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What would you do if SL closed down?

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PROMPTED by SL Go closing down with minimal notice, and the uncertainty relating to the development of a new platform, particularly given the abandonment of other initiatives by LL in the last twelve months, I have been wondering if it is not inconceivable that circumstances might force the peremptory closure of the existing Second Life world, despite assurances given by Ebbe; in fact, it is in part the vague promises and uncertainty of the commitment made by him that worry me most, as it appears that LL is unwilling - or unable - to determine any sort of fixed schedule which they feel confident enough to publish.

So .  .  if they did give us less than a month's notice of closure, like SL Go, what steps would you take?

***Actually, given Ebbe's statements on the matter, perhaps the thread should be titled: "What will you do when SL closes down?"***

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Move on. I have already looked at InWorldz and while I prefer Second Life to InWorldz, I would give it a chance. I know ALOT of people will slam you saying that Linden Lab will NEVER close Second Life, but I don't agree. In fact, when they do close Second Life, I am sure we will get at best one month's notice. From a pure business standpoint, it does not make sense to have two platforms running.In Linden Lab's mind, the new platform will be the shiny new sports car and Second Life will be the Edsel (goggle it kids). I am not surprised that any schedule has been stated because schedule ALMOST always slip. But anyone can plainly see that traffic is Second Life has been decreasing since Ebbe's bombshell last summer. And please dont show me any statistics. Server statistics can be manipulated. Just explore Second Life and you can see it for yourself. I have absolutely no interest in Linden Lab's new platform for many reason with the biggest reason being the Ebbe's statement that it will be for 13+ "babies".

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I would have a great deal of entertainment (dare I say with a bit of guilty schadenfreude) reading all the heated forum postings from people demanding monetary compensation from LL for their lost inventory and land that they have "spent thousands on" all these past years. 

I suppose I would also miss watching my avatar animate on the screen, and perhaps loose just the tiniest amount of my own identity with him when the electrons portraying him cease to dance on my screen. 

The only thing left would be then to look to the future.  If life teaches you anything at all, it is that change is inevitable, and you are best served by learning to roll with the change.



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No matter what assurances we are or are not given, LL can and will do whatever it chooses whenever it chooses. It makes no difference whatsoever what is 'promised'. Desicions and policies can change at any instant. I thought all of that the day I decided to sign up annually.

That said, it's a little different to SL Go. Some people here (like me) have longer term 'contracts' that, whatever the TOS might say, could lead to legal action if LL suddenly closed its doors and pulled the plug. A business decision could still be made to do just that though.

I trust companies as far as I can throw their headquarters and rely on them to do what they say as much as I do the English weather... actually, a lot less.

Anyway - what steps would I take if LL did what you suggest?...

Let anyone I felt was worth keeping in touch with have my RL contact details (if they don't alread), pull my few L$ out, and start a claim with PayPal for services not received, not that I would likely get anywhere with that.

Then I would get more fresh air, and carry on enjoying life, pretty much like I do now. I would find other things to fill the down time, and ways to keep in touch with people.

But then, SL is just a bit of fun for me (actually it is more, due to circumstances, but it's not irreplaceable), not in any way a business interest. If it was, I would hope that I hadn't made too much of an investement that hadn't already been returned.

In short: life goes on, until it doesn't. The end.

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LlewLlwyd wrote:

by SL Go closing down with minimal notice

Why do you do this?


It's really annoying to see you use those huge characters.


ok, back on topic.... LL didn't close SLGo, Sony bought it for some reason, maybe a patent, and said - "but, we don't want to run it."


I would go to Hi Fidelity I think. it's now in open Alpha and pretty good.

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Shaun Boyd wrote:

LlewLlwyd wrote:

by SL Go closing down with minimal notice

Why do you do this?


It's really annoying to see you use those huge characters.


ok, back on topic.... LL didn't close SLGo, Sony bought it for some reason, maybe a patent, and said - "but, we don't want to run it."


I would go to Hi Fidelity I think. it's now in open Alpha and pretty good.

Why are you whinging about his style of posting? It is really annoying.

And HiFi is in rudimentary alpha at this point. It looks like crap.

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Start a few of those crowd funding things with the stated aim to raise cash for a buy out.

Once enough scammed, make an offer that was bound to be laughed at and refused.

Report to the marks 'we are sorry but our offer was refused'

Move somewhere warm on the pickings....


Or more likely, say ' that was fun and thanks ' and find something else to dabble in.

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Right, HiFi is very alpha and no one has a timeline, not even how to create things or ....

If SL closes then i might not even realize it within the scheduled time :matte-motes-sarcasm:

The introduction of mesh took out all the sparkles and made it to a technical battleground where creators maybe only go online to upload their creations. (Ah, a big drawback for Hifi - now - no ingame building)


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I think one of the first things I would do would be to save a lot of my photos to my hard drive to preserve those memories. Like someone else said, I would make sure that anyone important, that didn't already have my RL info, did. I would be sad for a while, it's been almost 8 years (in June) after all, but I'd move on. I'd miss Aislin, she's a part of me. 

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It's part of the ToS that LL can close SL whenever they like and terminate any and all accounts. As far as I know, it's always been this way. So what has changed? My involvement with SL has always been on the basis that it could end at any time.

Given a month's notice, I'd do what I could to minimise the damage. Cash out what I can and save such resources as are useful. I already have alternative means of contacting some people I know from SL, so I'd make sure those were up to date. We could probably meet up in some other virtuality. Life goes on, even if Second Life doesn't.

A few years ago it would have upset me more. These days I think my attachment to SL is winding down. I'd miss what it was and celebrate what it did for me, then try to move on. 

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I was in another platform for over 2 years and was getting bored.  Then someone told me about SL.  I chaecked it out and then, finding it new and more interesting, got all my friends form the old platform to move over.  Of the 20 odd people that came over to SL with me, 16 are still here and still friends I hang out with regularly.

So, were SL to shut down I would find something else and pass the word to the friends I have.  Hopefully most of them would migrate with me again and we would go on as if nothing happened. 

I have been to InWorldz and have 2 sims I have already set up.  So that would be a good candidate.

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LlewLlwyd wrote:


So .  .  if they did give us less than a month's notice of closure, like SL Go, what steps would you take?



I'd be a little sad at first, but then I'd remember that LL's decision has just saved me $295 USD in monthly maintenance fees, and I'd go shopping for new shoes.

Maybe give InWorldz another whirl after that, or perhaps just get back to my gardening.   I'll survive!  :)

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all those people paying for there lands,can they rely close sl,$$$$

all those thing people have set up,build shop.deleted...

they most make a lot of money whit sl,why will they close it.

there is some os whit almost free lands,and they still run.

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The only reason I have not moved on from Second Life is because I have too much money invested in it but I would never tell anyone to get started on Second Life I would recommend another service.

I have cut down from spending about $300 US a month on Second Life to $30 US, I'm sure the Lindens don't care or notice but Second Life is becoming a ghost town filled with bots and alts generating traffic that is meaningless, in fact a lot of the sci fi communities seem to be more into "who has the highest traffic" of the day and chase off people that want to play for fear their bots (not set to scripted agent status) and alts will be discovered. 

I recently canceled my premium membership after 3 years (although it is valid until September) because it is useless. Second Life is like Mac, you pay 10 times more for something mediocre that does not do anything better than anything else and you have to pay for all the extras which others give freely. 

I do think Second Life is nearing its end or at least I do not believe they will be launching their "new" Second Life grid that uses the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset they keep talking about but quite honestly I would not be interested in that anyway. 

So, your question...  What would you do if SL closed down? At this point save an additional $30 a month and not sweat it a bit. 

Well, that's one mans opinion, 


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To all those who say they would cash out if SL closes, good luck with that.  When you sell your $L's for RL money you are selling them to other residents looking to buy, not LL. That is how the Lindex works.  Who in their right mind would buy $L's as they will be worthless when the grid shuts down?  You can bet LL wouldn't buy them from you.  This assumes SL will shut down  before the new world is open to all.

If SL shut down and the new world was up and running you can go there.  Ebbe said $L's will be the currency there and interchangable between SL and the new world.

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