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If someone has me blocked can I still buy stuff from them on marketplace

Samie Shieldmaiden

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Snowwolf why dont you try being honest for once. You came to my sim, postured around being rude and DEMANDING stating EVERY builder gives you demo's and that i have to rez a demo of a product for you, which normally i would have since its sim locked in scripts of our demo products, but no you spent 5 HOURS insulting me in im's and insulting my store. On top of that you then after saying you would never purchase from me, 4-5 months later BOUGHT that product just so you could leave negative feedback. I for one have better things to do than stew over something so small as not getting my way and spend those 4-5 months thinking of a way to be petty & small.

To top it off and show how immature you are, you then then BOUGHT that product AGAIN when your ranting feedback was removed by lindens only so you could leave more negative feedback. So you spent over 5k lindens on a product you swore you would never buy since i wouldnt give you a demo, just to be immature and clearly vindictive so i was correct to block you after the 5 hours of you insulting me and yes i still have those logs. WOW just WOW!

Edited by subgirl Magic
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lol...i'm not the one who has been stalking you for 5 months simply because you didn't get your way. I am not wrong, you are very immature and petulant like a brat who i guess has always gotten what they wanted or then went about bullying & harassing people.

For  those who have read this poor me i'm so innocent post and she blocked me for no reason bla bla bal...I blocked him for his rudeness, immaturity, harassment, insults and clearly i was right to since you've been STALKING ME since Oct 29th!

This dudes been stalking me for 4-5 months now simply for not letting him have a demo due to his rude entitled attitude which shows clearly on this forum.

You stated i won't buy your product so i was okay with that. But no, YOU stewed for those months conniving ways to seek revenge for what...not getting what you wanted. Sorry but i'm not your mommy and i don't have to give into whatever you want.

You bought the item you said you wouldn't ever buy to ONLY give negative 1 star as you stated you would. Then even lindens saw this was wrong and removed it.

What did you do then...you BOUGHT an even more expensive copy version of that SAME item so you could AGAIN leave negative feedback which will again be removed. So who did you hurt? ME? lol. You spent over 5k lindens to play a vindictive game which really makes me see i was right to block you as you have issues!

You ranted about me in this group without telling people the truth, you insulted me, my store because i wouldn't give you your way. Dude GROW UP!  You msg's my staff crying to them,  telling people your pity story about big bad me and how you did NOTHING to get blocked.  I don't know whats wrong with you mentally if you're stunted or what, because blocking someone who is harassing and stalking and verbally abusing a person isn't childish, its smart. All this drama about you being blocked for how you acted and what you said in im as well as in public on the sim...SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? GET A LIFE!


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I just want to point out that SnowWolf hijacked the hell out of this question.. 

@SnowWolf Weizhen You wanted her to rezz ademo that wasn't in her store. She didn't have time to do it right then and there(from what i am reading) and you then decided to rant and complain for 5 hours in their IMs? Then you bought the item just to leave a 1 star review, the review was pulled and you bought it again to do the same. And you want us to believe she was the one being childish and having poor customer service? Merchants are not at the beck and call of a customer, or potential customer, simply because they want something. many times we have things going on in RL or are working on something and can't stop immediately. Life happens. Deal with it like a big boy.

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On 1/4/2018 at 12:25 AM, Samie Shieldmaiden said:

Nothing happened just a question. If someone has me blocked in second life am I still able to purchase content they put on the market?


On 1/4/2018 at 12:25 AM, Samie Shieldmaiden said:

Or if I cant buy from the market place am I able to gift it to myself from an alt they wouldn't know about?


If Marketplace Seller A adds Customer B to their in world block/mute list, Customer B will be unable to make purchases from Seller A's MP store.

Customer C will also be unable to gift items from Seller A's store to blocked Customer B.

Attempting to purchase an item from a seller who has you blocked will give you the error message: We are unable to process your order at this time. Please try again later. You may add this item to your cart or save as a favorite.

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2 hours ago, SnowWolf Weizhen said:

i hope my responses to the things i bought in her store. will still visible .

when i give 1 star  i want her to see it.
shes totally rude.

let us hope you won't get banned from sl for false reviews and harrassing this shop owner

2 hours ago, SnowWolf Weizhen said:

like i was insane  for wanting to test befor i pay for it.

 You cán ask for a demo, but not for a full product without to pay for it... she's more than right not doing that.

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7 hours ago, SnowWolf Weizhen said:

shes a teerible shop owner..  so i hope my responses to the things i bought in her store. will still visible .
when i give 1 star  i want her to see it.
shes totally rude.

I hope that how I read this isn't what you actually intended to say.  When I read this, it sounds to me like you want to be able to give 1 star reviews based on the owner's behavior (or your perception of it) rather than on the quality of the item purchased.  That is not cool, and is not how the item purchased review is meant to be used.   

Additionally, if you already believe that her items are not of the quality depicted in the MP listing, then why would you want to purchase them? 

Edited by moirakathleen
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10 hours ago, Syn Anatine said:

It doesn't matter what's more important to you. You are supposed to review a product on it's textures, functionality and so on.

um, it kinda does Syn. maybe it's just your choice of words i'm reacting to, but if someone gave me a tool to publicly record my opinion of a product i'm sure my personal interactions with the designer are going to thumb the scales. wholly, or in part, if the exchange left you wanting, that will factor into your rating. the marketplace is a medium for feedback. if the designer treats you like a nameless faceless generic consumer who has no power over their impersonal royal dismissals they would do well to take into account SL was built for interpersonal communications. good or bad.

people are going to speak their mind. until, perhaps, like RL, the Lab can reign in all speech or label anything they judge human as a terrorist/racist/hateful thing. or not. ya just can't corral humans with damned rules expecting we don't all feel the rising affect of limiting our freedom.

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unfortunately in sl you are not really supposed to rate the creator or the service provided only the product which I find to be a flawed system it allows some creators to be total jerks about what they can do and get away with no possible repercussions because you are not allowed to shame them for how they act or treated you.

believe me if i bought a car and it was in bad condition, it would let the seller know and everyone else going to that seller know, so they were not duped or scammed too. I would also let everyone know if that seller treated me with common decency or respect as well or not so people could decide if they want to deal with such a person. the seller would be held accountable for their actions and behavior as well as the condition of the product.

there is way too much hand holding in sl to protect the ego's of some of the content developers. if I was selling something I would prefer to know the good and bad about the item, and the good and bad of the personal interaction between me and them. that way if there was any need to improve on customer relations which would possibly help get more sales it could be addressed as needed.

but most developers have their heads up their own rear end so far and think they are so special and should be treated special and cannot take any criticism about them or their products. I know of a couple that are like that, but because of the no shame rule cannot even directly mention them here as a warning to others about their behaviors. it shouldn't matter if its a hobby or not. If you are going to sell something here, you should be respectful or expect to be slammed for not doing so or perhaps you shouldn't be looking for an easy sell with no negative responses..

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14 hours ago, Syn Anatine said:

So you are agreeing with me while trying not to,

no. i was reacting to your authoritive misinterpretation of the Lab's policy:

specifically, from that post:

Policies and guidelines

  1. The review should be about the item in the product listing, or about support regarding that item.


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On 2/22/2019 at 7:45 PM, Syn Anatine said:

The thing is, if naming and shaming was allowed, a lot of folks would take advantage of that and do a smear campaign on whomever they please regardless of it being true or not. It would be impossible regulate who deserves a verbal lashing and who is just being griefed.

To address the bolded part of your statement, please do not make such a blanket statement. You admit to knowing a couple who are like that, yet it makes you throw out sentences that include 'most developers'. Don't judge the whole batch by a few rotten apples. Many creators will go out of their way to be helpful.

There's a miniscule minority that arAe truly rude, then there's the creators who never reply to an inquiry because they have left SL years ago but left their products up for sale, then there's the language barriers. SL is used by people from an immense amount of different countries and a lot gets lost in translation, misunderstandings can get both sides up in arms and they point the finger at each other calling the other party rude. Which is what I think happened to the OP.

Does the dev deserve a smear campaign for that? I don't think so, especially since if you read the OP's responses close the creator clearly misunderstood the request, even asked other creators if 'its done like that' and upon receiving no's she/he told the OP that.

Actually I know more than just a couple who have are that way. I was just not going to take take the time to try and tally them all up then list the number. It would probably take at least both hands and one foot maybe both or even more; but it was not the point of what I said. the point is that there are a lot that are actually this way in sl.. not a minuscule amount, stop trying to minimize it by making it seem it doesn't happen that often. once any creator becomes to popular their ego begins to grow too far and they become full of themselves. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and this is what they have because they dont have to worry about any negative feedback or shaming on their listings.

in the real world such behaviors would not be accepted by real consumers. and they would not be stopped from shaming someone that had given them poor customer service.

toward the possible smear campaign that would all sort itself out over time when the facts were presented by both sides. anyone with any common sense can see right through a smear campaign when its tried. its not that hard to do really. even a high school graduate can tell a con job when its being presented to them with enough facts from both sides. it doesn't take a high level of iq to figure these things out. just some basic common sense.

if a creator fears a smear campaign the maybe they need to grow a thicker skin before selling on the mp.

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Shakes my head. OY. You started a thread with as you stated, the intent to harass me and "shame" me since I would not do what you wanted. You went insane for months plotting over how to get even with me for not giving you what you wanted and being told no. Then being blocked after 5 hours of insults and more rudeness

And good lord, enough of the you did nothing to get blocked. You didn't get your way and you're still lying about how you acted even though the logs show your insults and entitled belligerent behavior. Other people have logs of you as well insulting me months after you didn't get your way. I am not sure who or how you were raised but the world doesn't revolve around what you want. It takes a HELL of a lot for me to block someone!

There is no part of this whole thing that you were nice or right. You can't act innocent when your own quotes on this post show you are not a good person or nice person. You're a vindictive manipulative spoiled brat who was seeking help on how to harass someone on the marketplace all cause you got blocked and didn't get a demo.

I hope you never get a job at the post office if this is how you act over something so silly as not getting your way.

There is no nice way to say this but again i am so beyond tired of your bs...you're INSANE and delusional!



Edited by subgirl Magic
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Umm that is NOT how it went down.

" you blocked me just cause i don't agree.. "


Let me correct you. As has already been said...

Subgirl almost NEVER blocks people. I know this. For her to do that it is because she must have seriously gotten tired of arguing with you.

that means this was NOT a simple disagreement. As I already told you...

thats not why she blocked you. she blocked you because you were argumentative, insulted her and became a major pain in the ass. She did what any person on second life would do under the circumstances.

As far as wanting to test a product, not every vendor has a facility for this, thats just a fact, nor is it a given requirement. For you to DEMAND it says something in and of itself.

I also am the one who tells her all the time to just block people who bother her and she doesn't listen. For her to have blocked you you had to have SERIOUSLY gotten under her skin.



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Oh and in addition to that could you please tell me why after buying one of these products, leaving negative feedback, having your negative feedback removed by the lindens, you went and bought ANOTHER one just so you could leave negative feedback AGAIN.

So you've spent roughly 5,000 lindens on this product TWICE.

That's intelligent.


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19 hours ago, Ethan Paslong said:

can be.. but you getting involved in this and start fighting against OP too is for sure not a sign of intelligence ... get out and think again. Your "friend" runs a business... with this kind of fights you don't need bad reviews you get them delivered for free without even sold one of your products by this kind of actions.

If this thread derails further some people might end at the dark place where only sounds of grinding false teeth are heared and the smell of boiling sulfer for a few days.

My "FRIEND" lives with me and with the level of stupid antics is always telling me "just block them" . i try to work through it before a block. But in this case, as you see the level of harassment, months of stalking over something so simple as being blocked and their complete denial as to how they acted, i appreciate people having my back. Such as the people who informed me of this post. Someday i hope you get to see a level of crazy i have had to deal with because someone thinks they can act however they want and think people have to tolerate it. Those who have been stalked on sl know exactly what its like but for reasons other than refusing to give them a demo is just utterly insane. This guy snowwolf needs mental help and i have reported the level of his stalking and harassment to linden labs. This is furthering the proof and i'm glad he doesnt live in the usa or i think he is sick enough to try to stalk someone in person.

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Clearly you have never been stalked and if you think this is acceptable behavior being stalked and harassed for 5 months because after hours of verbal abuse think this is ok, you need a reality check. I run a business and its not my job to give everyone their way, to stop my life to create something for them within the space of time they wanted. If a store in real life has someone come in and act as this person did...you really think they will say by all means lets give him his way or would they have a security guard throw them out. Those who run business on sl know what i am speaking of. I'm his therapist its not my job to keep him mentally in check. Clearly only medication and therapy might help that.

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wow. its nice many hide behind the keys. And that a friend speaking up now is a sock puppet, that's insulting. So anyone who has friends ever back them up they're all sock puppets. I only met one person who ever used that word religiously.

That this has turned into a debate when the base of this is i was stalked, for 5 months and probably longer in the future. EVERYONE who saw this posting sees all this was way a way to look for new ways to GRIEF & HARASS a person. The comments ARE making light of it making it seem like its okay. I don't need a mouthpiece but i do have friends. Nala is my real life partner and partner of my feral cat rescue which my store helps pay for, so the insults about them is rude since how many of these stores back a real life cause. I am floored at the level of how this changed and twisted when all it was is stalking and harassment. NOTHING and NOBODY should ever be allowed to do that, nor should so many so called enlightened people be okay through this whole post allowing it. I didn't know i was supposed to hide my gender, sorry but I'm not like others that hide anything about my real life self. I just see a bunch of bullies on this posting who are making light of a very serious situation.

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While I am very sorry about the argument going on in this thread, I must say that I'm on subgirl's side.

I have only two items in my Marketplace store, and both of them are FREE.  Nevertheless, I've received several negative reviews from customers who felt that they didn't get a product that performed as they (thought it was) advertised to do.

Some customers are just total entitlement junkies.

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I think it sounds like you made a small verbal faux pas and she took it the wrong way.  You meant to ask for a demo.  Her proper response would have been "No," and then your proper reaction would have been to walk away and shop somewhere else.  A "test" might mean the same thing to you, but it clearly didn't to her.  So, live and learn.  You both lost on that one.

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her items are rezable in word
i just wanted to test them first.
i actually wanted to buy the more expensive one from her shop.
her copy version.
but when i asked that she got offended ?
 im the one that should be offended
the way she treated me  !

shes the one that needs to learn.from this. but i cant  reach her  lol
some people are too easily offended.

makes me wonder , if she refuses  me to test them in world. maybe cause she  knows when  i see them in world . i will hate them

that seems to me the only plausibe reason she got offemded when  i asked for a  demo  ! she knows her products wont sell , if people can test them in world shes gonna lose money !

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Wolf, asking to "test" a copyable item could be interpreted as saying, "Give me a free, fully functional, copyable item.  If I like it, I'll pay you.  You can trust me."

That may not have been what you meant, but it could have been how she interpreted your request.

The correct way to word your question is, "Pardon me, but do you have a Demo version?"

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