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Ugly wall next to our land

Morwen Bunin

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Hello everyone,

This week our SL neighbour surprised us with a very ugly "wall" right next to our land. I know why he/she did this, there was rather differences in height level of the two pieces of land (was there already since I years ago rented the first piece of land there). But I wished there would have been some talk in stead this just forcing upon us.

Anyway, I am afraid this "wall" is not going away any time soon.

Apart from putting up some prim-walls to block the view on this "wall', any other suggestions to make this look more nicer again?

The entrance has to be removed i'm afraid :-(



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Commiserations. I'm afraid SL is like that, no zoning laws here.  Unless you are on a private sim with a covenant that the neighbor has broken, your best bet is to move.

There is a natural inclination to put up something equally nasty to extract revenge.  Experience shows this doesn't work.

Another idea would be to rebuild your estate at the same level, reestablishing the previous junction, but I suspect that will just ripple down the parcels....


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I am not after revenge. So no, I will not put anything up to ruin their view. If I put on a prim-wall with on our side a nice sky or something, it will be invisible from their side.

And moving and buying almost 20000 sqm all over again? No, I don't think is any option either.

All I want is to block the view on the ugly wall and looking for options for that :-)

Edited by Morwen Bunin
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Derender it. It's not something that I've ever done or even looked at, so I can't tell you how to do it. I only know about derendering from posts in this forum. It should make invisible to you, although you still won't be able to go through the entrance. I don't even know if derendering persists through relogs.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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With 20K M2 you should be able to rotate or move the house to add a little more space to the wall, then mask it with a forest. 

I would even go as far as to add a cliff wall the same height, with a waterfall, babbling brook and pond. 


Edit, I'd use the Lofoten set from Fanatik as the cliffs, scaled down in size and changed to convex hull to save prims. The waterfall I'd use is the one from real waves. Use some wildwood trees from Heart

Edited by Callum Meriman
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2 hours ago, anna2358 said:

Another idea would be to rebuild your estate at the same level, reestablishing the previous junction, but I suspect that will just ripple down the parcels....

Yeah, in general, parcels are much more interesting if they're not flat, but it takes some level of skill and creativity to work with more complex terrain. Personally, I usually start with the land reverted fully, then work on fitting to the adjacent parcels, and only then consider what the parcel itself should look like. If one instead starts with contents and tries to fit them to the parcel, this kind of problem always arises.

In this particular case, though, the wall seems to be only one of the problems: it looks as if there's a big structure perched atop that block, so even effectively burying that wall beneath elevated terrain may only improve the view of what might be an equally unsightly build.

Nonetheless, more creative terraforming (such as Callum describes) is bound to be part of the best outcome on this site, even if that outcome may not be entirely satisfactory.

Anyway, I would definitely not use a flat screen, at least not without a vast amount of matching (alpha-masked) 3D vegetation hiding and blending through the screen. The instant an observer moves the cam, a flat screen totally breaks immersion, especially if a corner is in view.

(I'm assuming that this parcel has visitors, and so derendering adjacent parcels won't help because those visitors would arrive with the undesired contents in full view. We've often asked for a simulator-mediated derendering list, so Mainland parcels could specify what surroundings to make visible to avatars within the parcel -- that request has been kicking around since at least ad-farm days.)

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19 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

... and so derendering adjacent parcels won't help because those visitors would arrive with the undesired contents in full view. We've often asked for a simulator-mediated derendering list, so Mainland parcels could specify what surroundings to make visible to avatars within the parcel -- that request has been kicking around since at least ad-farm days.)

It would have my vote, I could derender all the hideous green flashing things in my view.

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23 minutes ago, anna2358 said:

It would have my vote, I could derender all the hideous green flashing things in my view.

just wanted to note that you need to DERENDER AND BLOCKLIST every thing you don't want to see permanently. So derendering the wall would do little good as you would have a floating house. THAT being said I have often (and painstakingly) derendered a whole house, floating blue globe (yep next to those often) and all the persons "stuff" in order to have a nice view. You can sometimes lasso a bunch of things at one time but often it is a piece by piece thing.  This is available in third party viewers. 

Actually in the scheme of things this is definitely NOT the worst neighbor LOL. I have lived near so many that were uglier.  Maybe just putting in a gate where the arbor is would work?   And as suggested turning or rearranging on your land could certainly be a viable option. 

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For now I put on a flat wall, but I have to fully agree that this is not a solution (I will remove it again).

And yes, 20K land seems to be lot, but, as on the attached picture can be seen, moving stuff around will be a mayor job to do (one I have currently no time for).

Luckily the entrance shown on the picture on the first post is not the main one, but at the backside of the house (which makes it less worse). That entrance was ironically added after a chat with the owner of the other parcel.

But everywhere if you are outside on my land you see that wall.

Maybe I can do some more with trees and bushes :-).

Thank you for all the replies so far!


Wall 2_001.png

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1 hour ago, Morwen Bunin said:

Maybe I can do some more with trees and bushes :-).

i would move the house closer to the parcelborder with the ugly wall, put a flat prim behind it with a nice surround texture on it, so when you look out of  the windows at the back you see that image.

Then next to the wings of your house plant a double row of trees in front of the wall.

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I've been working on an article about this very issue and how LL unintentionally pits neighbor against neighbor when all many of us, probably most of us, really want is an affordable space that we have complete control of and no neighbors to contend with.

And Linden Lab could provide that! Easily! Years ago I suggested to the Lab that they offer a new parcel feature Just a couple of new checkboxes in the Options tab of your land information.

One checkbox would make all objects on your parcel invisible and phantom to anyone outside your parcel. This would allow you to do things like buy a 512sq.m. plot of land and surround it with a huge sim sized mountain range, as if you were all alone in the mountains. Your neighbors would be entirely unaffected, unable to see or touch the objects. Only you, and anyone on your parcel, would even know the mountains were there.

The second checkbox would make all objects outside your parcel invisible/phantom to anyone on your land. Your neighbor has a huge ugly wall bumping up against your parcel border, or even encroaching directly onto your parcel? Check this box and it's gone, everything outside your parcel is gone. Even encroaching items because they are anchored outside your parcel. You effectively have the sim all to yourself.

These features would also be a huge boon to performance because you'd no longer have to download or render your neighbor's builds. Sim owners could use this effectively to build rental parcels completely separate from their neighbors so everyone has their own private little world over which they have complete control and no need to worry about the neighbors.

 A month or two ago I spoke directly with Oz Linden about this feature and he seemed to really like the idea, saying that they've actually talked about it at the office and are mainly trying to figure out how best to implement it. However, at the same time he admitted it was not a huge priority for them right now. LL seems to be making a lot of positive changes lately, so I can be patient, but it might help if more people were talking about solutions like this.

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I mean, you could always try talking to the neighbor in question and see if you can't find a diplomatic solution. 


Never understood why people in SL always seem to think that the first thing to do whenever a neighborhood related problem appears is to blacklist, build over or tear everything down and run off. 

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10 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

One checkbox would make all objects on your parcel invisible and phantom to anyone outside your parcel. This would allow you to do things like buy a 512sq.m. plot of land and surround it with a huge sim sized mountain range, as if you were all alone in the mountains. Your neighbors would be entirely unaffected, unable to see or touch the objects. Only you, and anyone on your parcel, would even know the mountains were there.

The second checkbox would make all objects outside your parcel invisible/phantom to anyone on your land. Your neighbor has a huge ugly wall bumping up against your parcel border, or even encroaching directly onto your parcel? Check this box and it's gone, everything outside your parcel is gone. Even encroaching items because they are anchored outside your parcel. You effectively have the sim all to yourself.


yeah great.. there you are with you 512 parcel... totally alone, lets make SL even more individual.

People already complain about meeting nobody.

People should use the grey stuff in their head a bit more, and not build on the borders... that really solves the issue.

The only rule, and mix in of LL... no build on a certain distance of your parcelborder , depending on height of the building and parcel size.

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13 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

yeah great.. there you are with you 512 parcel... totally alone, lets make SL even more individual.

People already complain about meeting nobody.


She did suggest check boxes, so only the people that want to isolate themselves on their plot could do so.  The others would simply leave the boxes unchecked. Options based on your own personal preferences.


14 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

People should use the grey stuff in their head a bit more, and not build on the borders... that really solves the issue.

On this, some folks can only afford a 512 plot.  Those things are pretty tiny and thus it is hard to create a decent space on them without getting close to the borders.  In this case, being away from the border only solves the issue of the archway being inaccessible.  The ugly wall would still be there and visible.


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54 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

One checkbox would make all objects on your parcel invisible and phantom to anyone outside your parcel. This would allow you to do things like buy a 512sq.m. plot of land and surround it with a huge sim sized mountain range, as if you were all alone in the mountains. Your neighbors would be entirely unaffected, unable to see or touch the objects. Only you, and anyone on your parcel, would even know the mountains were there.

In other words, you want us to able to fill the whole sim where our 512s are. Seriously? You really want to have lots of overlapping objects - sim-sized, phantom, invisible objects? To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't want all the neighbors putting their sim-sized objects across my land, even though I wouldn't see it except for when they changed its properties from time to time, even for a short time. It just doesn't appeal to me.

And I'm not at all sure that having what appears to me to be the whole of a mountainous sim wouldn't frustrate me because I wouldn't be able wander round the mountains. I'd still be pretty much stuck in my little 512, wondering what it would be like to go mountaineering. But if being able to wander round it all is what you have in mind, then no thankyou. I'd prefer that all the neighbors don't wander through my little place.

I can see some merit in the concept if avatars were also invisble and phantom. We could all have small plots of land but be able to treat and use the whole sim as ours - as far as LI would allow, anyway. We and our objects would all be layered on top of each other - like being out of phase with everyone and everything else :)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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18 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

On this, some folks can only afford a 512 plot.  Those things are pretty tiny and thus it is hard to create a decent space on them without getting close to the borders.  I

not difficult... get a small home ... :)  a manor or castle doesn't fit on such parcels. .. a nice build 10x15 home can hold everything what you need, and even have a little garden around.

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24 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The ugly wall would still be there and visible.

little addition... the wall the OP shows isn't even thát bad.. not pretty, but not showing some harrasing or offensive textures that mostly are used in a neighbour fight...

OP's manor house is mostly likely also like a huge wall for the neighbour...

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24 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

In other words, you want us to able to fill the whole sim where our 512s are. Seriously? You really want to have lots of overlapping objects - sim-sized, phantom, invisible objects?


If you're not on the parcel with the object, then the object isn't there. It's a lot like parcel windlight settings in that regard. Your setting might have the ugliest parcel windlight settings you can imagine, but unless you go to their parcel, you'll never even know.

25 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

And I'm not at all sure that having what appears to me to be the whole of a mountainous sim wouldn't frustrate me because I wouldn't be able wander round the mountains.

Then don't use the feature? There's a huge market for parcel and sim surround landscapes. People like to be able to change the view outside their window even if they can't afford the entire small continent it would take to make explorable mountains a reality. You might as well say that having windlight clouds is frustrating because you can't go flying around them. And sure, volumetric clouds we can fly through and around would be fantastic, but would stripping away the windlight sky clouds really be an improvement for anyone?

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34 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

But if being able to wander round it all is what you have in mind, then no thankyou. I'd prefer that all the neighbors don't wander through my little place.

I think it's pretty obvious that this is not at all even remotely what I was suggesting. I'm not sure how you got this idea.

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So you want all the landowners in the sim I'm in to be able to put sim-sized objects across my land, even though I can't see them and can't bump into them? And I wouldn't get a choice as to whether it happens or not? If I've understood it, it's not for me thankyou. I.e. I don't mean I don't want those options for me to use (I don't), I mean that I don't want my neighbors having the option to pile stuff across my land, regardless of whether or not I can see and feel it.

ETA: I reserve the right to change my mind if and when I see it in action :)

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