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Technology Improvements for Q1 Including Raising Group Limit to 42

FJ Linden


As we begin 2011, I want to share the progress that we’re making on several important technology enhancements that I discussed in my last post.  As I mentioned, we are focused on improving the overall performance of Second Life while addressing some long standing limitations such as  raising group limits, improving the chat system, and reducing lag.

Group Limits Raised to 42 Today

In October, we committed to increase group limits from the current 25 up to 40 in the first quarter of 2011. As of today, group limits have been raised to 42! To add groups beyond the previous limit of 25, you must be using Viewer  2.4 (or a more recent version). And if you’re still using Viewer 1.23, or a third-party viewer based on Viewer 1.23 code, then you can add more groups in Viewer 2.4 and they will still be accessible when you switch back to Viewer 1.23.

That said, if there is an unexpected load, then we may need to lower the group limitation to maintain acceptable performance levels across the grid. If we decide to do that, then any Residents who have up to 42  groups will not lose their memberships. But, other Residents will not be able to exceed the new limit.

Group Chat System Will Launch Gridwide By March 31st

We were set to deploy a prototype of the new group chat system in December, but last minute licensing issues were found with our chosen open source library. Now that a solution is in place, we expect to have the prototype available by the end of this month and an industry standard and high performing group chat system available by the end of this quarter.

Performance Improvements When Teleporting and Crossing Regions

As you teleport, or cross regions, all of your avatar data (often a very  large amount of data) needs to be processed by both source and destination regions. In order to streamline this process, we are now compressing avatar information, making your teleports and region crossings faster and more reliable. In fact, we’ve found that teleport failures, due to avatar complexity, have dropped 40%. See the graph below for a more detailed view showing how much we’ve shortened region crossing time.


Viewer 2.5 Beta Releasing Soon

We will soon launch the latest version of the Second Life Viewer -- Viewer 2.5 Beta. In addition to more performance and stability improvements, we’ve added enhanced web-based profiles, accessible both on the web and in the Viewer. And, if you wish, you can even connect your Second Life profile to other social identities including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn! You will also have the option in Preferences to choose your first inworld destination from the saved Landmarks in your Favorites Bar. This is very handy when you need to get to a specific destination quickly.

Also, one of the most important new features added to Viewer 2.4 was the auto-updater capability. If you're using Viewer 2.4 or higher, then you won’t be inconvenienced by the notification and download process when we release a new Viewer.

Planning to Implement Significant Grid Infrastructure Enhancements in 2011

We’re planning significant grid infrastructure enhancements throughout the year including technologies to speed server-side rendering (SSR) and server virtualization (web and simulator services). We are also exploring new storage and asset delivery systems. Some of the benefits will not always be noticeable, but they are foundational platform changes that set the stage for rapid performance and scalability improvements. We will continue to keep you updated as we roll out these systems.

I’m pleased with the progress that we made across the platform last year and I'm looking ahead to newer technologies that we will deploy in 2011 to enhance your Second Life experience. As always, I'll be watching for your feedback and thank you for making Second Life such an amazing place.


Recommended Comments

Is there any chance of an update concerning the Grid Merge any time soon? We were told it would happen at the end of December 2010, then it was post-poned to early January 2011 and it's now mid-January and still not a word from LL...

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@Vichonette those are the exact same reasons I use a third party viewer (Imprudence). Which viewer are you using now? You could try a viewer that has the old interface like Imprudence or Phoenix.


As for the 42 groups. THANK YOU LL! As a store owner, club manager and hunt organiser this is great news!

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To make life more comfortable the second I thank you for the efforts have shown.Believe I read this news with happiness. I'll follow your news. Thank you for your information .. best regards

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So, anyone logged in using Imprudence or Phoenix right now: do you have the 25-groups limit still?  Does it still show as "x out of 25 groups" on your Profile pane?

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Congrats on trying to fix the ONE thing in all of this that was really important: Sim crossings.

As for the rest of the "stuff" that requires viewer 2 to use, I just could care less. It's all money wasted. Glitter; no meat. I won't use Viewer 2 no matter what types of "new capabilities" you try to force into it in order to get us to switch. It's just that awful.

If LL had taken all the money they wasted on viewer 2 and it's voice morph,lag on a prim,group limit increases,display names..etc etc...and put it towards making SL work, this would be a fantastic place by now. Viewer 1.xx and the now Phoenix based on it, was and is simple elegance. I will never switch to the fail viewer 2 and no amount of marketing will change that. Display names, children on the grid, facebook links....SL has lost its way..and its identity.

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Sounds like a few "wins" there to me.  I do agree with what Fallacy stated.  Switching back and forth between viewers is a pain, especially when 2.x totally borks inventory and requires a cache dump.  Not likely to use the extra groups; too much trouble.  But maybe Imprudence & Phoenix will add that ability soon.  Still, sounds like some steps in a positive direction... if they pan out. ; )

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sounds good, but most users are having trouble logging into Second Life, they can log into the website fine, but the program is unresponsive to the usernmae and password entry. In the future for this site, could you make it so it is compadible to all computer systems and networks? thank you! and I cant wait to see what the future holds.

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Since Linden Labs thinks eveyone having 42 groups might be too much for the servers to handle, why don't they just up it to 30 or 35 to begin with & see how that goes. With this annoucement, you're practically telling everyone to hog up with 42 groups now, because the total might be reduced later & only the hogs will be able to keep all their groups.

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re: increase in group limit - you may find that this works on many 1.* TPVs (though a message may indicate that the maximum is still 25 they often let you add and use them).

re: teleport compression - whilst offering a good improvement in many cases, there does seem to be the odd bug or two with this at the moment.  If you come across anything please report it on the JIRA.

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The improvement in TP speed is truly astounding at times. I've recently had several TPs which seemed just short of being instantaneous. Thank you, somebody at LL.

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Imprudence 1.4.0 Experimental 2010.10.17 (Oct 16 2010 22:04:30)

I tested this last night and was able to add 27 groups.

It DID still say I could only have a max of 25 however. 'You belong to 27 groups (of 25 maximum).'

But they all worked!

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Denver:  "If LL had  taken all the money they wasted on viewer 2 and it's voice morph,lag on  a prim,group limit increases,display names..etc etc...and put it  towards making SL work, this would be a fantastic place by now. Viewer  1.xx and the now Phoenix based on it, was and is simple elegance. I will  never switch to the fail viewer 2 and no amount of marketing will  change that. Display names, children on the grid, facebook links....SL  has lost its way..and its identity."


Can't argue with that.


Persephone: "Since  Linden Labs thinks eveyone having 42 groups might be too much for the  servers to handle, why don't they just up it to 30 or 35 to begin with  & see how that goes. With this annoucement, you're practically  telling everyone to hog up with 42 groups now, because the total might  be reduced later & only the hogs will be able to keep all their  groups."


Welcome to LL management style.  "Maybe this might work..."

Have to chuckle at "42".  Not 40.  Not 50.  42.

/me envisions an LL tech blindfolded and aiming a dart at a numbered board... and hitting a Hitchhiker's book.

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This is great news; glad to see some heavy focus on infrastructure!

With improvements made to group communication (chat specifically mentioned), I am interested to know if it will also apply to group notices? Currently, notices fail to be received by members in large groups (1000+). At best, if members of the group are online, they will see the notice popup. If not, they will likely fail to receive it either in-world when they login or even sent to them via email. Are we expecting to see this issue fixed as well?


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Great number choice Sounds like some very fun and workable stuff is coming. Would love to see the same "share" set that is on the SLM format/choices used on my.secondlife and blogs.secondlife etc. etc. Thanks for feeding the fish, FJ

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this sounds as a great new but people, not let what the trees  hide the forest and the stars  hide the moon.

This is a great advantage ,BUT is only for viewers with the technology of the SL 2.5 and above, then, the experimental viewers can be add this, Phoenix, of course  (more popeist to the pope now "surprised with they", but Imprudence, was expecterd this long time back (amost a year, not know if the 1.3 can here directly, and was prepared for 99 groups (but the limitations of the servers not sow this until now, and now is moment for test, of course), and is logical guess what snowglobe can, and include Kirstens.

But not more, ther rest, include SL.1.23.5 (the classic) not can why at the same of another options  (as see the Internet pages in a primand similar) not are implemented in these viewers.

I ever say "nice" what Lindenlabs added more things BUT only can see if you use a viewer ready ansd updated with these implementations, if not ,  impossible, this is the reality, and like or not exist a big true:

LindenLabs make (or they say - we go to tust in these words) changes each week, but mostly of these changes wer not can see and some times "make troubles in the viewers" why thuis viewers not have inplemented this,  then for they  is needed a more fast update of the viewers and except Kirstens, ANY make these changes and updates in their viewers so fast (her sho usually each week a nwe version of their viewer,  is more fast than the same Linden Labs and this is one of the reasons of why her make this.

In the moment what the rest of the buiders make this, all can be happy but at themoment are ever limited and forced to see ever only a part and some times never see.

Ever is good changes and advanced to be better, but ever have to look whit care and patience. and ever can make step back Linden Labs, beter is await   a bit if go to be fixed or change again.

Time to time and patience

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Very pleased to see the improvements!

Not at all sure what the point of the FB, Twitter, etc., linkage is - many (most?) Residents of above teen years wouldn't want their virtual world activities linked anywhere our colleagues and (potential or current) employers could possibly find them. (Just admitting you have a virtual life can negatively affect your chances at interview.) Well, so long as it's opt-in, not opt-out... and the teens will like it. (Until they have to look for work!)

However, the 42 groups, the crossings/teleports, looking ahead to new group chat (so badly needed!) - excellent! Keep up the good work!

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... not let what the trees  hide the forest and the stars  hide the moon...

...all can be happy but at themoment are ever limited and forced to see ever only a part and some times never see...

...Time to time and patience

I just want to say, whatever translation program you use, I think it has the heart of a poet.

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