and the awful way the alpha cuts are designed. If there were a better one that was also well supported, reasonably priced, and trustworthy, I'd jump ship in a second.

I've bought a Maitreya pretty much solely because it's becoming near impossible to find new clothes for Physique -- and the Lara is close enough to Physique in general shape that I can slider it into a reasonably close approximation of my Slink body. 

To be honest, though, I'm not that choosy. I am so rarely naked or topless that breast shape doesn't really matter all that much to me, for instance. Most of the deficiencies of various bodies are hidden beneath my clothing anyway. My Maitreya? I don't love it, and I don't hate it. If it functions as a reasonably effective coat hanger and platform for my head (which does matter more to me), I'm good with it.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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11 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

If you compare Alice to Legacy, you can see what Legacy did right and what other body creators do wrong. Legacy dropped the price of the TMP body first, got some buzz, got people going to the store again. Then they dropped the Legacy and had some big named creators making things for it....immediately. There is also a machine behind Legacy, whether it was intentional or not...it is. People were in group chats asking for Legacy products, saying “Oh my gawwwwd! I love my Legacy body! Look at these pictures!” As it was said before, it’s a little questionable how many people are actually using Legacy, it definitely appears to be the case.

Good post. You're probably right. And your description of how TMP has made the Legacy a hot commodity complements Orwar's, above.

So, good marketing makes the difference. That said, though, the fact that TMP was already in the market, made a difference according to your account: it's what allowed them to pave the way for the introduction of the Legacy.

Now I'm curious about Signature's Alice. But I don't know that I've seen a single garment that is rigged for it -- what on earth are people wearing over it?

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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

what on earth are people wearing over it?

   Since I got into SML with Neph, I've seen a lot of people wearing bodies I'd never heard of, the Dev bodies and Sking ones mainly. There's a mall at one of their home sims which has like 2-3 creators' stores, and that seems to basically be 'it' for what clothing is available. 

   ... Suffice to say there are a fair amount of nudists or semi-nudists. 

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9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Now I'm curious about Signature's Alice. But I don't know that I've seen a single garment that is rigged for it -- what on earth are people wearing over it?

Lybra, who makes very nice clothing bee tee dubs, has started making clothing for it and a couple others I really can’t name when I’m not logged in. There’s a trickle of creators making clothing for it. It hasn’t reached the level of Isis where you can find something at any fair, but there have been a couple of occasions where I was shopping and they had Freya, Isis and Alice included and that was a nice bonus.

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21 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Good post. You're probably right. And your description of how TMP has made the Legacy a hot commodity complements Orwar's, above.

So, good marketing makes the difference. That said, though, the fact that TMP was already in the market, made a difference according to your account: it's what allowed them to pave the way for the introduction of the Legacy.

Now I'm curious about Signature's Alice. But I don't know that I've seen a single garment that is rigged for it -- what on earth are people wearing over it?

Baiastice is making clothes for Alice. I see it in the packs LATELY  and I am happy to know now what it is.   

BUT (and this is a biggie) I got VERY turned off when TMP bombarded (me, alts, friends) with notecards daily about buying the TMP body which hadn't been SUPPORTED FOREVER by that time.  I didn't read what I assume was an "anti" post above the "better side" post but that is my reasoning. I never liked the shape of the calves either and the guy was too skinny for me :D.   ANYWAY ---  while they did seem to do a good job of marketing now, I know they made a lot of enemies (well lost potential customers anyway) with all that spam.    

My two cents. 

ADDING:   I just got a pack of boots from lassitude & ennui for WLRP and they had Maitreya and Signature.   Now I was thinking of Signature as being  for guys BUT there is a high heeled version also --- so likely you were supposed to KNOW that meant "Alice" :D.   So there is a possibility also =


Edited by Chic Aeon
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3 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

Lybra, who makes very nice clothing bee tee dubs, has started making clothing for it and a couple others I really can’t name when I’m not logged in. There’s a trickle of creators making clothing for it. It hasn’t reached the level of Isis where you can find something at any fair, but there have been a couple of occasions where I was shopping and they had Freya, Isis and Alice included and that was a nice bonus.

Ok, thanks! I'm curious enough now to check out a demo, I think.

Because, as Orwar says, you never know when the sudden urge to go skinny-dipping will come over you.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Because, as Orwar says, you never know when the sudden urge to go skinny-dipping will come over you.

   ... Yes, I do say that with some frequency, don't I?

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3 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

BUT (and this is a biggie) I got VERY turned off when TMP bombarded (me, alts, friends) with notecards daily about buying the TMP body which hadn't been SUPPORTED FOREVER by that time.  I didn't read what I assume was an "anti" post above the "better side" post but that is my reasoning. I never liked the shape of the calves either and the guy was too skinny for me :D.   ANYWAY ---  while they did seem to do a good job of marketing now, I know they made a lot of enemies (well lost potential customers anyway) with all that spam.    


My two cents. 

I can't think of a body or maker that has so polarized consumers, even including Maitreya. It seems that one either loves loves loves Legacy, or one hates hates hates TMP.

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I thought you Swedes were all about jumping naked into ice-cold water!

   Ponders for a moment.

   Yeah, I'd say that description is fairly accurate. 

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35 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, good marketing makes the difference. That said, though, the fact that TMP was already in the market, made a difference according to your account: it's what allowed them to pave the way for the introduction of the Legacy.

I’m not sure how much it helps though. In the case of TMP, their reputation was horrible. If you didn’t know(and I’m sure some people don’t!)any better you’d think it was a different creator.

I think what it comes down to is, very few people are creating things now because there are huge established brands and the average aspiring creator is afraid to be David against Goliath and they end up simply conforming or not attempting it at all.

I’ve been working on mesh head and let me tell you...lot of moving parts involved. That’s not counting scripting, animation and marketing. It’s just me, that’s a big mountain to climb. I’m not even trying to sell it, I just want to see if it’s doable. It is...but not many people willing to just do things like that anymore.

Edited by janetosilio
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3 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

I think what it comes down to is, very few people are creating things now because there are huge established brands and the average aspiring creator is afraid to be David against Goliath and they end up simply conforming or not attempting it at all.

Indeed. And sad, really.

Would you say that the success of Genus is owing to the (largely positive) reputation of Genesis?

4 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

I’ve been working on mesh head and let me tell you...lot of moving parts involved. That’s not counting scripting and marketing. It’s just me, that’s a big mountain to climb. I’m not even trying to sell it, I just want to see if it’s doable. It is...but not many people willing to just do things like that anymore.

Very cool! I hope you'll be showing us the result?

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And I suspect that that's why we won't see a new, previously unknown maker producing a new body. Because unless it arrives on the market with a reasonably substantial amount of clothing already made for it, no one is going to buy it. How many people produce "standard sizes" for mesh clothing anymore? It's all rigged for particular bodies.

Unless perhaps it was a nicely-done, lower-lag, default mesh avatar that everyone had access to automatically. That would be a game changer in so many ways.

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Just now, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Unless perhaps it was a nicely-done, lower-lag, default mesh avatar that everyone had access to automatically. That would be a game changer in so many ways.

YES! Wouldn't that be nice?

But it would also impact negatively on what must surely be one of the most important and lucrative markets in the SL economy. Does LL dare compete directly, as they would be, with the likes of Maitreya and Catwa?

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