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What do we accept? and why.

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That post made my stomach uneasy. I didn't know what to say, Its really scary when you encounter it in RL. Especially in people you love. I wish I could do more to help. I don't know whats acceptable in SL, People do wild things in SL & RL. Just so long as they do it with mutual consent and without the intent to harm themselves, or arent driven to it by some underlying issue.. Its such a deep question and so hard to answer. 

I hope everyone stays well :)

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My acceptance or tolerance ends with hateful conduct directed at others. To which I include 'roleplay' that emulates such targeted at real-world existing groups.

Things like the group: "Black Slaves for White Mistress"

Things which violate this:





    • Intolerance

      Combating intolerance is a cornerstone of Second Life's Community Standards. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame individuals or groups inhibit the satisfying exchange of ideas and diminish the Second Life community as a whole. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images in reference to another Resident's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is never allowed in Second Life.

    • Harassment

      Given the myriad capabilities of Second Life, harassment can take many forms. Communicating or behaving in a manner which is offensively coarse, intimidating or threatening, constitutes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or is otherwise likely to cause annoyance or alarm is Harassment.

    • Assault

      Most areas in Second Life are identified as Safe. Assault in Second Life means: shooting, pushing, or shoving another Resident in a Safe Area (see Global Standards below); creating or using scripted objects which singularly or persistently target another Resident in a manner which prevents their enjoyment of Second Life.



Tolerance of hateful conduct is just enabling and complicity, so that is the line I draw.

But what people do for themselves and not against others - I might find some of it very distasteful, but I've learned to usually keep the peace on that - when I can remember to mind myself. :)

Several folks here have lifestyles other folks here would consider self-dangerous, shocking, or repugnant, or whatever. If I listed the things that bothered me about other people - that would just be making needless drama that I would be in the wrong over. So instead I TRY to accept people as they are regardless of the things about them that 'squick' me as long as that aren't harming somebody else.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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Hello Talligurl, 

And everyone else. I'm Ada, the OP of the Pro-Ana post..yes the anorexic monster herself speaking. The reason why I didn't want to return to my own thread is simple: I know how the common opinion is puked out. I know, if I returned there, I'd find something that upsets me personally. I'd feel as not accepted person. I'd be out of balance for days.  And yet I needed to write that post. Because I am lonely, I'm very very alone with my thoughts. I want to thank you, LittleMe Jewell for contacting me. We had a very nice moment of chatting together. Thank you for not judging me. It was more than I ever expected. 

Talligurl makes a very good opening for this topic here. What do we accept in SL and why? I don't know much about the kinky side of SL, so I wont comment that. What I do know about, is obsession. I have an obsession in RL that fills my mind so much, I can't shut it down when I log into SL. I'm anorexic in RL and in SL, and my obsession is about feelings. We all know, feelings are the only thing that are transferred back and forth the two worlds. I found SL in 2009. I dreamed of a place where I can be myself, do what I want and look how I want. It didn't happen. I saw female avatars around me, so pretty, skinny and small-waisted, I felt I need to loose my pixel-weight to be the thinnest. The original idea of helping my RL mind was forgotten quickly. My obsession was stronger than the gap between the two worlds. I don't know if you can see it, but when you judge a person with eating disorders, you judge her feelings mostly. It's hard to find a comparison for this illness, but I think bi-polaric and depressed people are pretty close. They are very much steered by their feelings, and I think they are judged equally much as "bad role models for teenagers".

I never wanted to be anorexic. I never wanted my lifestyle. More than anything else I'd want to be normal and healthy. I'm tired of not eating, tired of my disgusting body and mind,  but even more tired of fighting back with my illness. That's why I call it as my lifestyle. I had to accept it to be my companion forever. Otherwise I'd have ended up with a suicide a long time ago. I do not encourage teens into this. That would be totally unacceptable in my opinion. I know teens have their "thinspirational" forums where they learn the tricks. But nobody becomes anorexic by learning. Nobody becomes bi-polaric or depressed by learning. There are traumas, genetic factors and god knows what beneath.

So what do we accept in SL and why? I witnessed lately a sacrificial victim ceremony of virgins for Satan in SL. I have to say, I didn't feel well at all watching that roleplay. Yet..it's totally gross if I show my anorexic pixel-body naked on nudistic beaches. Life is strange.

Take care!


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I think that the biggest determining factor in what we accept or won't accept is the fact that there are tools at our disposal in SL that we do not have access to in real life.  If things get too bad we can put the person on our block list, teleport away, choose not to respond to them, log out, go afk or just log in with an alt if we have them.  We can't do that in reality - so in the case of someone tormenting us in the name of role-play we can escape.  We are safe at home and not actually in the situation.   We are basically observers of our Second Life - no different than watching a violent scene in a movie or tv show. When in that particular position we can view things with a certain level of detachment even if we are interacting with someone else and that detachment allows us to look past some of our own morality code.

However.  There are certain areas of SL roleplay that I do not want to be a part of.  I can respect peoples choices if they are okay with it for themselves but my limit is when they try to get me to take part in it.  I usually try to steer the conversation in a different direction or find a reason to leave or log out if people do. Occasionally though it is important to just be blunt and say "I am not into this so lets just change the subject".  I remember dancing with someone at a club and having them continuously hit on me when I made it clear I just wanted conversation.   Finally I just said something along the lines of "Look,  you want something I don't want so why don't we just go our separate ways now?"  He agreed and we both went to do our own thing.  I suppose that's another way of keeping our limits intact - just avoiding places and people we know are going to put us in situations that make us uncomfortable or continuously push our limits. (For me that means no more dance clubs).  

SL is a big place - whatever you are into or want you will find, if you search hard enough, so you definitely don't need to spend time with the people that make you uncomfortable or don't share the same interests you do.   And that means your SL experience will be a much more relaxed and happy one. 

Edited by Yhishara Cerise
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On 2017-6-10 at 0:49 PM, AmandaKeen said:

Its an issue for sure!  It took me a while to learn that I needed to have enough respect for myself, NOT to accommodate the immature just to earn their approval.  I got divorced shortly after that :-)


Good for you Amanda 

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On 2017-6-9 at 11:32 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

Personally, I don't see her mindset any more dangerous than some other activities that someone could potentially do in RL and definitely do in SL. 


On 2017-6-9 at 11:43 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

I've never heard of anyone intentionally attempting to be attacked, other than perhaps as some form of political/social act.

(Yeh>>>just self learnt how to make double quote)

Great discussion topic @Talligurl

Maddie, as soon as I read this post of yours my mind went back to a news item I read a few years ago- a guy answered an advertisement and offered himself to be eaten!!! Im sketchy now of the facts but  it happened, in Germany I think, the cannibal stood trail and I think he got off (charged with murder). Initially the 'sacrifice/victim' was kept alive as bits of his body were cut off, cooked and eaten.  

Edited by CheriColette
more than one person answered the ad...
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6 hours ago, CheriColette said:


(Yeh>>>just self learnt how to make double quote)

Great discussion topic @Talligurl

Maddie, as soon as I read this post of yours my mind went back to a news item I read a few years ago- a guy answered an advertisement and offered himself to be eaten!!! Im sketchy now of the facts but  it happened, in Germany I think, the cannibal stood trail and I think he got off (charged with murder). Initially the 'sacrifice/victim' was kept alive as bits of his body were cut off, cooked and eaten.  

Wow.   That's just creepy.   But putting aside the "Ick" factor,  I suppose it makes sense that there would be people out there that would want to be a victim just as there are people that want to be the criminal.  Hard to know what to say really to that particular case.  Would the person really be guilty of murder if the person wanted to die?  Would it be a  mercy killing?  Maybe the guy had a horrible life.  I read about that case after reading your post and the guy was drugged heavily - so could he really have formed a coherent statement to say no once it started? If not, then the guy should have been found guilty of murder.  

The thought occurs to me now that this case has been mentioned here that if anyone wants to and has the talent they can create something like this on the marketplace for those that want to roleplay serial killer cannibals..  I can just see it now on the marketplace.... Probably with the silly name of "Johnny! He's What's For Dinner!" 


Edited by Yhishara Cerise
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On 6/15/2017 at 3:43 PM, TarinaKhumbu said:

Hello Talligurl, 

And everyone else. I'm Ada, the OP of the Pro-Ana post..yes the anorexic monster herself speaking. The reason why I didn't want to return to my own thread is simple: I know how the common opinion is puked out. I know, if I returned there, I'd find something that upsets me personally. I'd feel as not accepted person. I'd be out of balance for days.  And yet I needed to write that post. Because I am lonely, I'm very very alone with my thoughts. I want to thank you, LittleMe Jewell for contacting me. We had a very nice moment of chatting together. Thank you for not judging me. It was more than I ever expected. 

Talligurl makes a very good opening for this topic here. What do we accept in SL and why? I don't know much about the kinky side of SL, so I wont comment that. What I do know about, is obsession. I have an obsession in RL that fills my mind so much, I can't shut it down when I log into SL. I'm anorexic in RL and in SL, and my obsession is about feelings. We all know, feelings are the only thing that are transferred back and forth the two worlds. I found SL in 2009. I dreamed of a place where I can be myself, do what I want and look how I want. It didn't happen. I saw female avatars around me, so pretty, skinny and small-waisted, I felt I need to loose my pixel-weight to be the thinnest. The original idea of helping my RL mind was forgotten quickly. My obsession was stronger than the gap between the two worlds. I don't know if you can see it, but when you judge a person with eating disorders, you judge her feelings mostly. It's hard to find a comparison for this illness, but I think bi-polaric and depressed people are pretty close. They are very much steered by their feelings, and I think they are judged equally much as "bad role models for teenagers".

I never wanted to be anorexic. I never wanted my lifestyle. More than anything else I'd want to be normal and healthy. I'm tired of not eating, tired of my disgusting body and mind,  but even more tired of fighting back with my illness. That's why I call it as my lifestyle. I had to accept it to be my companion forever. Otherwise I'd have ended up with a suicide a long time ago. I do not encourage teens into this. That would be totally unacceptable in my opinion. I know teens have their "thinspirational" forums where they learn the tricks. But nobody becomes anorexic by learning. Nobody becomes bi-polaric or depressed by learning. There are traumas, genetic factors and god knows what beneath.

So what do we accept in SL and why? I witnessed lately a sacrificial victim ceremony of virgins for Satan in SL. I have to say, I didn't feel well at all watching that roleplay. Yet..it's totally gross if I show my anorexic pixel-body naked on nudistic beaches. Life is strange.

Take care!


I suppose that people on the opposite end of the spectrum - those extremely obese - can relate to your feelings.  Especially your third paragraph where you start by saying "I never wanted to be anorexic" it can be changed so easily to "I never wanted to be obese".  I think it is a natural human desire to want to be around people that we can share our innermost thoughts and feelings with without fear of recrimination and guilt trips.  I think everyone wants people to accept them for who and what they are.  I truly think not having that need met can drive us insane.  I do wonder though - if it was an obese person going to the lengths that an anorexic goes to to lose weight - would there still be such a concern over the methods used?  Or would they be applauded for their efforts and determination? Or perhaps it wouldn't matter as they are both issues that represent a problem with food consumption.  

My biggest issue (and the only correction I would make to your otherwise good post) is where you say certain things like depression and anorexia are not learned.  I think we learn from the experiences we have had through out life.  If we have had a lot of very negative things happen in a relatively short amount of time or even across the years of our lives we WILL become depressed.  Simply because we will have learned through experience that there is a bad side as well as a good.  We know that things will not always work out and that makes it very difficult to be 100% positive and happy.  These things condition us to think certain ways and since we can't go back and change them to be happier memories we just have to go on living as best we can.  I think it is difficult for people to relate to problems as people don't want to hear about them and / or they simply have not experienced that many problems and losses as the depressed person.  So the people that are experiencing difficulties don't feel that they can share things with others and so they suffer in silence.  Sometimes to the point of wanting to kill themselves either slowly (like through an eating disorder) or quickly (such as pills or some other means). 

Best thing I found is just to listen even if you don't agree or want to hear about it.  Save the judgement about the person and the issues in their life.  Just be there for them.  For the person that is sharing - try to find things that make you happy that do not contribute to the medical condition you find yourself facing.  Also try to find out what is making you feel the way you do.  There is an underlying reason and once you deal with that you will know exactly what to do to fix it.  It's like anger - anger usually covers up something else like fear.  If you deal with the fear, you also deal with the anger because the anger is just a symptom.  The best way I can say it I guess is that things like anorexia and depression are an outward sign to an inner problem.   So what do you think is the underlying cause for your anorexia?   

Since this thread is about what we will accept or won't accept.  I can accept you for being anorexic.  You are simply one more person struggling - and I think anyone that has ever experienced a bad time in life should be able to relate to that.  I am glad you reached out to people. Especially if you are lonely.  Takes a brave person to do that especially with an issue that will draw judgement. 


Edited by Yhishara Cerise
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1 hour ago, Yhishara Cerise said:

Wow.   That's just creepy.   But putting aside the "Ick" factor,  I suppose it makes sense that there would be people out there that would want to be a victim just as there are people that want to be the criminal.  Hard to know what to say really to that particular case.  Would the person really be guilty of murder if the person wanted to die?  Would it be a  mercy killing?  Maybe the guy had a horrible life.  I read about that case after reading your post and the guy was drugged heavily - so could he really have formed a coherent statement to say no once it started? If not, then the guy should have been found guilty of murder.  

The thought occurs to me now that this case has been mentioned here that if anyone wants to and has the talent they can create something like this on the marketplace for those that want to roleplay serial killer cannibals..  I can just see it now on the marketplace.... Probably with the silly name of "Johnny! He's What's For Dinner!" 


Usually,if you can think it,it's a good chance it's already there in some form on the market..Most times anyways..


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Usually,if you can think it,it's a good chance it's already there in some form on the market..Most times anyways..


There is already a vore scene in SL, hell, 5 years ago I found a 'fetish store' that in one remote part of the building, sold human sized bbq spits with pose balls for being roasted, and even fridge/freezers you could sit in complete with a complimentary copy trans 'frozen corpse' skin for your 'meat' avis.  

Welcome to SL

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1 minute ago, Klytyna said:

There is already a vore scene in SL, hell, 5 years ago I found a 'fetish store' that in one remote part of the building, sold human sized bbq spits with pose balls for being roasted, and even fridge/freezers you could sit in complete with a complimentary copy trans 'frozen corpse' skin for your 'meat' avis.  

Welcome to SL

I was talking about the market..

You could find those places in world 10 years ago..

Before they added that third rating to the world,you could stumble onto anything..I've stumbled into some pretty wild places..There have been a few of those dinner tables and kitchens..

I just wonder why they are so messy..I mean if they do it all the time you would think they would get good at not making a mess..

When I clean a Deer,you won't find a drop on the ground in the barn..;)


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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I was talking about the market..

You could find those places in world 10 years ago..

Before they added that third rating to the world,you could stumble onto anything..I've stumbled into some pretty wild places..There have been a few of those dinner tables and kitchens..

I just wonder why they are so messy..I mean if they do it all the time you would think they would get good at not making a mess..

When I clean a Deer,you won't find a drop on the ground in the barn..;)


Ah! But you are not trying to terrify the deer to prove how dom/me you are before killing, cleaning and cooking it, it was dead when your gun bearer strapped it to the back of your safari porters and gave orders to return to the hunting lodge while he reloaded your nitro .700 express...

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4 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Ah! But you are not trying to terrify the deer to prove how dom/me you are before killing, cleaning and cooking it, it was dead when your gun bearer strapped it to the back of your safari porters and gave orders to return to the hunting lodge while he reloaded your nitro .700 express...

Yea that's true,I'm not trying to scare them at all..

Also,I wouldn't use a gun..Makes too much of a mess and too much noise..

Nice godmod of the situation though,I enjoyed it. If I ever feel like blowing a deer to bit's I'll have to remember it..


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12 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

 If I ever feel like blowing a deer to bit's I'll have to remember it..


"Look out bwanna, kangeroo mouse, very dangerous..." "By God Katanga, pass me the belt feed quad barrel 8-gauge, I'll show the blighter!" 

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Being trans I try and keep an open mind on most things. However, being a former BDSM Mistress and seeing what goes on in the BDSM community both RL and SL and other online venues. I have come to the realisation that it's bad. Sure you have SOME self governed safety procceedures in place, HOWEVER, they are there only as unwritten rules more less. In addition, the fact that a sub or slave has little say in the matter and can have anything done to them the Dom or Domme chooses. Sure it can be fun if you get the right Domme/sub, I have seen it where things have gone wrong. Things get carried away and get too rough or not quite goes as planned. So for me I have gotten to not be so tolerant of BDSM. 

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9 hours ago, CheriColette said:


(Yeh>>>just self learnt how to make double quote)

Great discussion topic @Talligurl

Maddie, as soon as I read this post of yours my mind went back to a news item I read a few years ago- a guy answered an advertisement and offered himself to be eaten!!! Im sketchy now of the facts but  it happened, in Germany I think, the cannibal stood trail and I think he got off (charged with murder). Initially the 'sacrifice/victim' was kept alive as bits of his body were cut off, cooked and eaten.  

Okay, now I've heard of someone! ;-).

Here's the story... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/04/germany.lukeharding

But, out of 7.5 billion people, I think there will few such stories, and that there's not a lot of moral ambiguity in them. Had the victim chosen a slightly lesser form of abuse, which didn't result in death, both men would have ended up in prison or under medical confinement. Dr. Jack Kevorian, who had much different motivation, helped people (who also had much different motivation) end their lives prematurely, and ended up in jail for it. There's plenty of moral ambiguity in Kevorian's story.

I think, in another post, I did add the caveat that I'm talking about mentally sound people, and even then I think I allowed that "mentally sound" is probably open for discussion.

And yes, it is a great discussion topic.

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33 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

"Look out bwanna, kangeroo mouse, very dangerous..." "By God Katanga, pass me the belt feed quad barrel 8-gauge, I'll show the blighter!" 

I bet that's where they got the rabbit from for Monty Pythons Holy Grail.:o

I always wanted to go there,until I learned just about everything there is lethal..At least that's what I've heard over here,which can be like rolling the dice depending on the source..


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