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Why jealously is in Second Life


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Yesterday in Gorean I had so fun with one adult man, and his partner told me to get lost from him and from her.
I got also his skype so I can chat chat. I am very happy for having him as my very close friend.
I know he got alt but ok that's fine, I not care if he got alt or not but importer is he is friendly!
Yesterday that **bleep** girl told me to stay away from his man and she told me I trying only to steal him away.

Hahahahaha she must be sick inside brain. (forgive me for acting like that but she did upset me)!

She told me she is his partner in real life but ok what I have with this, that is question of mine to this forum.
WHat I have with this is she is partner in real world?
Second Life is programmed GAME what Linden Lab did create and people attacking me how I want to steal their men??
People (players or residents) must be sick. REAL stays REAL (not my bussnuiss) And about around man is because I like him a lot. Yes he also know I did offer relationship in virtual world. SO what? Virtual is Virtual nothing serious!

Like I say RL stays RL but SL stays inside SL not outside! ANd why that jealous girl did attacked me called me in bad way?? To steal her man?? She told me she will tell this to Linden Lab omg she must be sick! They will laugh to her!
Normal people will only laugh to her.

I will be around this man and flirt to him in front of her parner and I not care about it and about Virtual well that is something what is not ever real life.
It's programmed game with avatars and if my avatar is around his avatar so what? I got alts and that man know about it and he don't mind about it, he gave me skype but also how she knows about my alts it is because he told her that. He told he dont have secrets from her- yes but it must stay between me and him and not talk around about it.

Now she talks I got alts because to be around him. She makes drama. I did sent this all to owner of sim I told him how she did harassment me and he will see what he can do. No reason for banned me.

I have a question:

1. why people are jealous if avatar is around avatar?
2. why people says how relationship in "Second life" is real life relationship? (they must be crazy)!
3. why that girl did attacked me and told she will tell to LL about it?

If she continue I will flirt to her avatar man in Virtual world and then report her for harassment me for saying I trying to steal her man. I trying?? NO I am not trying but he is very close friend to me and well true is i asked him on relationship but he says he got partner. I told him he dont have on other account but he says he got already on his acc other.
I can say I really like him a lot and if she start with her jealously I can use slave account and flirt in "Gorean"

He is good and close friend! I know also he had sex with avatars pfff... like i care if he got LOL!
Not my bussnuiss!     Any help or advice please!  NO need to be jealous and she did treat me very bad! :matte-motes-frown: My avatar looks better then her avatar and when I am around her man?? Jealous?? Pfff.... she needs get real life world not spent time behind avatar and watching where I am and with who.


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You're in the wrong section of the website for a topic such as this. Answers is for those with viewer problems and the like who need real solutions, not for silly drama. Please take this to the General Discussion area of the Forums http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/bd-p/GeneralDiscussionForum where they will quite happily tear you to shreds.

Quite honestly, your naivety, arrogance and selfishness are astonishing.

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cursea wrote: [...] (forgive me for acting like that but she did upset me)! [...] 
Second Life is programmed GAME what Linden Lab did create [...] 
Yes he also know I did offer relationship in virtual world. SO what? Virtual is Virtual nothing serious!
I didnt know where to post this horrible problem [...]

So if it's virtual and not serious, how come she did upset you so much over what you theoretically consider just a game? :smileywink:

Essentially, you just proved being one of soooo many wanting to ignore moral / ethical restrictions at your own convenience with the handy excuse that 'it's just a game'... and the moment it doesn't suit you, you throw away your own philosophy of SL... temporarily, of course, until the next time you need to do whatever you want free of remorse, by again considering it 'just a game'. Principles on, principles off, principles on, principles off...


So typical.

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thank you a lot for move this I didnt know where to post this horrible problem.
Thank you. I just hope this girl will stop with her drama.
Avatars are creation by Linden Lab so if I am around that man so what?
I not see any problem with that. Her RL stays her RL why she is so crazy if I am around her man.
I not care. My right is to be around who I want to be. He is not her dog to listen her.

I talked yesterday with other girl about this situacion she told me she knows her and also she told me she is jealous.
Also she told me few of people will make trouble to me and to be careful of them.
I guess Report Abuse i will need to use if someone try harassment me.
I am here to have fun not to fight with someone. My alts is my own bussnuss nobody else.
My friends know about my alts they don't mind and they dont care but that other girl she telling i got alts to steal her man away from her. She must be crazy so Help me! 

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People are jealous in sl for the same reasons they are jealous in rl.

You may see sl as something entirely separate from rl, but not everyone agrees. It's up to you to respect that and not act like your opinion is the only right one. Everyone is entitled to treat sl, and live their sl however they wish, as long as it goes along with TOS. I don't know why you'd continue being around someone, knowing you're causing problems for that person and their partner. You're only contributing to the drama. It's neither sick in the head, nor wrong, to allow rl to come into play in sl. Just like it's not if you completely separate the two. I do both, depending on who I'm dealing with.

She probably attacked you in the same way you did her. I can clearly see you don't care what others' opinions are on anything. You're going to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. I'm going to guess you didn't talk to her any better than you did here and likely called her names as well. So why do you care what she, or anyone else thinks? Why did she upset you if sl is just sl and nothing more?

Why can't you just go find someone else instead of creating an even bigger issue than there needs to be? You'll save all three of you the drama that is sure to follow. I wouldn't laugh at her for being jealous, but I will laugh at someone who thinks their opinion is the only right one no matter what. I'll also laugh at people who create drama for themselves while claiming everyone else around them is doing it. That's pretty funny. You're acting quite immature and I really hope you're strapped in tight on that high horse. She may be acting immature too, but we don't have her side, just yours. So I can only go on what you've said. I can say your actions, and words, are a contributing reason many get upset and even jealous both in rl and in sl. Because you show absolutely no regard for anyone but yourself.

Sorry if that's harsh, but, it's the truth.

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from your perspective and many others: it is silly, second life is just a form of entertainment that dont cross to rl, besides, Linden Lab give you the right to be close and talk to whoever you want.

there are users that dont see that much difference between rl and sl, their presence online, being in facebook, google, yahoo, or wherever they open an account, they see as themselves being represented in the internet. she may be this kind of user, if the man that is your friend has a partnership in rl with that woman, in many relationships loyalty is expected, to the level of being loyal to them even in games. for some that seems silly, but depending on the relationship, some take it very seriously.

the solution is not in your hands, what it needs to happen is that he needs to get into an agreement with her rl partner, if he is allowed to play having a relationship in games and virtual worlds, if he is not allowed, he can either change his rl relationship, or respect the rules of his rl relationship and not have any virtual relationship anywhere.

about the report, Linden Lab don't like to be included in personal problems, there are many in second life and it will take them forever to solve each one. probably they are not gonna care.

what you can do, is to tell your friend that he needs to solve his rl relationship problem, and maybe back up a little until he come out with a solution, for respect to his rl relationship and to not cause him more trouble, you need to consult him to see how he wants to manage his life, and act according to what his answer is. if he says is ok and dont mind her, or maybe she dont have a rl relationship, you can mute her and live peacefully with him.

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There was and is another possibility here.

That the whole time they were role-playing being jealous.  And never broke character.

But now what you have done is the very thing you have accused the jealous person of.

You have reacted in your RL to their jealousy. Look at your own indignation.

Pot, meet Kettle.  Kettle, meet Pot.


eta, spelling

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  • 3 weeks later...

cursea wrote:

thank you a lot for move this I didnt know where to post this horrible problem.

Thank you. I just hope this girl will stop with her drama.

Avatars are creation by Linden Lab so if I am around that man so what?

I not see any problem with that. Her RL stays her RL why she is so crazy if I am around her man.

I not care. My right is to be around who I want to be. He is not her dog to listen her.


I talked yesterday with other girl about this situacion she told me she knows her and also she told me she is jealous.

Also she told me few of people will make trouble to me and to be careful of them.

I guess Report Abuse i will need to use if someone try harassment me.

I am here to have fun not to fight with someone. My alts is my own bussnuss nobody else.

My friends know about my alts they don't mind and they dont care but that other girl she telling i got alts to steal her man away from her. She must be crazy so Help me! 

Its all in the name and some take it to heart. And the name is Second Life with the emphasis on LIFE. And its very real to some. I don't understand it myself but you have found it, deal with it like its real life because some think that way about this place.

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