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Lost interest in SL

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Suggestion: Do something completely new to you. If you have never had an avatar of the opposite sex, then change your avie into the other gender (or create an alt for that). Or become a different species. Engage in non-adult roleplay, like be a cowboy, a demon or angel, a spaceman, etc.
Or put your bike to good use and play a game like GTFO to have an extra excuse to go out and ride your bike. Take up sailing and be alone with the wind, the water, and your thoughts.

Dunno, see anything which makes you go "ooh! that!"?

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1 hour ago, greek Wingtips said:

I somehow lost interest

during my nearly 14 yrs here there been periods with the same.. go do something different, it will come back. My longest time away been nearly 3 yrs, just go with the flow of your life.


how do you feel

pretty well thanks :)


what do you think needs changing

loosing interest isn't something that gets solved in SL, it's you that changed, as soon that gets triggered again it will be solved.

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Log off, switch off your computer go out and delete the application of your compture and phone,


Why do you want to stay in SL if you have no motivation. So many people are addicted and want to stop but cannot. for you it is opposite.


Just make a break

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4 hours ago, Lureo said:

Log off, switch off your computer go out and delete the application of your compture and phone,

Why do you want to stay in SL if you have no motivation. So many people are addicted and want to stop but cannot. for you it is opposite.

Just make a break

This is the best advice of all.

There are good reasons to come to SL, not all are addictions, friendships are top of my list, but if you have no reason, go get a life out there in RL.

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My own subjective view is that there's been a sharp decline in the number of people in SL very recently, which seems to coincide with the teleport crash problem.  Even I find myself not bothering to relog after a couple of crashes.  Maybe we'd become complacent over the last couple of years when SL hardly ever crashed.

Edited by Conifer Dada
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49 minutes ago, Conifer Dada said:

My own subjective view is that there's been a sharp decline in the number of people in SL very recently, which seems to coincide with the teleport crash problem.  Even I find myself not bothering to relog after a couple of crashes.  Maybe we'd become complacent over the last couple of years when SL hardly ever crashed.

for me the work around with slamming the bandwith to the max has solved it, but indeed, past weeks after 2 or 3 craches... push the button, Neflix on and will see you tomorrow SL.

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As others have said, if you feel uninspired by Second Life then simply get away from it for a while. Log off, plug back into the real world, and find other things to do with your time. I don't mean this negatively. I'm speaking from experience. Pretty much once a year I take a break for a few weeks, maybe longer, just to recharge the proverbial batteries. There's nothing wrong with that. 

I'd also like to repeat the advice; find something that you enjoy. If you simply cannot find a single thing at all that you enjoy about SL, or you find logging in feels more like a chore than enjoyment, listen to what your brain is telling you and step away. But if there's still some small inkling that makes you want to stay, even if you don't know what it is, get out of your usual routine. Go to places you usually wouldn't frequent. Find events that you've never considered before. Talk to people if you're usually not the talkative type. Basically step out of your comfort zone or keep repeating the same history.

If you truly have been everywhere and done everything, kudos to you. You've lived a very full virtual life. If after all that seeing and doing you still haven't acquired any intention to do something productive like create or mentor, then maybe you've reached that point of no return where you can log out and not look back. Only time will tell. But you can't miss something if it's not gone.

And one last point: make sure you're not just burned out. Again, it's very easy to log in daily, nightly, for hours at a time, and lose yourself to a virtual experience. It can be addictive, less for some, more so for others. If you spend more time online literally doing nothing, are you here out of habit or because you actually want to be here? If it's habit, deal with it as you would any other you'd like to break. If it's boredom, go find something else to distract you. 

Regarding what I feel and what in my opinion needs changing; more than I probably have room to type here! Honestly, I'm a flighty person, so I will be either extremely invested in something or walk away from it. I took a five month break at the end of last year and the start of this year and have recently come back to investigate all these changes LL are in the process of implementing. I think for the most part these are great and overdue. But what I most think needs changing LL cannot fix. It's us; people. The collective online mentality. For the most part most people are nice enough, but there are and always will be that element looking to ruin things for others. Personalities like that thrive in an environment such as Second Life. There's nothing I personally can do about it, but I'd definitely be a lot happier if said people were gone.

The TP issues lately aren't helping. Sometimes I crash so much I just stay offline and return an hour or two later. It's not ideal, but there's not much I can do about it. I'd love to see costs on land lowered further, technical issues fixed, the poisonous trolls permanently removed, and I'd love to have enough Linden to buy whatever I want whenever I want and basically live a perfect fantasy virtual life. Since I can't have any of that, I'll get off my soap box. But for now I'll stick around and enjoy SL for another day. I'm not bored enough of it again just yet. 

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8 hours ago, greek Wingtips said:

Its funny I want to stay on longer on SL, but just somehow found no interest to do so,

I have to say... not sure I see the problem.  I mean this:

  • Attention/interest in hobbies and entertainment changes over time -- it can change because the hobby changes, or because it doesn't.  We also change.  Our other lives, and even other games can take up our time and effort.  SL for most people is social.  If the people you enjoy most being social with aren't around any more or you have become estranged from them, there's a reason right there for why you might have lost interest.
  • Maybe you're simply 'done'.  Most people find that when they've gotten as far in a game as they want to go -- won all the levels, or just explored as much as they can -- they feel their interest wane.  They may not see it, because often they've found a new game -- but the truth is, the new game only gets space because the old game no longer holds their fascination.  SL isn't a win-lose/complete/adventure quest game, but it's an artificial world and some of the experience is exactly the same.
  • SL has a significant learning curve and requires effort in order to be really enjoyable...  whether that effort is in learning how to use it and to keep your avatar and built environment up to date, or it's in developing relationships/finding activities or learning stuff, it can get to be a lot of work at times and if you're not getting something significant from it, then the work doesn't feel worth the trouble.
  • SL can be addictive.  For whatever reason, some of us finally break that addiction and we feel able to stay away.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I find sometimes I come on and I end up wasting an entire day  I should be working, if real life doesn't force me to get  up.  I am seriously thinking that taking time out is not a bad thing.  For one thing, it is physically almost as damaging for us to spend hours sitting as it is to overeat or smoke.  SITTING is BAD for us.  So...  not being here...  Is not evil.

If you want to rekindle interest (and it totally sounds as if you do, or you wouldn't be writing about it here) taking time away is a good way to miss the things you liked. As long as you don't stay away so long you have to start over when you come back b/c things have changed so much!  Of course, maybe that's just what you need... to come back to it refreshed and eager b/c so much is new, it's a whole different experience. I often find myself helping 'oldbies' -- people who are returning after 5 or more years and have NO clue how to function in the new 2019 SL. Many of them actually enjoy 'remaking' their new/old selves.

Finally...  Yes, SL absolutely has issues!  When things don't work (as they are massively not working for many people at the moment - [please do file reports with Linden so they have as much info as possible]) it gets to be seriously annoying just trying to get on and stay on and move around.

Most of us stay for other reasons than the 'lovely' interface cough:hotmess:cough that is SL.  I do think it does have a big advantage over a lot of social media (for one example). At least, LL isn't monetizing us, selling our data and forcing us to use our legal names in game, then exposing us and our info to hacks and other madness.  It is far from perfect, but I don't believe that it's primarily the imperfections that are making you want to leave... though I'm sure they do not help a lot of people stay, especially newcomers.

But... I remember the days when my computer was much slower than the one I have now and I was constantly getting booted, or things weren't rezzing... and I was always trying desperately hard to be here... because it met need, despite the hassle. 

Maybe SL no longer meets whatever need it met before?  Maybe you're just ready to move on or to take a break and come back refreshed.  Whichever it is, feel free to let go angst free and come back just as angst free if/when you decide you want to be here. And if you're just bored... find new things or people in world to explore.  There's a ton more stuff there than most of us are even aware of, much less participate in!!

Good Luck!


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8 minutes ago, Ethan Paslong said:

for me the work around with slamming the bandwidth to the max has solved it, but indeed, past weeks after 2 or 3 crashes... push the button, Netflix on and will see you tomorrow SL.

Yup, if SL is a PITA bear to use, fewer people will use it.  Hope this is not a sign of disinterest/disinvestment on Lindens part.  I still do believe most of us will leave more for our own internal reasons than the interface...  But... if you find yourself like I did (unable to log on AT ALL with the native SL viewer - for well over a year [yes, i filed a ticket with LL]) some will give up.  Fortunately, Firestorm was already my primary viewer and I log on fine with it (though I have all the problems most people are complaining about right now) Major problems do cause people to quit trying. Most still want to, they just can't find the right SL v*agra to make to work!! 🙄

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11 hours ago, greek Wingtips said:

I rarely go on SL now, I somehow lost interest, how do you feel and what do you think needs changing

I lost complete interest for over 4 years and didn't even bother logging in. Nothing has really changed. Stores closed, new stores opened and that sort of thing yes, but, not the people. Right now the only thing that is keeping me logging in is 6 little projects I set for myself. I bought 2 inexpensive skyboxes and 1 house  and I'm in the process of furnishing and remodeling them. What I am doing requires copy/mod on everything I use because I am linking everything. The goal here is to fully furnish and decorate while staying under the prim limits for a 512 (175) and a 1024 (351), so 2 versions of each. I'm getting close to finishing the first one so that leaves 5 to go. 

Why am I doing this? So that if, by some miracle, I can afford land again I won't have a lot of work to do. Just rez one out, place it where I want it and done*!

When I'm done with those 6, I may buy another house and do it again so that I have two houses and two skyboxes and can change at a whim.

Perhaps you could come up with some similar projects on your own. ^_^



*Of course, the perfectionist in me is always tweaking things so I'm never really finished when it comes to creating a home. 

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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Just now, Selene Gregoire said:

I do not like Giphy because half the time the images won't load on forums... besides... why not save the images to your HD and drag and drop them to your post from a folder? 

I was lazy but you are right. i really like that particular one and will use it often

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I have tried to lose interest in SL, but each time I tried, I found something else to do here. I blame me being a meshaholic for my inability to leave SL. I started with a simple prim, which I now know to be a gateway drug into meshaholicism. To be brief, I followed the rabbit trail which led me to Blender and now stepping into the world of Zbrush. Along the way though, I have found new friends who share my 'disease'. Now my greatest joy is meshing things for friends that they themselves have conjured up in their imagination. Being a part of their creative thinking, and bringing their ideas to life, so to speak, is intoxicating.

So, my suggestion to you is, or anyone else who has found themselves in an SL rut, open up your mind, explore your creative side, be imaginative and you just might find a new you buried deep in your own self. If you have been there, done that, then go back and do it again, this time create it yourself. If you've already seen that movie, then write your own exciting sequel. If you've already read the book, then write your own for others to read.

SL has a lot to offer, make it what you want it to be.

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