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Kia Kiyori

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    Square Peg + Round Hole = Me

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  1. Not had it happen before, but logging out and back in a few times took care of it in the end. Thank you both.
  2. Nothing wrong with the head when I logged out, but since logging back in, her mouth animations were suddenly going like crazy - and they're awful (which is why I never use them). They're turned off on the HUD and always have been, so I have no idea what's going on. I only use the Firestorm Viewer AO and there's no facial animations in there but just to be sure, I checked the original AO - nothing turned on there, either. I'm going to hazard a guess that I'm the only one this is happening to, right?
  3. Late to the party, but just to add my two cents worth - the only thing I've found that works for me (not to dismiss anyone's helpful suggestions in here), is uninstalling FS and doing a clean install. LL Viewer works just fine and so does BD - but FS? Not a chance. Clean install gives me a few weeks - maximum - of normal use before it starts its nonsense all over again. I won't bother putting in a ticket since the last time I did that someone 'moved' my ticket - and it was never addressed or seen again - so I don't find that avenue particularly helpful.
  4. Yes, I believe so. I only use the latest version when one's available.
  5. Thank you, Gwin. I'll remember that if there's a next time. For now, a clean install took care of it.
  6. Ah sorry about that - I use Firestorm Viewer but I remembered that this has happened twice before just since January and each time the solution was to do a clean install. So I did that again and sure enough, it's working perfectly. It started happening on a rental parcel that I've had for several months. A clean install, however, while it's worked for me, only seems to last a couple weeks before it begins happening again. I have tried logging in on Linden land that I have elsewhere to no avail. The only solution that enables me to log back in again, seems to be a clean install. I just need to remember to do it again install if/when it happens again.
  7. Anyone else having this happen at the moment, or am I the only lucky little vegemite? Seems to be occurring a lot lately - tells me to check the status page but of course the status page always says everything's hunky dory.
  8. Got the "unable to create valid session" first, then a few moments later got the "unable to log in to Second Life due to an internal error..." Not even able to get in so I can enjoy 'Orange Cloud Syndrome'
  9. No kidding! The comment about demos before blog posts still stands, irrespective of the body.
  10. Not sure which first picture you mean, Vanessa - but if it's in reference to a (and there's no other way of saying this) hideous blog post I saw regarding the two new Belleza bodies (thankfully only after I tried the demos) that seemed to focus on making them deliberately look so utterly revolting so that no one in their right mind would want to buy them, then that blogger failed miserably, but not from lack of effort. Which is really just to say that when it comes to new bodies, I personally think it's always better to try demos first and completely ignore all blog posts and gossip about them until after you find the one you love - blogger sabotaging efforts notwithstanding (I'm sure it's not unheard of). This is the Belleza Gen.X Classic body that I fell in love with: Although they don't come with shapes like most bodies do but it really isn't difficult to work with at all.
  11. It's a gorgeous head. I used the new group gift from tres beau on it - noelle 2.5:
  12. I usually put on my L$10 squirrel avi for going anywhere a ton of bodies are going to be in all their lag-inducing finery. Aside from being practically invisible in a crowd with it's almost non-existent complexity, it has the added bonus of being not even remotely smexy to creeps and sleazes 😁
  13. Definitely did all that. You're right, too...it's fun lol
  14. Agreed. Thankfully big names like Blueberry have started adding a lot of new body sizes, including Gen.X. It only takes one or two big names like that to include a new body size before other creators to begin scrambling to do the same if they don't want to miss out on charging like wounded bulls...
  15. You and me both, but it's rare to hear someone agree with me. Normally heads explode when I open my mouth to change feet. Went to an event a few hours ago and I don't know what it is but all of a sudden everything just looks like porridge - it's all hooker clothes, especially if they're being marketed for chunky bodies. I felt like shouting, "What? Chunky girls aren't allowed to look elegant, too? There some law that says thou shalt always dress like hookers?" Must be a market for it or they'd stop I guess, but it's not for me.
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