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Overly Sexual?


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Tari Landar wrote:

KezarBane wrote:

@Tari Landar, your post does make a lot of sense since on a general day to day basis I live in London which is cold during most a the year, so everyone is covered up, etc. That could be the reason as to why I got the impression that everything seems to be overly sexual. 

That makes perfect sense. Even if you see it everywhere on tv, movies, whatever.. if it's not something you're likely to run into more often in rl, you might wonder when you see it in sl.

It's rather amusing how different people's initial perceptions about SL are quite reflective of differences in their own situations in RL.

For me, as someone who was born and raised in New Orleans, with unfettered access to the French Quarter for the majority of my life, seeing some half-naked avatars bumping and grinding on a dance floor seemed rather tame by comparison.  In fact, it wouldn't have shocked me one bit if they were completely naked doing it right out in the open, where anyone and their grandmother could pass by and catch an eye-full.

Of course, I've actually seen such things in SL and never even batted an eye.  But then, not everyone is exposed to such activity in RL, so I can understand how their reaction might be quite different from my own.


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Well that does not surprise me... that is what equals to the really trashy parts of RL. The stuff offered there, not necessary the avatars visiting.  :)

And yet, when I was new, I was roaming all the freebie places,  picking up all that I could. I was new to dressing and sometimes I would "replace" the whole outfit. I was accidently naked a lot of the time and didn't care much about it. The skins was awful, just awful. I tried on skins straight from the boxes in just a bikini, trying to find something good. I had no ideas about anything, I just tried stuff with cute or interesting names.

KezarBane wrote:

No I am not conducting a survey or any form of research, and I don't know why you would even think of that lool. I just logged in and visited the
Freebie galaxy
and the first thing I saw was half naked girls, I was like okay whatever. Then after walking around for a bit I see nude pictures on several floors, I just found out they were showing what skins look like. Then on the destinations tab I saw adult destanations, etc.

I'm an not condeming it in anyway, I just found it abit odd because I knew that everything was player made, so I got the idea that it was an overly sexual 'game'.


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LaskyaClaren wrote:

How is it that a female newbie can get propositioned on Day One, without getting much past the welcome areas? It happened to me, and I certainly wasn't advertising. One's first experience is SL, before one knows what one is doing, can be pretty random.

With this account on day two..I got greifed in a sandbox.  (I was there rezzing prims)  Caged and dropped out at 2500 meters.  (Twice!)   With my alt account in 2010..again in a sandbox...someone dropped an anvil on my head.  So, maybe it's "where" you are?  Or, perhaps you're just a hot little number.  ; )



LaskyaClaren wrote:

Everyone's experiences, and everyone's standards, are going to be somewhat different, I suppose. Certainly I fairly regularly see very scanty outfits at some of the M rated blues
I have gone to. The first time I ever saw a couple
to Bits and Bobs Dance 3, or whatever it's called, I was pretty sure they were making out.

Well, there you go.  I didn't go to clubs.  Or dancing places.  *laughing* 




LaskyaClaren wrote:

Skirts here are, on average
, shorter, cleavage is more on display and, of course,
virtually all avatars
are more shapely, with more pronounced sexual characteristics (wide hips, large breasts, broad shoulders, long legs, and so on). You're right, of course, that to see actual sex you have to be looking for it, but human sexuality, as I'm sure you'll agree, need not imply even partial nudity.

Hmm, any stats on average skirt length for SL VS RL?   All avatars...really?    Hmm..we're seeing a different SL.  Funny how that happens.




LaskyaClaren wrote:

What I do think is perhaps a little unfair is your not-so-subtle suggestion that Kezar was pruriently hunting down obscenity to complain about. Far from being judgemental, Kezar seems to be cool with it. Why accuse him of motives for which there is no real evidence?

*laughing*   I asked questions.   None of which are "unfair". 


Since asking questions is an ok thing to do (the OP started out that way)   I like to ask how many people found sex stuff and adult material on DAY ONE in SL?   It's not the first thing you find or stumble across.   Leaving the beginner area after account creation...the option to select the type of place you want to go is there.  You could choose adult, but also educational, art, RP, and more.   So, how does a newbie just happen to end up within hours of joining SL..seeing a lot of sexualized content?  (Oh, and finding their way here to the forum to post about it?) 







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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

*laughing*   I asked questions.   None of which are "unfair". 


Since asking questions is an ok thing to do (the OP started out that way)   I like to ask how many people found sex stuff and adult material on DAY ONE in SL?   It's not the first thing you find or stumble across.   Leaving the beginner area after account creation...the option to select
the type
of place you want to go is there.  You could choose adult, but also educational, art, RP, and more.   So, how does a newbie just happen to end up within hours of joining SL..seeing a lot of sexualized content?  (Oh, and finding their way here to the forum to post about it?) 




I don't think questions were unfair, but I do think your assumption that folks running into such things *have* to be looking for it to find it, was a bit unfair. You just had a different experience than others, fair enough. But you shouldn't assume folks are intentionally looking for things they may not want to see, all of the time. They very well may not be.

I *did see sexual things on day one in sl. Not because I was somewhere you'd expect it either. On day one, after getting out of the help areas of course, in 2004, I went to a sandbox. Then I went to a freebie place. There was a lot less around then, but that didn't stop people from dressing, or acting, similarly to what we see today. I have never intentionally gone to places I'd expect to find sexual content, but I've seen it lots of places. Or at least, things some might deem sexual(even if they're things I wouldn't). I saw things in both places I would deem sexual-and especially did when I was brand new to sl and wasn't even very sure what all sl entailed to begin with.

It may not have been the first thing you stumbled across, but your experience isn't equal to all experiences, and neither is mine. I think it's a bit rude to assume otherwise, unless you were with the person of course. Some folks may not see anything they deem slightly sexual or even racey, until they've been in sl a bit( less likely, without remaining entirely in pg areas, tho not entirely impossible). Some might see it within their first hour. It doesn't mean either of them was intentionally looking for, or avoiding it, either. I do think most people run across it, whether they really pay attention to, or remember it, it's there.

I think part of the problem is your(not you specific, general you I mean) perception of what others should deem sexualized is, mostly, affected by your own opinion of what is, or isn't. So really whether someone is going to find sexual content depends more on what their opinion of sexual is, than where they are. Then, you can get into the where, part.

On this particular av, I came to sl in 2008, after a couple year hiatus. I went through the typical help area first-because that was still required then. The first place I went after that was some kind of sandbox-still not sure how I got there to be honest. But I tp'd right out, without looking around much. The very first freebie place I went to-because, well, lots of us went to them when we were new, lol, had a mix of just about everything I can think of. Some of it had pictures-most did, and some of those pictures were pretty sexual looking in nature to some folks(even if I didn't agree).A lot of stores were the same. It didn't take me long to realize that stuff doesn't have to be sexual, for me, once I got a better hold on what sl really was.(my prior experience with sl was pretty limited, as it bored me, often, so I never stuck around very long)

Dances, animations, furniture and stuff like that, could easily fall under the same areas as apparel. For some seeing sex furniture in a "regular" furniture store(or their idea of regular I should say, since they don't know) might make them wonder. The same goes for other animations they might come across in public places. The very first couple dance I did in sl, with hubby, had me grinding on his thigh. While romantic as all get out, that was plain sexual looking-and I won't pretend it wasn't, lol. It wasn't in an adult club, either. It was actually in a club that had very pg to moderate rules for the longest time(I had to laugh at that, given the dances we were doing). But the owner didn't see it as sexual, so it was ok, to them.

It still all comes down to perception, imo.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

With this account on day two..I got greifed in a sandbox.  (I was there rezzing prims)  Caged and dropped out at 2500 meters.  (Twice!)   With my alt account in 2010..again in a sandbox...someone dropped an anvil on my head.  So, maybe it's "where" you are?  Or, perhaps you're just a hot little number.  ; )



Every bit as hot as LL's default "Goth Girl" avatar could make me! But maybe I just bumped into walls in a particularly alluring fashion. ;-)


It must certainly depend, to some degree, on where you are. But of course one of the problems is that one doesn't really have a very good idea where to go at first. I was interested in music, so someone directed me to a club. The rest, as they say, is history . . . (thank god).


It took me WEEKS to get griefed. Some girls have all the luck!

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Well, there you go.  I didn't go to clubs.  Or dancing places.  *laughing* 


But many people do go to clubs, to experience music. Content ratings apply there too.

Yes, there are some clubs that are a sort of animated, soundtracked version of some of the more interesting parts of Craig's List, but it generally takes going there to find out. Or a bit of experience. I largely do blues club and alt clubs: the dress code at the former, interestingly enough, is probably much laxer than the latter (it's harder to be achingly hip in a 90s sort of way without clothing). However, neither genres really feature a lot of picking up in my experience. But I've certainly visited places that were.

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Hmm, any stats on average skirt length for SL VS RL?  
avatars...really?    Hmm..we're seeing a different SL.  Funny how that happens.




Well, yes. Of course we're seeing a different SL. Everyone does, and generalizations are best preceded (as were mine) by qualifying phrases such as "on average," and "virtually."

We'll have to ask Frau Yardley if she's keeping stats on skirt length. ;-)

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

*laughing*   I asked questions.   None of which are "unfair". 


Since asking questions is an ok thing to do (the OP started out that way)   I like to ask how many people found sex stuff and adult material on DAY ONE in SL?   It's not the first thing you find or stumble across.   Leaving the beginner area after account creation...the option to select
the type
of place you want to go is there.  You could choose adult, but also educational, art, RP, and more.   So, how does a newbie just happen to end up within hours of joining SL..seeing a lot of sexualized content?  (Oh, and finding their way here to the forum to post about it?) 



Ok, that's fair: I shouldn't have tried to call you out on that. Please accept my apology.

But again, so much depends on one's individual experience -- and, early on, that tends to be random in SL, if only because one doesn't yet know the ropes, or is exploring rather aimlessly.

And, also again, one doesn't need to be ringside at full-on bout of animated pixelporn to "witness" hypersexuality, in SL or RL. In fact, some of the most intensely sexy experiences I've ever had in RL happened when I was fully clothed.


*loses herself in a momentary reverie*



Edited to add: the quote function in this place sort of sucks. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong?

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

In fact, some of the most intensely sexy experiences I've ever had in RL happened when I was fully clothed.

*loses herself in a momentary reverie*


From what I remember of those "fog of love" days before I actually married the guy, all of my intensely sexy experiences happened when I was fully clothed. There's something about a woman with a tire iron in her hand, changing a wheel in a skirt and high heels that he found irresistable.

Or he was immensely practical, and knew the value of marrying someone who could fix a car.

... wanders over to the "gender confusion" thread.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Edited to add: the quote function in this place sort of sucks. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong?

You probably just need to get used to it and its little idiosyncrasies.  Regardless, you seem to have done pretty well... some people can't figure it out for the life of them.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

In fact, some of the most intensely sexy experiences I've ever had in RL happened when I was fully clothed.

*loses herself in a momentary reverie*


From what I remember of those "fog of love" days before I actually married the guy, all of my intensely sexy experiences happened when I was fully clothed. There's something about a woman with a tire iron in her hand, changing a wheel in a skirt and high heels that he found irresistable.

Or he was immensely practical, and knew the value of marrying someone who could fix a car.

... wanders over to the "gender confusion" thread.

There's probably money to be made in a "sexy women at work" RPG sim.

Perhaps we can be partners? I don't do cars, but I'm enormously handy with light bulbs.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Edited to add: the quote function in this place sort of sucks. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong?

You probably just need to get used to it and its little idiosyncrasies.  Regardless, you seem to have done pretty well... some people can't figure it out for the life of them.


I actually got started many years ago on older, clunkier BBSs, so the basic principles are familiar. But the wonky and inconsistent formatting here has me grinding my teeth, as I am a bit pathologically neat in some areas.

(You should see my inventory. It even frightens me sometimes.)

Edited to add: Case in point. I just edited this note in order to delete a loose period that was developing pretensions to free will, and needed to be brought to heel.

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KezarBane wrote:

No I am not conducting a survey or any form of research, and I don't know why you would even think of that lool. I just logged in and visited the Freebie galaxy and the first thing I saw was half naked girls, I was like okay whatever. Then after walking around for a bit I see nude pictures on several floors, I just found out they were showing what skins look like. Then on the destinations tab I saw adult destanations, etc.

I'm an not condeming it in anyway, I just found it abit odd because I knew that everything was player made, so I got the idea that it was an overly sexual 'game'.

Hmm, I remember the Freebie Galaxy. I think when I was new I spend a whole two hours their shopping (and lagging, because of the many graphics, objects and avatars). I aimed for fantasy clothes and hairstyles. I felt so pretty after I was done! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: But I can't remember that any of the advertised products was what I would consider overly sexualized or at least I didn't felt that there was anything explicit displayed.

Of course adult locations get featured in search and the destionation guide, because they belong to SL like every other place and are often very popular. But I have to say, things are not eaten as hot as they are cooked, meaning a lot adult locations are quite casual and friendly places. But then again, I'm also someone who doesn't sees naked avatars as problematic and who "grew up" with female videogame characters dressed in not so protective armor :catvery-happy:


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KezarBane wrote:

Hello everyone! I am new to the game, today was my first time logging in, and after having a look around a few noobie areas, etc, I realized how overly sexualised the game is. Everything from places to visit, clothes to buy and how characters dress and act.

I was just wondering if the 'adult' content is a vital part to the game? If one was to try and avoid the adult content, is it possible to do so?

I am not critising or condeming it just incase people flip but just curious. I do understand that the majority of the player base seem to be over 18 but are the people under 18 also exposed to this?

If anyone is wondering I am 18 so this is legal for me, but as I am doing a challenge known as 'NoFap'  this game doesn't make it any easier :matte-motes-crying:, but it seems fun so I ain't leaving.

Also, how do people feel about the adult content? Does it bother you, or make the game more enjoyable, etc?

Its like TV. You change channels if its something you don't want to acknowledge (or teleport away in Second Life).  There are occasions where eye bleach may be in order, but no more than in real life.

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Tari Landar wrote:

 I don't think questions were unfair, but I do think your assumption that folks running into such things *have* to be looking for it to find it, was a bit unfair.

 I didn't say that people, "have" to be looking for it.  I think it's "unfair" that you're making claims of me saying things I didn't say.  (Laughing here!  Seriously, I can't even type the word "unfair" without cracking up.  ;)


Tari Landar wrote:

 You just had a different experience than others, fair enough. But you shouldn't assume folks are intentionally looking for things they may not want to see,
all of the time
. They very well may not be.

Yup. I had a different experience.  I never said "all of the time".  Who's making assumptions now...?




Tari Landar wrote:

I *did see sexual things on day one in sl. Not because I was somewhere you'd expect it either. On day one, after getting out of the help areas of course, in 2004, I went to a sandbox. Then I went to a freebie place. There was a lot less around then, but that didn't stop people from dressing, or acting, similarly to what we see today. I have never intentionally gone to places I'd expect to find sexual content, but I've seen it lots of places. Or at least, things some might deem sexual(even if they're things I wouldn't). I saw things in both places I would deem sexual-and especially did when I was brand new to sl and wasn't even very sure what all sl entailed to begin with.

Hmm, you haven't said what you actually saw, that was sexual?   So, tell us, as I'd be interested in hearing what other people think regarding your version of "sexual things".


Tari Landar wrote:

It may not have been the first thing
stumbled across, but your experience isn't equal to all experiences, and neither is mine. I think it's a bit rude to assume otherwise, unless you were with the person of course. Some folks may not see anything they deem slightly sexual or even racey, until they've been in sl a bit( less likely, without remaining entirely in pg areas, tho not entirely impossible). Some might see it within their first hour. It doesn't mean either of them was intentionally looking for, or avoiding it, either. I do think most people run across it, whether they really pay attention to, or remember it, it's there.

That's right Tari, it all comes down to each person's perception.  MY perception is that the OP is fishing here.  They mentioned a "challenge" about "no fap"...hell I didn't even know what that was until I used google.  So, coming into SL..and posting here on the forums on day one is odd to me.  I don't think my comment's are rude. 




Tari Landar wrote:

I think part of the problem is your(not you specific, general you I mean) perception of what others should deem sexualized is, mostly, affected by your own opinion of what is, or isn't. So really whether someone is going to find sexual content depends more on what their opinion of sexual is, than where they are. Then, you can get into the where, part.

Hmm, I see.  So, it's ok for the OP, you and other people to use their opinion's to form what they think is sexual content and to post that opinion on the forum.  But it's not ok for me to post my opinion regarding their public posts? 

It's also ok for you (and another person ) to say that I'm "unfair" and "rude", but not ok for me to post my opinion about a public post? 



Tari Landar wrote:

It still all comes down to perception, imo.

Oh, you could have saved a lot of words, and just written that!  


Since it all comes down to perception, then my comments are fine.  As that's my perception.  *smiles*





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LaskyaClaren wrote
Yes, there are some clubs that are a sort of animated, soundtracked version of some of the more interesting parts of Craig's List, but it generally takes going there to find out.

I've never seen Craig's List, so no point of reference for me.


LaskyaClaren wrote:


Edited to add: the quote function in this place sort of sucks. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong?

Yes and maybe. 



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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

 I don't think questions were unfair, but I do think your assumption that folks running into such things *have* to be looking for it to find it, was a bit unfair.

 I didn't say that people, "have" to be looking for it.  I think it's "unfair" that you're making claims of me saying things I didn't say.  (Laughing here!  Seriously, I can't even type the word "unfair" without cracking up. 


You did say earlier in the thread the person was seeking it out, the "have" may be my misunderstanding your words, but it honestly seems implied here by your statement. I apologize if you didn't mean this person had to have sought it out, I just didn't see any other wasy to interpret what you said. I honestly thought it was clear what you were saying. Although it's really splitting hairs anyway and the discussion is a lot better without it.

"I disagree.  My experience of being in SL for years, yet rarely saw anything like what you're referring to.  I also have an account from 2010, and she didn't run into any adult fare, or scantily clad people either.   (Until purposely seeking it).  

So, how is it that a newbie today happens to see all that (sexualized) on day one?  It means they sought out places that where they'd see it."

That's the part I was referring to.


Back tot he topic though :)

I can tell you some of the things I ran across though, both on day one and early on. Back when poseballs existed on, like, everything. It wasn't unusual to find a sandbox, there were lots, where people would be testing out either things they bought, or were working on. Mind you, I'm speaking of being brand new into sl, not knowing what sl even was, still learning the ropes, no real forums or places to go for info. Stumbling into a sandbox and seeing someone with all of their bits(and let's face it, they weren't exactly pretty back then, lmao) hanging out, or people testing out sex furniture(and of course, not always clothed-not that anyone new would have any way of knowing they wer emerely testing something), people changing clothes and in doing so mnaking certain they got fully naked. I can see where someone coming into sl brand new seeing skins on display might wonder why there are nude pictures hanging about-at least until they know what those nude pictures are. Just as I can imagine someone new who happens to pop into a place where folks, even if only a few or couple are standing around nude. If they weren't expecting it, it might seem out of place. I had seen people dancing in clubs in, well, moves that "looked" as if the intent was erotic-even if they weren't. I saw, just by simply tping around randomly because I did that a LOT back then, places where one would find all sorts of explicit pics, let alone furniture, clubs, stores. Sexual doesn't necessarily mean erotic, for me, something can be sexual in nature and crack me up(or repulse me even) just as much as it can be sexual and turn me on. In sl, it's an awful lot more of cracking up than anything, for me, lol. But that doesn't necessarily make things *not sexual, or at least, the intent behind them anyway. Intent is a hard thing to judge, but sometimes, it's obvious.

For me, nudity in and of itself, is not sexual. But for others, it might be-depending on the situation.  Not that watching some random pixels in a sandbox or anywhere, knocking their pixel socks off would ever do anything for me, but I can understand why some would see it and think it should probably be somewhere else.

That's why i said it's perception. What's sexual to you-anyone I mean-may not be to someone else. What's perfectly a-ok in public to some, might not be for everyone else. Especially someone new to sl who may still be trying to get a handle on exactly what sl really is. The forums are easy to find, and really easy to navigate...inworld, not so much. These days many people on the 'net are used to forums or message boards of some type. Even my university uses them, lol. So being able to come here, on day one, is probably a lot easier than trying to navigate through sl, for some folks. Actually the entire experience might be easier for some if they got to the forums first, and then went inworld...but who knows.


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Sup!Sup!\(^ o ^)/

The adult content is a huge factor that takes on a major role in SL's reputation and there are many items in that category.

For avoiding it...good luck...

Best advice most people will give you is to avoid the Adult areas or some snarky remark of saying, "If you don't want to see it, then why are you looking for it."

No matter where you go, there is more than likely to be someone wearing skimpy clothing wether it be a G or M rated sim.

For example, you can be at a G rated sandbox and someone can decide to whip out their virtual wang on you but it's the resident's duty to report the offender.

The Firestorm viewer also has a nice feature which allows you to derender both objects and avatars or body parts (I'll let you guess which ones.)

For my opinion, I despised sexual content and still do but I'm used to it.

Not because it's immoral or some crap like that but because not everyone want's to see that.

If you were to introduce SL to a friend or even worse, a family member, would you want their first amazing SL sight be a 12ft peterwhacker?

That's as far as my issues go but for now either look away, avoid, or derender.


Welcome to Second Life.

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Yes it does seem as if SL has alot of sexual things. On most M rated and A rated sims you will typicly find at least one dance pole or one set of sex pose ball's. In order to win contests it seems the more slutty dressed the more votes you get. But, I have come accross sims without the sexual things. 

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I don't think SL is anymore overtly sexual than watching Tv ( if you still watch it)  as you are confronted with  things like soft porn music videos and sexually explicit advertising efforts daily.  I live in a hot climate country and seeing people with little clothes on is normal
because of our climate  so SL never bothered me at all.   I have to admit  viewing naked noob guys with penises  is not one of my favorite pastimes


 There area few religious  and PG  themed Sims around where you can get  hang out with more modestly dressed people.

KezarBane wrote:

Hello everyone! I am new to the game, today was my first time logging in, and after having a look around a few newbie areas, etc, I realized how overly sexualised the game is. Everything from places to visit, clothes to buy and how characters dress and act.

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KezarBane wrote:

Hello everyone! I am new to the game, today was my first time logging in, and after having a look around a few noobie areas, etc, I realized how overly sexualised the game is. Everything from places to visit, clothes to buy and how characters dress and act.

I was just wondering if the 'adult' content is a vital part to the game?

SL is not overly sexual, but a great many people in it are. It's the people, not SL, and it's not a vital part of SL.

SL isn't a "game". SL is merely an environment in which the users decide what to put in it, and a great many users want to make it somewhat sexual, so they dress sexily, and go to clubs that have poledancers, and stuff like that. You can't avoid people who are dressed sexily, because the majority females dress that way (very short skirts, cleavage revealing tops, and very shapely bodies), but you can avoid everything else. For instance, as soon a you arrive in a place where there are poles, TP to somewhere else. I doubt that you'd need to TP away very often unless you intentionally go to places where the names suggest the sexual side of them.

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