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Go premium, get 60 groups?

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My gawd, where do I start?

I wanna be in your group and your group and yeppers, your group too...wait, I'm already in your group...nevermind.

Hey you, over there, sign me up, I can get up to 60 (SIXTY!) group tags now (if I go premium)!

How many groups does one really need? 42 seems fine now, but 60 seems to be a bit overkill.

I have maybe 12 open slots in my current groupings out of 42. But, I'm sure there will be some who will fill up each and every slot and still complain "why are there ONLY 60 groups?".

Can one wear all sixty tags at once? Nope.

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What with groups I can't drop because updates to the product depend on retaining group membership, with groups I need to keep for rezzing rights and for sending\receiving notices I have hardly any space for shopping groups.and I find to manage my list I am having to drop groups I paid membership for and often a few months later pay back in to for the group gifts because 42 simply isn't enough to do it any other way. This is a  very welcome little perk to premium for me.

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One can easily rack up 60 groups worth of stores & sales groups that offer group gifts & discounts.

Roleplayers and people who run roleplay sims can run up alot of groups. There will be a main group for announcements, groups for different factions, a group for people who rent shops or homes in the sim, and a group for sim administrations.

 Exclusive adult sims charge up to $L 500 to join, which allows members to use facilities with expensive adult furniture. When one joins any group that cost $L 500, most people don't want to drop it, so it's not hard to rack up several.

The more varied one's interests in SL are, the easier it it to max out groups. I tend to have my groups maxed out or nearly maxed out all the time, because I have so many different kinds.

What makes me most happy about this change is that many users have been saying we want more group gifts, so now when Linden Lab wants to give people an incentive to go premium, they're finally giving us something we want! I don't think anyone really wanted the free gifts, few wanted the premium sandboxes, and we seldom realize the advantage we have in getting better customer support than non-premium members do.

- Now just give us 1025 m instead of only 512 m.  :-)




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I am a Blogger and 42 groups is seriously not enough, I get to keep one floating group for myself the rets are neccessary either land groups or blogging groupsnad now at last I can get a few more to myself YAYYYYYYY except for now I cant use it yet but I guess at some point it wil roll out fully to the older members who have been premium before this took place instead of the new ones that enroll because of this!  

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I was pleased with this.   There are several groups to which I need to belong (primarily land groups and product update groups), some scripting groups in which I'm an admin, some groups belonging to friends I don't particularly use but don't want to leave, and and some viewer help groups that it's convenient for me to belong (as a scripter I need to know about oddities that affect particular viewers).

I can manage with 42, but I'm always pretty close to that limit and it will be very convenient to have some leeway 


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Yes good....and if you change you mind, LL says (quote)

'Downgrading from Premium membership will not remove you from any of your groups, but it will mean that you cannot join any new groups until you remove yourself from enough groups to get below the Basic account limit, which remains at 42.'

Thats very fair.

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As Frau Yardley says, group slots can fill up very quickly for people who admin at roleplay-sims, all the faster if it´s not 'only humans' but a sim where every race, sub-race, guild, counter-guild and guild-alternative etc. 'needs' their own group, I´d never have imagined I´d have a problem with 42 ! groups but I got there one day lol so I´m more aware of some people´s maximum group limit now and understand their plight ;) but since it´s a performance problem I´m rather for people pruning their groups and leave those they don´t really need anymore than adding to bad performance of SL. If you really need to be in a group, or in 42, or 60, of course that´s another thing. And there are groups you have to pay for to join, so if people are in those of course they don´t want to leave and re-join again, even if they only need that group to buy something with group discount twice a year. Personally I don´t only not need more than 42 groups, 42 already is much more than I really want to read notices from or have to click chat away from, when it pops up, also it´s a nice number ;) In case group numbers wouldn´t cause performance problems though, of course I´d not mind whatever maximum group number for the people who want so many, but for my tastes good performance is much more important than higher maximum group numbers than we got now.

In case any Lindens read this thread for the feedback - great idea to raise group number for premium users. Now we´re waiting for a rise of avatar number capabilities, lower tier fees and cleaned up mainland, so it would be more attractive to have a big parcel there and then maybe zone parts of the land, so people who are interested in having roleplay areas or even private residential area of the same genre and 'look and feel' could have those close together for really big areas for everyone to explore and enjoy and...I digress. Good idea with the 'go premium, get 60 groups'! More good incentives for making people want to go premium, please.


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ZoeTick wrote:

I use multiple outcome orientated alts, so the group restriction is not a problem.

Me too, although even then I easily still hit the group limit.

This would be a good move from LL, although I have a feeling it won't happen any time soon if ever. Certainly it would be something worth offering, instead of that farcical increase in offline message space. Seriously LL, whoever thought of and authorised that should hang their heads in shame. Give us something useful please.

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It's very nice, especially if what i read here is a fact.. :-)

" And right now the most effective way to fight texture lag is, strangely enough, to close all group chats as quickly as possible. When a group chat pops up, your computer starts loading the full size profile pics of every single person logged on to that chat. Those pictures add up to far more graphics than even the busiest in-world scene and to make matters worse, they have higher cache priority than the textures you actually see around you. "

Source: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/Texture-Size-VS-Count-For-Performance/td-p/2931079

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Vulpinus wrote:

ZoeTick wrote:

I use multiple outcome orientated alts, so the group restriction is not a problem.

Me too, although even then I easily still hit the group limit.

This would be a good move from LL, although I have a feeling it won't happen any time soon if ever.
Certainly it would be something worth offering, instead of that farcical increase in offline message space. Seriously LL, whoever thought of and authorised that should hang their heads in shame. Give us something useful please.

Psst! It just did happen; that's what the thread is about.

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Vulpinus wrote:

ZoeTick wrote:

I use multiple outcome orientated alts, so the group restriction is not a problem.

Me too, although even then I easily still hit the group limit.

This would be a good move from LL, although I have a feeling it won't happen any time soon if ever. Certainly it would be something worth offering, instead of that farcical increase in offline message space. Seriously LL, whoever thought of and authorised that should hang their heads in shame. Give us something useful please.

For business owners having double the offline message space can be a big help, when needing to deal with customers from email.  It's my quick response time that helps me get good reviews for customer service, I can't do that if I miss a message. 

Sounds like land will be cheaper in Sansar, so I would expect to see more service level perks for the premium membership over there, and may be here as well.  They might be rolling these out in SL as test to see what people like enough to pay for more of.

Perks are perks use them, or not I'm not going to complain about having more of them.

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Vulpinus wrote:

This would be a good move from LL, although I have a feeling it won't happen any time soon if ever. Certainly it would be something worth offering, instead of that farcical increase in offline message space. Seriously LL, whoever thought of and authorised that should hang their heads in shame. Give us something useful please.

 I'm not wholly sure what you mean by "This," as in "This would be a good move from LL." 

If you refer to the increased number of groups to which Premium Members may belong,  the blog post suggests the increase is already in effect (though I haven't tried it yet).   See https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Premium-Membership-in-Second-Life-Just-Got-Better/ba-p/2936342

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Vulpinus wrote:

...steps back in amazement...

I missed the point - I thought people were asking for it. Never saw that blog post. Wow!


I'm going to try it now...


Yup, I have a total of 60 Groups available to me. This is a good thing because I can add some more performance Venues to my staple of in-world groups.

Linden Lab FIFY!

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Jerilynn Lemon wrote:

My gawd, where do I start?

I wanna be in your group and your group and yeppers, your group too...wait, I'm already in your group...nevermind.

Hey you, over there, sign me up, I can get up to 60 (SIXTY!) group tags now (if I go premium)!

How many groups does one really need? 42 seems fine now, but 60 seems to be a bit overkill.

I have maybe 12 open slots in my current groupings out of 42. But, I'm sure there will be some who will fill up each and every slot and still complain "why are there ONLY 60 groups?".

Can one wear all sixty tags at once? Nope.

Can one wear two tags at once? Nope.

So, you don't need even 42 groups.  Good for you!  I've just added my 44th group.  I will find it pretty easy to get to 60 at this rate. \0/

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  • 1 month later...

OP is obviously not a compulsory shopper/fashionista. That's my conclusion.

I can reach 100 groups easily within the next hour if I wanted to, quality groups only too, not junk groups. 42 is absurdly low limit, but no I'm not paying $100 a year just to get 18 extra group slots.

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  • 6 months later...

I think Premium should increase the more so and let free users get a increase in groups. there are some groups that requier one to have  a bit more than just one group. I am a dj in a few clubs  You have a staff  group which   your dj tags   manager tags    your hostess/host tags , security and other power positions are . then you have your vip group many clubs expect the dj  and or hostess to make notices . some groups are heavly involved in sl stuff and they have multiple groups like the second life cheerleaders orgs out there that  happen to be a huge part in the RFL  events ( Huge cancer org that donates  funds  for cancer things and big business for giving SL  a awesoem humanitariant feel ) . those groups   can get  a bunch of  groups alone.  The SLSC  group alone i think has about 20 groups alone . you want to keep up with whats going on seriously if your a part of that core group


you dj  for a few clubs and a few other things  and  you do not have any spaces for fun clothing stores . heck sl lets you do so much .  you can be a dj for a club , be a affilaite  for soem clothing stores , and seriously help ya  fellow  human beings irl  do things to raise vr  money that gets  converted to cash  to help with cancer research. SL is amazing . 


SL  shoudl allow  free users  the chance to get 60 groups after all times are changing . many may not be actively involved in sl  and teher are those who are. Last year i tried a premium account  but since LL  doesnt allow one to pay for a Premium account with a pre paid visa or any kind a prepaid card  one loses the ability to be a premium account holder and as a one time deal  they allow  a grace of  being converted back to a free user  but one can not  add groups  till rthey are under 42 . 


many  i am sure say that 42  is enough .  that is fine but they need to stop speaking as some authority on how all live there sl .  I could see a premium at 100 groups / but here is the deal why not just let  everyone have teh freedom of  how many groups one has  be it free or  or premium member.  . Honestly if i was back to being a premium memember  i would rather have  the LL Home i am given  be allowed  more prims  and a lil bigger plot of land  maybe a bigger stipend weekly . after all how many  peopkle aside from land mogals and clothing store owners that make huge bank monthly as they sell land at premium prices and  use  soemoen elses templates    and just retexture them   to make  bank  cash in Lindens for  real money. 


SL  2.0 is coming soon  as we hear and  maybe as a kind gesture  Linden Labs  can be like hey  we are going to let ya  all have  75  group slots   as a basis  and if ya want more  you can buy  more group slots   hell if they allowed prepaid cards to buy group slots  i would  drop  5 dollars a month for 10 more slots  


why not take pre paid cards like Green Dot  or  pay power i do not know . i know green dot requires that one have a ssn   a real name and date of birth .  one can not get most prepaid cards  under teh name of Mickey Mouse . unless Mickey Mouse has a real life social security number   a birth date and  hell for all i know if ya have teh name Mickey Mouse i bet they want a scanned copy of your  birth certicicate  to prove it. 


Second Life .  you have people dropping out of second life these days and not everyone  has  the funds to open a bank account . consider that . would you like to keep people here  and such  well lets open soem doors to make it more appleaing  show the free players  ( hell i am not a free player  i have to buy a stream to dj  and  i dont cash out . i provide commerce  as i take the lindens i earn and pay for virtual items that soemoen is cashing out with i am sure )  soem love . heck lol maybe do a stimulas program hey so and so we have noticed you have been in second life for x amount of years  here is 30 k   x 4   for the 4 years you have been in second life  thank you and we hope your on for teh next 4 plus years  we have soem exciting stuff coming up 



Thank you Linden Labs  for making a awesoem VR world  i can not wait to see what you have in store for us in the years to come Bless you all for your hard work your all amazing.  


PS sorry for typos i get excited and  on sl  doing a set making people happy  to be a part of sl. 

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