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TMP Legacy mesh body


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2 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I will not buy a body that has a full set of layers, and a zero layers one. I want a body with 1 layer. The body also need a toefix and a crotchfix. Wearing stockings that wrap around every toe can work for some cases, but not on sheer stockings and pantyhoses.



I think choice is great. It gives someone a choice if they want BOM or Non BOM. 

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7 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Yes. The Redux did some things right, with their toefix, crotchfix and flat nipple fix. Plus some other options, so BoM is not painted deep in every crack and fold.

On a funnier note, if it was painted deep in every crack. You could literally have a BOM sand tattoo. Lol. That stuff winds up everywhere, even places you have covered up. Lol

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5 minutes ago, Kweopi said:

in the demo i see lot of empty lines in the body. anyone know if  is  fixed in full version?


It happens on my male legacy as well and i thought am i doing the alpha wrong or something?

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22 minutes ago, Kweopi said:

in the demo i see lot of empty lines in the body. anyone know if  is  fixed in full version?


I've seen that on mine, too, occasionally, but they don't seem to remain. No idea what causes it but they're not on my body now.

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1 hour ago, Kweopi said:

in the demo i see lot of empty lines in the body. anyone know if  is  fixed in full version?

1 hour ago, elixdude said:

It happens on my male legacy as well and i thought am i doing the alpha wrong or something?

1 hour ago, AnyaJurelle said:

I've seen that on mine, too, occasionally, but they don't seem to remain. No idea what causes it but they're not on my body now.

It's a bug that sometimes happens when you're above 1000m, and I believe the creators are aware of it and looking into it. Quite possibly, Anya, you saw it when you were above that height but now don't see it when you're below that height.

As an aside, being above 1000m can cause other issues such as flickering with some types of worn mesh, too. That's the point where the Windlight clouds sometimes go weirdly streaky, and it's also above the old original build limit of 768m before LL raised it to 4096m. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some arcane and deeply-buried bit of leftover code to do with rendering at that height that causes screwy moments now and then.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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sadly, i don't want to spend my Second life "grounded".i like my time building on my platform (1500+) .Since i own almost every other body in sl, at least the main ones, i am not in a hury to get a new one. btwm old tmp was seamless at any hights. i guess is true when they say legacy is not tmp

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28 minutes ago, Kweopi said:

sadly, i don't want to spend my Second life "grounded".i like my time building on my platform (1500+) .Since i own almost every other body in sl, at least the main ones, i am not in a hury to get a new one. btwm old tmp was seamless at any hights. i guess is true when they say legacy is not tmp

Not from what I heard, at least for the male body. It was probably the same for the female body. You may not have been looking for gaps.

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  • 3 weeks later...
41 minutes ago, nainvo said:

I heard TMP is a scam tho? and i was told to buy it,  and i like it if it wasn't like. 5k. but again im not that broke you know? so i don't mind i guess but do you think they really scam people and is it really worth it?

I wouldn't say it's a scam, no. A scam would be if you paid for the body and never received it.

However, there were (by others and - vehemently - by me in more than one blog post) many expressions of annoyance and distaste with the way that the original TMP bodies were marketed and sold. I never thought I would buy any product related to The Shops at all, or even set foot in their store; I disliked their business practices so much. However, having read many reviews of the new Legacy bodies and seeing that they had made a lot of changes to the way they operated I decided to give them a second chance. At the time I tried my demo it was still something of a frustrating process, but it's now simple with demos available on Marketplace. And - since they ameliorated their previous unsavoury business practices when this new team took over - I decided I was happy to spend the money on what is actually a bloody gorgeous mesh body.

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It was a “scam” in the sense that: 

It had a proprietary applier system. If you bought a skin if it didn’t use the tmp system....well good luck finding another skin.

It was double the money of all the other bodies. All of the other bodies upgraded to bento. TMP didn’t. As a matter of fact, they went silent.

Then they resurfaced. Dropping the price of the TMP to 500L. That ticked people off that spent 5000L on it.

Then they came out with the Legacy bodies. People that had the TMP body got a discount, but it wasn’t a free upgrade. That ticked people off.

It’s more so the history of the product as it was than the product as it is now. People have nothing but good things about it now, but you can see how it already left a bad taste in people’s mouths.

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I've had the body for a little while now and was in the cheerleaders camp from the moment I dropped my 5k into their piggy bank, but have since cooled off somewhat. 

I'd never say it's a scam - anyone who's actually worn the body can see the detail that's gone into it - but what I will say is this: It comes at a higher cost than just L$.

There is a neck issue, to which a certain 'CSR' (who would have been fired in the real world for her odious, officious and obnoxiously condescending treatment of customers) shrieks like a banshee, "No there isn't! No there isn't! It's your WL! It's your WL!" 

More than a couple creators have explained to me that Legacy materials are cranked up to the max and that all they can do is try to turn it down as far as they can, because they don't have the option of turning it off - and that that is what's causing the neck issue.

Makes far more sense to me than trying to blame customer windlight settings - especially since the issue doesn't occur with any other mesh body.  A little honesty goes a long way towards building customer trust and respect.

Fault - Legacy.

As a massive consumer of skins (and having come to know some of SL's best skin creators), I put it to Legacy that thanks to their official handling of the neck issue in their group chat, skin creators are being blamed and attacked for a fault that has nothing to do with them

Complexity. This is why Legacy looks far more detailed, smooth and polished than any other body - because it comes at a very high price:  SL's general health and performance.

It has more pollywaffles than the local lolly shop. No matter what I wear or don't wear, it's nearly impossible to get my script count below 3mb, which means when attending concerts - if I don't want to contribute to lag - I'll go with Maitreya instead. 

Legacy's complexity is double Maitreya's and unlike LeLutka heads and other items, you can't simply make a copy of it and then delete the scripts.

Legacy clothing doesn't tend to come with 'del script' options either (Blueberry's does) and they, too, often come with high complexity. BOM skins help a little in reducing the nonsense, but not enough when it comes to Legacy.

In my opinion, those two issues - materials and complexity - are the 'dirty side' of Legacy, so next time you hear your WL being blamed for Legacy's neck issue, I'd be inclined to think again. 

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7 hours ago, janetosilio said:

It was a “scam” in the sense that: 

It had a proprietary applier system. If you bought a skin if it didn’t use the tmp system....well good luck finding another skin.

It was double the money of all the other bodies. All of the other bodies upgraded to bento. TMP didn’t. As a matter of fact, they went silent.

Then they resurfaced. Dropping the price of the TMP to 500L. That ticked people off that spent 5000L on it.

Then they came out with the Legacy bodies. People that had the TMP body got a discount, but it wasn’t a free upgrade. That ticked people off.

It’s more so the history of the product as it was than the product as it is now. People have nothing but good things about it now, but you can see how it already left a bad taste in people’s mouths.

No it was not a scam, you have every right to be mad. But A they gave you a product, that might i add was bought into by you. You knowing the risks and it's price after purchase. still decided to keep it. Again, no scam was committed when they dropped the price. They are well within their right to do so, and yeah it was a pretty jerk move, they were still well within their right to do so. Yes, because it was a totally different body from it's predecessor. It wasn't an update, like Maitreya, or Belleza. They dropped a totally brand new body. Again you and others have a right to be peeved off, but nowhere was this a scam. You A, got a product, B were able to keep the Product, and C the product is still useable today. They didn't shut off their old servers, they didn't just take it from you guys or had LL delete it from your inventory, and D You paid 5 K, and got the product in a box. They didn't just make you pay the price, they had given you a choice and you chose to pay the product.

That all being said, it was your choice to buy into it. So you kinda screwed yourself over on this one.

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The "scam" was when Bento came out, the original TMP Mesh body was not updated, everyone who owned one never received promised updates, never heard anything from the TMP team, then they lowered the price for their bodies to L$500. Everyone familiar with the general experience of TMP body owners genuinely believed TMP was getting ready to "close shop" and that they were going for a cash-grab before shutting down. Had that been the actual case, then yes: it *would have been* a "scam" - but that is not the case and they have returned the original body to a "normal" price range and released the newer Legacy versions (which is an oxymoron in naming schemes LOL) and there is (apparently) a new team in charge.

So the "scam" rumors are understandable, but not a fact.

I have purchased the body for my alt and as pricy as it is, it really is a fantastic product in all ways, not just the mesh model, but the way it all works, generally-speaking.

Edited by Alyona Su
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11 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

No it was not a scam, you have every right to be mad. But A they gave you a product, that might i add was bought into by you. You knowing the risks and it's price after purchase. still decided to keep it. Again, no scam was committed when they dropped the price. They are well within their right to do so, and yeah it was a pretty jerk move, they were still well within their right to do so. Yes, because it was a totally different body from it's predecessor. It wasn't an update, like Maitreya, or Belleza. They dropped a totally brand new body. Again you and others have a right to be peeved off, but nowhere was this a scam. You A, got a product, B were able to keep the Product, and C the product is still useable today. They didn't shut off their old servers, they didn't just take it from you guys or had LL delete it from your inventory, and D You paid 5 K, and got the product in a box. They didn't just make you pay the price, they had given you a choice and you chose to pay the product.

That all being said, it was your choice to buy into it. So you kinda screwed yourself over on this one.

I’ve always said, buying things in SL is “Buyer beware”.


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1 hour ago, janetosilio said:

I’ve always said, buying things in SL is “Buyer beware”.


The first line of the ToS should read: "Caveat Emptor" - then if the reader doesn't know what that means or cannot look it up, c'est la vie. ~snorts~

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On 11/1/2019 at 3:15 PM, AnyaJurelle said:

There is a neck issue, to which a certain 'CSR' (who would have been fired in the real world for her odious, officious and obnoxiously condescending treatment of customers) shrieks like a banshee, "No there isn't! No there isn't! It's your WL! It's your WL!" 

Lurker here (not just to this thread but to the forums in general). I decided to come out of the shadows to add my two cents about the neck seam. There is absolutely a terrible issue with the neck seam. I agree with that 100% and in my humble opinion, it should be something The Shops addresses and fixes without attitude and lies.


HOWEVER... one thing I don't recall seeing mentioned here or in reviews (granted, it's been a long thread to read and remember fully), is how good the two piece neck blend is. Pre-Legacy, I thought neck blends were useless junk. Never used them, couldn't stand them. But because of the neck seam issue I decided to play with their blend system and I completely converted. Maybe other blends have been as good and I just didn't give them a chance? I'm not sure. I don't recall having two pieces before the way Legacy does it, and I suspect that makes all the difference. There is a ring you wear around your neck as well as a blend piece in the HUD that blends the collarbone area up to that ring. When you get real up close and personal you can of course see the ring layer slightly raised from your neck, but aside from that you can get shockingly good blends.


After a couple of months, I've grown so accustomed to  "Frankensteining" my body skin and head skin with that blend that I wouldn't want to go back to a body that doesn't allow me to do that with similarly stellar results. I have a tendency to really love certain head skins but hate the body skins, so I find it really cool to be able to wear skins by two different makers at once that I really love. I can also report that while certain windlight settings make the ring look dark, the vast majority do not. And I've tested a bunch both with my normal Ultra/Advanced Lighting setting as well as with lower settings and Advanced Lighting turned off. I strongly encourage any Legacy owners struggling with the neck seam to give the blend system a chance if you're like me and used to ignoring them completely.

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@Cyanide Pixie I'm so very glad it's working out for you! No, I didn't bother with the neck thingy after a friend demonstrated exactly how very much it didn't help, so I'm back to Maitreya for now, but mostly because of Maitreya's 50% less complexity and far less scripting.

While I still maintain that Legacy is the most beautiful body in SL - despite coming at at a price beyond L$'s - for now, their distasteful handling of issues in group chat has lost them my respect.

Customers are not uneducated idiots (for the most part).

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@AnyaJurelle Yeah, that's a huge bummer to hear they lost a customer who tried to give them another chance. I haven't had to deal with customer service myself, but what you've described is really shockingly poor service. Especially considering they should be kissing the feet of their customers to erase some of the bad rep they earned in the past. The neck seam is crap, it was one of the first thing I noticed after I bought the body.  Sorry to hear they dismissed you like that :(


I wish I could say I could just go back to Maitreya... but sadly, I can't. There are just too many things I like better about Legacy from the actual mesh to the way the materials work to the aforementioned two-piece neck blend that lets me mix my skins.. There were always things that bugged me about Maitreya (like the shoulders/armpits and the shape of the butt), but I never realized how many things I was actually unsatisfied with until I switched to Legacy. I also wish I liked Belleza more. I have their bodies and they are absolutely beautiful but never feel right on me. I like to have small breasts with a natural braless teardrop droop and nothing I can do on Freya, Isis, or Venus has allowed me to achieve that. If it weren't for the breasts, I would have been using Belleza a long time ago. So Legacy it is for me, and I just have to cross my fingers I never have a reason to seek customer service from their team.

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