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I am having a REAL issue here with Second life AND the support staff!


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I REALLY would like some answers here...please SOMEONE in the know. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAY BE IN THE WRONG CATEGORY but I could not find a proper category to shove it in!

Last night I was happily shopping for TREES, yes TREES and cottages for my sim, by myself, fully clothed, 3 am ish in a deserted store with what I at least thought was a M rating. (The type you rez the buildings before you buy) and also tabbling in and out to the marketplace. 

My avi was FULLY clothed.  No peenie attached or hanging out. Not talking to ANYONE. JUST shopping-tabbing in and out to the marketplace.  My profile does contain an ADULT pic WAY DOWN IN the BIO part and does state clearly that I am gay! Most of the people that I meet have ADULT pics either of their avi or RL selfs..seems to be ALL THE RAGE, and I usually always take DOWN when visiting a G rated area or someone reminds me if I forget due to chatting. (arent many of those around given that SL is based around shopping for sexy items, sex makers in everything from rugs to pillows and SEX at every turn.)  But there I was..yes an older gay male-says so in my profile-shopping and tabbing in and out.  I saw a woman or something dark *something* walk buy but paid IT no mind...as I was..yes..thats right I will say this again..SHOPPING FOR TREES FOR MY SIM that I pay a STUPID amount of money to have.  Plus I pay to be a full member in SL...you do the math.  Big bucks.  Suddenly I got logged out and a screen that said I could log back in in a few hours.  I thought maybe SL had gone down.  So I tried again. I then told me I could not log in till TOMORROW.  Ugh...I have those evil breedable things/money sink that need care and land to manage, scripters to meet with etc. and friends to hug.  Now I just have to interject here...that SL does NOT do ANY SORT of age verification...they just ask if you are over 18 and OF COURSE EVERYONE (insert sarcasim) is honest about that. RIGHT? (rolls eyes and hopes parents are watching their children's internet actions and have attys on speed dial) So moving right along....

I contacted live chat first thing today....I was nice, confused but nice and the agent about blew up...said I had been suspended for having a pic in my profile. (HELP ME HERE...JUST ABOUT EVERYONE Ive MET has ONE OF THOSE PICS in their profile and if they don't they are sure as heck filling up your inventory by trying to give you selfies of their RL naked selfs, that is if they arent begging to cam/sext/skype with you like SL is some sort of ADULT FBUDDY finder as if the adult animations are not enough?!) The CSR said I got an email- I DID NOT!!!  (even checked my spam folder 3 times)  The CSR could not explain why it went from a few hours to two days. The CSR did nothing to explain ANYTHING and HUNG UP ON ME the paying customer.  Yup...never swore, wasnt rude..just was trying to figure out WHAT WENT WRONG and HOW I COULD FIX THIS.  I rooted around and found that I could appeal this ban that I was NOT notified off...I wrote twice in this space..HOW I WAS TREE SHOPPING in the wee hours ALONE.  Again..you guessed it..no response.  Still banned till tomorrow...WITH THAT PIC HANGING OUT THERE I GUESS FOR EVERY ONE TO SEE ON MY PROFILE..(run dont walk to see a picture of a gay man's junk-(more sarcasm) on my profile.  I got a hold of another..and slightly better LIVE CSR who did explain a little more but also told me to appeal-WHICH I DID and once again who could not explain how things/ban went from a few HOURS to a FEW DAYS in a matter of minutes!!!  STILL NO RESPONSE AT ALL to my appreals....NO FU..no WHOOPS we see you were just tree shopping in an EMPTY PLACE and some dark thing got HER? IT?s bloomer in a not because you are too handsome to be gay. (inserts humor)

SL has about a bazillion places to read and be DAMNED if Im gonna put my visually impaired self in front of a BUNCH of fine print that covers VOLUMES of webpages.  I have followed the when in Rome strategy and its worked..till now.  I am disheartened BIG time by the LACK of help or customer support on this matter as well. 

So can someone tell me WHY customer support does NOT deal with these sort of issues. One would think a company as large as LL would have a cust support depart that would be able to deal with ANY AND ALL ISSUES from the techy to un warrented bans/suspensions?  I have been grived, trolled, I had someone carve up my sim a few times before I changed the settings so a bit of a MY BAD but still..just rude.  Ive had rentals broken into and people offering me sex for money at every turn..*shakes head* but I just shrugged it all off and moved on  SHOULD I HAVE REPORTED ALL THESE PEOPLE?  CSR did not have an answer for me on that.

Should we all WALK AROUND and creep profiles for less than clothed pics and REPORT THEM each time we see them?  I see MANY, over 40 a day in just dancing and hanging out on M and A sims.

WHY doesnt SOMEONE answer the appeals....WHY IS TREE SHOPPING on a M sim bannable?  Perhaps someone can laugh and cry with me here and give me not LINKS but STRAIGHT UP ANSWERS...in fact I double dog DARE someone with LL CS to tell me what exactly I am paying for for CS when Im getting NONE.  I can accept that maybe this was a TOS violation..having that pic up...BUT NO ONE HAS COME OUT AND SAID THAT POINT BLANK nor have a received any email (yes I even made sure my email addy was correct and that NOTHING from SL was hitting my spam folder) and believe I will be framing that pic in my house as soon as I get back on. LOL

I know one thing for sure...I will not be paying for a full membership after this as the CS is..just not worth it and THAT is what I am paying for.  Perhaps someone here has been through this nightmare with banning and or bad Customer Support and cares to share.  Right now Im miserable and confused as BLEEEEEEP and would love some company, thought CONSTRUCTIVE ANSWERS would be much more appreciated as To WHY the customer service...should we all just walk around a creep profile of strangers who are shopping and report them for being gay or straight or were wolves or..you get the picture.  THANKS!


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First you are required to maintain a G rated profile by the Terms of Service.  I know that not everyone complies but that doesn't mean you can break this rule.  While LL does not actively go looking for adult and mature profiles, it will act on one that is reported to them.  It could have been anyone that saw your profile at any time that reported yours.  It isn't necessary that they are in the same place.  A profile surfer could have done it or someone that saw you earlier in the day or even days before and they just now filed the AR or the AR was filed earlier and it was only worked recently.

I can't explain why you were suspended for only a few hours at first then it turned into two days.  The Governance Committee is who decides these matters.  It could be they suspended you immediately only for a few hours until the entire committee ruled on the case and then they increased it, but no one will know for sure except for them.

You can appeal of course, but the facts are the facts and there is no hope you will win.  You should get an email telling you the result of your appeal eventually.  You are allowed to say you are gay and even show what gay groups you belong in.  However you can't have 'adult' pictures or text in your profile.

Live Chat reps and other employees of LL have nothing to do with discipline matters and the records are not available to them.  People on the Governance Committee are the only ones who see AR's and the disciplinary records or decide on how to handle an AR or an appeal.  To protect your privacy no one but you and the committee will know the outcome of an AR and the action they take.

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The ban almost certainly had nothing to do with where you were at the time. It takes quite a while for LL to act on abuse reports and the report was probably sent in days earlier. As far as the E-mails, some ISP's have been known to auto-block Second Life's auto-emailer account so the E-mails wouldn't even reach your spam box.

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You are not alloed to have an 'adult' pic in your profile, regardless of what type of sim you are in, or what you are doing, and that inludes shopping for trees.

It's no good moaning about the fact that you've been suspended. You broke the rules and you deserved the suspension. So, when you get back, remove the pic and don't do it again.

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Are you just banned from inworld or are you on a different account right now?

you can adjust your profile without being in world if you still are on the same account and have access on the site..

If you are banned and on a new account..Be careful not to get into more trouble for being on an account because you are banned with zero access allowed..

You could get perma banned doing that..


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So, you wrote that big, long, barely legible wall of text to state three simple things:


1. You showed a pic of your junk after LL said you can't do that.

2. LL gave you a timeout.

3. You're butthurt as a result.


Does that about sum it up? 


Quit whining. 

It's your fault, not LL's.


You didn't get banned for 'innocently shopping for trees'. You didn't get banned for being gay, despite HOW many times you referenced that fact in your whiney tirade. You got banned for showing a pic of your junk. THE END.


Paying to be a premium member doesn't give you a free pass to break the rules. In fact, before you even laid your money down, you agreed to adhere to LL's rules, including the part about not showing your junk in your profile.

You got the 'customer support' that you asked for - your question was answered by whomever you called. (See numbers 1-3 above for a recap.) That's called doing their job, see? Be careful what you wish for.

On a side note, I've been in SL nearly six years and I really don't know where you hang out (besides landscaping stores) that 'most everyone you meet' has pics of their junk in their profiles because...I haven't met THOSE people. 






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Senobia Xenga wrote:


On a side note, I've been in SL nearly six years and I really don't know where you hang out (besides landscaping stores) that 'most everyone you meet' has pics of their junk in their profiles because...I haven't met


It is pretty common especially around gay groups. Anyone that has come here from Utherverse thinking secondlife is a more advanced version of their world will probably be wondering why profiles here are so tame. I don't think the rule on profiles needing to meet general standards is very clear anywhere in the sign up process and if they managed to set up their profile without referring to the wiki would never know until they get AR'ed and banned.

I would have thought a sensible company would contact their customer, explain what was wrong and support them making the necessary changes rather than just banning them. And then being cryptic, superior and unhelpful on support channels when he is trying to find out what the problem is.

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Aethelwine wrote:


I would have thought a sensible company would contact their customer, explain what was wrong and support them making the necessary changes rather than just banning them. And then being cryptic, superior and unhelpful on support channels when he is trying to find out what the problem is.

It sounds like the Lab did contact them but the E-mail was probably eaten by a hyperactive spam filter. And it's interesting to note that the OP previously posted that he found the user support from Caspervend (one of the largest vendor/rental system makers in SL) "more than lacking" too. There seems to be a pattern forming...

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Aethelwine wrote:

Senobia Xenga wrote:


On a side note, I've been in SL nearly six years and I really don't know where you hang out (besides landscaping stores) that 'most everyone you meet' has pics of their junk in their profiles because...I haven't met


It is pretty common especially around gay groups. Anyone that has come here from Utherverse thinking secondlife is a more advanced version of their world will probably be wondering why profiles here are so tame. I don't think the rule on profiles needing to meet general standards is very clear anywhere in the sign up process and if they managed to set up their profile without referring to the wiki would never know until they get AR'ed and banned.

I would have thought a sensible company would contact their customer, explain what was wrong and support them making the necessary changes rather than just banning them. And then being cryptic, superior and unhelpful on support channels when he is trying to find out what the problem is.

Well, the problem is the following: Its written in the ToS, that you have to keep it G rated (as far as I know). Everyone has to click "I agree" on the ToS before entering Second Life for the first time (and each time the ToS gets changed). Of course nobody reads the ToS...but LL can take this and legally say you had your fair chance of informing yourself. And I don't believe, that the got the time to contact each and everyone who breaks the ToS first and ask them kindly to stop doing whatever it is. In fact, no company does that.

They just send out an email telling you why you are banned and such. But the OP probably has an email account that won't let those Emails in and thinks its spam. In addition, the support you can reach from here are not the same people who banned him...so thats what the email is for.

And...seriously, I find dick pics disgusting, especially in profiles. So LL has my support on that.

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JamesKisson wrote:

I REALLY would like some answers here...please SOMEONE in the know. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAY BE IN THE WRONG CATEGORY but I could not find a proper category to shove it in!

Last night I was happily shopping for TREES, yes TREES and cottages for my sim, by myself, fully clothed, 3 am ish in a deserted store with what I at least thought was a M rating. (The type you rez the buildings before you buy) and also tabbling in and out to the marketplace. 

My avi was FULLY clothed.  No peenie attached or hanging out. Not talking to ANYONE. JUST shopping-tabbing in and out to the marketplace.  My profile does contain an ADULT pic WAY DOWN IN the BIO part and does state clearly that I am gay! Most of the people that I meet have ADULT pics either of their avi or RL selfs..seems to be ALL THE RAGE, and I usually always take DOWN when visiting a G rated area or someone reminds me if I forget due to chatting. (arent many of those around given that SL is based around shopping for sexy items, sex makers in everything from rugs to pillows and SEX at every turn.)  But there I was..yes an older gay male-says so in my profile-shopping and tabbing in and out.  I saw a woman or something dark *something* walk buy but paid IT no mind...as I was..yes..thats right I will say this again..SHOPPING FOR TREES FOR MY SIM that I pay a STUPID amount of money to have.  Plus I pay to be a full member in SL...you do the math.  Big bucks.  Suddenly I got logged out and a screen that said I could log back in in a few hours.  I thought maybe SL had gone down.  So I tried again. I then told me I could not log in till TOMORROW.  Ugh...I have those evil breedable things/money sink that need care and land to manage, scripters to meet with etc. and friends to hug.  Now I just have to interject here...that SL does NOT do ANY SORT of age verification...they just ask if you are over 18 and OF COURSE EVERYONE (insert sarcasim) is honest about that. RIGHT? (rolls eyes and hopes parents are watching their children's internet actions and have attys on speed dial) So moving right along....

I contacted live chat first thing today....I was nice, confused but nice and the agent about blew up...said I had been suspended for having a pic in my profile. (HELP ME HERE...JUST ABOUT EVERYONE Ive MET has ONE OF THOSE PICS in their profile and if they don't they are sure as heck filling up your inventory by trying to give you selfies of their RL naked selfs, that is if they arent begging to cam/sext/skype with you like SL is some sort of ADULT FBUDDY finder as if the adult animations are not enough?!) The CSR said I got an email- I DID NOT!!!  (even checked my spam folder 3 times)  The CSR could not explain why it went from a few hours to two days. The CSR did nothing to explain ANYTHING and HUNG UP ON ME the paying customer.  Yup...never swore, wasnt rude..just was trying to figure out WHAT WENT WRONG and HOW I COULD FIX THIS.  I rooted around and found that I could appeal this ban that I was NOT notified off...I wrote twice in this space..HOW I WAS TREE SHOPPING in the wee hours ALONE.  Again..you guessed it..no response.  Still banned till tomorrow...WITH THAT PIC HANGING OUT THERE I GUESS FOR EVERY ONE TO SEE ON MY PROFILE..(run dont walk to see a picture of a gay man's junk-(more sarcasm) on my profile.  I got a hold of another..and slightly better LIVE CSR who did explain a little more but also told me to appeal-WHICH I DID and once again who could not explain how things/ban went from a few HOURS to a FEW DAYS in a matter of minutes!!!  STILL NO RESPONSE AT ALL to my appreals....NO FU..no WHOOPS we see you were just tree shopping in an EMPTY PLACE and some dark thing got HER? IT?s bloomer in a not because you are too handsome to be gay. (inserts humor)

SL has about a bazillion places to read and be DAMNED if Im gonna put my visually impaired self in front of a BUNCH of fine print that covers VOLUMES of webpages.  I have followed the when in Rome strategy and its worked..till now.  I am disheartened BIG time by the LACK of help or customer support on this matter as well. 

So can someone tell me WHY customer support does NOT deal with these sort of issues. One would think a company as large as LL would have a cust support depart that would be able to deal with ANY AND ALL ISSUES from the techy to un warrented bans/suspensions?  I have been grived, trolled, I had someone carve up my sim a few times before I changed the settings so a bit of a MY BAD but still..just rude.  Ive had rentals broken into and people offering me sex for money at every turn..*shakes head* but I just shrugged it all off and moved on  SHOULD I HAVE REPORTED ALL THESE PEOPLE?  CSR did not have an answer for me on that.

Should we all WALK AROUND and creep profiles for less than clothed pics and REPORT THEM each time we see them?  I see MANY, over 40 a day in just dancing and hanging out on M and A sims.

WHY doesnt SOMEONE answer the appeals....WHY IS TREE SHOPPING on a M sim bannable?  Perhaps someone can laugh and cry with me here and give me not LINKS but STRAIGHT UP ANSWERS...in fact I double dog DARE someone with LL CS to tell me what exactly I am paying for for CS when Im getting NONE.  I can accept that maybe this was a TOS violation..having that pic up...BUT NO ONE HAS COME OUT AND SAID THAT POINT BLANK nor have a received any email (yes I even made sure my email addy was correct and that NOTHING from SL was hitting my spam folder) and believe I will be framing that pic in my house as soon as I get back on. LOL

I know one thing for sure...I will not be paying for a full membership after this as the CS is..just not worth it and THAT is what I am paying for.  Perhaps someone here has been through this nightmare with banning and or bad Customer Support and cares to share.  Right now Im miserable and confused as BLEEEEEEP and would love some company, thought CONSTRUCTIVE ANSWERS would be much more appreciated as To WHY the customer service...should we all just walk around a creep profile of strangers who are shopping and report them for being gay or straight or were wolves or..you get the picture.  THANKS!


This was such a perfect example of a certain type of person's thinking that I didn't want to take the chance of the OP editing/deleting it.  

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JamesKisson wrote:

My profile does contain an ADULT pic WAY DOWN IN the BIO part . . . . and I
always take DOWN when visiting a G rated area or someone reminds me if I forget due to chatting.

. . . .  Now I just have to interject here...that SL does NOT do ANY SORT of age verification...they just ask if you are over 18 and OF COURSE EVERYONE (insert sarcasim) is honest about that. RIGHT? (rolls eyes and hopes parents are watching their children's internet actions and have attys on speed dial) So moving right along....


(Bolding mine)

These were my favorite sections.

Just to be clear, even you admit you don't always remove this pic when visiting areas that you know minors are allowed into.  On top of that, it sounds like you expect minors to be in other areas of Second Life and still had this material displayed on your profile.

A suspension might be the least of your worries.

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I think the reason profiles must be G rated, is because minors can access profiles. It does not matter if you are on the same sim as the minor, or the rating of the sim you are in. Profiles are searchable by anyone if you did not hide your profile. There is no age or rating filter in profile search.


"People tab

The search system does not filter keywords when you search for avatar names or profiles. Information in Resident profiles should be General. Please refer to our Community Standards for details."

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Abigail Longmeadow wrote:

I think the reason
profiles must be G rated
, is because minors can access profiles. It does not matter if you are on the same sim as the minor, or the rating of the sim you are in. Profiles are searchable by anyone if you did not hide your profile. There is no age or rating filter in profile search.

People tab

The search system does not filter keywords when you search for avatar names or profiles. Information in Resident profiles should be General. Please 
 for details."

WHAT!!!! G rated doesn't stand for Gay Rated??????


P.S. I especially love the Innocent Tree Shopping defense.

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I've been in SL over seven years, and I can count on one hand, how many explicit RL genitalia pictures I've seen on inworld profiles.   It's not many.  

But, it doesn't matter if "everyone" is doing it.  TOS is clear on this issue.  Inworld profiles are to be PG (G), not adult. 

Plus,.....errgh....how tacky. 

Perhaps LL will give you a second chance on this.   (If your account is big-time deleted, only thing would be to file a formal appeal)   But, it sounds like you may have burned your bridges when you contacted the support team.  (I've only found them to be cordial, so not sure what caused the reaction you experienced.  Hmmm)

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JamesKisson wrote a lot more than has been quoted here, 
(I'm in bold italics, which will be pretty purple if the forum software doesn't barf away the color)

My profile does contain an ADULT pic!
(That is a TOS violation. That it's common does not negate the fact.)

Suddenly I got logged out and a screen that said I could log back in in a few hours. 

I contacted live chat first thing today.

So can someone tell me WHY customer support does NOT deal with these sort of issues?
(You said they did deal with it. We can't tell you why you think they didn't).

One would think a company as large as LL would have a cust support depart that would be able to deal with ANY AND ALL ISSUES from the techy to un warrented bans/suspensions?
(LL head count is around 175, I think. That's not a lot of people to service 45K online. And you've contacted their customer support department, so you know they have one.)

I had someone carve up my sim a few times before I changed the settings so a bit of a MY BAD but still..just rude.  Ive had rentals broken into and people offering me sex for money at every turn..*shakes head* but I just shrugged it all off and moved on

(If you wanted LL to know about it, yes).

CSR did not have an answer for me on that.
(It is not LL's responsibility to decide what you should report).

Should we all WALK AROUND and creep profiles for less than clothed pics and REPORT THEM each time we see them?
(Should we? That's a personal decision. Can we? Yes.)

WHY IS TREE SHOPPING on a M sim bannable?
(It's not and you know it. LL did not tell you that tree shopping was the reason you were suspended. They mentioned a pic in your profile. You're just being obtuse.)

I can accept that maybe this was a TOS violation.
(If this rant constitutes acceptance, I'd hate to see what rejection looks like.)

(Wait, either LL told you you had a pic in your profile that violated TOS, or they didn't. Or are you suggesting they banned you for tree shopping which is not a violation of TOS but, out of the blue, also took the time to check your profile to find a pic that violates TOS, mentioned it to you, but gave you a pass on that violation? )

I know one thing for sure...I will not be paying for a full membership after this as the CS is..just not worth it and THAT is what I am paying for.  
(Actually, you're primarily paying for server capacity and the grid software that runs on it, though you've certainly got a right to expect some customer support.)

Right now Im miserable and confused as BLEEEEEEP and would love some company.
(There are times when I suspect that LL is confused, so you may have some company there!)


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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

mirbaz wrote:

Do butt pics also come under junk?

I think the phrasing somewhere is, "Would you want your grandmother to see it? If not, it's probably not wise to use?"

So .. does that mean grandpa's butt is junk or .. did I miss something?

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

mirbaz wrote:

Do butt pics also come under junk?

I think the phrasing somewhere is, "Would you want your grandmother to see it? If not, it's probably not wise to use?"

So .. does that mean grandpa's butt is junk or .. did I miss something?

am not sure that grandma would expect to see grandpa hanging his butt out the bedroom window mooning the neighbours and random people on the street



she might tho. and like has this big pokey stick thingy. or a broom maybe


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