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Is there any woman out there who *doesn't* wear fake feet anymore?

Couldbe Yue

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

 I have also always noted that the high end sculpted and mesh shoes are easier to match.  

Stiletto Moody is very high end and is horrible to match; absolutely horrible. It makes you put in the numeric values if your skin doesn't match its presets and it never seems to work. 

I agree SLink's are good. I liked their sculpt feet best, as well as some of the no name brands I won in lucky chairs or got on sale, to try; it all depends on that HUD. But SLink's feet were also the prettiest in my opinion.

But I can't wear any of them, any more. 

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Couldbe Yue wrote:

I'm with you on the cankles and some of those feet look gorgeous but I hate having to spend what feels like (and probably is) hours skin matching and then still have them change colour because they're prim not av mesh.

Not sure why but I have noticed that mesh shoes and feet don't change color with the light as much as sculpted ones do.

Different technologies. Mesh works better for a LOT of things. This is just one of many.

- If you can see it: it is faster, less burdonsome on hardhare and bandwidth, sharper, better colored, and better with LOD.


I went with SLink mesh feet myself. Took about 5 minutes to match. I've bought it now for 3 avatars, and matched it to 4 different skins. All of them super easy to do as it uses a tattoo blend layer to 'finish off' imperfections. BUT is uses a combo of a color picker where you can also put in RGB values, and the color picker is a normal picker - not some weird "add more blue, take away soem red" stepper thingy - so you can go right to the color you want and just pick it.

SLink mesh feet come in 3 varieties: barefoot "flat", arched for heels, and barefoot "flat" with clawed toenails. I've got all three varieties and they were all easy to match, and hold up under windlight.

I also bought ALL of the shoes made for them, and there are not enough yet... :)

As for other mesh shoes, I've been super selective. If they don't have a good color picker, you will be there for hours. In the end I've only put money down on one other brand... Exodus Fashion.

My test is that if I can't get a match in a reasonable amount of time, I'm wasting my time - because I now know I can do that with two brands, so why waste my time on brands that chose poor color pickers.



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Nova Convair wrote:


- It's impossible to match colors of prims and skin. (will work only for one lighting and that's only what You see)

It depends on:


• do they have proper texturing (instead of being single solid colour)

• do they come with tattoo blend layer

If those conditions are met it's pretty easy to get almost perfect match.  So good match that at normal viewing distance nobody will notice any colour/texture mismatch between the avatar skin and the feet.

You adjust them in one lighting, and amazingly they will look pretty good in any lighting.  No need to adjust them differently for other lighting conditions.  For example Slink rigged mesh feet meet the above conditions and thus are a joy to adjust.  One does not need to be rocket scientist, nor spend lots of time in adjusting them.


If the feet do not meet the above conditions, then it indeed is rather impossible to get even satisfactory match.

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I wear 3 different skins from 3 different makers in 3 different tans quite regularly. To match those even to the one pair of mesh feet sandals I own is already too complicated and takes much too long. I never find the right skin tone. So I only wear those sandals with long jeans that cover most of the feet anyway. On the other hand I'm going barefoot very often and never bothered with prim or mesh feet. Mostly I go barefoot in order to be as light as possible on prims and particularly on scripts. So my vanity has to take a step back. Also I'm mostly much too busy to even look at my feet.

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The word "Fake" sounds slightly insulting to people who use custom attachments at all. I'm assuming it's just a poor choice of words however, and you did simply mean custom.

If they care about looking good from the knees down, they certainly WON'T use the built in feet unless they have very, very, very, very low quality standards. They are hideous in terms of shape, polygon count/detail, and, as is the rest of of the built in Avatar, poorly rigged.

So in other words, the only reason ANYONE uses the built in feet is because they don't care about it enough to pay for a set; which is understandable in conventional cases.

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In real life I like to just wash my hair and go - that is to say, I like to get on with more important or fun things in my day than faffing about with my fine detail. As long as I'm clean and paid for, that's all that matters to me.

And so, in my Second Life, I rarely can be arsed fannying about with my feet. Getting the colour of fake feet to match perfectly with my legs makes my OCD start up with avengeance, change the lighting, arggghhh! got to change the colour of the feet too. Time in Second Life goes way too fast, and I don't want to be spending the first half an hour getting my feet just so.

In real life I rarely wear toeless footwear. Feet are not the prettiest of body parts in my opinion. In Second Life I prefer to wear my jammies with the novelty slippers, ie these are pretty foxy.



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I have never worn the fake feet and don't expect to in the forseeable future.  The ones I saw when they first came out were part of the type of shoes I don't care for.  Now I understand there are mesh feet....and we know how I feel about mesh...lol.

ETA: I never go barefoot in SL and I'm usually wearing a gown that covers most of my feet, so even if I did like them, which I don't, there wouldn't be any point.

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Couldbe Yue wrote:

I have the same problems with another pair of shoes I own, they look fine in phoenix (I dumped the invisiprims and replaced them with an alpha) but, as I discovered last year, are not so fine for anyone not using that viewer.  That's when I decided to go barefoot.



There are so many different viewers with so many different settings so I figure the odds that *anyone* will see me exactly like I do is infinitesimal so if I look good on my screen...that works for me. :)

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Ticee Nansen wrote:

I find bare feet to be pretty unfashionable and unsexy anyways, so I'd never go around like that 
voluntarily. If someone else demands me to go barefeet, then they will get.. bare feet, not "fake" feet.. not me wanting to show them off after all ^-^

Well, some might not be very sexy...


... but that 'fur' is kind of cute.  :matte-motes-big-grin: Yay!

When I was looking for mesh feet I was not after something sexy or fashionable.  Just something what looks more like human feet look, instead of those "made with an axe" avatar default feet.

What I find a bit odd is that now and then one can see some women happily wearing a bikini and terribly high heels on SL's sandy beaches.  (I have a feeling that they do that in an effort to hide the default avatar feet.)

Well, some do it even in RL... :smileysurprised:



As I tend to spend a lot of time on the beaches, sailing on the seas and wondering about in other tropical places in SL, the very natural choice for me is to go bare feet.  Or wearing flipflops.  The normal looking feet is a better choise (for me) than the avatar default feet.

So on beaches I prefer this in RL as well as in SL...  flips-flops come handy on the hot beach sidewalk... :smileyhappy:

bare-feet-on-beach.jpg      flip-flops.jpg


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I'm waiting for a good pair for men... all the ones i've tried look od or are too damn big.

Remember that your feet should be as long as your forearm. And your arms from finger tip to finger tip when in a T post should be as long as you are tall.

So if after that, are they all still too big? (most SL guys have even more T-rex arms than SL women - but both have it pretty bad, as well as tiny feet...).

Slink has some nice mesh feet, and I think there was a male set too.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I'm waiting for a good pair for men... all the ones i've tried look od or are too damn big.

Remember that your feet should be as long as your forearm. And your arms from finger tip to finger tip when in a T post should be as long as you are tall.

So if after that, are they all still too big? (most SL guys have even more T-rex arms than SL women - but both have it pretty bad, as well as tiny feet...).

Slink has some nice mesh feet, and I think there was a male set too.


Considering that I am atypical for a male as i  am under 7 feet tall.. yes, they are  too big for me. the shins are bigger than my shins.

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I prefer to where shoes or boots. My issue with bare feet and hand attachments is that I hate the color matching to my skins. There's nothing worse than mismatched feet imo. This also happens with the heels that have the flesh parts to them. The best hud I've seen recently is from Gos (easy match hud), where you can match skin already in their dtabase and they have many popular ones already listed).

I have sen a good alternative to using the bare feet: use an animation with your "normal" avatar feet if you want to stand on tippy toe (talk about an unnatural stance, but hey it's SL) and then use nail polish. It's neat to see some of the definition in the  feet attachments, but I also think it's a very non-essential purchase for me...although I do confess I broke down and bought a pair just to try them, but never use them. 


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Coby Foden wrote:

What I find a bit odd is that now and then one can see some women happily wearing a bikini and terribly high heels on SL's sandy beaches.  (I have a feeling that they do that in an effort to hide the default avatar feet.)

What used to make me laugh (or drive me nuts, depending on the day...what?  I'm a redhead ;) ) - was when the high heel "click-click" sound was popular.  I observed quite a few female avatars clicking their way across a sandy beach.  :matte-motes-agape:

From the "You Know You've Been in SL Too Long" files - Around this time I went shopping RL; was heading across the parking lot to the stores and heard that high heel click behind me.  My first thought was, "Gah!  I wish women would turn that stupid sound off of their shoes; it is so annoying."  We both reached the sidewalk at approximately the same time, which is when I took a sideways glance at her and then.....it hit me....of *course* the heels are clicking - this is RL and she's walking on pavement.  :matte-motes-bashful:

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

What I find a bit odd is that now and then one can see some women happily wearing a bikini and terribly high heels on SL's sandy beaches.  (I have a feeling that they do that in an effort to hide the default avatar feet.)

What used to make me laugh (or drive me nuts, depending on the day...what?  I'm a redhead
) - was when the high heel "click-click" sound was popular.  I observed quite a few female avatars clicking their way across a sandy beach.  :matte-motes-agape:

From the "You Know You've Been in SL Too Long" files - Around this time I went shopping RL; was heading across the parking lot to the stores and heard that high heel click behind me.  My first thought was, "Gah!  I wish women would turn that stupid sound off of their shoes; it is so annoying."  We both reached the sidewalk at approximately the same time, which is when I took a sideways glance at her and then.....it hit me....of *course* the heels are clicking - this is RL and she's walking on pavement.  :matte-motes-bashful:

While winter is hardly the season for wearing a bikini on my Lake Michigan beach (though tomorrow is forecast to be 54 and tempting), you can wear high heels on the frozen sand.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

What I find a bit odd is that now and then one can see some women happily wearing a bikini and terribly high heels on SL's sandy beaches.  (I have a feeling that they do that in an effort to hide the default avatar feet.)

What used to make me laugh (or drive me nuts, depending on the day...what?  I'm a redhead
) - was when the high heel "click-click" sound was popular.  I observed quite a few female avatars clicking their way across a sandy beach.  :matte-motes-agape:

From the "You Know You've Been in SL Too Long" files - Around this time I went shopping RL; was heading across the parking lot to the stores and heard that high heel click behind me.  My first thought was, "Gah!  I wish women would turn that stupid sound off of their shoes; it is so annoying."  We both reached the sidewalk at approximately the same time, which is when I took a sideways glance at her and then.....it hit me....of *course* the heels are clicking - this is RL and she's walking on pavement.  :matte-motes-bashful:

While winter is hardly the season for wearing a bikini on my Lake Michigan beach (though tomorrow is forecast to be 54 and tempting), you can wear high heels on the frozen sand.

Not sure why anyone would want to, but ok.  I was talking about non-frozen, sunny SL beaches with women wearing clickety shoes.  Thank goodness that went the way of bling. ;)

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