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Why Are Nicks Allowed on the Forums?

Prokofy Neva

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3 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

@Klytina, your posts are too long and too full of venom for me to even read them. If you removed your outright bias toward people/topics by not using those overly long, over the top adjectives your posts would be more palatable. 

That may be true, at times, but even long windedness is worth reading now and again. ;)

Klytyna's not wrong about this one, and if you spent any amount of time reading posts by the OP you'll likely come to the same conclusion that the vast majority of others have over the years too, even if you may, yourself, choose to word that opinion differently. The bias had towards some people, regardless of who is holding that bias, is quite often well earned. Though I will admit that I, like many others, have disagreed on many occasions, there have been plenty of times that I agreed as well, even if I might have worded things different. 

I get largely ignored, or chastised, for being long winded (too wordy, too descriptive, too annoying, too judgmental, too-insert whatever you want here) as well. But no matter how many times people say it, I still do it. Attempting to insult someone isn't going to influence their posting style, especially one that is long established.  The only thing I learn from people that complain about "long posts", is that some folks are just too damn lazy to read more than a few words, and that says a whole hell of a lot about them, not me or the person posting it :D

(it also takes me longer to type posts than it likely takes people to read them, so I tend to find the complaints hilarious..if I didn't do that I'd find them utterly insulting, better to find them hilarious)




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25 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

That may be true, at times, but even long windedness is worth reading now and again. ;)

Klytyna's not wrong about this one, and if you spent any amount of time reading posts by the OP you'll likely come to the same conclusion that the vast majority of others have over the years too, even if you may, yourself, choose to word that opinion differently. The bias had towards some people, regardless of who is holding that bias, is quite often well earned. Though I will admit that I, like many others, have disagreed on many occasions, there have been plenty of times that I agreed as well, even if I might have worded things different. 

I get largely ignored, or chastised, for being long winded (too wordy, too descriptive, too annoying, too judgmental, too-insert whatever you want here) as well. But no matter how many times people say it, I still do it. Attempting to insult someone isn't going to influence their posting style, especially one that is long established.  The only thing I learn from people that complain about "long posts", is that some folks are just too damn lazy to read more than a few words, and that says a whole hell of a lot about them, not me or the person posting it :D

(it also takes me longer to type posts than it likely takes people to read them, so I tend to find the complaints hilarious..if I didn't do that I'd find them utterly insulting, better to find them hilarious)




There are only two people whose posts I regularly disregard or simply skim the post for the actual content. I don't mind long posts that are well written and contain useful information, in fact I quite enjoy them. But I'm not going to wade through someones constant negativity just to find a grain of truth or something useful. 

I am a retired teacher. I love the written word. I enjoy a vigorous debate and constructive criticism done with respect and kindness. 

Edited by Blush Bravin
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11 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I am a retired teacher.

As a retired teacher, you should have had enough experience with teachingto know thatg kindnews and respect is generally inferior to smacking them round the ear when you catch them using their phones to google test answers, or surfing for nude selfies on Arsebook, instead of paying attention to the lesson.

13 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

I enjoy a vigorous debate

But only when you are winning?

13 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

and constructive criticism

People tried that... Suggesting for example that a certain party actually LEARN to use their viewer instead of screaming about conspiracies every time they fail to make something work.

The result usually involves the people offering the critisism being reviled as "Techno-Commies" and part of "LL's leftist culture".

Go check the thread where it was finally discovered that LL had NOT stolen 15,000 gacha rares, but that instead the person had... Dropped them in the foundation prim of their office building without noticing., because they NEVER READ THE ZOGGING MANUAL.

17 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

with respect and kindness.

Like I said, you were taught WRONG... Respect is earned, and kindness often fails.

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49 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

As a retired teacher, you should have had enough experience with teachingto know thatg kindnews and respect is generally inferior to smacking them round the ear when you catch them using their phones to google test answers, or surfing for nude selfies on Arsebook, instead of paying attention to the lesson.

But only when you are winning?

People tried that... Suggesting for example that a certain party actually LEARN to use their viewer instead of screaming about conspiracies every time they fail to make something work.

The result usually involves the people offering the critisism being reviled as "Techno-Commies" and part of "LL's leftist culture".

Go check the thread where it was finally discovered that LL had NOT stolen 15,000 gacha rares, but that instead the person had... Dropped them in the foundation prim of their office building without noticing., because they NEVER READ THE ZOGGING MANUAL.

Like I said, you were taught WRONG... Respect is earned, and kindness often fails.

Using "ru" as a getaway for things is an old griefer trick, and it is not about "knowing how to use viewers" because most people don't feel that need.

LL's system did indeed arbitrarily lose and destroy my content, as it did many others.

This content is NOT the same content that ended up inside a platform at my office.

I definitely did not drag hundreds of disparate items from disparate folders into a block at my office. That's not possible, and what happened is some kind of glitch, and frankly, one I've seen on other sims and other situations that isn't about me sitting and dragging things accidentally into prims, but about actual errors in the system. It's sometimes very hard for people to believe there could be errors in this system even though they endlessly criticize it all day.

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The person that never wants to touch a third party viewer because they are all about only the "official" one is pissed because Google - a third party tool - doesn't always find a profile.

The OFFICIAL profile location is https://my.secondlife.com/NAME -- If you can't find it there, it is because the person doesn't want to be found and has set their security settings accordingly.  Since this is SL and we have the right to our privacy, that is fine and dandy.

If you absolutely MUST see a profile for someone in the forum, then get over your aversion to third party viewers and use one of those to see the Legacy Profile page - which will ALWAYS exist because EVERY forum account has a corresponding inworld account.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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12 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Using "ru" as a getaway for things is an old griefer trick,

The only person here, consistently going on about "ru"  as a getaway (gateway?) for web activities, is YOU.

I'm not Russian, I don't speak Russian, I don't have or habitually use any Russian websites. I certaonly didn't need to do anything Russian to set my SL Web Profile privacy settings.

But you apparently used a Russian website to bypass google's failure to find my profile, so...

Let's be perfectly clear on this...

12 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Using "ru" as a getaway for things is an old griefer trick

Are you openly admitting to being an old griefer, who uses Russian websites to deliberately bypass privacy settings in order to stalk other SL residents so you can pursue vendettas against them for pointing out that you act like a paranoid technophobic buffoon?

Or are you accusing ME of being an old griefer because you could only violate my privacy settings and stalk me via a Russian website?

Choose your answer carefully, there might be administrative repercussions to you admitting to being a griefer, or to you admitting you are a ToS violating in-world stalker guilty of attempted harassment...


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I haven't seen a big problem in the forums in a good while to where they would need to change it to where someone needs to just have one avatars name to post with on the forums..

This version has been really tame compared to the past..

If it's not broken,then it really doesn't need fixing..

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55 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

I'm not Russian, I don't speak Russian, I don't have or habitually use any Russian websites. I certaonly didn't need to do anything Russian to set my SL Web Profile privacy settings.

But your hair and that sweet catsuit in your icon are both RED! Red I say! Quod erat demonstrandum!

(tee hee, you know I like you Kly)

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23 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Why Are Nicks Allowed on the Forums?

Back to the original subject...

there are no nicks allowed here, there are no nicks here, it's not even POSSIBLE to have a nick here, every poster has a official account in SL.
Multiple accounts are allowed in SL, as long they don't break TOS or Guidelines.

Issue is easely answered with that.

(Next issue is we shouldn't be allowed to change gender or furry skin if our name doesn't fit to that ...)

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On 8/13/2018 at 2:11 AM, Klytyna said:

The only person here, consistently going on about "ru"  as a getaway (gateway?) for web activities, is YOU.

I'm not Russian, I don't speak Russian, I don't have or habitually use any Russian websites. I certaonly didn't need to do anything Russian to set my SL Web Profile privacy settings.

But you apparently used a Russian website to bypass google's failure to find my profile, so...

Let's be perfectly clear on this...

Are you openly admitting to being an old griefer, who uses Russian websites to deliberately bypass privacy settings in order to stalk other SL residents so you can pursue vendettas against them for pointing out that you act like a paranoid technophobic buffoon?

Or are you accusing ME of being an old griefer because you could only violate my privacy settings and stalk me via a Russian website?

Choose your answer carefully, there might be administrative repercussions to you admitting to being a griefer, or to you admitting you are a ToS violating in-world stalker guilty of attempted harassment...


Um, I didn't bypass anything.

You did.

Look at the "ru" in your profiles address.

As for "inworld stalking," don't be ridiculous.

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16 hours ago, Ethan Paslong said:

Back to the original subject...

there are no nicks allowed here, there are no nicks here, it's not even POSSIBLE to have a nick here, every poster has a official account in SL.
Multiple accounts are allowed in SL, as long they don't break TOS or Guidelines.

Issue is easely answered with that.

(Next issue is we shouldn't be allowed to change gender or furry skin if our name doesn't fit to that ...)

No it's not.

Because you can't explain why certain posters a) don't show up inworld b) don't show up with any regular my.secondlife.com profile but only forums profiles.

There are various explanations floated here, but that's not the issue. The issue is the RESULT is exactly what I've said: a) avatars don't show up inworld and are disconnected from the world b) avatars don't even have regular secondlife.com profiles. The end. These are the facts. Endless recitations of the hypothetical reasons for this or the technical reasons for why "this isn't so" can't fix the problem that:

a) certain posters don't show up inworld

b) certain posters don't have any regular my.secondlife.com profile.

The Lindens need to fix that loophole.

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Well Proky, let's face it: you cannot call example names (forum rules) and so others cannot investigate what it is about...

There is no proof what you see ever happenes, and until then folks will just not believe your ramblings...

Edited by Fionalein
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19 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No it's not.

Because you can't explain why certain posters a) don't show up inworld b) don't show up with any regular my.secondlife.com profile but only forums profiles.

There are various explanations floated here, but that's not the issue. The issue is the RESULT is exactly what I've said: a) avatars don't show up inworld and are disconnected from the world b) avatars don't even have regular secondlife.com profiles. The end. These are the facts. Endless recitations of the hypothetical reasons for this or the technical reasons for why "this isn't so" can't fix the problem that:

a) certain posters don't show up inworld

b) certain posters don't have any regular my.secondlife.com profile.

The Lindens need to fix that loophole.

A-avatars that don't show up inworld are *not* disconnected from the world-*YOU* just can't find them. That doesn't mean *others cannot. You've yet to prove one single name that others also can't find, so..til ya do...you're wrong. 

B-There are ways to prevent your profile from coming up on secondlife.com -I'll go into detail below

The reason why *YOU* cannot find these profiles can be broken down into two small words and I'll say them slowly, in case you don't get them the first time(like all the previous times most others have said it right in this thread..) go back and read again....



Still confused? Go back to each and every post made by others here, especially those you disagree with. Now READ the explanations as to why *YOU* cannot find these avatar names in the places you are checking.  Each and every answer boils down to those two small words. People, because LL has granted us these capabilities, utilize the privacy and security features within sl(and all of it's bits and pieces) to protect their information in whatever way(s) they deem necessary. This can include them doing what they can to ensure they are not searchable utilizing inworld and out of world tools (the actions taken to potentially ensure such privacy will vary based on the tool....or the tool that doesn't quite understand the tool....choose your poison, either way, at least one tool's involved here)

Edited by Tari Landar
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2 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Well Proky, let's face it: you cannot call example names (forum rules) and so others cannot investigate what it is about...

There is no proof what you see ever happenes, and until then folks will just not believe your ramblings...

There is no rule about not being allowed to state the names of those who have posted in the thread. She won't state them, because she knows that there are none that match her claims.

Her claims, incidentally, keep changing as she learns that her previous claim was wrong. Here is her first claim (from her op):-

"This is one of the things that have long baffled me is why people can have names on the forums that do not correspond to an actual avatar inworld. It's not that people have let their old account lapse inworld and still chat on the forums; it's that names are used that have no equivalent inworld."

She soon learned that she was wrong, so, rather than admit her mistake - something that never does because, in her mind, she doesn't make mistakes or get anything wrong -  she morphed the claim to include GOOGLE, and then into what she wrote a few posts back:-

2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

a) certain posters don't show up inworld

b) certain posters don't have any regular my.secondlife.com profile.

It's no longer that some people "have no equivalent inworld" because she now knows that that's wrong, even though she'll never admit it. It's now "don't show up inworld" and "don't have any regular my.secondlife.com profile". Her orginal claim was totally wrong, and she now knows that. Her current claim is that some people can't be found in the places where she wants to look - GOOGLE and web search. She's right about 'b', but still wrong about 'a' because they all show up inworld. She has yet to learn that part. When she's learnt it, her final claim should be spot on :)


Edited by Phil Deakins
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2 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

This can include them doing what they can to ensure they are not searchable utilizing inworld and out of world tools (the actions taken to potentially ensure such privacy will vary based on the tool....or the tool that doesn't quite understand the tool....choose your poison, either way, at least one tool's involved here)


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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

a) avatars don't show up inworld and are disconnected from the world

b) avatars don't even have regular secondlife.com profiles.

The end.


a) certain posters don't show up inworld

b) certain posters don't have any regular my.secondlife.com profile.

The Lindens need to fix that loophole.

a) no they are not disconnected, a profile succesfull signed up at the main page IS a avatar inworld. If they don't log in is a totally different matter.

b) yes they do have, you only can't see /find it

The End  - yes i agree

a) so what?
b) yes they do, but you can't see/find it

There is no loophole, so nothing to fix.



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3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Um, I didn't bypass anything.

You did.

Look at the "ru" in your profiles address.

As for "inworld stalking," don't be ridiculous.

There is NO "ru" in my SecondLife Web Profile url. None, at all, you have once again LIED in a fraudulent attempt to accuse me of being an UN-Person and some sort of SL Criminal.


I consider that to be a gratuitous personal attack.

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  • Moderators


This thread has been locked. 

1. No one can create a "Forum Account".  

2. The only people who can post on the SL Community Forums are those who have created a Second Life Account. 

3. Issues with Profile Search has nothing to do with the Forums.  If you cannot find an SL Avatar on the web profiles page or by using in world search, it doesn't mean that the SL Account doesn't exist. 


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