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SL Facebook?

Janet Voxel

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I have Facebook RL, I mainly use it to keep in contact with friends that have moved or family that I don’t get to see often. For real life, I get it.

Ive been asked several times “Do you have Facebook for your avi?” I’m thinking why would I want twice the silly memes and gifs in my second life? 

Is there some benefit of having a SL Facebook account I’m missing? If you have one I’m not knocking you, I’m just curious.

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Not really, if you don't already feel a need to have one (for offering people a social media place to contact you outside second life or for anything you don't want on your real account).

But one word of caution here: If you have that kind of account you live with the risk of losing it at any time, because fake accounts like this are against facebooks ToS.

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33 minutes ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

I do have one for Kasha but I use it even less active than my RL one... I used it very actively when I was blogging ... the blog has a FB Page and all that ...

as a "private" SL Person no you don´t need one, if you have a blog or business - yep ... have one^^

Hm, that’s a good way of looking at it. I feel like I haven’t been asked that much for it to be an advertising tool. Do a lot of people have Facebook accounts for their avatars?


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2 hours ago, janetosilio said:

Is there some benefit of having a SL Facebook account I’m missing?

I can't even see a benefit in using Arsebook for me, never mind my SL avatars...

When I want the attention of type-with-your-thumbs types, I can just go to an info hub and shout "Hey dumb-phone using console peasants... *I* have a keyboard!".

It's generally less traumatic than Arsebook membership.


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There actually is a social media site made for SL and simile avatars. I can't remember the name right now though.

As mentioned though, having a fake Facebook account is against their ToS, and can get you in a lot of trouble.

The only thing I can think of is that it would be a good place to share photos and stay in touch offline. But we can already do those things in other ways, so I don't know if having a special social media account for an avatar would be worth it. You'd also have to have all your friends join that site, which a lot of people just aren't going to do.

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I have two RL, FB accounts. One for immediate family (and those that absolutely would not get computers or my approach to such things as art), and ofcouse my Hunter Stern account which I post both some rl and sl content on because I am known as Hunter Stern in RL, sort of a doing business as I suppose you would say. I have not had any bad experiences doing things this way, infact my Hunter Stern FB account has doubled friends (yes ones I talk to from all over , many of them artists in other mediums themselves) over the past week and a half.

The RL one is too politics driven and mostly the local mundane affairs I could get information about from a phone call to my family.

I always hoped SL would become a great medium for networking earlier on when i joined, but after a few months in, I realized SL would not be (atleast what other networking media platforms are today) but that's not a bad thing either.

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Some members of my SL family had FB accounts. There is a sense of anonymity when you have your AV on FB. "Family" members have friended each other on there and didn't have to give up any personal RL information in the process.

That being said, I don't have one. I have one for my RL friends and family, but not for SL

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49 minutes ago, Tex Monday said:

Some members of my SL family had FB accounts. There is a sense of anonymity when you have your AV on FB. "Family" members have friended each other on there and didn't have to give up any personal RL information in the process.

That being said, I don't have one. I have one for my RL friends and family, but not for SL

Hm, that’s interesting. So by having a FB page, you’re actually being more anonymous?

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8 hours ago, HarrisonMcKenzie said:

There actually is a social media site made for SL and simile avatars. I can't remember the name right now though.


moolto.com being one.... WAS one... what the....

damn I had it all on my about.me profile but those §$%&§$&!!! kinda wiped it... great... avilife...avlife.... somewhat like that...


ok ... with all that gone by now... I´m out of ideas (and I don´t like that ...one bit...)


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I tried ArseTome when I was 16, but I couldn't get the hang of it, my friends thought I was weird.  He he, I AM weird!  I want to be weird.

It's like *****ter, which I use to monitor SL Status (and that's all).  I just can't see the point.

I'm totally uninterested in what you are doing now (even less interested in your brat, kitten, or parrot), unless you are doing it with me.

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21 hours ago, Akasha Sternberg said:

I do have one for Kasha but I use it even less active than my RL one... I used it very actively when I was blogging ... the blog has a FB Page and all that ...

as a "private" SL Person no you don´t need one, if you have a blog or business - yep ... have one^^

But if you already use a page for your business, why make another account for it?

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2 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

But if you already use a page for your business, why make another account for it?

because... no seriously there´s no reason to ....you´re right there if you have a business FB page that´s enough  (I did have Kasha´s "private" FB before I made the blog´s page^^ )

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46 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

So you’re allowed to have a business page, but not an Avi page? I confoosed.

Avatar accounts are not permitted. Facebook is, at its core, a vast marketing system. Every single person on it is tracked and their browsing data on Facebook and all around the web (if you don't have specific browser protections such as Ghostery installed, every single site that you visit which has an FB button somewhere on it will report your browsing back to FB) is sold to marketers. As an avatar account you are not a 'real person' whose browsing habits are genuine. Marketers have delineations for everyone which are built up through browsing habits (Eg: single female earning X amount per year, drives XYZ car, has life insurance worth X amount per year, no children, owns dogs, leans toward XYZ political party, etc). Non-real avatar accounts have no 'value' because they skew Facebook's data, which is why they get shut down once they're discovered.

Pages are different. They can be for anything - from someone's craft projects to fan pages for specific bands - but they have to be created by what Facebook regards as a 'real person' account. Since 'page activity' can't be tracked across the web, and since they're often created for hobbies and suchlike, there's no data for FB to sell to marketers. They're Facebook's concession to people who want to create accounts like that.

Basically, every single avatar account on FB exists on borrowed time until FB is onto them and deletes them, but avatar pages are perfectly safe.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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If you already have a RL Facebook account you can use it to create an avatar page, which won't be linked to that account in any public way. I can't be certain, but I'm fairly sure I remember seeing Strawberry Singh making a post about how to do that a few years ago.

ETA: Yep, she did. Here's the link.

ETA 2: Read the comments. Not sure if it's still possible on FB, since the post is from 2012 - but someone mentions that you don't even need an existing account in order to create a page. (If it is still possible you could also just use a different browser for it, or - if you use Firefox 57 browser - open that Facebook account in its own container tab.)

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