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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. If you really want a reason to go mesh, go get the Maitreya Lara demo and then go to one of the shopping events currently open like C88 or Kustom 9 and grab as many demos as you can find. Or to make it really easy just pick up a lot of clothing demos at Maitreya while you get the body demo. Go home and put on the Mait body and start demoing the clothing. Take a good amount of time doing that. Compare how you look in the mesh body/clothes to your system body/clothes. Then decide which you prefer. I'm willing to bet you will choose mesh.
  2. I looked on the product and didn't see a demo offered. I just now looked again and see a demo. Was that there yesterday? If yes, I must be blind! Sorry!
  3. Oh, I totally get that. I've been in SL for a very long time. I've only rented private estate land for a short period of time simply because I wanted the luxury of "god tools" and to share the fun with my closest friends. That only lasted for a little less than a year. I've never been tempted to go back either. I much prefer to spend my lindens on things other than rental fees.
  4. I looked up the review. I doubt LL will remove that review but who knows. What he says is true that a person can buy the full perm template themselves, but I rather think a lot of people already know this. I doubt his review will really keep people from buying your product. The fact that you have no demo for people to check the fit and texturing is more likely a reason that you are not selling the product.
  5. Landmarks are useless IMO. I delete them as soon as I get them. I stopped putting them inside my vendors as well. I haven't moved my shop in 5 years but I moved often enough before that that changing out landmarks got to be a real pain in the butt. I do rely heavily on the teleport history feature in FS. I use that for places I know have not moved. If I want to find a creator's shop, I look up the creator's profile and get a fresh slurl from their profile figuring that will at least be kept up to date. I have kept every calling card I've ever received. It's my timeline in SL. When I get nostalgic I go walking through those calling cards. They are probably the most valuable thing I possess in SL.
  6. I check nearly everyday and there nearly always at least one dot, lately I've not seen less than three.
  7. I was thinking last night it would be fun my my SL bestie and I to get homes close together and then realized that just won't happen, which made me think about the whole situation. But I agree I doubt it is likely that a feature allowing that would be possible. But I can wish.
  8. I sure wish there was a way for friends to sign up for homes located in the same little area. It sure would help with the feeling of community.
  9. I rented an full homestead many moons ago and shared it with two of my friends. I thoroughly enjoyed having estate rights and the freedom to be godlike in applying textures to the terrain and terraforming to my heart's content. If the monthly costs aren't an issue, I think you will enjoy the experience.
  10. You have to make a complete listing for the demo. After you get the demo set up with its own listing you can then select the add a demo when creating the listing for the regular item.
  11. This is very true. Any shoes rigged for a specific body cannot be moved or resized. But before creators started rigging shoes for bodies, it wasn't common but it wasn't impossible to find heels that fit the Slink feet. If the shoe does not go up past the ankle bones and if they are unrigged and mod then it's somewhat possible to make them fit rigged feet. IMO, it's not worth the effort involved specially since there are tons and tons of rigged shoes that fit perfectly and can be found very inexpensively or even free in some cases. IMO the best thing to do is just delete all those old unrigged shoes.
  12. Maitreya also sells a set of mesh feet that work with the classic body. There are tons and tons of Maitreya sized shoes available. Just an fyi if you are thinking of going with mesh feet and not a mesh body. Another source of very helpful information is Strawberry Singh's YouTube channel. She has a specific playlist of video tutorials for both mesh bodies and mesh heads. Look about half way down the page for the sub-heading, Second Life Content, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE6xvjkOu6wE-wJ-7-1x5bw. Welcome back! I know mesh can be a bit overwhelming but there's lots of help out there. If you do decide to buy a mesh body, I suggest you join the group of whichever body you go with, as those groups offer invaluable help learning how to use the mesh. Good luck!
  13. I would love a retail area! Specially one with a great grocery store.. I'm a foodie after all!
  14. My memory totally sucks these days, but I was thinking that we started with 10 groups in the way back.
  15. I'm sorry, I see now that it wasn't you, Ceka, who suggested the 200 limit but Ayela. So I stand corrected.
  16. This is a known issue and unfortunately it happens more than it should. I personally know of an issue where a club bought a small parcel, only 2048 sqm, and opened a very popular adult themed business. Neighbors were having a very difficult time getting to their homes in the region. So the neighbors got together and made a plan. They called all their friends to start coming to their homes when possible and camping there so to take up slots so those trying to tp to the club couldn't get in. It took a couple of weeks of this going on before the club realized that it was in their best interest to move to a private region. In this case the solution worked and the neighbors got their homes back.
  17. It's true that before the increase there were issues, but having been in SL for 15 years, I can tell you from personal experience that the problems have increased with the addition of more group slots. I honestly, can't think of one good reason to increase group slots even for premium members. Gosh people learn to budget your resources.
  18. I totally get why he's saying it that way. I know when I buy land I look at it based on prims not on sqm. I figure I'm buying the right to use a certain number of prims. That's why I only own double prim land. So I totally get what he's saying in that regard.
  19. When you use the LI allotted to your land you are basically spending LI .. so I see what he means when he says he's charged for the LI. But that charge or fee is fair IMO.
  20. I use my group slots for two things. Shopping and live music groups. I'm picky about which groups I keep. I'm not going to keep a shopping group just because I want gifts. The group has to have a good discussion group going as well. I find the information I get from those groups invaluable. I'm premium on both of my accounts and have never come close to using all my group slots on either account. As for thinking that premium isn't worth the money to get it, that's your right, but don't come in here complaining about not having enough group slots if you're not willing to pay for the convenience of having those extra slots. LL is far nicer to those having a free account than I would be. I'd be knocking the number down rather than up for free accounts.
  21. How about using quote properly and put your comment below my quoted content? I still say what you are asking for if granted would be abusing the system.
  22. As a consumer of animesh, (I'm a creator, but I don't go near anything having to do with animesh or animations) I don't have any issue with the LI being higher to accommodate the extra load on the servers for running animesh. In fact, it seems perfectly reasonable. As a consumer I have to budget my LI all the time. I decide if I want to use something based on it's LI. Some things are worth it and some aren't. So, your customers will decide if your product is worth spending the LI on it or not. LL should not cave to those like you wishing to abuse the process, IMO.
  23. I adore Roost homes. If you like modern, well built mesh homes that are perhaps on the larger size with lots of rooms then Roost http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Roost/158/130/28 is awesome. If you like something out of the ordinary, perhaps even a bit quirky then Scarlet Creative http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scarlet Creative/111/200/48 is great, if you want something that looks like an aged cottage you would have found in an old Hollywood hills setting then take a look at L2Studio http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LHOOQ/214/37/34. I could go on and on but these are at the top of my list.
  24. The last decade of teaching before I retired, I taught 6th graders (11-12 yrs). I taught in a title one school district, so the vast majority of my students came from low income families. But they had smartphones. They all had smartphones. They had to be turned off unless the teacher had given permission for them to be used for class activities. I tended to let my students listen to music with earbuds while they were completing their art assignments. I also let them use them for research when we had art appreciation topics and art history. I tend to agree with chibiusa, that smart phone usage by the young is inevitable. I also agree that we are paying a price for it's usage. Social skills are indeed down. But that doesn't mean it has to be that way. Teaching your kids how to use them responsibly and to not neglect real face to face interaction is a must.
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