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What are some of your pet peeves?

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13 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I'm gonna start going around in my Cardboard Boxbot avatar, or my Famous Chicken Suit.

I'm too sexy for SL...

Snapshot Lost Unicorn, A Unicorn Forest Sanctuary   in Lost Unicorn_001

I don't do the "Eew" - but just haven't had much a reason to wear my Jomo Wolf and Dragon, though I'm not "in hiding" -  I like to wear them for the fun of being impossible-in-the-real-world different. I also am fortunate that I haven't been accosted. Yet. But that also could be because they don't look like a plushy. I see a lot of furries about often and it doesn't bother me (and some are just so CUTE I want to squish-hug them!) Yeah, @Daniel Voyager too. LOL

Though as has been stated pretty clearly, there are an mazing number of hypocrites all over the place whose greater-than-thou entitled mindset seems to power their very souls.

So let's call it one of my pet-peeves: the amazing level of condescension and high-opinion of themselves that so many people have.

Edited by Alyona Su
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7 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

Creators running giveaways on Facebook. I get that you want publicity, but why Facebook? How many SL residents even have Facebook accounts (that they post SL stuff on), given that they demand RL details?

And more relevantly, how many Facebook users would care about that picture of shiny virtual clothes that you shared? Nobody who ever was in my friend list, that much I know for sure.

Surely twitter or Flickr would both be much more suitable if you insist on social media. There is also the radical ideal of doing giveaways in-world, but banish the thought!

I see that too and there are like 9 people on the planet that don't touch FB. I sure don't.

Speaking of Freakbook, recently I had a performer wanting to play my live music club (which is closing) and booked him. He gave me a NC and said "post this on your FB group" and when I told him I'm not on FB he seemed shocked. "Everyone is on it!" I said there's a few not on there mainly due I don't trust that site.  He ended up cancelling his gig at my club. No loss.

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17 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

He ended up cancelling his gig at my club. No loss.

Actually that is incorrect; it's his loss, the way I see it. Just another condescending, greater-than-thou type who places the wrong priorities into his pride-engine.

I agree with the FaceBook approach, so this is another pet peeve of mine: when SL creators expect their customers to FaceBook them. Classic example and most of you ladies will know this one: When BlueBeery said "FREE GIVEAWAY" - "Just post about us on your FaceBook page in be in the drawing (odds: 1-in-10,000) to win this not-that-expensive outfit!"

Ummm, no. You already make enough money, why would I advertise for you for free? And especially with a web site that is (*AMZINGLY!!!*) worse than Google when it comes to invasive tracking of my RL?

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When a store only sells an outfit ensemble in a gacha that you have to gamble for individual pieces to complete.  I already got 500 gloves, just give me a skirt GODF&*%$DAMMIT, I don't care what color it is at this point. *crumples to the ground in tears*

I wish they'd offer a complete outfit at a higher price as an alternative.

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46 minutes ago, Gregorian Chant said:

When a store only sells an outfit ensemble in a gacha that you have to gamble for individual pieces to complete.  I already got 500 gloves, just give me a skirt GODF&*%$DAMMIT, I don't care what color it is at this point. *crumples to the ground in tears*

I wish they'd offer a complete outfit at a higher price as an alternative.

They actually do that a lot at Epiphany, I will not shop any other Gacha events other than Epiphany. When I get the choice to buy the full set at a higher price, that sounds better to me. Especially when I am having to play a pseudo slot machine just to get 1000s of the same commons.  I am totally over exaggerating here, but yeah I don't play gacha machines. It also kinda makes me miss PocketGacha, all Gacha items gave you a choice to buy the full set/outfit, or pull for it. We really need more events like this, I would rather not waste my money on gambling for a freakin item I really want.


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15 hours ago, Gregorian Chant said:

When a store only sells an outfit ensemble in a gacha that you have to gamble for individual pieces to complete.  I already got 500 gloves, just give me a skirt GODF&*%$DAMMIT, I don't care what color it is at this point. *crumples to the ground in tears*

I wish they'd offer a complete outfit at a higher price as an alternative.

This is why I proclaim (and verification that) Gacha is a game of chance, not skill, and skirts the ToS.

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8 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

This is why I proclaim (and verification that) Gacha is a game of chance, not skill, and skirts the ToS.

Lawyers have been fighting this, but because Gacha is on the cusp of gambling, like just slightly at the line where Gambling and purchasing meets. They are effectively able to still do it. I do hope that these lawyers find a loophole and finally can label Gacha's for what they actually are.

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4 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

No pun intended, right? lol  I do feel your pain though.

You are picking up on my madness!  LOL Even when I'm serious (which I am in that post) I tend to drop an Easter egg if I can. It's for those with the higher intellect. Congratulations, I count you among that minority. :D

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6 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

Lawyers have been fighting this, but because Gacha is on the cusp of gambling, like just slightly at the line where Gambling and purchasing meets. They are effectively able to still do it. I do hope that these lawyers find a loophole and finally can label Gacha's for what they actually are.

Well, it may also count as a "Loot Box" - which I know lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic or looking very closely at right now. Either way, I stay away from them, I even try to avoid being in the same virtual space as them (because many creators that use them also will autosubscribe you to their spam lists, which I will always AR.)

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4 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

Well, it may also count as a "Loot Box" - which I know lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic or looking very closely at right now. Either way, I stay away from them, I even try to avoid being in the same virtual space as them (because many creators that use them also will autosubscribe you to their spam lists, which I will always AR.)

The only way I am gonna get one, is if I can buy the full set without the heartache of having to gamble away all my money. Maybe if  they were considerate, and not about dolla dolla bills. They would realize, they have a major market for people who would buy the whole set, if they had the choice. Effectively doubling or tripling their profits. Yeah I had a run in with that, went to a Gacha event with a friend, either got a gift or pulled once, the event instantly put me on their subscriber list, and I had to deal with it. Ultimately got banned, cause asking to get removed 3-4 times, over 5 or 6 months is classified as harassment.


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20 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

The only way I am gonna get one, is if I can buy the full set without the heartache of having to gamble away all my money. Maybe if  they were considerate, and not about dolla dolla bills. They would realize, they have a major market for people who would buy the whole set, if they had the choice. Effectively doubling or tripling their profits. Yeah I had a run in with that, went to a Gacha event with a friend, either got a gift or pulled once, the event instantly put me on their subscriber list, and I had to deal with it. Ultimately got banned, cause asking to get removed 3-4 times, over 5 or 6 months is classified as harassment.

Precisely. That and I never buy no-copy if I can avoid it. Also - I will IM that creator, quote the portion of ToS that says it's not allowed, ask to be removed because I don;t want to have to file an AR. Then if I get another message from the system I do file the AR. Usually I am removed from their list (often without hearing back from them because, I suspect, I scared them about it). I'll look for that part I quote and update this comment with it.

Edit: posted in a new comment below.

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So, if I end up on a spam list I did not subscribe to, I find the owner of the machine and sen this IM (Any reader should copy it and keep it handy, because it works):



Hello, I am in your automated notification list that I do not remember ever opting into. Can you please remove me from all your automated notification or news lists per this section of the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards:

Disturbing the Peace/Global Attacks: Examples of prohibited attempts to disturb the peace include, but are not limited to: 
- Repeated transmission of undesired content;

Thank you.


That is in the Community Standards, which is part of the Terms of Service under Disturbing the Peace: https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards


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15 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

...Ultimately got banned, cause asking to get removed 3-4 times, over 5 or 6 months is classified as harassment.


The use of those auto-subscribe thingies is just downright nasty; those are 'marketing harassment' as far as I'm concerned - not unsuspecting customers who've been tricked into them and want to be removed from the blasted things.

Frankly, I think the human gene pool needs a fresh dose of chlorine.

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2 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

The use of those auto-subscribe thingies is just downright nasty; those are 'marketing harassment' as far as I'm concerned - not unsuspecting customers who've been tricked into them and want to be removed from the blasted things.

Frankly, I think the human gene pool needs a fresh dose of chlorine.

Seriously, you know how many times I have had to ask to be taken off these subscription lists? Either due to an autosubscribe or they just go to events or crowded sims and add your username and then put you in their list. The worst is when you step into a sim, and just by stepping into a sim, you unknowingly consent to being a subscriber. Oxymoron I know, but this stuff happens.


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3 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

The use of those auto-subscribe thingies is just downright nasty; those are 'marketing harassment' as far as I'm concerned - not unsuspecting customers who've been tricked into them and want to be removed from the blasted things.

Frankly, I think the human gene pool needs a fresh dose of chlorine.

You do know that would wipe out ⅔ of the population, right? The reason it would not work is because it was already tried and some bunch of greater-than-thou hero types went and undid it, mostly for selfish reasons.

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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

You do know that would wipe out ⅔ of the population, right? The reason it would not work is because it was already tried and some bunch of greater-than-thou hero types went and undid it, mostly for selfish reasons.

Well ofc they did. That's what idiots do best...

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Speaking of Gacha's, Halloween is fast approaching and then Christmas. Most designers pump out Gacha's even in normal non Gacha events. Which then you have to wade through all of that, just to maybe find 10 normal retail items. Like please stop making it all about Gacha's during these big holidays. I don't want to have to wade through 300 different Gachas of say a certain costume I want. Just let me buy my stuff and go. It's like they want to bump up their sales, and don't realize that people don't want to wade through ocean of Gachas. And even then, during the holiday sales. The gachas are somehow better quality, and it's like. We get the half bummed item at full retail, yet the Gacha's get the higher quality looking products.

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20 hours ago, Gregorian Chant said:

When a store only sells an outfit ensemble in a gacha that you have to gamble for individual pieces to complete.  I already got 500 gloves, just give me a skirt GODF&*%$DAMMIT, I don't care what color it is at this point. *crumples to the ground in tears*

I wish they'd offer a complete outfit at a higher price as an alternative.

That is what the MP is for.  You can almost always find a Gacha full outfit on the MP, though it might be a few days or weeks after the release of said items.

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

That is what the MP is for.  You can almost always find a Gacha full outfit on the MP, though it might be a few days or weeks after the release of said items.

Still it seems kinda stupid, that and they markup the item at like an astronomical price. So the pull price is 75L, they will mark it up to like 300L. But on the topic of going on MP, when you want to find something specific and you now have to wade through hundreds of Gacha resells. Kinda annoying really.

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1 minute ago, halebore Aeon said:

Still it seems kinda stupid, that and they markup the item at like an astronomical price. So the pull price is 75L, they will mark it up to like 300L. But on the topic of going on MP, when you want to find something specific and you now have to wade through hundreds of Gacha resells. Kinda annoying really.

You can actually type the words "NOT GACHA" in caps at the end of your search so you won't see them. Same with 'NOT DEMO'.

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2 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

Which then you have to wade through all of that, just to maybe find 10 normal retail items.

The one and only redeeming factor about dachas is that they usually have the same Slot Machine look to them. When I'm in a place in-world and see a room full of those, I usually move along pretty quickly!

2 hours ago, AnyaJurelle said:

You can actually type the words "NOT GACHA" in caps at the end of your search so you won't see them. Same with 'NOT DEMO'.

Most Gacha resale items in MP don't use that word, so I find that setting the COPY tag usually removes 99.5% of them and even if it's a Gacha, if it's copyable then I may be interested in looking at it, though rarely because no demo.

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1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

The one and only redeeming factor about dachas is that they usually have the same Slot Machine look to them. When I'm in a place in-world and see a room full of those, I usually move along pretty quickly!

If they look like pseudo slot machines, why are they not on gaming sims? Isn't that just a big old obviously I am gambling reminder? Like I don't get it, how much more obvious do you have to be? Hell, in the description, it says that it's a game of chance.

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9 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

If they look like pseudo slot machines, why are they not on gaming sims? Isn't that just a big old obviously I am gambling reminder? Like I don't get it, how much more obvious do you have to be? Hell, in the description, it says that it's a game of chance.

Let us do a loop-de-loop! LOL

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