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5 hours ago, NightDreamer09 said:

Nice statistics but the likes, as in Facebook, means about... nothing.

And yes, I care little if I get 0 likes or 100, they don't make money rain or employment appear from thin air.

Unless you're Mark Zuckerberg, I guess, in which case they are gold?

It's hard to know what to make of this kind of information, beyond perhaps the sense that this thread is becoming more popular.

I don't really do social media, so I'm always amused by the artificiality of the way in which likes and mentions and so forth are assumed to be meaningful. On Flickr, for instance, I think it's probably true that the best photographers are the recipients of thousands of followers and "faves" (I myself have a legion of 46 followers - go me!), but it's also true that I look at some of the pics that cross my feed with, sometimes, hundreds of "faves" and think "WTF?". My sense is that you can game the system there (and probably on other social media venues too) by simply connecting with lots of people, and creating a large network of followed/followers. I have no idea why one would want to do this, but I suppose it's harmless enough?

In most parts of this forum, I think the likes are pretty meaningless. A really successful post -- like, an outstandingly popular one -- gets 10-12 likes in General Discussion. Here, that's the low end of standard for pretty much any pic you post. And I'm completely good with that, because the one meaningful function that likes have here is providing at least a pseudo-concrete way for us to support each other. I really like that a brand new poster can put up a pic and, almost regardless of how "good" it is, can get 15 or more likes on their first try.

As a way of gauging the quality of pics, the likes are pretty meaningless. But as an index of how welcoming and supportive this little community is, they are actually kind of ok.

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16 hours ago, Saravendi said:

 I think this thread is way more intimate and personal than Flickr

Absolutely, also I had someone on Flickr tell me that if I post a lot of pictures together that they individually will get fewer likes,  which makes sense,I know when I  first  log  on and  see the  recent pictures,  i am more likely to like a picture if it is a single  photo   that  I can just click the little star without having to open up a group of photos and  go through each one.

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I was just messing about, as I am still learning SL photography. I actually started out, with relearning everything from the ground up at the beginning of this year. Today, I decided to take the time, with Lighting, FOV and camera angles. I think this one came out nicely. 

Beautiful evening_014.png

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6 minutes ago, Catrie said:

okay,  SL didn't like me trying to post a gif, as it kept throwing errors at me ( even though it was under the max size).  I made the video and threw it on  YouTube.  @Scylla Rhiadra wanted to see how my dress moves.  Video is here.

Awww! You really did it! 🙂

Wow. Talk about complicated! It sort of ranges from gentle wafting to small explosions, depending on how you move!

I'm all the more full of admiration for your two pics of it, Catrie: it must have been a real challenge to capture such a dynamic garment well!

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Awww! You really did it! 🙂

Wow. Talk about complicated! It sort of ranges from gentle wafting to small explosions, depending on how you move!

I'm all the more full of admiration for your two pics of it, Catrie: it must have been a real challenge to capture such a dynamic garment well!

My AO does a lot of the work for me. lol  Most of my pics, the "pose" is actually my AO.  I just take a bunch of pics,go through them and find the one I like best.  Or, I watch the movements for a while, see which one I like best, and then take the shot from the angle I want.   It's haphazard and random, but it works really well on these types of dresses. lol 

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8 minutes ago, Catrie said:

My AO does a lot of the work for me. lol  Most of my pics, the "pose" is actually my AO.  I just take a bunch of pics,go through them and find the one I like best.  Or, I watch the movements for a while, see which one I like best, and then take the shot from the angle I want.   It's haphazard and random, but it works really well on these types of dresses. lol 

That's frequently how I do it too, although less commonly now than in the past.

But yes, it does work really well with that kind of dress!

Cool and fun video, Catrie, and great pics!

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

That's frequently how I do it too, although less commonly now than in the past.

But yes, it does work really well with that kind of dress!

Cool and fun video, Catrie, and great pics!

Thanks. lol I've started to use actual poses now, as it's preventing all my pics looking the same. lol  It helps that FoxCity usually has a set for sale during the Saturday Sale each week. lol   

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Unless you're Mark Zuckerberg, I guess, in which case they are gold?

It's hard to know what to make of this kind of information, beyond perhaps the sense that this thread is becoming more popular.

I don't really do social media, so I'm always amused by the artificiality of the way in which likes and mentions and so forth are assumed to be meaningful. On Flickr, for instance, I think it's probably true that the best photographers are the recipients of thousands of followers and "faves" (I myself have a legion of 46 followers - go me!), but it's also true that I look at some of the pics that cross my feed with, sometimes, hundreds of "faves" and think "WTF?". My sense is that you can game the system there (and probably on other social media venues too) by simply connecting with lots of people, and creating a large network of followed/followers. I have no idea why one would want to do this, but I suppose it's harmless enough?

In most parts of this forum, I think the likes are pretty meaningless. A really successful post -- like, an outstandingly popular one -- gets 10-12 likes in General Discussion. Here, that's the low end of standard for pretty much any pic you post. And I'm completely good with that, because the one meaningful function that likes have here is providing at least a pseudo-concrete way for us to support each other. I really like that a brand new poster can put up a pic and, almost regardless of how "good" it is, can get 15 or more likes on their first try.

As a way of gauging the quality of pics, the likes are pretty meaningless. But as an index of how welcoming and supportive this little community is, they are actually kind of ok.

OMG ... LOL!!!! I couldn’t agree with you more! Without “likes” or reposts/comments we would be posting in a vacuum and I’m fairly certain that without any feedback, I’d lose interest and feel as if I were talking to a wall... and leave. I sincerely appreciate everyone taking the time to share comments or simply likes. Without that, I’m not sure there would be any sense of community for me. For me... a huge Thank you to Scylla, you are one of the most engaging people on this thread!

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15 minutes ago, Saravendi said:

Without “likes” or reposts/comments we would be posting in a vacuum

This, yes, exactly!!!

What we have here is kind of like an evening out at a wine bar, where we trade stories and laugh and share Instagram pics or Vines, all the while getting slowly and cheerfully inebriated.

What's not to love?

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