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What are some of your pet peeves?

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

I believe some in society have mental or emotional conditions and so we should go out of our way, when we can, to protect them. Child or not.

Unless someone stated such in the forums, how would you know?  Even if they state such, how would we know, since we all know that folks like to lie on the internet?  Or do you just assume that if they take a disagreement as a personal insult and start whining about being picked on that they must have some sort of emotional condition that requires protection?

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1 minute ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:
4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

That's what evil is, at it's essence -- an abuse of power - according to my sense of morals and many others.

Is there much that creeps you out more than seeing an adult steal candy from a baby?  It's almost instinctual to find this behavior repulsive.

What does stealing candy from babies have to do with anything in these forums? As Lil pointed out, we are (theoretically) adults here.  

(BTW, I have never seen that happen. You must have some interesting friends/family.)

It's a kind of metaphor really, for those who have no conscience when attempting to get whatever they need.

And though we are, indeed, adults here...wouldn't you consider it a bit creepy, for example, to make fun of somebody who obviously wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack when they could not grasp something intellectually?  Berate them for not understanding when it is beyond their ability?   I do find this abusive.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Key word there --- CHILD.

As an adult that is posting on forums of my own free will, it is up to me to protect myself -- which mostly means to "have a thick skin and not take disagreeing as a personal insult, etc..."


Right!  It is one thing to say, "I agree with poster A" hopefully with a reason why "because the same thing happened to me..." for example. Equally reasonable to say one disagrees. In fact, that sort of the whole raison d'etre of a forum. Adults talking for themselves, for good or ill.

It is quite another thing to perceive that someone is being picked on (because a person disagreed) and to take up a faux White Knight mantle, tilting at shadow windmills, running down side streets and tangential tracks, all in the so-called defense of an adult who never asked for it and who rarely, if ever, says "thank you" for it. If it is done with malice, then the whole "peace and love" of the White Knight is shown to be utter BS. Either the poster is misguided through an inflated of one's own self and abilities, and/or just malignantly stirring the pot because, alas, they can. It is unneeded and generally regarded as unwanted, except by a sprinkling of like-minded stirrers.

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Earbuds that always break the same way, a frayed wire right at the connector. So I could cut it off and soldier another connector on, but Radio Shack went out of business and no one else in town has them so I go to order them online and I can get them at B&H but I can get free shipping if I just spend $49 so I spend an hour looking around and trying to justify $40 of extra crap I don't need then just emptying my cart and staring at the pile of broken earbuds on my desk in despair.

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my peeve is the lack of sensitivity of some posters, who rationalize their callousness by minimizing the impact it might have on others.  Whenever I get riled up and want to reply in anger, I always stop and ask myself is this going to hurt someone?  Am I willing to cause pain to others to satisfy my ego?  I usually wind up deleting the post.

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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I believe some in society have mental or emotional conditions and so we should go out of our way, when we can, to protect them. Child or not.

Unless someone stated such in the forums, how would you know?  Even if they state such, how would we know, since we all know that folks like to lie on the internet?  Or do you just assume that if they take a disagreement as a personal insult and start whining about being picked on that they must have some sort of emotional condition that requires protection?

I'm aware of it sometimes via the various exchanges between people here I've observed over time.

Most sensitive people evaluate relationships -- make exceptions for some behavior we don't like instead of criticizing when we know the offender probably can't help themselves much.

I don't take offense if someone can't see that another is at a disadvantage (for the most part). What really bothers me is when the bully knows full well they are at an advantage and it seems to energize them even more to pick on their victim.

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Y'all do realize that the Einstein quote, he was referring to Nazis, right? So basically we were all just Godwin'd. Yup. We're not only evil, but evil Nazis. BullyBees = Evil Nazis. The Evil Nazis were called out, by name (explicitly/implicitly) in the HIM thread and LL continues to allow this (pet peeve as stated). Calling people evil Nazis in the best, most positive sense, I'm sure. It positively makes me purr with all the warm fuzzy feelings. I feel the need for patchouli incense to continue typing.

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6 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

Earbuds that always break the same way, a frayed wire right at the connector. So I could cut it off and soldier another connector on, but Radio Shack went out of business and no one else in town has them so I go to order them online and I can get them at B&H but I can get free shipping if I just spend $49 so I spend an hour looking around and trying to justify $40 of extra crap I don't need then just emptying my cart and staring at the pile of broken earbuds on my desk in despair.

I have headsets that do the same. grrr. sigh. I like the headset until that stupid wire breaks.

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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

In my personal experience, this has always been totally because of the CAT.  

My kitty just loves them darn things.

Sure, blame the cat. Isn't that always the way? I'm feeling oppressed. Help! Help! That's what I'm on about!

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13 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

You mean it could change? Vary from the original? Substantially? How can that bee?


^^ LOL, I see what you did there. ;)

... And that's about the only thing I saw. I hear about all sorts of secret clubs today. Beefolks, 'HIM', and in another thread there's mention of a 'tiny revolution' (the latter of which must be so tiny, I couldn't even locate it). Wooosh! All of that stuff just went right over my head!

And then there bee those who say they didn't get the memo either. And then I'm like "What, this game has memos?!" 😍 THAT is how clueless I am. But I feel I'm probably happier off not knowing about any of it, so no need to clue me in. :) Except when I need to know, in case I may hurt a friend. But I have that avenue already covered (and you know who you are), so it's all good. 😊

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24 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I believe some in society have mental or emotional conditions and so we should go out of our way, when we can, to protect them. Child or not.

Saw this in Lil's comment (damned semi-blocking). And ahahahahahahaha! This is too precious not to comment upon. Soooooo... the BullyBee Watcher is the PROTECTOR of people with mental illness? Interesting. It must be darned confusing then when a targeted (and I do mean targeted) Bully Bee (me) has been very upfront about posting about her mental illness of depression, anxiety and PTSD.

So, when you are targeting ME, you are fighting, abusing, maligning, picking on, someone with STATED (not perceived, not imagined) mental illness.


ETA: because some how I keyboarded a "save/post" too soon...

So, if your purpose for being is to protect the weak and addled, shouldn't you be protecting ME? Without my asking for it or wanting it of course, but because I'm addled, I am not competent to give permission or ask for assistance.

And, not wanting to speak for other bully bees, because they are adults after all, I believe the same could be said about others who have not hidden their "afflictions."

Edited by Gatogateau
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6 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Sure, blame the cat. Isn't that always the way? I'm feeling oppressed. Help! Help! That's what I'm on about!


Edited by kali Wylder
oppressed, repressed, eh!
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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Pet Peeve:  Those that are just sure they know what is going on in someone else's head.  Especially only via written words.

I don't always know, but I'm certain I know more often than you do.  And not just what might be going on in someone's head...rather how well they are able to defend themselves in observable situations.

* Don't forget, I've had a lot of training in recognizing patterns of behavior among those who are disadvantaged. That was one of the specialties I majored in.

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3 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:
27 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I believe some in society have mental or emotional conditions and so we should go out of our way, when we can, to protect them. Child or not.

Saw this in Lil's comment (damned semi-blocking). And ahahahahahahaha! This is too precious not to comment upon. Soooooo... the BullyBee Watcher is the PROTECTOR of people with mental illness? Interesting. It must be darned confusing then when a targeted (and I do mean targeted) Bully Bee (me) has been very upfront about posting about her mental illness of depression, anxiety and PTSD.

So, when you are targeting ME, you are fighting, abusing, maligning, picking on, someone with STATED (not perceived, not imagined) mental illness.


People have all sorts of mental illnesses and conditions, but only some of these people cope with their problems by attacking others. I don't have respect for the latter -- those who take out their pain in life by scapegoating others.

I might defend you though if I saw many people targeting you at once (imbalance of power), or if they were 'hitting below the belt' so to speak.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:
6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Pet Peeve:  Those that are just sure they know what is going on in someone else's head.  Especially only via written words.

I don't always know, but I'm certain I know more often than you do.  And not just what might be going on in someone's head...rather how well they are able to defend themselves in observable situations.

* Don't forget, I've had a lot of training in recognizing patterns of behavior among those who are disadvantaged. That was one of the specialties I majored in.


I was more referring to:

13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

What really bothers me is when the bully knows full well they are at an advantage and it seems to energize them even more to pick on their victim.


Your training probably gives you an advantage in dealing directly with people.  However, way too many people are far from themselves on the internet, so I'm not sure your training really gives you much advantage in forums.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Your training probably gives you an advantage in dealing directly with people.  However, way too many people are far from themselves on the internet, so I'm not sure your training really gives you much advantage in forums.

Well like I said, I don't necessarily go by what people say they are. But I can observe interactions over many months, and after such time it's pretty easy to see who somebody really is.

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