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The New LH Release Plan - Your Thoughts

Chic Aeon

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I looked to see if there was a thread on this and it appears not, so here it is. 


A new plan was unveiled at the Meet the Lindens Event. I didn't hear it as I couldn't get in but the post below explains the details. 

I am wondering what folks think about this new method. The friends I have talked to (already with their plots) are not very enthusiastic, but it seems like it is more important what the folks TRYING for plots. 


Some rough math (the stars must be aligned for math today as I had to make a lot of property tax calculations about an imposed increase in my RL home town -- funny how that works out sometimes) shows that the new plan adds an average of about 10 plots a day to the availability (currently from forum reports of those trying seems to be around six per day mixed with houses and houseboats) to make it 16 ish per day. 

Apparently the first region on the docket was claimed in just a few seconds so if you had your auto-refresher set on 3 seconds you likely lost out LOL.  It isn't really funny really; it is sad. Sometimes you can simply be TOO successful. 


This new move doesn't seem like the answer -- to me anyway. And what might BE the answer?  Well, if I put on my CEO hat (and yes I had one)  the only thing that I can come up with would be to make mainland more attractive again. When I bought my new plot a day after the tier allotment went from 512 to 1024  the sim my shop is on was pretty much claimed. Now large plots of land on --- (checking) three sides are in maintenance. That's not good. 


Lower tier prices? More free tier per account holder?  Seems like lower prices would work better for The Lab (not for ME however :D).  There needs to be some incentive for folks to take the plunge and buy some mainland. Plenty of people WANT more space and land impact, but right now the new Linden Homes are obviously the best deal around.  


The Lab has talked a lot about BALANCE so hopefully this has come up in meetings. 


Meanwhile:  What are YOUR thoughts?


From Patch's post on the update thread:

"I have an update to our release process I want to share with everyone.  As I alluded to here, we are going to try and change our release strategy for a little while to see if a particular process works better for everyone involved, including many of you who have been very patiently waiting for one of the new Linden Homes.   

Many of you have already been witness to the new process unfolding in front of you whether you knew it or not.   Those regions that have been called out in various places such as New Hamsterdam down to SSPE136 (soon to be officially named).  We did this for multiple reasons, mostly in an effort to show all of you some of the process we go through in real-time to make these beautiful new regions come to life, and give a glimpse into the timeline involved.  

Starting today, we’re going to try to release a region’s worth of new Linden Homes on a regular cadence.  We’re aiming to try for a region per every other day, but as we can not control all the factors involved in the lengthy process, we may have some gaps which could last anywhere between a day to several days and especially on the weekends.  This will also mean that I will not update this post with each region release, but keep it for larger release updates, announcements, news, information, etc."

Edited by Chic Aeon
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I think it's as good a plan as any. No matter what the lab does, there will be people who are unhappy. People were unhappy about the original release of ~2000+ homes because they didn't hear about it. People were unhappy about the Squishy Pickle release of ~700 homes because everyone was told exactly when it would happen and they went quickly. People have been unhappy to wait until large batches of homes were finished. And people will be unhappy to have small releases every other day. There's no pleasing everyone, but it seems apparent that LL is listening, learning, and trying new things to see what works best.

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From the point of view of someone who already has a house, yet spends a lot of time here in the forums and thus sees the many, many posts complaining about the release process:

Patch specifically said that he will not be updating that one thread for every region release.  At the same time, we don't know what time of day the release will happen, whether or not it will always be at the same time, or whether they will at least try to stagger them across different times.  However, since they aren't releasing on the weekends - likely because they don't typically work the weekends - that also means there probably will not be any releases outside of normal LL work hours.

Many will be quite upset at that because they still won't really know WHEN to be trying for a house - other than ALWAYS.  Some will be happy - they have a better shot if they are one of those doing pretty constant refreshes.

Personally, I expect to see just as many threads pop up complaining about this as we saw after each of the two previous releases.

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I don't think it matters what they do some will be unhappy.  You just can't please everyone.   Personally I think it is better to have smaller releases throughout the week, but that is just me.  I had a house and abandoned it today trying to get a new one cause I wasn't happy with where my house was located.   And of course I didn't get a new one so I will try again on Wednesday.   I am not upset I knew the risk I was taking.  My alt still has their houseboat and I am happy with that one. 

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8 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

There will always be complaints, even if Patch personally delivers homes on silver platters with a pony on the side. However, I think we are going to see even more complaints now (if that's possible) with this new method. 

I'd be complaining cause I want a unicorn damnit!  😂

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It's hard not to feel like I'm playing the lottery for something that was once hard to give away, but I truly understand the appeal and find the luck aspect a bit fun (but conversely pretty tiring to be glued to the screen, clicking). The homes are attractive, in a beautiful community with spaces to connect- something that we've been asking for (and creating on our own) for years. I've lived in most of the other Linden-created communities (Bay City, Horizons, etc) and this one feels the most thought-out and cohesive. I look forward to joining and participating in the community.

I appreciate the chance at one of the homes (and wish I was playing when the first announcements happened), but understand from a technical/resource standpoint where they are. I work in blockchain games irl and have watched several games make big updates like this. They're always painful, but I'm appreciative that they're trying.

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I never considered to live on mainland ... for two reasons:

- Either it was an too ugly surrounding, with no water or any nice view around, and still costs lindens to buy it (not the usual fee by LL). Not to mention the banlines!

- Or it was acceptable, even pretty. but costs 70.000 - 100.000 (and more L$ at times) to buy. That i can't and don't want to afford.

Therefore i always rented on private estates till the new linden homes came out. A friend pointed me out that they are soon to be released. So happy now!!!

If mainland ever would look nicer, bit more like Bellisseria and the costs to buy land were not that high, count me in! But not the way how it is now.

Edited by summernightsdream
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I appreciate LL trying to be responsive, but the fact remains that if you don't have the screen time to spend waiting for a LH to show up on the UI, you may never get into Bellisseria.   If lots didn't go so fast,  auto-refresh would help.  But during the day it usually takes me a few minutes to get free enough to interact with a computer,  so auto-refresh doesn't help much.  I don't really have a block of time for SL until after 9 PM SL time.

I really wish you could subscribe to a list and have them let you know if/when your name pops up.

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You can never please everyone, and there will be those upset no matter what method LL uses if it means they don't get one NOW. 

I'm glad they're listening and willing to try smaller batches, but 1 region, I feel, is too small. And too rushed. How many support tickets went in tonight? 

I think the next release style tried should be maybe 4 regions once a week with mailboxes tested prior.

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Maybe LL could instead of everyone having to claim a home with premium you could by default be allocated one and it would be a user choice to abandon that home or increase tier to buy elsewhere. Just a thought for those who cant be by their PCs all day waiting for a home.

My thoughts on how they are releasing these homes is I think it's better that LL  are handing out smaller numbers then waiting for a bigger release. It gets people into homes. 

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I'm thankful for the new plan. I'd rather give it a go every other day, and eventually get lucky, than sit around a month or more not even knowing. Somehow knowing there will be available homes trickling in, instead of feeling locked out, then missing the release, then locked out another month.. no thank you.

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Thanks for all your replies.   

Personally I guess I will try for a trailer when there is a bigger release. I am just not willing to spend hours or days refreshing :D. That's only me and only one vote.  AND I am very happy with the spot I have.  


My actually PLAN was to make a "halfway house" for folks that couldn't get a plot (like a few hundred anyway). If I only have a trailer to work with, I will still do my best. We'll see how it works out.


And keep on posting. From what we have seen over the last few months I can only believe that the folks with the power ARE actually reading our thoughts --- and that is a very good thing!!!


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I do applaud LL for trying to get at least some homes out on a faster release schedule, but I do think that possibly the "4 regions once a week" might feel a bit more substantial to folks.  At least that would come out to somewhere from 75-100 homes in a batch and maybe take at least 5 minutes, maybe even 10 to all get swiped up .  Also, to make it fair for the folks that really just cannot sit around their computer all day, I think they need to specify what time of day - a full 24 hours in advance -- and vary that time for each release so that it cycles throughout the day.  Especially since we can probably only realistically expect the releases to occur during the LL work day, even if possibly a slightly extended work day.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Also, to make it fair for the folks that really just cannot sit around their computer all day, I think they need to specify what time of day - a full 24 hours in advance -- and vary that time for each release so that it cycles throughout the day. 

Yes this. I was lucky this release happened during my day time hours. For anyone on my side of the world the last release happened at my 2am. I got teenagers and a young one to scream at in the morning to get ready for school. how was I going to do that if I would have been still asleep lol I chose to sit the last release out for rl priorities ... So I vote for this, scattered batch releases please.

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Another round with no luck. Guess I wait til there are so many, no one is interested  and camping for them anymore, and get me a very bad located one. I can´t unfortunately stay up all night to get a LH... :( (got the message 1am, so yes, I just read it now 7pm and they are all gone). 

But is good they are releasing them and doing as much as they can to be fair ( difficult task with people from all over the world trying to get one)

Edited by Oshun Emor
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It is about time that LL start with rules on the Mainland. Yes, rules.

They have a lot of mainland, and from what I hear, one of the continents isn't finished. (Gaeta?)

This is what I heard, and maybe I remember wrong. But if it is correct, why not shake it up, finish it, and install the Bellissaria rules. No skyboxes under 2000 m, no banlines, no privacy walls over 4 m, no builds over 15 m.

See if it sells.

1024 m on Mainland isn't big enough to create an environment around your home, if you will build on ground. The genial thing with Bellisseria is that the plots isn't touching each other, and that it's protected land with green vegetation in between. So you can have a 1024 and don't feel like you live in your neighbor's face.

I think that future mainland must go this way. People like me, is tired of being rebels, and want a piece of prettiness. It's nice with freedom of expression and all that, but separate the ones who want to build anything, from the ones that's a bit more conservative in their tastes.

LL has enough Mainland for all. I don't want to have restrictions everywhere, but why not give people both wild old Mainland and something different?

Edited by Marianne Little
added more rules
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And: Can LL have a region that's not filled up with land plots, but with extra LI free? So it would be possible to BUY/LEASE more LI? I know some private estates has this. What a bliss, to just order more LI without trying to find different land.

It sounds like I am demanding a lot, but isn't the main part of the Bellisseria development placing out the homes, lay out roads, install scripts, decorate, run scripts, and all that? To make a bit of empty Mainland to test what people want, should not be so time consuming?

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3 minutes ago, Sweetpea Braveheart said:

are there any new traditional homes open, thats the one i wanted. if any is open please send me a message.

What do you mean by open, @Sweetpea Braveheart. If you mean released then no, if you mean open homes then yes. 

Wednesday is the next batch release. There are no set times. From what I read and this is a guess, if you watch the map, just before they release the next batch of homes that region will be restarted. Dont quote me on that but that is what seemed to happen today before St Louisa was opened for the taking.

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I'm using more posts instead of editing 1 post until it's a monsterpost with add-ons.

And since I'm fresh from the shower and the coffee is boiling, I am up to more great ideas:

Fixed parcels. One of the troubles with Mainland is the uneven plots and crazy sizes. You have L-shaped plots, U-shaped plots, and all possible plots you can imagine with 16 x 16 m blocs.

Buy a 1024. Buy a 2048, Buy a 4096. They are set to squares or rectangles. And you can't divide them up or merge them. This is for the small residents who can't afford a private island, or rent a 1/4 sim.

But Marianne, you say, what about the group bonus? Pay it out in LI. Buy a plot and have 24 hours to set it to group and let your alts/partners add the rest of the tier. Then watch the plot LI increase, but the land size is the same. If there is no tier added, or not enough to cover the land, you pay tier as it is today after the 24 hour period. (But no group bonus unless it's owned by a group of premium avatars, of course.)

This will encourage use of alts as shared land holders, and more premium money for LL. No need to hunt for land that's just big enough for the group bonus. Or buy too big land, divide it and abandon some to make it the right size for the group.

Open land in between the plots. This lands LI will cover group bonus LI.

I love the moles and their hard work, but 3 mole trees and one rock is app. 100 LI.

Edited by Marianne Little
added a sentence
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What I'd like to know more about is the Linden commercial property. Will that be in Bellisseria and if so will there be rules on how one presents the shop to keep in tasteful and in theme. We are a swanky new community lol we need swanky shop displays not a shop filled with vendor boards.

I missed the convo on it and caught the end. So anyone with more Info please feel free to chime on in.

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15 minutes ago, ananoelle said:

What I'd like to know more about is the Linden commercial property. Will that be in Bellisseria and if so will there be rules on how one presents the shop to keep in tasteful and in theme. We are a swanky new community lol we need swanky shop displays not a shop filled with vendor boards.

I missed the convo on it and caught the end. So anyone with more Info please feel free to chime on in.

This is the official rules. All other is rumors, hope and speculation.

Read the last part about yard sales.



Edited by Marianne Little
added a sentence
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