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Racism about Furry


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24 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

Patch has a tail :D

so true... just a tail isn't a furry, his overall appearance is human, he clearly shows that on his flickr :)
and rules have exceptions ( even my rules:)

i should have said tail, fur and snout.

[edit] i really don't have the illusion he'll ever come over and use his bed!!... /me cries ..however he could send me  linden beer as substitute if he has one too...  :)

Edited by Ethan Paslong
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12 hours ago, Kassash said:

Lots of beautiful sims out there in the map, what supposed to give relax, chilling and fun to the players, but furry players cant enjoy that how they like to because racist peoples assault them, or the "rightful" owners banned furries.

Every single example of this that I've seen doesn't actually have a "no furries" rule. It's always a "human only" rule. Some will have exceptions for stuff like ears, but either way they aren't specifically targeting furries, but instead trying to maintain a relatively consistent aesthetic for the sim's community. Turning up as the Iron Giant or as a cow or as a giant sphere of neon blue would also be no good. Drop the unjustified victim complex.

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There are two distinct groups  in SL, one group sees SL as a type of social media,  and makes their SL persona an extension of their RL persona, while the other group sees SL as distinct from RL, and is inclined to be in SL something different from they are in RL. I wonder if most of the "anti-furry" feelings come from that first group,  since a  furry obviously is not a reflection of the reality of a persons RL. The same people who are bothered by people who's avatar does not match their RL gender, are probably likely to be  bothered if  the avatar doesn't  match  the RL  species,  it is just  harder to tell    right away when the gender isn't the same.

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9 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

There are two distinct groups  in SL, one group sees SL as a type of social media,  and makes their SL persona an extension of their RL persona, while the other group sees SL as distinct from RL, and is inclined to be in SL something different from they are in RL. I wonder if most of the "anti-furry" feelings come from that first group,  since a  furry obviously is not a reflection of the reality of a persons RL. The same people who are bothered by people who's avatar does not match their RL gender, are probably likely to be  bothered if  the avatar doesn't  match  the RL  species,  it is just  harder to tell    right away when the gender isn't the same.

That is an exceedingly tiny factor to it, yes.

It has more to do with societal fear of "The Other" - be that someone with a different skin tone, mentality, viewpoint ...... The Fandom/Community does itself no real favors either.

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15 hours ago, Kassash said:

Most of humans avatars just a walking balloons of boobs or asses, abominations what look like a Frankenstein's creature never look like. And peoples call furry ugly?

I have a name.. That comment is just hurtful, do you see the tears in my eyes? 


12 hours ago, MrsSeren said:

Same; but one of my best friends is a furry in life and is one most knowledge people I know about Furry lifestyle and she is Furry here in SL albeit she not been active in a long time however if people that close minded about me being neko or even hybrid with elf ears then byeee, not worth my time as really don't care about your views or judgement on MY SL as I shall continue to play my way. 

Bloody nekos.. always wantin somethin... cuddle time, movie time, spankins, its enough to drive a furry mad i tells ya!! MAD!!

Edited by Drake1 Nightfire
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This is not racism.  Furries are not a race, being a furry is a personal choice which you have the freedom to choose or not to choose, so this is not a breach of personal rights either.    I don't hold a opinion one way or the other about furries.  I have not had any experiences in my (admittedly limited) conversations with furries in SL which would give me a negative feeling towards the group as a whole.  

This did remind of a conversation I overheard a few years ago among some fae who were complaining about the increasing number of venues that asked them to remove their wings (and how outraged they were about that). 

This also reminds me of back when my daughters were teen-agers and they wanted to adopt clothing and hair styles that were on the fringe at that time.   Yes, they had the freedom to choose to dress and present themselves that way, but along with that freedom was an acceptance that doing so may lead to discrimination by others based just on the way they looked rather than on their personality (or on their skills when looking for a job).   So, as long as they were willing to accept those potential consequences, they could dress and style themselves as they chose. 

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34 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I’ve heard of “specism”. (Favoring some species over others.)

If you want to define furries or nekos or fantasy creatures or human etc., as species of avatars that is fine.  However, it is still a conscious choice people make in how they want to style their avatar, and what 'species' they want their avatar to represent.

I do believe however, that avatars (as well as people in RL) should not be judged/liked/disliked as a group (or individually) based only on appearance or a label.  

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16 minutes ago, moirakathleen said:

If you want to define furries or nekos or fantasy creatures or human etc., as species of avatars that is fine.  However, it is still a conscious choice people make in how they want to style their avatar, and what 'species' they want their avatar to represent.

I do believe however, that avatars (as well as people in RL) should not be judged/liked/disliked as a group (or individually) based only on appearance or a label. 

While I agree with you, I think there's a difference between disliking/hating/judging someone for their choice of clothing, and wanting to maintain a dress code at your own venue for the collective benefit. And an avatar is not really any different to clothing. If a person wants to walk around in a latex bodysuit all day then that's fine, that's their choice; at the same time, I think it's perfectly acceptable for a fine dining restaurant to require customers to wear normal clothing. It's not discrimination because that person chose to wear that latex.

Actual discrimination is about stuff you don't choose. Your clothing is a choice; your race is not. And while a fetish is not necessarily a choice, how you express that fetish is. And a RL fursuit, or a SL furry avatar, is still just optional clothing - so I see no reason why a private venue owner shouldn't be allowed to enforce a dress code on the visitors that choose to go there.

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8 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

And an avatar is not really any different to clothing. If a person wants to walk around in a latex bodysuit all day then that's fine, that's their choice; at the same time, I think it's perfectly acceptable for a fine dining restaurant to require customers to wear normal clothing. It's not discrimination because that person chose to wear that latex.


9 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

And a RL fursuit, or a SL furry avatar, is still just optional clothing - so I see no reason why a private venue owner shouldn't be allowed to enforce a dress code on the visitors that choose to go there.

I agree with this.  If you saw my earlier post, I talked having the freedom to choose how you dress/style yourself, but that you also have to accept the consequences of some of those choices. 

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Ahh.... i saw lost of peoples already trolling or try to drive that to the land of trolls.

But, there is more peoples who serious about the topic.


And there is others. Others who just pick a small part of the big wall of text what i write down, and assault me about that.

Okey. First things first!

Q: Iam Furry in real life?

A: No! I like them, but iam not!


Q: You racist about humans?
A: No? Iam not have problem with humans avatars. I didnt have problem about anykind of avatars. My problem is. Why peoples call Furries ugly, disgusting, or pervert? THE HUMAN AVATAR WHAT HAVE A DEATH STAR SIZED ASS OR BOOBS LIKE THE HINDENBURG ITSELF IS NOT DISGUSTING??????????


Q: Furry not even a race!

A: Are you serious?? You are my friend its a perfect solution about stupidity or hostile peoples.

Lets check what Furry is and what its means.

" The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.[1][2][3] Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at furry conventions.[4] "


Furry is human shaped animals what covered in fur, and have human characteristics. Furries have subraces, and major races. Major is Canine, Feline, Insecta... etc etc. Every creature what in that category is in Furry main class. Lycanthropy is in Furry sub category. There is lots of sims where lycans allowed, but furry isnt not. ???? What is the logic behind that? THE SAME CREATURES COME ON!

Rakshasa, Lycans, Few of Djinn, Demons, Dragons, Lizardlike Creatures, Lots of insectoids, Nagas and this is just few of Furries. Worgen from WoW, its furry to. Pandarens to. Gods from the Egyptian culture, they are in furry categories to. And there is sims where "managers" say, mythical and legendaries allowed but furry not. Whats wrong with the people? There is realy nobody care about that? There is no need for real reason just pick someone for hate?

There is peoples who dont know what is that?

There is the Infos:

Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. As of the 2000s, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.[1]

Furries banned from places. Because, they look differently from Humans. Its racism. Who banned nudity, its understandable. Ethical morals are not about to break. If someone banning the good and gore its understandable, because its over 18+. But why they banning Furry? If its naked, how someone said, its about nudity! Not Furry! For God sake! Its racism! Its racism towards a breed of people who like something, and because its SL, they have the chance to be Furry, because that hobby in real life is to expansive. But they cant realy just enjoy it, because there is racist persons who like to harassing, abusing, insult these peoples. Banning them from good places and hate them and generate hatred about them because its not banned!


The Linden lab need to ban these hate generators. That is what disgusting!

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Furries aren't a race though, so it's not discrimination to say there are places they don't fit into. If my avatar looks Asian and someone says I have to change cause they don't like Asians that's racist, because real Asian people exist and it would be wrong to say something negative about a race of real people. If I'm a neon green cat walking around and someone says I have to leave, that isn't racist because, and it's weird to have to point this out, no matter what someone likes to dress up as, neon green cat people aren't really a race. Sure, you might really want to be a green cat person irl, but you're not and neither is anyone else so you can't be racist against something that isn't a race.

If you're really so desperate to stay in that place you are given a default avatar to choose from when you first load the game, so if you are asked to change you can use that. Sure it's not pretty, but if you only have a furry avatar it's at least something. Otherwise you can just respect the rules of the sim you're in.

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I'm gonna be honest, as someone who spends 99% of her time wearing furry avatars, I can see why they get frowned upon in some places because whew boy, have you see some other furries? Giant junk and genitals hanging out everywhere, profiles about almost nothing but sex, filled with the writing and grammar abilities of an eight year old.


I'm generalizing, of course, but when I go to clubs and stuff with all other avatars being human, it makes me feel embarrassed because of what a bad rep furries have, and I try and be like 'hey guys, I'm not like the OTHER furries' with the way I dress and what clubs I go to. But yikes, sometimes hell is other animal people.


That being said, literally the only place I've ever been asked to change to a human avatar was Frank's. Most places don't care at all unless they're explicitly RP sims.

Edited by Kai Lyvingstone
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Iam sure you just dont want to understand. There is nothing i can say to a person who didnt learn to read. Read again, and understand. We talking about SL, and in sl, like in Anita Blake book, in that world, these are exist races. So, its means, it is racism. Just because you dont understand or dont want, or dont give a *****, IT IS! And its not chance just because your IGNORANCE is higher than a mountain. Or you just blind, or you just dont give a *****.

Edited by Kassash
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