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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. First thing I do when unpacking a new purchase is deleting all sizes except Maitreya, delete all notecards unless really needed (nearly never is a NC needed), delete any landmarks, add folders to the folder separating colors or functions of an item. Then if it's Debi's inventory it goes into my CTS wardrobe, if Blush, then goes into one of my very organized (well kinda organized) multi-level foldering system developed for my needs by me. Both of my avatars have "to be processed" folders for dropping the newly organized and sorted folder into when I don't have time to or just don't want to sort the newly purchased items into the full inventory. LOL I'm way organized in a very disorganized way!
  2. (For centuries, there has been a movement to reform the spelling of English. It seeks to change English spelling so that it is more consistent, matches pronunciation better, and follows the alphabetic principle.[1] Common motives for spelling reform include quicker, cheaper learning, thus making English more useful for international communication. Reform proposals vary in terms of the depth of the linguistic changes and by the ways they are implemented. In terms of writing systems, most spelling reform proposals are moderate; they use the traditional English alphabet, try to maintain the familiar shapes of words, and try to maintain common conventions (such as silent e). More radical proposals involve adding or removing letters or symbols, or even creating new alphabets. Some reformers prefer a gradual change implemented in stages, while others favor an immediate and total reform for all. Some spelling reform proposals have been adopted partially or temporarily. Many of the spellings preferred by Noah Webster have become standard in the United States, but have not been adopted elsewhere (see American and British English spelling differences). Harry Lindgren's proposal, SR1, was popular in Australia at one time. Spelling reform has rarely attracted widespread public support, and has sometimes met organized resistance. There are linguistic arguments against and for reform, for example that the origins of words may be obscured, or on the contrary that current orthography obscures much. Another argument is that the cost of wholesale change would be large. However, many texts are in computers, and can easily be transcoded to serve new and old readers.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English-language_spelling_reform
  3. It is most likely the animation or a combination of your shape plus the animation. There are some dances that make me have football player shoulders even though when in a normal natural pose my shoulders are very nicely shaped and on the narrow side of normal. But a picture would really help in diagnosing the issue.
  4. The bonus is still there. This just lets the region owner decide how many avatars max to have in a region. Easier on the estate owner to come up with the max number rather than having to figure out how many max and then subtract the extra to come up with a number to set for maximum capacity.
  5. I can't think of any event, shopping, music or otherwise where 100 was left as the max. So in reality it's most likely the case all the time.
  6. I think most events set the capacity to 40 these days to help prevent major lag. So it would be 36 for basic and 4 for premium.
  7. The default limit on the number of avatars in each region type is increased Full Regions by 10% (100 to 110) Homesteads by 25% (20 to 25) Open Spaces by 20% (10 to 12) This new bonus capacity is, however, available for entry purposes only to Premium users - for Basic users the occupancy limits remain the same. For example, when a Full Region with a limit of 110 users has 105 users in it, Basic members will be unable to enter - they will see the region as full - but 5 more Premium users will still be able to enter.
  8. The year was 2003 when I discovered a whole new world online. The discovery began in the Sims Online in December 25, 2002. I then discovered another spot to explore online, There. I spent a lot of time in that world and even worked as an official greeter for a short period of time. While there friends kept telling me about this new thing that was in beta and I should give it a try, but I was busy in There so put it off. By October 2003, after SL had gone live, and friends just kept bugging me to make an account, I decided to give it a try. I made Debi and did a little bit of exploring. I really didn't like the looks of the avatars specially when compared with TSO and There, but I hung around a little bit. I remember flying around this little area where a bunch of people were standing around a table and making things. I watched for a little bit. I didn't see the value of turning little boxes of wood into odd shapes at the time so quickly moved on to another area. I found a little shop where a person was selling hats, but I didn't have any money and wasn't going to buy any because honestly, I hated the look of the avatar. I logged Debi on occasionally to explore new builds. I started playing Star Wars Galaxies and then moved onto World of Warcraft. I had became a gamer of all things! I had become so addicted to WoW that I stopped logging into SL and eventually Debi's account went dormant. So that's the story for my very early life in SL and my discovery of online gaming/worlds. Speed forward to 2008, one of my oldest friends from my TSO days, kept telling me to come back to SL. So I decided to give it a try again. I made a new account because I thought Debi was long dead and that I wouldn't be able to get her account back. So Blush was born. And I've been addicted ever since. I don't think a day has gone by when I have not logged into SL for at least a few minutes, except for a two week period when recovering from a hurricane RL. And even during that period I managed to log in on my phone to at least check messages a few times. I apologize for being too wordy, but I couldn't relate my early SL without adding the rest of the story. For me SL is all entwined with my other online discoveries. What an amazing world I have online!
  9. I keep Blush's inventory under 100k with a target of 80k. So once she gets to 100k I do a major clean up to get it back down to 80k. But Debi's is another story. I want to keep hers as lean as possible. I have a max of 20k for her. So I am constantly sorting and deleting stuff from hers. But Blush pretty much stays in her workshop or a very empty sandbox making stuff so her inventory doesn't weight her down much. Debi is the social animal who tps all over the place helping others with their Maitreya bodies, dancing at live music events, or shopping like a maniac so it's really important to keep her as light weight as possible. Plus I just love knowing that I don't have a lot of crap in her inventory that she's never going to use.
  10. I actually don't like wearing the high heel version of the mesh feet. I LOVE LOVE my mesh ankles though. I only buy with few exceptions flat and mid level shoes. I also HATE HATE ankle locks. It's the main reason I wear flats or when I choose heels it's a medium and not a high heel. Don't like tattoos? Or skin enhancing elements like scars or wrinkles? The awesome thing about BoM is that now there will actually be a market for system layers again. And since LL has removed the UUID from the avatar test report, it will be harder, not impossible by any means, but harder to just rip the UUIDs from a normal viewer. So with a slight bit of protection and a new market for system layers opening up I think you're going to see the availability of system layers returning. EEP hasn't really been on my radar, but that too will give me something new to spend my money on. I'm not sure what, because I really don't understand EEP other than it will affect windlights at the parcel level. But my understanding is that there will be things you can buy to use with EEP. Guess I need to read up on that.
  11. If you have the system skins and also the appliers then you're covered. Just include both in your packages.
  12. It will. If you want to use your old system clothing it's certainly possible. For some of us though, the main reason we want it isn't for wearing old system clothing but for fixing some of the glitching issues we have with wearing multiple layers that have transparency. It also will allow us to wear many more layers (baked down into one texture) than what we can now with our mesh bodies. There's a multitude of possibilities with BoM. There are also some issues that make some less than happy with the project. That's not me though.
  13. If you crash, nothing is saved, so you will end up where you were when you logged on last.
  14. It's true that only Lelutka has put out a BoM enabled mesh, which I'm super happy about by the way. But we really don't have to wait on the body makers to put out BoM updates because you can currently get the Omega thingy (nice technical term there) to make the bodies/heads use BoM system layers. My biggest problem is going to be getting my favorite skin appliers in system layers. Again, here's where my spending habits are affected by LL projects. I will gladly pay for the system layers. I don't expect to get everything updated for free. I really am itching to spend lots of lindens on tattoos because finally I will be able to wear them and my pantyhose without alpha glitching!
  15. On page 14 of Patch said, "Who said anything about just 1024sqm parcels?" So that led me to believe there will be 1024s but also larger parcels. Remember they talked about sliding scale premium accounts. So I'm guessing we'll see differing sized parcels to accommodate those new premium levels. All guesses you know .. but interesting to speculate.
  16. I will admit that I jump on the bandwagon for new things. But, the new has to be an improvement on the old. Once I see that it is indeed better, I embrace the new with complete abandon to the point of deleting all the old stuff. I think that's why I am very reluctant to spend money on things that would be of no use to me in a few weeks or possibly even a couple of months.
  17. Yeah, I have no idea when we'll see it. Seems like two years we've been waiting on BoM, but maybe I'm just anxious and it just seems that long.
  18. From https://modemworld.me/2019/01/11/2019-sl-user-groups-2-1-content-creation/ ARCTAN ARCTan is the code-name for the project to re-evaluate object and avatar rendering costs to make them more reflective of the actual impact of rendering both, which it is hoped will also help correct some inherent negative incentives for creating optimised content (e.g. with regards to generating LOD models with mesh). This project has been on a slow burn through 2018, but is due to resume in 2019 – although when is still to be determined. That's the January 11, 2019 meeting. So it is in slow-mow but I think it's still a go. That's why I said enjoy it while you can.
  19. This is the one I remember .. who's that fancy modern girl in the other pic? lol
  20. While mesh bodies and heads typically all use the SLUV that doesn't mean everything lines up the same from one head/body to another head/body. That's why Omega isn't the one size fits all every time solution for using appliers across bodies/heads. When I make seamed stockings I line up the seams on each body individually. At one time I tried making appliers for multiple bodies. Some were easy and some were downright impossible. So, I ended up deciding to just make for Maitreya .. but ....BUT with BoM I've had to start making system tattoos for my stockings. Will the seams line up just because you can use one of my tattoo layers on whatever BoM enabled body you use? Probably not. Back in the old days we really didn't make demos much for system layer clothing, but now with BoM and mesh bodies having demos will be a must. I am dreading going back and updating all my applier only packages with system layers, but it's something I will have to do. All my recent releases have system layers in them. I certainly want to add those layers while it's easy and not go back and have to deal with it later. That's why I'm so surprised not to see system layers added to the skin packages at Skin Fair this year. @Bitsy Buccaneer I did not check each and every booth at Skin Fair so there may be system skins there. I would not skip it completely based on my report. I basically checked the skinners that I already buy from .. my list might be totally different than yours.
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