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What is Your Wish List for SL?

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If I had ONE wish it would be for the database fairy to stop losing inventory. Sometimes we really LIKE things and would like to keep them. Unfortunately on a new official interview fixing the database was NOT on the list (apparently it was asked about and well let's say avoided) LOL.  Oh well. 

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I want animation reform:

The scripted ability to override a mod animation's priority, fps, start frame, end frame, looping, easing, etc.

Inverse Kinematic support with variable target, where target can be declared as another bone in the same skeleton or on another user's skeleton or a global position.

Rag dolls physics with dynamic bones and colliders.

I want camera control reform:

Scripted ability to put agent in and out of mouselook (llForceMouselook() is limited and sucks)

Scripted camera focus (alt cam) on an agent or object with local pos/rot offsets.

Scripted camera reset capability since currently scripted camera doesn't not work when someone is alt cammed on something.


Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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11 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Can’t you drastically change heads with different head-skins? I didn’t look into that yet.

well you can... but with the same skin tone by the same creator ( I tried combined demos) ....... grr no it´s really too early to talk about heads again...I feel my blood pressure explode as I type this.... to cut it short : NOT ENOUGH!!! FAR from enough....

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14 hours ago, animats said:

Good level of detail out to the horizon. At minimum, display areas beyond the view distance with the flat world map, rather than water. (Extra credit: map it onto a displacement map from terrain data, so you can see distant hills.)

The LAST time some arrogant clueless tool-tard decided to "Make SL Look Better" by overriding peoples draw distance settngs, they ended up with a system where buildings just past your official draw distance, rather than vanishing, got rendered as flying floor slabs with no walls doors windows or staircases.


I KNOW you've noticed this screwup, because you made one of your clueless whiner threads about it.

DO NOT mess with peoples draw distance, LL have done that, their standard graphics settings policy being "See More But Crap".

14 hours ago, animats said:

Offer to splice good-looking themed sims together into mini-continents, with LL-owned buffer sims between them. Avatars could travel between them, but there'd be a buffer area so they didn't clash and the edges fit. Themes might be "19th century/steampunk", "Urban decay", "Roadside America", etc. SL needs a level between the chaos of the Madlands, as Klytara puts it, and the single-ownership themed sims.

I know the idea that the majority of SL's inhabitants not wanting to live in worthless useless Madlands Urban cesspits offends you, but the suggestion that Islanders, happliy living on their islands, should be FORCED to live in Semi-Madlands Mini Continents with griefer infested LL wasteland buffers, borders on Institutionalised Griefing.

If you want to live in Klueless City, do so, but don't try to force us to join you.

14 hours ago, animats said:

Encourage civic boosterism. Some of the bigger cities should have an elected city government with some authority over zoning and building. New Babbage has something like this, and it works quite well. In general, reward good building and attractive design.

New Babbage is a private owned estate... An Islander built mini continent, ruled by the people who own and build it. Adding a form of Stupidocracy to the Madlands Urban Ruins won't make them any more popular.

14 hours ago, animats said:

Automatic prim to mesh conversion. Build with prims, but when a linked group is saved, it's converted to mesh for display purposes if possible, with lower land impact. Open it for editing, and you see it as prims again. This allows in-world mesh work.

Converting prims to mesh is possible, there are tools to do this, they all produce absolutely dreadful mesh, all the worst features of prims with all the worst features of mesh, bloody stupid idea that offers NO benefits whatsoever and creates worthless server load. No.

14 hours ago, animats said:

If Amazon comes out with a "Snow Crash" series, as they say they will, LL should be prepared with a major marketing push. SL is the Metaverse of Snow Crash

Never heard of "Snow Crash" and really don't care... And suggesting LL do "major marketing pushes" no doubt with rushed development of some new linked feature to cash in on it, is a terrible idea. It was the rushed attempt to cash in on 40 million Steam Gamers that lead to the massive laggy disaster that is Pathfinding, all so they could have smarter lurching prim zombies on the Premium only zombie hunt sims that were supposed to lure 40 million "leet gamerz" away from Skyrim and into SL.

14 hours ago, animats said:

Double prims in urban areas that don't have them already. There are too many large, hollow, useless buildings.

The useless buildings in the derelict ruins of the abandoned cities on the Madlands, are NOT a result of a failure to 'double prim' but result from CLUELESS retards desperately trying to convince people the cities are still alive and desirable. They failed, get over it.

The people of SL are not going to flock to Klueless City and push up land prices to where the resale price on your digital dirt is more than half what you paid for it, ever.

14 hours ago, animats said:

The usual solution to that is light fog after some large distance. You can do that now, as a windlight setting. Graphics cards do fog as a built-in function.

SL Viewers already use an "edge of the visible world" fog effect. That you haven't NOTICED this is clear evidence of your unsuitability to TELL the rest of SL what it NEEDS.


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8 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No, that's not true, because if I batted it away and put it to the side, it would have stayed there? Duh. The problem is that it keeps popping up on each new log-in. It's the default. Obviously I don't want it covering the object so I don't put it there. But it comes back.

Then something's messed up in your personal viewer settings, because mine stays put (yes, in the default Linden viewer), and I assume all the creators who mysteriously don't have problems also have theirs stay put.

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38 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Well that didn't take long...

You're just as bad as the thread OP when anyone dares to share an opinion that doesn't align with your own.

Klytynas way to express herself is undeniable not the nicest or friendliest way. But i do like the content hidden behind the sarcasm, zynism and bad words.
She is not a hater at all. Its a well-considered opinion, written with words, some people just cant deal with.

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11 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Klytynas way to express herself is undeniable not the nicest or friendliest way. But i do like the content hidden behind the sarcasm, zynism and bad words.
She is not a hater at all. Its a well-considered opinion, written with words, some people just cant deal with.

No, it really isn't. It's an opinion formed from bad experiences - some that were shared by others, some that simply weren't.

It has nothing to do with "dealing with" the choice of words - but to each their own.

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4 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

No, it really isn't. It's an opinion formed from bad experiences - some that were shared by others, some that simply weren't.

Im not so sure.... How would i know if her opinion is just based on bad experiences?
Maybe after i get beaten up by her one day, i will get hurt and change my mind a very little bit,  but even in this case i still will try to read between the lines she wrote.

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2 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Im not so sure.... How would i know if her opinion is just based on bad experiences?
Maybe after i get beaten up by her one day, i will get hurt and change my mind a very little bit,  but even in this case i still will try to read between the lines she wrote.

Considering the tone and posts made in the past ... 

Is there some wisdom that could be imparted? Certainly.

Right now it is coated in far more bile than I have seen in some time - and have dished out, here and elsewhere for that matter.

Kudos though for wishing to wade through it.

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9 minutes ago, Resi Pfeffer said:

Maybe after i get beaten up by her one day, i will get hurt and change my mind a very little bit,  but even in this case i still will try to read between the lines she wrote.

I think the ability to read between the lines is a worthy thing to foster for everyone :)

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My one real wish -- and it's only a wish, nowhere near a hope -- is a viewer + Blender mash-up, with which we could make and edit models from scratch without breaking immersion, thereby recovering the in-world creation superpowers we had ten years ago.

Oh, sure, we can still prim-build, but that's strictly for purposes of nostalgia, so we wizened old-timers can show the mesh-crippled newbies how it was "back in the day" when SL was a platform for creation, not merely a social showcase for offline model-grinding.

It can never happen in Second Life, not because the viewer side is difficult but rather because there's too much sunk cost in the current server design of one-time, all-at-once mesh upload. Refactoring and disaggregating all that expedient cruft would be much harder than redoing mesh from scratch, which nobody could justify -- especially if it had to be compatible with legacy SL mesh assets.

But someday SL's replacement will do it. And I take some encouragement that the distraction of Sansar is likely to be brief. I figure once it fails to catch on even with all Spielberg's "Ready Player One" VR hype, somebody will finally realize it's time to stop the bleeding.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

My one real wish -- and it's only a wish, nowhere near a hope -- is a viewer + Blender mash-up, with which we could make and edit models from scratch without breaking immersion

That would be my number one wish...to create without breaking immersion...not having to go outside to those boring external editors.

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15 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Then something's messed up in your personal viewer settings, because mine stays put (yes, in the default Linden viewer), and I assume all the creators who mysteriously don't have problems also have theirs stay put.

No, there's something messed up in the *Lindens' code* *gasp*. Here, I'll repro it for you -- it's likely some kind of bug.

1. I try to edit an object, the edit menu opens up RIGHT OVER THE OBJECT obscuring it. Annoying!

2. Duh, I push it out of the way.

3. Hey, on the first re-log imagine, it stays put! Could I be wrong?

4. NO! Because on the *next* relog on *another* object, it's back opening over the object again and obscuring it. Hello! 

There's nothing you can "set in your viewer" that fixes this that I've ever heard of -- moving it out of the way is "supposed" to keep it out of the way -- as moving the inventory box or any moveable item. But it doesn't "stick".

The problem is a) you don't log into the world much (a common problem with forum regs with big ideas) b) you don't edit anywhere near as many times as I do -- I do enormous numbers because not only do I make little things myself, I have to place houses and furniture constantly or modify items to fit in places.


In front.jpg

In front_001.jpg

In front_002.jpg


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12 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

My one real wish -- and it's only a wish, nowhere near a hope -- is a viewer + Blender mash-up, with which we could make and edit models from scratch without breaking immersion, thereby recovering the in-world creation superpowers we had ten years ago.

Oh, sure, we can still prim-build, but that's strictly for purposes of nostalgia, so we wizened old-timers can show the mesh-crippled newbies how it was "back in the day" when SL was a platform for creation, not merely a social showcase for offline model-grinding.

It can never happen in Second Life, not because the viewer side is difficult but rather because there's too much sunk cost in the current server design of one-time, all-at-once mesh upload. Refactoring and disaggregating all that expedient cruft would be much harder than redoing mesh from scratch, which nobody could justify -- especially if it had to be compatible with legacy SL mesh assets.

But someday SL's replacement will do it. And I take some encouragement that the distraction of Sansar is likely to be brief. I figure once it fails to catch on even with all Spielberg's "Ready Player One" VR hype, somebody will finally realize it's time to stop the bleeding.

That's interesting what you say, not only about the "inworld building" which I value as well but also how Sansar might not catch on even with everything put into it.

I'm not so sure SL's replacement will come along so soon though. I'm not going to be buying any VR goggle any time soon, for example.

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On 3/12/2018 at 1:37 PM, animats said:
  • Good level of detail out to the horizon. At minimum, display areas beyond the view distance with the flat world map, rather than water. (Extra credit: map it onto a displacement map from terrain data, so you can see distant hills.) Automatic textured impostor generation for low-LOD models. Done right, viewer load goes down and the world looks better. Some competing virtual worlds, and most modern video games, already have this.
  • Offer to splice good-looking themed sims together into mini-continents, with LL-owned buffer sims between them. Avatars could travel between them, but there'd be a buffer area so they didn't clash and the edges fit. Themes might be "19th century/steampunk", "Urban decay", "Roadside America", etc. SL needs a level between the chaos of the Madlands, as Klytara puts it, and the single-ownership themed sims.  The splicing sims would be mostly empty land, hills, and roads, matched at the edges to the sims they border, so they wouldn't need much server capacity. Some "experience" sims would fit into this model. LL could sell land in the buffer sims with a covenant acceptable to the neighboring sims, to keep the theme. The middle of the sim would be forest, hills, desert, or water as a separator.
  • Encourage civic boosterism. Some of the bigger cities should have an elected city government with some authority over zoning and building. New Babbage has something like this, and it works quite well. In general, reward good building and attractive design.
  • Double prims in urban areas that don't have them already. There are too many large, hollow, useless buildings.
  • Automatic prim to mesh conversion. Build with prims, but when a linked group is saved, it's converted to mesh for display purposes if possible, with lower land impact. Open it for editing, and you see it as prims again. This allows in-world mesh work.
  • If Amazon comes out with a "Snow Crash" series, as they say they will, LL should be prepared with a major marketing push. SL is the Metaverse of Snow Crash.

Nope. No residence government period.,

I used to be for the Lindens creating some kind of community councils on the Mainland that would have the power to remove eyesores or garbage prims as hard as this might be to establish, and as much as it would be like horrid RL condo boards and such.

But now I know having gone through the group tools reform and many other things that the Lindens won't do governance, they don't like it, and who can blame them, it's the customer-service state. Worse, some of them have very bad ideas on governance, like allowing a dom on a sim to render a sub's AR's on him null and void, and LL accepting that. No way should their own TOS be "flexible" on a BDSM sim.

There is absolutely nothing to stop you from getting together a group of people, having a democratic election, and buying a sim and making a community.

In fact, those with big ideas about this who haven't seen SL's history or imagine that their ideas should be imposed on the entire world just to "have" them should try this and see how difficult it is because of human nature.

SL is littered with failed experiments, like the socialist commune Neue Altenberg or whatever its name was, which perished when a founder was thrown off the island for bad behavior but owned the buildings and then terrorized the sim. And so on. There was the authoritarian caliphate experiment. Others I can think of. They all ended in tears. I suppose the long-standing furry one could be the exception but we have them to thank for the bad idea that an owner who makes a co-owner can't get rid of that co-owner then.

Snowcrash is a dystopia and there is no need to fuel it as a model for 100 reasons.

LL already had "splicing sims" called void sims which I believe they still used. They sold them for a time but they were misused so they made homestead sims instead.

If someone wants to make a continent, LL already "splices together" their sims -- there may be some small fee involved in this but it there are multiple examples of this already in Sl like Desmond Shang's community.


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14 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No, there's something messed up in the *Lindens' code* *gasp*. Here, I'll repro it for you -- it's likely some kind of bug.

1. I try to edit an object, the edit menu opens up RIGHT OVER THE OBJECT obscuring it. Annoying!

2. Duh, I push it out of the way.

3. Hey, on the first re-log imagine, it stays put! Could I be wrong?

4. NO! Because on the *next* relog on *another* object, it's back opening over the object again and obscuring it. Hello! 

There's nothing you can "set in your viewer" that fixes this that I've ever heard of -- moving it out of the way is "supposed" to keep it out of the way -- as moving the inventory box or any moveable item. But it doesn't "stick".

If you'll step back and take a short break from being nasty and assuming that everyone else is just out to get you -- what was originally said was " the edit menu pops up in the last position it was".  Look at your last two pictures.  The edit window is in the EXACT SAME POSITION -- i.e. over to the left of your screen.  Thus it opened in the same spot where YOU LEFT IT. 

Now, I realize that is not what you want, but it is exactly what Theresa said - thus your snide comments are COMPLETELY WRONG.


19 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The problem is a) you don't log into the world much (a common problem with forum regs with big ideas) b) you don't edit anywhere near as many times as I do -- I do enormous numbers because not only do I make little things myself, I have to place houses and furniture constantly or modify items to fit in places.

The real problem is that you don't really have a clue how much anyone else logs in or edits things.  Definitely a fine ego you have though.

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Perhaps you need to take a long break from being nasty AND open your eyes when someone is pointing out a flaw in your beloved Linden code.

I've found almost to a man that the forums regs who are the most toxic and nasty -- and not only to me -- have builds that look like they were made in 2007 with no traffic on them, and no evidence that they ever log in. You can also see this from some of the groups they joined where you can see their log-on date. But then, you wouldn't believe this because you don't think there's a problem on the forums.

No, it is not popping up "where I left it". Because "where I left it is pushed over to the side" not over the object.

The only reason you have that impression is because I have zoomed in closer on the last one. Believe me, it opens up OVER the object when it need not do that.

And please, it's not where you stand on a sim anyway, something like this doesn't work that way it's the space of the viewer, and you push it over to the side -- it stays there -- except when it doesn't, an opens OVER an edited object again.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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4 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No, it is not popping up "where I left it". Because "where I left it is pushed over to the side" not over the object.

The only reason you have that impression is because I have zoomed in closer on the last one. Believe me, it opens up OVER the object when it need not do that.

Then something is off with your viewer or settings.  Every time I open the edit window, it opens exactly wherever it was when I last closed it, even across relogs.  I edited, moved the window, closed, relogged, edited, and closed many times -- all with the SL viewer and the only time the window opened over the object was when I edited an object directly under where the edit window last was.

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My latest 'wish' -- I just signed in to my dashboard and then clicked the Marketplace link under Shopping.  One would normally assume that the log in that I just did would carry to the MP, but instead I had to log in there also.

Thus -- please carry the logins from one LL/SL web page to another.

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17 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

My one real wish -- and it's only a wish, nowhere near a hope -- is a viewer + Blender mash-up, with which we could make and edit models from scratch without breaking immersion, thereby recovering the in-world creation superpowers we had ten years ago.

Oh, sure, we can still prim-build, but that's strictly for purposes of nostalgia, so we wizened old-timers can show the mesh-crippled newbies how it was "back in the day" when SL was a platform for creation, not merely a social showcase for offline model-grinding.

It can never happen in Second Life, not because the viewer side is difficult but rather because there's too much sunk cost in the current server design of one-time, all-at-once mesh upload. Refactoring and disaggregating all that expedient cruft would be much harder than redoing mesh from scratch, which nobody could justify -- especially if it had to be compatible with legacy SL mesh assets.

But someday SL's replacement will do it. And I take some encouragement that the distraction of Sansar is likely to be brief. I figure once it fails to catch on even with all Spielberg's "Ready Player One" VR hype, somebody will finally realize it's time to stop the bleeding.

There's something called "Mesh Generator" on Marketplace. It converts prim builds to mesh. It's running on a server outside SL, where it generates a mesh and sends it back to SL. Is that any good?

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I've never used Mesh Generator but I've heard good things about it (or... maybe a different, similar product, not sure). I've supposed such tools to be useful to convert an existing prim build to mesh, and then tweak the model(s) inside Blender (or Maya, etc) to tighten-up the geometry and UV maps and materials and etc. My dream is that all that could be done in-world, too.

It's a tall order, of course. I'd expect that eventually all the rigging and weight-painting for attached mesh would be in-world, but even further, that the world would expose interaction of any kind with its contents, so "viewers" could flexibly include tools to work with animations, sounds, 2D graphics, etc., etc., -- as we interact with our world in meatspace to create and manipulate the environment but with "superpowers" of scale and speed only possible in a virtual environment.

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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

No, there's something messed up in the *Lindens' code* *gasp*. Here, I'll repro it for you -- it's likely some kind of bug.

1. I try to edit an object, the edit menu opens up RIGHT OVER THE OBJECT obscuring it. Annoying!

2. Duh, I push it out of the way.

3. Hey, on the first re-log imagine, it stays put! Could I be wrong?

4. NO! Because on the *next* relog on *another* object, it's back opening over the object again and obscuring it. Hello! 

There's nothing you can "set in your viewer" that fixes this that I've ever heard of -- moving it out of the way is "supposed" to keep it out of the way -- as moving the inventory box or any moveable item. But it doesn't "stick".

The problem is a) you don't log into the world much (a common problem with forum regs with big ideas) b) you don't edit anywhere near as many times as I do -- I do enormous numbers because not only do I make little things myself, I have to place houses and furniture constantly or modify items to fit in places.


In front.jpg

In front_001.jpg

In front_002.jpg


I log into Second Life essentially every day, generally for hours, and edit things frequently for the multiple properties I develop. In fact, if you go to the JIRA you'll see that I've reported two significant issues with the edit system on a release-candidate viewer.

(Oh wait... never mind...)

Anyway, Mr. Mason, if your grand courtroom presentation shows pictures from your first login before you moved the window, the session after your first login, and your session after your second login then the third photo shows that the edit window stays exactly where you put it and it "pops up over the item you're editing" because you tried to edit an object when it was on the part of the screen that would be directly under where you put the edit menu yourself. I literally looked at your screenshots through my fingers with my hands clutching my face in amazement.

The edit menu stays where it stays, constant as the northern star. So maybe if you'd pick an out of the way location for it, remember it, and then not edit things when they're on that part of the screen the way everyone else who edits things frequently does it then you'll find your wish granted.



Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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