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Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world

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ChinRey wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

Do you think so?   I've very rarely let the thought that I might not be wearing a hair or a skin or some shoes or some clothes or whatever in SL in a year or so's time stop me from buying them if I like them.


It would be interesting to get some facts about that. All the merhcants I have chatted with tell me sales dropped significantly after the leak but I can't say if that's a general problem.


For what it's worth, my takings over the last week or so are very much what I'd expect this time of year (which is always pretty quiet), and there was no dramatic change on Friday or whenever it was the news came out.    To my mind, though, it's  far too early what effect this is going to have.   I mean, not everyone's heard of the announcement yet.   And, as Pamela suggested, a lot is going to depend on what the product line is.    

Certainly, though, this news isn't going to stop me spending  a few hundred L$ whenever I see some clothes or hair or shoes or whatever I like.   Would it stop me from buying one of Pamela's lovely high ticket items?   I don't know, is the short answer, since I'm just not in the market for any particularly large furniture purchase right now, and haven't been for some time.    



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I trust him. After all we could have just woke up and tried to log in and see SL gone. We haven't. It could be the day before the new platform and we could be reading a press release and scratching our heads. He is certainly damned if he did and damned if he didn't. 

Instead of beating and bashing and rehashing what IS wrong with SL1 , lets take a constructive step towards SL2 and create dialogue that helps that move forward.


He is HERE and talking , lets listen at least.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:


This is why I mentioned expediting their modeling and planning, which I hope (and suspect) they are doing.

It should be possible to produce reasonably full answers to many if not most of these questions this early on: surely they are not making this up as they go along?

What do you want to know?

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colleen Criss wrote:

I trust him. After all we could have just woke up and tried to log in and see SL gone. We haven't. It could be the day before the new platform and we could be reading a press release and scratching our heads. He is certainly damned if he did and damned if he didn't. 

Instead of beating and bashing and rehashing what IS wrong with SL1 , lets take a constructive step towards SL2 and create dialogue that helps that move forward.


He is HERE and talking , lets listen at least.

Amen. From what I have seen, you could not dream up a better CEO than the one we are fortunate to have now. 

All the crankiness -- that's just the SL public that every merchant or club owner etc. deals with on a regular basis. 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

colleen Criss wrote:

I trust him. After all we could have just woke up and tried to log in and see SL gone. We haven't. It could be the day before the new platform and we could be reading a press release and scratching our heads. He is certainly damned if he did and damned if he didn't. 

Instead of beating and bashing and rehashing what IS wrong with SL1 , lets take a constructive step towards SL2 and create dialogue that helps that move forward.


He is HERE and talking , lets listen at least.

Amen. From what I have seen, you could not dream up a better CEO than the one we are fortunate to have now. 

All the crankiness --
that's just the SL public
that every merchant or club owner etc. deals with on a regular basis. 

"Remember the masses man! If you do not they will catch up with you and trample you to death!" Harry Belafonte

"Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela."

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WickedWanda1956 wrote:

We obviously fundamentaly disagree. But you are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. The difference in this situation is that the owner has said that the end is coming in two years (I am sorry there is NO way they keep two games up at the same time, they have enough problems now with just one). I want to thank you for your comments and wish you well but I am just going to wait and see if I get an answer about transfer of Lindens.

Again, I have not said there's any end coming. We have made no plans for any SL shutdown. None. 

We are simply working to make an even better product from the ground up. You will have plenty of time to evaluate it and decide.

Your identity and L$ will be the same for both so it will be easy to hop back and forth. 


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Gavin Hird wrote:

According to the law you cannot give away your IP rights in the form of a TOS.

The TOS can in many ways be seen as a one way declaration which makes it void. 


i dont think thats right. How you interpreting it

i make a song. I have to give the record company rights to reproduce/copy and distribute my song/content. For that I have to make them an agent with the same rights that I have in that respect. On all media/channels available today and also in for the future in whatever form that media might be/eventuate, as they see fit to decide. Not me decide. Theydecide. the record company

while also retaining my rights as the owner, songwriter with regard to that specific song

rights that often I can only exercise elsewhere (thru other company or own media/channel) according to the contract terms I have entered into with the record company. Restraint of trade conditions are legal in most jurisdictions provided they do not overturn/subvert a fundamental constitutional or bill of rights liberty afforded by the State to the individual. So in this last respect the LL contract/tos conditions are way more liberal than what a songwriter/artist can secure from a record company inr EU / US or any other jurisdiction


a record company is under no obligation to ever accept my song for reproduction and distribution to others. If the record company is interested in my song then the first thing I am going to get is a contract of some form. Read and agree/sign it and matters proceed. Dont agree/sign then it stops right there 


the LL ToS as wrote is quite clear. I think the bit that many people cant get their heads round  is: "rights to distribute my song/content and reproduce/copy it. On all media/channels available today and also in for the future in whatever form that media might be/eventuate as they see fit to decide. They decide"

this isnt about LL or a record company asserting ownership over our/your stuff. Is about them asserting ownership over their distribution and reproduction channels and asserting their sole right to determine what those channels/media forms are now and might be in the future. To do this they need the content owner to agree. Or is not going to happen


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Ebbe Linden wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:


This is why I mentioned expediting their modeling and planning, which I hope (and suspect) they are doing.

It should be possible to produce reasonably full answers to many if not most of these questions this early on: surely they are not making this up as they go along?

What do you want to know?

I realize you might not have this level of detail worked out yet but:


When you mention types of content that might be able to be ported over, such as mesh, do you mean purchased content in inventories that could be moved over into new same-name account inventories, or content that can be uploaded by creators?

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

You will certainly be able keep your identity, social network and L$ and you can hop back and forth and decide for yourself where it makes sense to spend your time and energy. 

How do you mean this "hop back and forth" move ? In the same viewer ? Teleporting ? Loging off and loging in with another viewer ?

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Gaia Clary wrote:

I could easily start nagging, that our 5 year investment in making cool tools has become void over night. And then drop everything and flee from here in panic. But actually i am HAPPY that we can eventually move away from brain damaging complexity under the hood.


What a relief will it be when we no longer have to handle Collision Volumes as replacement for Morph shapes. or reuse the skull bone for facial expressions, or login an Alt account when all we want is an animated tree, or bend a human skeleton into a horse, just because we only have this one set of bones, or, or or...

do you know how much time i have wasted just to explain an SL related problem to a "normal" modeller, animator, skin designer ? I feel like an idiot sometimes when i have to explain why this horse uses a human armature... and what sculpted prims are... and so on...

Don't get me wrong. I do not say, it should have been done different in SL. I am aware that many things we see today are heavily influenced by what was possible in a given system where the main rule was "avoid to break existing content when implementing new features". Sculpted Prims as ugly they are, they where a genious idea actually.

If the new world holds at least a fraction of what it promises, then all i can say: YEAH! Free time ahead, eventually i will be able to step away from dusty SL corners and step into the bright light of a new house
  (that's my hope: Sparkling experience!)

Yeah, I hear ya! How about explaining how to make a perfect looping animation?

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

With animations and avatars changing "radically" will mesh clothing have to be re-rigged or will we be able to use the ones we already have?

Of course, I'm not Ebbe, but I think I can answer this, maybe even better than Ebbe.

Yes, and maybe no. If the avatar uses a different skeleton, then the clothing will need to be rigged to that new skeleton. If the creator uses the exact same skeleton from SL, then the old clothing might work, and I stress might.

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winterthyme wrote:

That's a useful summary - thanks.  A couple of follow up questions:


1. Any indication yet on what the scripting language will be - or which language one should have experience in to fast-track familiarity with the new "LSL"?

2. Any idea when, where and how people will be able to subscribe for alpha and beta testing?



1. We're thinking C# but not final decision. 

2. Next year, exact dates TBD...

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Racheal Rexen wrote:

Hello Ebbe, thanks for taking the time to answer ours questions, My question is if the Adult Community will have a place in the new Virtual world? 

We have no plans to disallow anything that's going on in SL and is legal. We're proud of the freedom we offer. 


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Drongle McMahon wrote:

"We will get the ability to upload custom skeletons (rigged meshes)"

Gaia, can you say where that comes from? In particular, do myou have any idea whether it applies only to avatars, or to non-avatar mesh? I am thinking about some ideas
if we could access bones in scripts etc.

Drongle, did you just wake up? Why would custom skeletons only mean avatars? Plus, Ebbe mentioned that things in the new world will be made in much more efficient ways. I take this as meaning that we'll use bones instead of scripts to move objects.

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Sylva Petrov wrote:

Okay, I undestand that the format of animations will be changing. However, will their basic use in-world be changed, or will they remain playable assets kept in inventory? I.E. once created, will they be used similarly to how they are currently used in SL or will they be applied in a very different manner. Please Ebbe, any details you can offer on animations would be a massive help in reassuring myself and my customers that we're game on.

I don't eactly know yet...TBD

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

Racheal Rexen wrote:

Hello Ebbe, thanks for taking the time to answer ours questions, My question is if the Adult Community will have a place in the new Virtual world? 

We have no plans to disallow anything that's going on in SL and is legal. We're proud of the freedom we offer. 


Thanks! This is one of the questions I was going to ask.

I'm not, like many asking here, a landowner, and I haven't been a creator for 3 years or so (pre-mesh), so I'm more interested in the social dynamics, community, communications tools, and so forth. I'm sure some of these you are not going to be in a position to answer yet, but . . .



  • Following up on the answer above, do you see the Community Standards as remaining more or less stable?


  • Will there still be free avatar accounts? (I assume that accounts will remain anomymous/pseudonymous.)


  • if there are free accounts, will there be limits on the number of accounts (I think there are, theoretically, now, but if so it isn't enforced).


  • Will there be built-in viewer building tools for things like mesh, comparable to what currently exists for prims, so that more creation can be accomplished in-world?


  • Will the new VW feature a version of the LEA, so that support will continue for the arts on the new grid (this is an important question for me).


  • The move to make the new world work for Oculus Rift notwithstanding, will the viewer UI continue to be relatively friendly and usable for those using more old-fashioned tech? (I.e., a mouse and keyboard)


  • I am delighted and impressed by your answers here -- do you see other forms of consultation with residents in the future? And not just with the high-end land barons or content creators?


That's probably a good start . . . ;-)

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

colleen Criss wrote:

I trust him. After all we could have just woke up and tried to log in and see SL gone. We haven't. It could be the day before the new platform and we could be reading a press release and scratching our heads. He is certainly damned if he did and damned if he didn't. 

Instead of beating and bashing and rehashing what IS wrong with SL1 , lets take a constructive step towards SL2 and create dialogue that helps that move forward.


He is HERE and talking , lets listen at least.

Amen. From what I have seen, you could not dream up a better CEO than the one we are fortunate to have now. 

All the crankiness --
that's just the SL public
that every merchant or club owner etc. deals with on a regular basis. 

"Remember the masses man! If you do not they will catch up with you and trample you to death!" Harry Belafonte

"Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela."

You know, Derek . . . you and your multi-masked friend have spent an awful lot of time bitching that Ebbe (and LL in general) don't communicate enough with residents. The latter personage has, in particular, been shouting "I told you so" about the fact that Ebbe hasn't been here recently, talking to residents.

And now, when he is here, actually providing real answers for questions, you both do your absolute best to scare him away by being rude and abusive.

Is this an attempt to produce a self-fulfilling prophecy?

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Mister Altberg,


I am what your company refers to as a "Key customer" and am curious as are my colleagues, what Linden Research does have in mind for the Estates of Second Life as this migration will have a serious impact on our business.

Migrating databases and inventories is one thing. The estates did make serious investments in Second Life and have been providing you with a steady flow of income for years.

In the year 2007 Linden Lab did put up a big plaster of an advertisement on its website stating: "Come to Second Life and start a Real Estate business". Linden Lab gladly took the millions of USD$ in investment. I did not hear a word yet from you how you intend to treat all the Estates which put in a lot of labor and often cover for you.


I am looking forward to your thoughts and ideas, many are looking forward to hear that.


Count Burks




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Phoebe Avro wrote:

I predicted Rod leaving LL two months before he did on these  very  forums^^

I would not be surprised if the current CEO gets booted within the same time frame

Is there a point to this utterly crass and obnoxious comment, beyond demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are completely insensitive?

Do people come into your place of employment, talk about you in the third person while you are there, and predict that you'll soon be out of a job?

Good god, people . . .

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

colleen Criss wrote:

I trust him. After all we could have just woke up and tried to log in and see SL gone. We haven't. It could be the day before the new platform and we could be reading a press release and scratching our heads. He is certainly damned if he did and damned if he didn't. 

Instead of beating and bashing and rehashing what IS wrong with SL1 , lets take a constructive step towards SL2 and create dialogue that helps that move forward.


He is HERE and talking , lets listen at least.

Amen. From what I have seen, you could not dream up a better CEO than the one we are fortunate to have now. 

All the crankiness --
that's just the SL public
that every merchant or club owner etc. deals with on a regular basis. 

"Remember the masses man! If you do not they will catch up with you and trample you to death!" Harry Belafonte

"Matilda, she take me money and run Venezuela."

You know, Derek . . . you and your multi-masked friend have spent an awful lot of time bitching that Ebbe (and LL in general) don't communicate enough with residents. The latter personage has, in particular, been shouting "I told you so" about the fact that Ebbe hasn't been here recently, talking to residents.

And now, when he 
here, actually providing real answers for questions, you both do your absolute best to scare him away by being rude and abusive.

Is this an attempt to produce a self-fulfilling prophecy?

You know Lasky, I am curious why you responded to this post addressed to Pam rather than the one I addressed to Ebbe?

I found Pam's remark about 'just the SL Public' somewhat disconcerting and condescending, hence my reply to her. You may have the most wonderful content the imagination can conjure but if the masses aren't there to enjoy it, and pay the freight, does it really matter? 

As to the reality of Ebbe's answers, well I am not as easily impressed as others. I have seen damage control before. I would hope that a CEO would have more mettle than to be skeered away by yours truly. Is it your impression that Ebbe is that insecure? I wonder why? But you are right, he is here. Finally.

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