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Second Life is filled with petty and rude people.

Ashlyn Voir

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24 minutes ago, LyricalBookworm said:

To the OP: I've been part of SL since 2009. My experiences have been for the greater majority really positive and rewarding. Friendships that were formed in 2009 are still going strong even now. The only difference are those people are family now. I've been very fortunate and I feel truly blessed at the wonderful people I've met along the way. A few have passed on, but I still try to just remember to be grateful because I had the chance to know such beautiful people. The loss hurt tremendously, but I will take that hurt because they made my world all the more incredible for being part of it.

Negative experiences have been few and far between thankfully. There is a total of two people on my mute list. There are some unpleasant people out there, but why let that ruin your entire SL? That seems like a rather miserable existence to me. You have no control over someone's behavior other than your own so why not focus on what you can do to make yourself happy? You seem to be in such a dark and bitter place. I've always found that what I put out is what I get in return.

The larger majority of people in SL and the forums are a diverse group of people. You're going to get all kinds giving you feedback when you choose to publicly post here. I've read this entire thread and the feedback offered has been trying to help you to see out of the little box you seem to have put yourself into. If you are open enough to take a deeper look at the feedback instead of getting completely worked up about it, it might actually benefit you.

I've been reading these forums for years although I've rarely posted. There have been negative moments, but you find those moments anywhere. It is part of life. For the most part though, this community is really helpful. I've gotten so much help here just by reading threads and the residents who post here regularly really do try to give constructive feedback so you can perhaps find a solution instead of pointless pity that only encourages most to wallow even more into the issue they find themselves in.

It is entirely up to you of course what your attitude will be. Your SL is seriously what you make of it. If you're determined to be miserable, that is what you will be. If you're actually willing to work on your own happiness and well-being, that will get you out of ruts you encounter in Sl and RL.

It is all what we make of it. It is all about your attitude

Great post.


Edited by Ashlyn Voir
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I think it all depends where you go and the quality of the sim you're visiting. I have had similar experiences to yourself too. These are mostly in chat hotspots. Although, I have found some really great people in different sims.

Edited by Benjamin Opel
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Let's shine some light on all this.

A while back, the OP started a thread in which she said that she can't make any friends because nobody wants to be friends with her because of all the bad things she'd done in the past. She was taken at face vlaue and given the best advice, which was to start a new account so that nobody would know who she was, and start again, only this time being the person she wanted to be.

One forumite responded to her plight by offering friendship, upon which she (the forumite) was effectively accused of race-play, which inspired another thread, this time by the forumite. The OP contributed to it in a negative way.

Now, some time after the OP's first thread, she started another thread - this one - claiming that SL is filled with petty and rude people, and making out that she is a victim of it. She hasn't started another account, which would have solved what she claimed to be her original problem. Instead she soldiers on with the same old account that she says attracts negativity, and in this thread, she is rude and insulting to people, to the extent that some people eventually suggested that she looks in the mirror if she wants to see what causes her problems.

So what's it all about? It's this. The OP is NOT what she claims to be. She is not a victim of rudeness and pettiness everywhere she turns. She is not someone that everyone avoids because of all the bad things she's done in the past. She is not someone who can't make friends. She is make-believe. She's making it all up, just for the fun of seeing people trying to help this make-believe character. She is simply having a laugh as a troll. Either that, or she is a naturally offensive person who receives what she deserves, but believes that what she dishes out should not be returned. I favour the first of those two.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

Let's shine some light on all this.

A while back, the OP started a thread in which she said that she can't make any friends because nobody wants to be friends with her because of all the bad things she'd done in the past. She was taken at face vlaue and given the best advice, which was to start a new account so that nobody would know who she was, and start again, only this time being the person she wanted to be.

One forumite responded to her plight by offering friendship, upon which she (the forumite) was effectively accused of race-play, which inspired another thread, this time by the forumite. The OP contributed to it in a negative way.

Now, some time after the OP's first thread, she started another thread - this one - claiming that SL is filled with petty and rude people, and making out that she is a victim of it. She hasn't started another account, which would have solved what she claimed to be her original problem. Instead she soldiers on with the same old account that she says attracts negativity, and in this thread, she is rude and insulting to people, to the extent that some people eventually suggested that she looks in the mirror if she wants to know the cause of her problems.

So what's it all about? The OP is NOT what she claims to be. She is not a victim of rudeness and pettiness everywhere she turns. She is not someone that everyone avoids because of all the bad things she's done in the past. She is not someone who can't make friends. She is make-believe. She's making it all up, just for the fun of seeing people trying to help this make-believe character. She is simply having a laugh as a troll. Either that, or she is a naturally offensive person who receives what she deserves, but thinks that what she dishes out should not be returned.

So it’s a BilliJo alt? ?

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

I looked it up...it appears that a component is that certain people become unusually thrilled to be able to utter words deemed unacceptable by society...like the 'N' word.

That is one definition, usually used in non-fantasy settings and more often than not the part of it that is focused upon.

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3 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:
5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I looked it up...it appears that a component is that certain people become unusually thrilled to be able to utter words deemed unacceptable by society...like the 'N' word.

That is one definition, usually used in non-fantasy settings and more often than not the part of it that is focused upon.

wow those people must have felt terribly oppressed by PC restraints in society if they feel a need to roleplay freedom from those restraints?

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

wow those people must have felt terribly oppressed by PC restraints in society if they feel a need to roleplay freedom from those restraints?

It has nothing whatsoever to do with restraints of any sort - Political Correctness or otherwise.

Race Play of the sort that fits the definition you found can often go hand in hand with Historical Role Play, Historical era and area depending.

The wider version can often go hand in hand with some Fantasy settings, especially if the setting is within a pre-existing world/mythos wherein stereotyping of any race/species occurs. Examples of this latter include the unintelligent Orc, snobbish Elves/Fae and certain stereotypes regarding Anthropomorphic species in general and certain specific types.

Believe it or not the former is practiced by members of just about every human racial segment though not openly and frankly not mentioned by those who do. Not openly most of the time anyway.

All of that said this was covered to death in another thread though not sure if said thread is still around.

Edited by Solar Legion
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3 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

So what's it all about? The OP is NOT what she claims to be. She is not a victim of rudeness and pettiness everywhere she turns. She is not someone that everyone avoids because of all the bad things she's done in the past. She is not someone who can't make friends. She is make-believe. She's making it all up, just for the fun of seeing people trying to help this make-believe character. She is simply having a laugh as a troll. Either that, or she is a naturally offensive person who receives what she deserves, but thinks that what she dishes out should not be returned.

Agreed, and moreover I suspect the deception goes deeper... or, hmm, less deep, actually... skin deep to be precise. Which would make the thread's whole drift into the topic of "race play" extra ironic.

But back on a tangent so much more interesting that the thread subject itself, you're right, we'll just have to disagree about no-mod perms and furniture, and in that I'll admit that in RL I'm pathologically loathe to throw away anything I can somehow patch together to be better than it was when new. I'd still be using a Nexus 4 if I could update it to the latest Android. I can't, so I have a current-generation Pixel 2 XL, which is a fine phone, but I selected it mostly because Google provides new version updates longer than any other Android manufacturer. (I've even considered switching to the iPhone because Apple is even better at that, but I'm too invested in Android at this point.)

Perhaps the thing that brought furniture top-of-mind for me isn't really the furniture at all but rather a recent bout with temp-attached props. The particular ones I encountered had (only) the [AV]object script inside -- but unfortunately, an older version that doesn't use the AVsitter Experience, so they have to ask permission to attach each time the relevant pose is selected from the menu. That's the "like a caveman" feeling I mentioned before. Now the furniture is fine, it does what it always did, except the creator made this one silly decision: set the attached prop objects no-mod, so I can't simply update those tiny scripts. This did the creator exactly no good whatsoever, it was a purely superstitious / accidental / force-of-habit setting that causes me to trash that furniture altogether.

Sure, I could have known the furniture was trash-worthy given enough experimentation in the store before buying, but it's really asking a lot of a customer to anticipate all the ways a creator can make arbitrarily stupid decisions. It would be so much easier on customers if creators would admit to themselves that they don't know even the current SL technology, let alone developments just around the corner, and simply stop making this particular, universally stupid setting.

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Just now, Cindy Evanier said:

Its possible this is because they bought the props full perm from a 3rd party and have to set them by the terms of that creator?

I guess it's *possible*, but I've never actually known a full-perm creator to specify that Mod is forbidden but it's okay to distribute Copy+Transfer. (For embedded temp-attached props, it sorta must enable copy and transfer, at least if the embedded object is supplied by the furniture creator, because the furniture must be able to dispense infinite copies of the object and, unfortunately, even temp-attached objects must become owned by the person to whom they attach, who often won't be the furniture buyer. This is a whole messy problem, by the way.)

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4 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Let's shine some light on all this.

A while back, the OP started a thread in which she said that she can't make any friends because nobody wants to be friends with her because of all the bad things she'd done in the past. She was taken at face vlaue and given the best advice, which was to start a new account so that nobody would know who she was, and start again, only this time being the person she wanted to be.

One forumite responded to her plight by offering friendship, upon which she (the forumite) was effectively accused of race-play, which inspired another thread, this time by the forumite. The OP contributed to it in a negative way.

Now, some time after the OP's first thread, she started another thread - this one - claiming that SL is filled with petty and rude people, and making out that she is a victim of it. She hasn't started another account, which would have solved what she claimed to be her original problem. Instead she soldiers on with the same old account that she says attracts negativity, and in this thread, she is rude and insulting to people, to the extent that some people eventually suggested that she looks in the mirror if she wants to know the cause of her problems.

So what's it all about? The OP is NOT what she claims to be. She is not a victim of rudeness and pettiness everywhere she turns. She is not someone that everyone avoids because of all the bad things she's done in the past. She is not someone who can't make friends. She is make-believe. She's making it all up, just for the fun of seeing people trying to help this make-believe character. She is simply having a laugh as a troll. Either that, or she is a naturally offensive person who receives what she deserves, but thinks that what she dishes out should not be returned.

Holy crap,that's a lot of stuff to try to take in all at once..

It's like the last fight in ,The Crow, when he dumped all those hours of pain into the bad guy..


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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

I guess it's *possible*, but I've never actually known a full-perm creator to specify that Mod is forbidden but it's okay to distribute Copy+Transfer. (For embedded temp-attached props, it sorta must enable copy and transfer, at least if the embedded object is supplied by the furniture creator, because the furniture must be able to dispense infinite copies of the object and, unfortunately, even temp-attached objects must become owned by the person to whom they attach, who often won't be the furniture buyer. This is a whole messy problem, by the way.)

As you point out here, the 'teacup' or any other prop must be copy/trans so that guests can say, sip tea with the owner of the furniture. I've often created furniture with LOADS of props -- it would not be fair to me if some other creator could buy this furniture and get all my props to then use in their own furniture for resell -- and they can do that if it's mod/copy/trans....but not if it's copy/trans only.
Actually, a creator who wanted those props would not even have to buy the furniture -- they would only need to receive it from any furniture you had rezzed on your land that gave mod/copy/trans items to guests.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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