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Dear LL, please fix the profile feeds

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The SL profile feed used to be a very useful way of socializing with SL friends and other people in SL. I, personally, loved to use it to post photos of my day in SL and photos I was working on.

A couple of months ago, maybe more, the feed started to fail sometimes - I couldn't post photos. This problem has grown progressively worse. Now, there are long periods of time when I can't post at all. This is systemic problem - lots of people can't post to the feed, now. It's gotten so bad, even message posts don't work,sometimes.

I filed a trouble ticket with SL a few weeks ago. I was assured the problem was known and was being worked on. I called tech support, too, and got the same response.

And, yet, the problem persists, and in fact seems to be getting worse.

I have a few concerns about this:

1. It's been going on for a long time, months. Is it really being worked on?

2. Are all the troubleshooting people working on Sansar?

3. This is actually costing SL. Some people used the SL feed like it was FB. For them, for me, it was an important part of their SL experience. Those people aren't as active in SL, anymore.

4. Why hasn't there been a public statement about this?

I'm not sure what good it will do to post to the forum after submitting a ticket and registering a complaint with the tech line, but here I am. I loved using the feed, but now it's unusable.

Dear LL, please keep your community updated on the status of significant problems that affect their SL experience.

Please, would you let us know what's going on? Why is it taking so long to fix it?

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Thanks, Derek. Seems like everyone there is mostly in the dark, too. I saw a ticket on it, but there weren't any updates on the status when I looked at it. Still I think there needs to be a public message of some sort at this point. Why is this taking so long? What's the problem?

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If you look at that thread you will see that Whirley is on the case and in more competent hands it couldn't be.

Was there not a post there saying that they closed the JIRA? Inexplicably, with it still being borked.

If you want some public attention for the issue I suggest informing Ebbe on his Twitter feed.

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I get that, and I'm sure Whirley is great. But, again, to the major issue - lack of communication from LL.

The people I've talked to have said nothing more than we know it's a problem, we're working on it. After weeks, months, people need an update. I do. What's going on? Why is the problem taking so long? Defuse community frustration with a little openness.

Edited by Myra Wildmist
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I like the profile feeds although I only posted intermittently.  I hope LL manages to fix the problem.  It would be good if profile feeds could be provided for groups too, as long as owners have powers to moderate, that is.  I also use Koinup, the snapshot sharing site, and that has been down for ages now, for me anyway.

Edited by Conifer Dada
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36 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

LL are working on the problem.

See the comment by Kyle Linden on issue https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-134083

I'm guessing it may be a few days yet, LL have had a busy week with the launch of Sansar & the Second Life summit.

HI, Whirly, looks like I can't view that JIRA. If you can see this comment from Kyle, would you quote it here, please?

Please see my comments about communicating with the community. It's an issue that's affecting a lot of people, but we don't know what's going on. I wish you luck fixing the problem. My big issue on this is that it's a problem that's been going on for a long time with little indication from LL about what's happening with it.

Edited by Myra Wildmist
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Myra> i totally understand your frustration comrade.


I really like the profile feed too. i hope it'll get fix soon. i wonder how much employees at LL are in charge of the technical problems like these. if they got too busy with sansar i guess they're not too much then.

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9 minutes ago, Parhelion Palou said:

There's a Sansar team and a SL team. The SL team isn't working on Sansar.

Maybe members of Linden Labs who normally would support SL are working on Sansar, now. We have no way of knowing anything to the contrary unless LL communicates with the community. When an important problem like the feeds goes unresolved for weeks, idle speculation about why it's not getting fixed is perfectly natural if LL doesn't keep their user community informed.

Edited by Myra Wildmist
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Tari, what I mean is there's a possibility people who used to work on LL joined the Sansar team. Did they say that didn't happen somewhere? Do we still have the same level of support we did before Sansar development started? I'm actually curious.

But all that aside, the feed should have been fixed weeks ago or LL should have informed us why it wasn't getting fixed.

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1 hour ago, Myra Wildmist said:

Tari, what I mean is there's a possibility people who used to work on LL joined the Sansar team. Did they say that didn't happen somewhere? Do we still have the same level of support we did before Sansar development started? I'm actually curious.

But all that aside, the feed should have been fixed weeks ago or LL should have informed us why it wasn't getting fixed.

It definitely should have, I agree...but if I can offer a tidbit of information..

LL is not known for their communication skills. They really never have been, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Far worse things have happened which LL has been ridiculously terrible at communicating to us residents, often times it's been after the fact that they've said anything at all. Not that I am downplaying the desire some have for the feed just that...in the grand scheme, there are probably few folks utilizing it, hence..it's not a priority at all for LL, and probably won't be anytime soon, either. It might be to the folks that use it, and I agree that can be annoying.but knowing how terrible their communication skills truly have been. I kinda take a look at the bigger picture. If it's not important to the masses..it's definitely not likely to be important to LL. Whirley's pretty good at getting things looked at though, *especially things that aren't really important to the masses, but do affect *some residents.(in fact, I'd venture a guess that might be a specialty, wittingly or not, judging by a great deal of JIRAs which have only truly been looked at when folks, like Whirley have said something about them)

I do hope they resolve whatever is wrong with it, but it's entirely likely you're going to run into very few folks that really care(or even know it exists). I know it exists, but rarely use it. Most people I know and come across, don't even know it exists(heck a lot of people don't even know the mysecondlife dashboard exists). That's probably why more folks don't see it as the same kind of issue others do....it's low on the importance totem pole. 

But yes, I have seen LL communicate that there are folks working on sansar, folks working on sl, and the two don't mix. One would probably have to search the forums to find it...just remember there have been loads of threads about sansar..sl 2.0..and every other name people have given it since it's inception, you might be digging for a bit to find it. 

Hopefully LL can get more information for folks who want it...just don't hold your breath that it'll happen before it's actually fixed, and know that asking the same thing more than once doesn't, and won't make LL work faster-that's something I think most forumites have had to learn over the years (sometimes I think it makes them go slower..but that's just terrible perception on my part, at the time at least, especially when particularly frustrated by something non-functional). 

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4 hours ago, Myra Wildmist said:

Tari, what I mean is there's a possibility people who used to work on LL joined the Sansar team. Did they say that didn't happen somewhere? Do we still have the same level of support we did before Sansar development started? I'm actually curious.

Not only the same. All in all I'd say the level of SL support improved noticeably the moment the Sansar project started and has kept improving since then. That doesn't mean all is well but we certainly can't blame the problems on Sansar.

Edited by ChinRey
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I used to use the SL Feed then I took a bug in the website.

There are rumors that this and rumors that that. For me, the most important part is not so to know what happened (this info is needed for the maintenance staff) but more to know it's been investigated and we know it is.

While I do understand that business is business and to invest to maintain a free feature (SL Feed) that is a cost-with-no-benefit is not a priority, I still disagree with the way LL is managing the Feed. Like it or not but FB is common nowadays and SL Feed could -should?- be better than a broken free feature put at the bottom list of priorities.

Lots of people like to take snapshots and we should not 'need' to post somewhere outside of SL.

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I have been following this thread, and while the team that works on it is well aware, I have also passed along the link directly to this thread as well, so they are doubly aware. Can I give you anything beyond that? Unfortunately not. I can tell you though, we hear you.

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Just now, ChinRey said:

Wellllll, a cup of coffee and a big slice of cheesecake perhaps? That would be nice. ^_^


I don't know if I made enough coffee to share...I only brewed 8 cups worth...and my cup holds 2 cups worth at a time...so really, I only have 4 cups...

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