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Is it time to rethink 'Pride Month' in Second Life?


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2 hours ago, Phorumities said:

the whole time promoting class hatred

"class"? You think of people in terms of class? Groupings, yes, but there are no 'classes' of people except in the deluded minds of those who like to think of themselves as a cut above the rest.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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12 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

 antifa * far left *social justice protest *

losers *

 cesspool of socialism ***

 class hatred ******

 beacon of hope and freedom to the world  *

socialist s**thole *


Thank you Ma'am for giving me 15 points three lines on my politics bingo card :) And early too

Especially the 6 pointer for 'class hatred - classic in an across the pond sense.

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18 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

You still need to learn to actually READ web pages before linking them in support of a claim. That article does not state that RR engines are NOT used in American aircraft, nor does it state that RR engines will cease to be used. In fact...

"In theory, it's straightforward to replace a Rolls-Royce engine with a GE engine on a Dreamliner. That said, airlines generally sign long-term service agreements when buying engines, making it impractical to switch after a few years. Additionally, airlines that have equipped their existing 787 Dreamliner fleets with Trent 1000 engines may be reluctant to switch for future orders, due to the added complexity of managing multiple engine types."



4 hours ago, Klytyna said:

So that's why American aircraft firms STILL put Rolls Royce jet engines in their products... They crave that inferior non Murican dead-end technology over superior Murican tech that works...


So you weren't being sarcastic...

Oh, by the way... In America we also have...


And most of us live on the...


(Okay, I admit it... I'm just trying to make her turn purple now.)

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23 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Learn to read...

It was the claim that Native Americans invented pharmacuticals, petrochemical refining and apartment buildings BEFORE anyone in the old world because... They arrived in Alaska 16,000 years ago and are ethnically not european, and that arrival being earlier than old worlders inventing things PROVED that Native Americans did it all first.

Please NOTE that she still hasn't actually presented ANY information to back her claims of original invention (before old worlders) of the pharmacuticals industry, the petrochemical industry, apartment blocks, etc...

She never said anything about "Native Americans learned to use herbal remedies based of the plants they found in their new home" EVER.

If she had, I'd have ignored her post, as that statement wouldn't have been "flapdoodle" in need of a slapdown.


The point was that they were not shown those things by Europe or by Egypt or Babylon.. That was what the whole 2000,3000 years ago comment was about

Arabs or whoever over there,didn't come over here teaching people about zero ..Your whole thing is about being first..Mine is,They did come up with those on their own.

Did they invent or discover all medicines? No. Did they invent or discover many? Yes..

Did we need Europe and their inventions. No..We were doing just fine on our own..

Read more into if you want,but that's what I was getting at.. If it came off different to ya.. Oh well.

That's my final word on it..

If you want to keep dragging it on, fine..have fun,I'll be enjoying my 10 days off of work not being worried about this..;)



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57 minutes ago, Phorumities said:

so there were no antifa present at Charlotteville? the far left is generally present at any and every social justice protest. they are the losers wearing the face coverings.

there is no far right running the show in america, but every time democrats take power they sink america deeper and deeper into the cesspool of socialism

their rallying cry is "its not fair" and "make the rich pay" , the whole time promoting class hatred and envy.

the democrats have created the mess we are in today, and even President Trump can do nothing but slow the destruction of this once great land, once a beacon of hope and freedom to the world but rapidly becoming just another socialist s**thole


Personally I find any sort of "tribal" thinking to be a problem because it inevitably separates people and is especially a problem for people who don't fit neatly into one of the "tribes." Interestingly enough, many of the people who lament the creation of interest groups within a country are highly nationalistic themselves, which is just another type of tribalism.

Incidentally, Jeff Sessions refers to the "other" as "living in gated communities" when it suits his purposes. Isn't this also promoting class hatred and envy?


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I think the loss of power (through decreased superiority, whether true or only imagined) is more difficult to deal with than never having power at all.
Hence I have some understanding for poor Phorumities and his kind, who think America is superior and should continue to dominiate the world, latching onto the protestations of "make America great again". They must feel the Western world is out of control and trying to get them when not long ago America was nearly worshiped, a beacon to the world, a hope out of life's misery.
These types trigger Klytyna (anyone who feels superior she must point out and trash), hence this derail into 'who invented what first, and who is better), and I have to admit sometimes they trigger me and I want to try and take them down a notch.

But mostly I just feel sorry for the alt-right people. Can you imagine being 'the default' (conservative straight white male) in a country, the ones who made the laws to favor themselves.  What power & control, and now all this is being taken away by these "horrid groups with demands". Yes, people who want equal rights...individuals who have been oppressed by those in power and are now demanding they have a voice too.
Poor Phorumities....giving you a big socialist hug* lol

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1 hour ago, stlshayne said:

Someone made a troll account, posted something ridiculous, never made a second comment, and people still devolved into arguing for nine pages?

I am sad that there is better drama here these days then on SLU  :(

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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

"class"? You think of people in terms of class? Groupings, yes, but there are 'classes' of people except in the deluded minds of those who like to think of themselves as a cut above the rest.

in classic communist ideology there is the exploiting capitalist class and the exploited working class. thats what im referring to, the lefts world view . if you dont like the terminology blame marx not me

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37 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I think the loss of power (through decreased superiority, whether true or only imagined) is more difficult to deal with than never having power at all.
Hence I have some understanding for poor Phorumities and his kind, who think America is superior and should continue to dominiate the world, latching onto the protestations of "make America great again". They must feel the Western world is out of control and trying to get them when not long ago America was nearly worshiped, a beacon to the world, a hope out of life's misery.
These types trigger Klytyna (anyone who feels superior she must point out and trash), hence this derail into 'who invented what first, and who is better), and I have to admit sometimes they trigger me and I want to try and take them down a notch.

But mostly I just feel sorry for the alt-right people. Can you imagine being 'the default' (conservative straight white male) in a country, the ones who made the laws to favor themselves.  What power & control, and now all this is being taken away by these "horrid groups with demands". Yes, people who want equal rights...individuals who have been oppressed by those in power and are now demanding they have a voice too.
Poor Phorumities....giving you a big socialist hug* lol

why should those in power voluntarily give up their power?

i know the furor that will arise from saying this but....

the white race is the only race in the history of the world that has become willing to lay down and die

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18 minutes ago, Phorumities said:
59 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I think the loss of power (through decreased superiority, whether true or only imagined) is more difficult to deal with than never having power at all.
Hence I have some understanding for poor Phorumities and his kind, who think America is superior and should continue to dominiate the world, latching onto the protestations of "make America great again". They must feel the Western world is out of control and trying to get them when not long ago America was nearly worshiped, a beacon to the world, a hope out of life's misery.
These types trigger Klytyna (anyone who feels superior she must point out and trash), hence this derail into 'who invented what first, and who is better), and I have to admit sometimes they trigger me and I want to try and take them down a notch.

But mostly I just feel sorry for the alt-right people. Can you imagine being 'the default' (conservative straight white male) in a country, the ones who made the laws to favor themselves.  What power & control, and now all this is being taken away by these "horrid groups with demands". Yes, people who want equal rights...individuals who have been oppressed by those in power and are now demanding they have a voice too.
Poor Phorumities....giving you a big socialist hug* lol

why should those in power voluntarily give up their power?

Because the fate of the human race (and much of the rest of the planet) rests on whether humankind can give up this 'might makes right' mentality. A mentality that supports dominating others against their will and favoring their interests over others simply because they managed to acquire power. It's abuse! Good God, where were you in pre-school when the teacher said everybody should get a piece of the orange instead of one person hoarding it all.  And you you believe you are moral while others who believe in sharing are degenerates????
Are you a sociopath who has no empathy...no connection with the rest of the world??  It is this type of excessive individualism and feeling no connection with the rest of the earth that is steering us into the destruction of the entire freaking planet!

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3 hours ago, Klytyna said:

You still need to learn to actually READ web pages before linking them in support of a claim. That article does not state that RR engines are NOT used in American aircraft, nor does it state that RR engines will cease to be used. In fact...

"In theory, it's straightforward to replace a Rolls-Royce engine with a GE engine on a Dreamliner. That said, airlines generally sign long-term service agreements when buying engines, making it impractical to switch after a few years. Additionally, airlines that have equipped their existing 787 Dreamliner fleets with Trent 1000 engines may be reluctant to switch for future orders, due to the added complexity of managing multiple engine types."



Ha! I got YOU to read it!


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  • Moderators

This thread has devolved from its original topic, which was clearly not intended to generate a serious discussion to begin with, so we're going to lock it.

Let's be certain, going forward, that we're all being respectfully on-topic and be less inclined to take the bait. Points to those who didn't and simply reported the thread.

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