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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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11 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:

I think @Blush Bravin did? No wait that's for the Alderley. But you could always try to build something yourself? I know it sounds adventurous but it's the best way to guarantee you get what you want, and everyone has to start somewhere. :) 

Make something myself?   Lawddddddddd    LOL    I'm like all thumbs and crossed eyes  :)    

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15 minutes ago, Eliza Mint said:

That's awesome.  You mentioned the blender classes before.  Where can I find this? 

Blender Benders is an Inworld Group. Graham Dartmouth teaches free Blender 2.8 as it relates Specifically to Second Life. Just join the group and watch for the next Blue Class to start. If you want to pay for more structured classes or just get a head start Udemy offers a slew of Blender 2.8 courses usually for no more then 11.99 and as little as 9 for a class. If you catch one of those sales load up, there is no time limit on them and you never loose them.

Edited by Trinity Aironaut
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6 minutes ago, Trinity Aironaut said:

Blender Benders is an Inworld Group. Graham Dartmouth teaches free Blender 2.8 as it relates Specifically to Second Life. Just join the group and watch for the next Blue Class to start. If you want to pay for more structured classes or just get a head start Udemy offers a slew of Blender 2.8 courses usually for no more then 11.99 and as little as 9 for a class. If you catch one of those sales load up, there is no time limit on them and you never loose them.

Is it possible to follow it as an european (times)? I suppose it's on voice?


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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

Is it possible to follow it as an european (times)? I suppose it's on voice?


The classes are offered 4  times a week at different times to cover the wold. You only need to attend 1 each week. It's not on voice, Graham releases 3 to 4 videos links each week. You watch there and ask questions in chat then rewatch and do thru the week. Each week has a homework assignment.

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I am so happy to find out that the "Beach sand" texture we all have in our library matches the sand in Bellisseria. Of course I can unlink the sand that comes with the beach den and also use the tree only. But I think it is a nice, subtle effect, to have mounds instead of flat ground. I am opting for only this decoration here, I want a more free and light feeling. The sand ground does not need more. The last image show my coloring of the sand under the tree, and 1/4 of the sand under the driftwood beach den. Editing skill is needed, rotating the sand direction to match the default ground is important, also the scale.





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Some random views at my houseboat.

Looking towards west from the upper deck's hammock.

Cherries. Mmm... nom... nom... 😋

View to inside from the entrance. :ph34r:
On the left there is dining area with table and chairs (seats four persons). Behind the bookshelf is working kitchen with animations. On the right there is coffee table, armchairs and sofa. Behind the aquarium stairs leading up to the bedroom. Downstairs far at the back there are two armchairs and a table, and on the wall facing them is a media screen to watch videos.

And this is my alt Wenly. 😎 She's the owner of the houseboat parcel, but she seldom logs inworld.

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11 hours ago, Cara Fanbridge said:

I really like what you’ve done @Marianne Little with the sand and the tree. Looks awesome 

I like my new "No fences, no borders" look. It makes my parcel look bigger, because it is no visible indication of where it ends, the public grounds look like a part of it.

Or that is how I feel when looking out over the beach. I can't see any private fences on this part of the beach either. So it's many who like the open view.

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17 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I am so happy to find out that the "Beach sand" texture we all have in our library matches the sand in Bellisseria. Of course I can unlink the sand that comes with the beach den and also use the tree only. But I think it is a nice, subtle effect, to have mounds instead of flat ground. I am opting for only this decoration here, I want a more free and light feeling. The sand ground does not need more. The last image show my coloring of the sand under the tree, and 1/4 of the sand under the driftwood beach den. Editing skill is needed, rotating the sand direction to match the default ground is important, also the scale.



This looks like the twisted beach trees the Moles use, and I wish I had one on my place. Where is it from, if you don't mind sharing?

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34 minutes ago, Hendrix Portal said:

This looks like the twisted beach trees the Moles use, and I wish I had one on my place. Where is it from, if you don't mind sharing?

It's the Skye Twisted Tree, and the Driftwood Beach Den is also from Studio Skye. ( The stranded boat on the right )

I spoil myself with a higher LI item like this. I could take off the base and use only the tree, it's only 5 LI without the base.

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7 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I like my new "No fences, no borders" look. It makes my parcel look bigger, because it is no visible indication of where it ends, the public grounds look like a part of it.

Or that is how I feel when looking out over the beach. I can't see any private fences on this part of the beach either. So it's many who like the open view.

Ideally I love that too but... well, "people." (Yes I know I could derender but I don't unless I feel I absolutely have to).

Anyway as of two days ago I moved and I've been building ever since. 

(To save double-posting the images I'll just link them as they're posted over here and here).

I've always wanted a house by the beach (both in RL and in SL) and now finally I have it! 

Originally I was going to keep the yard open as the majority do to maximize the feeling of space but I also wanted to do things a little different. I Googled some ideas for inspiration and liked the idea of the lattice-covered seating area; I thought the shadows it cast would make for good contrasting photos. I also liked the raised outdoor dining area (I like the animations in the chairs but not the style so I might change them yet) and needed something to break up that blank privacy wall beside it. So I came up with a water feature with light and sound (both kept purposefully low so my neighbours don't have to see/hear it unless they cam close). I'm not overly happy with the front as it feels bare and the porch itself feels too wide but will see if I get over it or go back and tweak the build more at a later date. The LOD is high too so it shouldn't break up even on the lowest graphics (built at LOD 2) but sadly some of the outdoor items I really like don't have the best LOD. I think only one object "crumbles" from the street view and it's a washing basket to the side so not a huge deal in terms of breaking immersion I wouldn't think.

I kept the interior the same as the old house with the exception of one or two things. This time I mainly focused on decorating the outside. With Riley rezzed I have 3 LI left to rez any attachable items (or 5 if I "pick up" the NPC babysitter I keep rezzed because I feel bad for leaving a fake baby alone and I'm not even entering into the psychology of that right now). Anyway I'm feeling happy with it all so far. There's plenty more I could do if I don't have Riley rezzed of course but as I've said in many a place it doesn't feel like home without her, just a house. And just look at this view!


Yep, I'm finally home. ❤️

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On 9/28/2019 at 10:41 PM, Marianne Little said:

I am so happy to find out that the "Beach sand" texture we all have in our library matches the sand in Bellisseria. Of course I can unlink the sand that comes with the beach den and also use the tree only. But I think it is a nice, subtle effect, to have mounds instead of flat ground. I am opting for only this decoration here, I want a more free and light feeling. The sand ground does not need more. The last image show my coloring of the sand under the tree, and 1/4 of the sand under the driftwood beach den. Editing skill is needed, rotating the sand direction to match the default ground is important, also the scale.





You did a darned good job there!! Congratulations!

As I myself am torn between the longing for a house directly facing the seashore and the dislike of sandy gardens I flew along the coastline yesterday to pick up some inspiration by what other  people did.

I dare say you are the ONLY one that made up a sandgarden in a way I like !!!

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I have moved over from Thresher to the West End and set up a public bar for weary travellers to seek some refreshment.


Any arguments can be settled by talking, playing Sun Vs Moon or the tabletop car racing game.


170 prims reserved for boat rezzing.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/West End/203/186/22


Edited by Aethelwine
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This is my little October/Halloween/Samhain front porch. 🎃👻

Been wandering around a bit and saw so many spook-tacular decorations yet, it warms my little undead heart. 🖤😊 Please keep 'em coming!

Also; please feel free to grab some of those treats 🧁🍹🍪 when your path leads you across my house. 


Spooktober in Bellisseria.jpg

Belli Halloween Decor2_001.jpg

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I made an add-on. Just now I am writing a list over all that must be fixed. But it is more fun to put in furniture and ignore the small flaws, and the one big. Bigger opening for the stairs.

I must take it back in Blender and fix on it a bit.

The mix of oldfashioned windows and big modern ones is something I never liked. But I tried it, and I don't hate it. I am very fond of symmetry, but I can break the rules.

The bathroom has windows only against the street. Only the gable walls are big enough for the colonial grille windows. It is a strange add-on. A bit like real life maybe? Changes and add-ons in many small steps, not the whole house in one go.







Edited by Marianne Little
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3 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

The mix of oldfashioned windows and big modern ones is something I never liked. But I tried it, and I don't hate it. I am very fond of symmetry, but I can break the rules.

The bathroom has windows only against the street. Only the gable walls are big enough for the colonial grille windows. It is a strange add-on. A bit like real life maybe? Changes and add-ons in many small steps, not the whole house in one go.


Exactly that last part in bold. Unless you're one of the lucky few who can actively renovate an entire house at once there's a good chance that you will end up with a variation of parts that come together to make the new whole for the most part (renovation TV shows notwithstanding). When adding renovations to an existing build it's common to see a mix of old and new; it's something I'm actually doing in RL as we speak to my house in preparation for sale. It would be different perhaps if you added something sci-fi to a Traditional renovation; that wouldn't create a harmonious look overall, but I don't see anything wrong at all with what you've created above. If anything personally I prefer it. The wide windows allow more light and encompass a wider view than you would get with smaller traditional-matching windows. You're maximizing space that way too compared to having smaller windows and furnishings that faced inwards as opposed to outwards and making the most of property views.

As usual, loving what you create. Look forward to seeing more! 👍❤️😁

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Browsing through Firestorm viewer's Windlight selection at my houseboat.
There are many really nice ones. 🙂  Takes ages to scroll through all of them! :/

Anime - 6:30AM

Phototools- July Light 02

Phototools- Lo Light 04

Edited by Coby Foden
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9 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

I like that a lot @Marianne Little . Much more than most Addons I've seen.

Will that be for sale? I found your shop in the MP but it was all empty.

If I ever snatch a sandy seashore lot I am sure to try this with the big windows facing the sea.

Yesterday I was sure that I should open the MP store and put some of my work there. I even thought that this is good enough, I just have to fix the stair issue and some minor cosmetic flaws.

Today I came home from the Rehabilitation Centre where I get physical therapy treatment for my Fibromyalgia, and said to my husband "I feel much better". Less than an hour later, I was hit hard with the symptoms and had to get in bed. I have been there since, it's 6 hours now. After I finish typing, I am going back to bed.

I am very "on" and "off" when it comes to what I can do. Maybe I should stop posting my builds (< --- self-pity) because I can't finish them. The hard limit is having functional stairs.

I set up a Marketplace store a month ago? When I made some wall shells. I then got a wave of anxiety, and didn't go further with it.

I have had a flare of worse symptoms than ever that has lasted over a month. I have tried to see if to much time spent on a computer triggers it. I could not see a difference. So I found out that since sitting here does not make things worse, why not enjoy it. I have so little other things left that i can do. Gardening is out of the question. I used to cook a lot too. Decorating cakes. Taking the family on a picnic. Preparing for parties. Sewing. Quilting. Painting. Homemade decorations. Enjoyed to have 12 persons to Christmas dinner. All things I can't do anymore, because my body says stop. (<--- more self-pity)

I experience periods of elevated energy and agitated when I have an idea about a build. I am driven to finish it, but I loose not only energy, but also interest, before I manage to take it back and do the last finish. Like stairs that work properly.

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