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Lexie Linden

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I want the General Discussion forum returned as well. I know that it was often loaded with drama, but it also kept me informed of things that were going on in world that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. I learned a great deal about SL from reading that forum actually. I often passed information that I learned there along to my friends in world. I learned to be wary of full perm items being passed around the grid because they're probably stolen. I learned about script usage and the impact on the grid. I learned how to use the in world map to shop for land rather than just use the land auction system. I read threads about common issues that were answered by forum regulars rather than needing to deal with live chat or filing a ticket. Some of these issues were about products in world and not SL itself. Many of my friends in world wonder how I know so much about SL, and I always reply that it is because I read the forums. I think LL needs to take a second loook at the forum community and return the General Discussion section of the forum.

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I know change is hard and all that, and obviously, people will be thrown by a familiar forum being gone, but I think the general forum had its uses. I think there are some meta issues that wouldn't be covered by the new topic areas.

I know it's corny of me, but I'd like it to reload to my post and not the first one again. Yeah, why do I need to see my own post when I wrote it, but...eh, I like it bask in the glory or something.

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The badges are quite nice, but for a lot of them, the name of the poster is very difficult to see.  Could we have an extra field that appears outside the badge itself, where the user-name is listed so that we can see it even if someone has a badge with a dark background?

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I can't create a thread?

There is a dedicated thread for merchants but not for consumers?  How one-sided is that?


The format here is very nice...the function is non-existent for your ~250,000 or so users that want to be residents and consumers of SL.  This forum seems very biased towards content creators..content creators certainly need a voice and NEED to have their concerns addressed, but, without consumers there is very little point to creation.



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Relm Foxdale wrote:

I know it's corny of me, but I'd like it to reload to my post and not the first one again. Yeah, why do I need to see my own post when I wrote it, but...eh, I like it bask in the glory or something.


This is perfectly understandable and in most cases I feel the same way.

But, I do find it nice that when you post a reply to someone in the middle of a thread it brings you back to that exact post. I usual have to go back and find that post again if I haven't read the posts after it. Even so, it is annoying when you post to the top of the thread, even if you're on the last page, and are brought back to the very beginning.

It would be a nice to have it as either a set option one way or the other. Perhaps an option that would have it ask you wear you want to go after you post something every time... though that probably wouldn't be very popular.


Btw... hate the spell check... I'd rather be able use the one built into my browser. I don't understand why that's not possible.

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Please Bring Back General Discussions. Do you want a lively community forum or a micromanaged forum? Or  is the removal of 'General' another step in LL's determination that they can outdo the Chinese Government when it comes to controlling what people do and do not see?



PS - I like the new forum interface so far, it's a big improvent in that previous pile of poo that should never have seen the light of day

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There is a need for GD. My suggestion is to make a Private Forum named "Second Life General Discussion" and make [all] member. With that, I expect (not sure), that the GD won't spam up the Recently Created Threads. The suggested name implies the topics have to be SL related.

I wished the Buy and Sell Land would stop spamming the Recently Created Threads. Future will tell.

The formatting and readability of the forum is greatly improved compared with what we all have seen on the Lithium website.

I love the IM thingy!

I have to figure out on how to make a clickable link in my sig.

Would be nice to have a forum related forum with hints, tips and suggestions for improvement.

Still trying but loving it so far.

bbye Jive :smileyvery-happy:


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***** I don't know about a General Discussions forum, but can we have a forum where we can ask questions about adult issues like sex and relationships and bdsm and Gor and whether you should teach kids to crumple toilet paper up before using it or fold it over and keep it smooth and flat. ***** I have tried several times to ask a simple question in the Answers section (it has to be simple because you can only use 100 characters there which is less even than the Twitter simpletons are allowed) about 'ess' 'eee' 'ecks' (spelt out because I am worried this post may just disappear into the same black hole) and the questions never appeared anywhere. Is this invisible censorship? Or did I do something wrong and can I expect another visit from Genn Moderator? ***** It would make sense to have a protected 'Adult Issues' forum which LL could hide from the public (who can see the rubbish that is written here) as well as the teens that are allowed to read and post. I know that Lithium can do this because I checked and if there isn;t one here soon you will all know that it is because LL doesn;t want anybody to realise what really goes on in their virtual world. ********** A Thursday Special Cod Supper is better than sex - discuss! (When an appropriate subforum is created) **********

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General Discussion? Please don't tell me you have scrapped General Discussion for your convenience... 

General Discussion is what gives a forum 'life', it is the heart of the forum. If you rip out the heart what do you have?

General discussion is where you can put the posts that do not fit anywhere else in the rigid structure; is where you make posts that aren't exactly rational and relevant to a pre-determined category.


LIGHT GREY text on WHITE !!?? You can't be serious...

I thought a modicum of professionalism was behind this work... (oops, sorry)


Oh, and Previews can not be edited! 


But apart from that, good luck with this


PS: If you discourage - or can't be bothered with -  general discussion, and if you moderate too heavily, a major user driven forum will coalesce over time. The official forum will diminish and no longer be the centre of your customers forum activities and information gathering - that's how it goes; it has happened before.

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Free consultation/feedback follows :

One thing positive; at least you got rid of what was the worst WYSIWYG editor in the world.

Even though I didn't spend much time in the general section of the SL forums I find removing that section to be very telling of your objective here. This whole setup is a misguided attempt to control your public image. It will backfire. Just look at EA games reputation.

You will try to appear loved by all with the use of censorship and removal of 'non constructive' post, such as this one, while in fact being mocked and **bleep** on by anyone who looks deeper then news letter titles. In other words.. your actual userbase.

Why hire someone from the most hated game company ever? A man in charge of a virtual world that failed. Why give this guy a leadership position to introduce directives like this to do the same in this virtual world?

A heavy handed forum is just WRONG for SL and will get you no where with the actual people who hand over money.

Now best get some moderator to delete this post before someone reads it.

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I would like an Adult-Only subforum where adult topics can be discussed.  I thought it was patently ridiculous yesteday when a word that is commonly used in a student biology textbook was considered a violation of the guidelines.  There are creators of adult content in SL, landowners and renters on adult sims and Zindra, and other adult establishments.  If we cannot use the Entertainment subforum to post things adult in nature, where then?


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Supperfan wrote:


There is nowhere to discuss the philosophical questions that trouble the great majority of residents, the questions of gender and sexuality, the moral problems of relationships, the exploration of BDSM and the humour of Gorean chauvinists. If you are not going to have a General Dump to ghettoise the freethinkers which are the historic lifeblood of the forums then put your thinking caps on and create a few more relevant topical subforums before this place dies on its feet and all you have left are sycophants and n00bs complaining about their feet being stuck up their arses.


Tonight I had the chicken korma that has been in the slow cooker since this morning since I didn;t want to waste any time cooking when Villa are on the tele. I;ll put a couple of keema nans in the toaster to have with it.


Awards +2 kudos for humor...or humour...


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This flaw must have been reported but just in case it hasn't...

The tabs are wrongly positioned - that's the ANSWERS FORUMS BLOGS and KNOWLEDGE BASE tabs. They cover most of the breadcrumb links, leaving very little that can be clicked on, and part of the search box.

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