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Why people are jealous in Second Life?


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Hello! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

I am very upset and I feel like someone harassment me for telling to me how I trying to steal the man inside "Second Life" Can someone told me can Linden Lab make a deal with this sick drama?
First at all "Second Life" is programmed game and not my problem if this is not real life. My avatar will be around where I want to be it is my game not a game from that idiot girl. She told me to leave him alone and to leave her alone.
I don't ever know her but I know that man. Very cute friend and I like him a lot. Sometimes he act strict with me but he is very close friend with me. Also I got his skype and if she try to do anything he can delete me just because of her sick  jealously.

Also he knows I got alts and now that girl using how I doing this just because to be around her man to steal him away.
I not ever interesting about this. I want to be a child but in Gorean it is not allowed to have child avatar so I need be adult avatar but i really like him a lot. She told me how she will tell to Linden Lab about this situacion.
I ask myself what situacion? She can talk only liars about me. I try to steal her man? She must be crazy so can someone answer to me this please answer this. How I can steal his avatar away from her avatar?? It can be possible only if this is programmed that way LOL this is crazy! Avatar around avatar and other person get jealous! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CRAZY!!!    O my god she must be sick person, but she not need to make me also sick. I am here to learn Roleplay not to listen her sick drama about stealing the men away!

I will flirt to hers man in front of her so I can see how she will react on this.
Like this Sexy hot avatar mmm lovely avatar. That girl if she read message she can go crazy and jealously!
So fun in Virtual world! 

Avatar is the programmed creation by Linden Lab it not ever real so NO reason for jealous.
I also need to be careful to not fall in this dream world, once you do the best is to awake up!

Also if she plan her RL with him that is not ever my bussnuiss because real life world stays real life world and "Second Life" stays "Second Life" Gorean stays Gorean!

I roleplay a lot characters well other people teaching me how to roleplay correctly and right, from others I learning.
And thanks to them I will be very good roleplay but all thanks to people who do teaching me.
Why her partner told me to leave him alone? LOL like I say avatar is creation by Linden Lab NO need to be jealous!

If she report to LL this situacion I honestly hope they will ignore her drama because true is I got alts but I not harassment nobody. I have alts my friend got alt and I know it's him. He not harassment me NO! But I like him and he do like me only in friend way. I asked him to partner me but he says he can't because he got partner already. I do like him and can't help to myself. Very close friend with me and I like his avatar around mine.

:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: I can say Linden Lab did make perfect avatar some avatars are so sexy and very hot.Good job! Omg how much they are so sexy hihihi avatars. :matte-motes-inlove: Good job!

I just hope that girl with stop harassment me because of her jealously and my alts is my own busnuiss nobody else.
I am here to have fun, not someone harassment me. Also I have my alt and other one girl and one man knows about that. All is fine with them- they not mind about it do you know why?? Because they are normal people. They are not like that jealously girl who makes drama. She must be crazy!

If anybody can help please help!    :matte-motes-dont-cry: she must be jealous for something about Virtual world!

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cursea wrote: [...]
I will flirt to hers man in front of her so I can see how she will react on this.

Like this
Sexy hot avatar mmm lovely avatar.
That girl if she read message she can go crazy and jealously!

So fun in Virtual world! [...]

Which, considering your previous thread, means that not only you selectively throw your own philosophy and points of view of 'SL as just a game' at your own selfish convenience... now we also know you're even actively courting the very drama you pretend not to want or like.


Any other blatant contradiction in principles or stated intentions that you want to share with us?

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Ren Toxx wrote:

cursea wrote: [...]
I will flirt to hers man in front of her so I can see how she will react on this.

Like this
Sexy hot avatar mmm lovely avatar.
That girl if she read message she can go crazy and jealously!

So fun in Virtual world! [...]

Which, considering your
, means that not only you selectively throw your own philosophy and points of view of
'SL as just a game'
at your own selfish convenience... now we also know you're even actively courting the very drama you pretend not to want or like.


Any other blatant contradiction in principles or stated intentions that you want to share with us?

Hahaha, prizes for you! I love this post (and your post .in the other thread).

I find it hard to believe that the OP has managed to reach an age where access to SL is allowed AND followed the progression of technology from text messaging to Facebook to SL, without realising that you don't have to be 'in the flesh' with a human for them to put emotional stock in you. Transferance of this stock without warning or understanding leads to [i would say quite valid] feelings of jealousy when people persue romantic exclusivity (monogamy).

cursea wrote:
that is not ever my bussnuiss because 
real life world stays real life world
 and "Second Life" stays "Second Life" Gorean stays Gorean!

All of this is nonsense and has never been true (especially when it comes to emotions). Pleasure centers don't discriminate between interfaces, and avatars have no determination or feelings of their own.

Hope you plan on learning a lot, OP. You've got catching up to do.

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1. Second Life is basically not a game, but a virtual world.

2. A non-touchable environment doesn't make other people around you less human. You are still able to hurt them, make them angry or sad. Something tells me you know that very well, but chose the virtual environment as an excuse to be an ass to this girl.

3. She is in love with this guy, as I read from your description. She has every right to tell you to not flirt with her partner. Its not about the avatars, its about you playing a mean came with others. Have you left your respect for other peoples relationships on the door, when you logged into SL?

4. Not all relationships here are roleplay. Don't bother them with your roleplay, if the are not playing with you.

5. Please learn that the people behind the avatars are real people with real feelings, don't act like they are NPCs or something.

My conclusion: She is not crazy. And you are a dramalama  who should question its intentions.

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 Dont look for LL to back up this drama with discipline.You are the agressor by doing things like "I will flirt to hers man in front of her so I can see how she will react on this.
Like this Sexy hot avatar mmm lovely avatar. That girl if she read message she can go crazy and jealously!
So fun in Virtual world! "

You are the problem. end of story


You are a home wrecker and will more than likely wind up with many bad relationships as a result of your lack of respect for others relationships. What comes around, goes around :)


By looking at your previous posts it appears you enjoy provoking others and bait them into your drama.

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I kinda want to punch you in the face after reading this! (Am I aloud to say that here?)

It was also entertaining at the same time lol.


The part where you called her crazy or whatever haha, I could almost picture you typing and laughing with your head tilting back. Think you are a bit crazy yourself there ;)


I didn't like the part where you considered making her jealous on purpose in the future, thats just $hitty!

Don't be that person.


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Sy Beck wrote:

GoR, sex, alt troubles,child avatars, harassment and crazy people involved in a 3 way.  Does it get any more Second Life?

Furries + Shemales + Escorts....only then it is complete..oh and one should be lying about their rl gender!

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Let me see if I got this straight (With your very broken English it was not an easy task, actually)

You are in SL just to have fun, to roleplay  and mind your business, right?...And because of it, you are even venting your childlike woes in the forum, stating that very annoying “No drama” sentence amidst your inane rant, for good measure…Drama Queen anyone?

Let’s be honest here. You do not have qualms whatsoever in getting in the way of the relationship between a partnered couple in SL. Don’t try to play innocent here. We are not buying it. And that’s mean and sick. Period. If you keep acting this way, someday you might find a resident smart and  pissed off enough at you , how to put you in  real hot water, so watch your actions

BTW. Luckily the Lab is way too busy minding their business how to care about the high school drama some of their customers  are way too fond of. It’d be beyond hilarious to see a company interceding in such ridiculous resident to resident issues.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

when i have a bunch of questions..i always look to the red green show for just about any answer i need..

the answer is bound to pop up at some point..every show! 


no  no don't bather thanking me..it's my pleasure..=-)




Well then, I'll thank you!

If not owning a TV has a downside, missing Red Green is it. I loved watching Red and the gang on my ex hubby's li'l TV in the bedroom. This may explain why we had no children. And why I may never again feel comfortable around a forest ranger.


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cursea wrote:

I will flirt to hers man in front of her so I can see how she will react on this.

Like this
Sexy hot avatar mmm lovely avatar.
That girl if she read message she can go crazy and jealously!

So fun in Virtual world! 

Avatar is the programmed creation by Linden Lab it not ever real so NO reason for jealous.

I also need to be careful to not fall in this dream world, once you do the best is to awake up!

Also if she plan her RL with him that is not ever my bussnuiss because
real life world stays real life world
and "Second Life" stays "Second Life" Gorean stays Gorean!

I roleplay a lot characters well other people teaching me how to roleplay correctly and right, from others I learning.

And thanks to them I will be very good roleplay but all thanks to people who do teaching me.

Why her partner told me to leave him alone? LOL like I say avatar is creation by Linden Lab NO need to be jealous!




LOL this has to be a joke.. right? BTW if that is your big flirt line to make someone jealous I would try and work on it. Avatar creation by LL.. that's something to think about, I swear I keep buying all the stuff for mine and use my keyboard...You seemed to have fallen into this dream world by your "post" lol

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Pardon me for asking but are you actually old enough to be participating (i refuse to use the term 'playing') in Second Life?   You seem so VERY immature and quite unable to relate to others in a sensitive or meaningful way.  You remind me of a spoilt child who hasn't learnt yet how to socialise with its peers (you want what you want and that's that). 

Many, many, many people don't completely separate SL and RL.  It doesn't make them wrong and you right or vice versa. 


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My initial response to this post was a combination of laughter and shaking my head with my next thought being you sound like you're about 12.  I haven't read the other responses so it's likely you've already been told this, but avatars in SL are not programmed NPCs that one finds within MMORPGs.  From creating and using an avatar in SL you know avatars in SL are real life people with real life feelings.  They are not programmed any more than you are.

Different people (via their avatars) have different philosophies regarding how they relate to others within SL.  There are the pure immersionsists who don't want to speak about RL issues/places/people at all; there are role-players who may be roleplaying relationships as well as some who do have "real feelings" within the rp theme; there are people who think they can hide behind their avatar and lie, grief, or otherwise be unpleasant at best; and others for whom SL is an extension of their RL - with the possible exception of their avatar appearance or aspects thereof - they are the same person on or offline.

To the point of your topic post, "Why people are (sic) jealous in Second life? "  I would respond why are people jealous in RL?





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Jasmyn Vaher wrote:


BTW. Luckily the Lab is way too busy minding their business how to care about the high school drama some of their customers  are way too fond of. It’d be beyond hilarious to see a company interceding in such ridiculous resident to resident issues.

But if you (the OP) do want to be in a virtual world where the founder gets involved in resident disputes, InWorldz is that way. ----------->


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Jasmyn Vaher wrote:

BTW. Luckily the Lab is way too busy minding their business how to care about the
high school drama
some of their customers  are way too fond of. It’d be beyond hilarious to see a company interceding in such ridiculous resident to resident issues.

"High school" giving it more credit than it deserves, I think.

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You are either a RL little kid that shouldn't be in SL or a sociopathic Drama llama I just can't decide which.  Your sorid little tale would be hilariously funny if it weren't for the fact that you are hurting real people by your behaviour.  I don't believe you don't want this guy yourself btw. 

Why not get a SL of your own rather than trying to take over someone elses or better yet get a RL so you don't have to play sick games with people's feelings for cheap thrills?

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