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Marketplace review rant

Blaze Nielsen

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I like Pam's minimalist approach to her signature. Sometimes there is genius in not over-stating a business.

I'm often tempted to advertise in mine, but because horse sense is is in danger of becoming extinct, I stick to Heinlein quotes.

Horse sense not to be confused with common sense. As Heinlein himself once said "There's nothing common about sense.".

+1 for green eggs and Pam.

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Blaze Nielsen wrote:

I have no issues with your self promotion here in the forums with blog and logos. The only issue I have is the OVERWHELMING extent you use the forums to expose your logo and your blog. You have previously been an avid defender of the "no advertising" rule. However, I consider you to be the worst offender in light of the massive forum space devoted to your logos over the years. And with that I will close my postings (at the risk of becoming the offender I am against


That's totally uncalled for. It was a cheap shot and strikes me as as anti-competitive since you both sell homes.  If you hoped to gain anything from it you did just the opposite and revealed yourself to be an @ss

Pam has broken no rules and is in fact very helpful in this forum.  She rarely even mentions her business unless it is in the Merchants section and relevant to the conversation. 

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Blaze Nielsen wrote:

I have no issues with your self promotion here in the forums with blog and logos. The only issue I have is the OVERWHELMING extent you use the forums to expose your logo and your blog. You have previously been an avid defender of the "no advertising" rule. However, I consider you to be the worst offender in light of the massive forum space devoted to your logos over the years. And with that I will close my postings (at the risk of becoming the offender I am against

Wow ! But what the h*** did you ate before posting this ?

logos are allowed in the forum TOS; links in the signature aswell....

When i did mine, i never thougth it could be an ad, but i like to click on those, when i want to know more about someone who have writen something that interested me (in the good or bad way). After all, its also a part of this person and its a way to know him/her better and sometimes to understand more the point of view.

And why should Pamela hide herself. She s not the only one who have exposed her logo here. and you exposed yours in even harder way since yours has a link.

I really dont understand why you attack her then suddendly, why only her and with so false pretext... 

She didnt made anything wrong, neither against the TOS, while you are disrepecting... You the one to be blamed... the only one.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

When i did mine, i never thougth it could be an ad, but i like to click on those, when i want to know more about someone who have writen something that interested me (in the good or bad way). After all, its also a part of this person and its a way to know him/her better and sometimes to understand more the point of view.



I agree Trinity -- I like the signature links for the same reasons. They just provide interesting information  about the poster.

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Hi Blaze,

I'm a bit late to this thread, having an RL life away from my SL computer screen. But I must admit that when I do have the opportunity to get away from RL I sometimes can sit in front of my SL screen for days, and then I tend to post here more often. Maybe not as much as Pamela does, but I can see how it can happen when SL is such a huge part of your life. There are many people inworld as well who sit in the same chat rooms talking all day and everyday. So I don't think Pamela posts to promote herself (and if you read some of her posts you can see it really doesn't) - it's just a way to fill in the time, and maybe a break from working.

About the logo comment - I use my logo as part of my identity and I see it as full transparency opposed to those who post under alt names. There might even be customers who read my posts and don't agree with me, so it isn't really promoting my store. I don't believe it brings in a single customer.

As for the topic - I have one item with an unfair one star review, and it gets as much sales as other similar items. People don't seem to pay attention to it, almost like it isn't there at all.

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Rya Nitely wrote:

 it's just a way to fill in the time, and maybe a break from working.


Exactly. Sometimes I have to wait for something to happen -- like for something to render in Blender or someone to reply to something -- and sometimes when I complete a difficult task I want a mini break. Plus I am just a very long time inveterate forum poster.

But honestly this complaint has nothing to do with my alleged crime of posting too much.  



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Rya Nitely wrote:


As for the topic - I have one item with an unfair one star review, and it gets as much sales as other similar items. People don't seem to pay attention to it, almost like it isn't there at all.

This is true. I have two bad reviews, one on on of my consist top sellers. My theory is that  people are curious when they see a disconnect between a nice thumbnail and less that glowing star rank, so are inclined to check out the listing to see what the deal is. And when they see the review is BS, they end up buying.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Rya Nitely wrote:


As for the topic - I have one item with an unfair one star review, and it gets as much sales as other similar items. People don't seem to pay attention to it, almost like it isn't there at all.

This is true. I have two bad reviews, one on on of my consist top sellers. My theory is that  people are curious when they see a disconnect between a nice thumbnail and less that glowing star rank, so are inclined to check out the listing to see what the deal is. And when they see the review is BS, they end up buying.

Caught red handed, I do that all the time, and sometimes I do buy the product.

Honestly, some products I have bought were *only* because of that 1 star rating. Like you said, it made me curious and I did check out the product more while I was at it..and then bam! Impulsive buy.

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One of the items I got a bad review on once used to be my biggest seller. Actually it was my biggest seller for 3 years, despite the one bad review(and only review it ever got, which had nothing to do with the product but was an issue the buyer caused). I hate the review system, for all kinds of reasons. I've never agreed with the way it is and have been of the camp that believes it either needs a complete rehaul or done away with altogether since MP became what it is. But, I get no say, so I work with what they give me.

When I read reviews I do so with a grain of salt. Sometimes you can smell a fake from a mile away, and sometimes you can't. Sometimes people are just in pissy moods and, well, their reviews reflect that. I don't think there is a person on these forums that can say with any amount of truth they've never overstated their position in the heat of frustration. So I look at both good AND bad reviews, with a grain of salt. I actually don't put a whole lot of faith in them unless you can clearly see the reivew is spot on(usually hard to do without owning the product).

I can count on one hand the amount of 3 and less star reviews I've given since the days of slex. One of the creators yanked the product so the review would go bye bye. Shame really, because although the person EVENTUALLY made things right(not until I posted the review, inworld contact did no good), there was actually some constructive reviews left after mine regarding the same issues. It's a shame the seller didn't take those reviews to heart and actually improve the product. All they did was re-list it(a no no but LL doesn't enforce it).

All that to simply say, I don't think most people put much faith into the reviews anymore, certainly not like they used to. Sellers feel a bit jaded when we get a review that's less than stellar, who wouldn't. But most consumers pay them very little mind, I've come to realize. Sometimes we just think they do, because we may be afraid of appearances, or proud of them even. I don't honestly think most reviews have any effect whatsoever on how a product sells, unless the product is clearly a piece of crap or so uber stupendous one simply cannot avoid buying it. Too many people know the review system is screwed these days and worth less than a speck of rice flour :P


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Has anyone else come across reviews where the review itself is really positive but the stars they give don't mirror that as if the reviewer doesn't know how they worked?

I saw a product the other day, the one reviewer was gushing about how great of a product it was. And gave it 1 star. As far as I can tell it wasn't sarcasm.

I've seen this with 2 and 3 star ratings, too where the reviewer writes that the product is 'great' 'awesome' 'perfect' yet doesn't even give it a 4 star rating?

It's confusing.

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iCade wrote:

I saw a product the other day, the one reviewer was gushing about how great of a product it was. And gave it 1 star. As far as I can tell it wasn't sarcasm.

I've seen this with 2 and 3 star ratings, too where the reviewer writes that the product is 'great' 'awesome' 'perfect' yet doesn't even give it a 4 star rating?

It's confusing.

It's confusing because there are people of all kind of cultures involved in buying and reviewing on the marketplace. How people rate a product depends strongly on their cultural background.

In several studies have been found differences in how people rate a product depending on where they live. For example in countries where it is dangerous to express strong opinions, the majority of the people tend to rate products safely somewhere in the middle.

American people tend to rate higher then Europeans. When the product is good, Americans tend to give 5 stars, while Europeans rather vote 4 stars and reserve the 5 star for excellent products.

Also there are countries where not the highest number is considered as the best, but the lowest. As a result people may interpret the ratingsystem the other way around, and see one star as highest place in rating and five stars as lowest place.



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This is true Maddy, I think you need to add personal perspective into the mix as well, people will review a product based on their own experience and knowledge level. So a noob might give a bad review simply based on how an item looks or functions where as someone with more experience might give a bad review based on how inefficient the scripting or LOD switching is, something a noob would likely not consider. When we sell products in SL we open oursevlves up to review and criticism from people from all walks of life and it is very hard to please all the people all the time. Just gotta try your best and roll with the punches.

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Thanks you two, that certainly cleared my confusion. Being european I tend to give 5 star ratings when I really love the product. Minor annoyances and it's already down to 4 stars. But mostly I give 5 star ratings because yeah, fuzzy feelings and all.

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  • 3 months later...



Im with you !! This happend to me more than once!!

By the way the most frustrating thing is that when you do everything to make the custumer happy, solve any problem and for our surprise, the BAD(completely equivoqued) rating will be there....


best regards :)

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I had a bad review left the other week.  The person marked the item well down because it didn't have a feature that I never claimed it had.  If that makes sense.

all you can do is shake your head and wonder how some people cope out in the real world.

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Yeah I had my first 1-star review because apparently someone thought half a sims worth of plants should be included in the one plant I was selling. I had added addtional pics to show how the plant looks in a Pandora type setting, but made it very clear it was only one plant they were getting.

I just deleted the listing as I plan to update it anyway.


I looked the person up and he is leaving 1-star reviews everywhere (googled him and it was easy to find his helpful revues all over the MP).  I guess this is his hobby, poor guy. Should I file a support ticket or be glad he's off the streets at least?

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It seems like a lot of the bad reviews people leave is because they didn't full read the ad. I had someone leave me a two star review after saying the product itself was great, but they wish it was less prims...prims fully listed in the ad! Kind of annoying.

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