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We just finished watching GANTZ: O The animation movie..

I first found out about it when I stumbled onto GANTZ the unanimated movie.. I've only seen the unanimated version once, but the animated version twice..

I really liked it a lot when I first came across the story and wished they would make sequel.. It sort of felt the same after watching the matrix the first time..

I'm gonna put up trailers for both.. You can see the animated version which is GANTZ: O and is really good and on Netflix right now..

I'd like to see the unanimated version again as well, but just haven't came across it again since the first time watching it..



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22 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

We just finished watching GANTZ: O The animation movie..

I first found out about it when I stumbled onto GANTZ the unanimated movie.. I've only seen the unanimated version once, but the animated version twice..

I really liked it a lot when I first came across the story and wished they would make sequel.. It sort of felt the same after watching the matrix the first time..

I'm gonna put up trailers for both.. You can see the animated version which is GANTZ: O and is really good and on Netflix right now..

I'd like to see the unanimated version again as well, but just haven't came across it again since the first time watching it..

I've seen the 2d anime for Gantz and read a lot of the manga. It's a very nightmarish science fiction story.

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We're still being lazy and decided to lay on the couch and watch this, which ended up being pretty good.. It's nice just relaxing with us all together and having a free day..

Fighting with My Family... That's the name of the movie, not how we relax..hehehehe

I didn't realize it was based on a true story until it was over..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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On 8/7/2020 at 9:31 PM, Tarina Sewell said:
On 8/6/2020 at 7:22 PM, Garnet Psaltery said:

  The purpose of this topic is to let others know what you are watching this very day, in the hope that people will find something interesting to go and see. 

 I am not sure why you are objecting to people sharing a common connection in the forums? You state just here that you want the thread to allow people to view shows etc, well we are excited about a show that others might find contagious. We have a common connection no one is fighting or bickering or calling each other names we are having interesting and enlightening conversations and helping others share a common experience... good god forbid this happens on the forums because I swear to god I think some people are only happy when people are fighting here.. But no worries, I am done with your thread. Best wishes.

I have missed your movie recommendations.

What about starting a thread for those who want to discuss films in detail, like a major review of the film or something?  I doubt Garnet would mind...or maybe she'd even be willing to start an additional one in this vein.  I would, but not sure I have the time to go in depth very often, but sometimes I might...

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