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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I was actually looking forward to finding skin enhancements. I really like adding moles, freckles, wrinkles, blemishes and tattoos to enhance the looks of my avatar. With BoM coming this will be much easier to do. So these were the kinds of things I was eager to see. Of course none of it will work unless my favorite skinner also makes system layers for my mesh body and head to use with BoM. With BoM seemingly closer to release I expected to see the skinners coming on board with releasing system layers or adding system layers to newly released applier packs. But nope! Nada! Not there! I'm not spending one more linden on skins or skin enhancements that are only offered as appliers.
  2. Not ridiculous at all. It complies with the same permission system we all are used to using. You posted and expect no one to respond unless they agree with you? Personal preference doesn't have any place in the known permissions used in SL. That's like saying I don't like that 2+2=4. I prefer it be 2+2=10. You can prefer it but that's not going to change it.
  3. Really getting excited. Looks like something big is happening in SSP25!
  4. I got into Skin Fair for an early peek this morning, and while my window shopping didn't cover each and every shop, I looked around enough to get a pretty good idea that skinners just aren't thinking about BoM. It seems that everywhere I looked only appliers were being offered. None of the ones I actually cammed had system layers available. I'm surprised and a bit disappointed. I'm not buying any new skins that don't have BoM support. So guess I won't be shopping Skin Fair this season.
  5. Didn't read the book but did watch the movie. I was not impressed! Maybe because I expected much more out of Steven Spielberg. I was rather bored with it to be honest. I did enjoy the backstage exhibit of Aech’s Garage in Sansar though.
  6. I didn't file a ticket. I didn't have to. Honestly, the review was so outlandish I was pretty sure it would get removed, but after seeing what happened with Reid, I wasn't so sure anymore. As for flagging in the future, I'll flag if I feel it's warranted, but in the over 10 years that I've had a MP store, I've only had two occasions when I felt a review was completely in error and no resolution was possible. Anytime I've received a less than positive review, I contacted the customer and did my best to resolve the issue. I typically ended up with a glowing review after doing so. So I'm still left with the one totally bogus review on my other product, but I can live with it.
  7. I want to happily report that the review I was waiting on was indeed removed. My faith has been restored. I'm sooooooooooo grateful!
  8. Sassy if you look up the object in Reid's MP you'll see that the listing is very clear. I don't see how the customer could not have known what she was buying unless she simply did not read the description or look at all the pictures given as examples.
  9. In all my years of selling on the MP, I have flagged only two reviews. One years ago which still stands to this day, and another that I'm currently waiting on but won't hold my breath for a favorable outcome now. I won't be flagging any others because this has left me with no confidence in the moderation of reviews by the Lab. This is really disheartening to me because I do tend to be a LL fangirl.
  10. I didn't say "WTF" at all. I was not being snarky but saying the term "plane" is not just a computer graphics term. It really is a very basic term in geometry. Who is really being snarky here?
  11. I'm going to send you a link to the product in a PM so you can see for yourself. I think the description along with the photos included more than describe what is actually in the package. The package does contain multiple planes with different textures. No where in the description does it even remotely suggest that the leaves are 3D. I don't think the person even read the description or really looked at the pictures. This is a full perm product listed for an extremely low price IMO. The review is bogus .. plain and simple. Oh dear I used the word plain.
  12. Well damn! First time I've had that happen to me. So glad you noticed it. Sorry!
  13. You received 12k for original land. He wants to trade the 12k land for 13k land and pay you the difference of 1k. You say no .. you want an additional 5k for letting him move. I get it that with selling mainland properties you are wanting sales and not to simply swap out land because in essence that's not actual money in your pocket, but I still think the deal was one sided with you coming out way ahead. You apparently are in the land business so you could have offered to buy his current land for it's market value and then sell him your land. That would have been the fair thing to do, but you chose to be a greedy land dealer.
  14. I learned what a plane was in my freshman geometry class in high school. I knew what it was long before I ever learned how to sculpt in a 3D image program.
  15. Here's an example using Debi's Catwa Lilly head. The pic to the left is when I was wanting to look more RL and around mid 30s. The pic to the right is how she currently looks in the same head after I decided to go with something more along a fantasy theme. Same head, different skins, and very different shape of the eyes and chin area. I used Izzie's wrinkles in the first example.
  16. I honestly can't see why a merchant should be held accountable for someone's reading habits. In this case, I'm surprised that they didn't remove the review but also caution you to change the wording so to remove any possibility of someone misunderstanding in the future. I also find it odd that we now have to state what something isn't instead of what it is!
  17. The following regions are all double prim, terraformable and in Zindra. These are all westerly regions boardering Ursula Bay. Finding reasonably priced land in any of these areas is difficult if not impossible, but these are the regions to watch if you want waterfront, terraformable, double prim land in Zindra. Gilda Point Garleon Pimuenti Magota Yardol MacMorris Farside Barnaby Point McFarren Paxson Villareal There may be other regions in this area that meet the description but these are the ones I know of personally. Happy hunting!
  18. I'm pretty much an open book RL and SL. I talk about things I do on a daily basis with friends and SL is one of those things so I talk about it as well. I enjoy showing my friends what I make in SL and how I can make RL money making those things. My favorite comment from a friend was something about how nice my avatar looked but why was she always so undressed. The funny thing is I always made sure my avatar was modestly clothed when someone RL was around to see the screen, so I was amused that she thought my avatar was a bit of a floozie in appearance. I guess it was a good thing I only stayed in my little home when she was around. I can imagine the shock had I taken her out shopping and she'd seen all those avies trying on clothes at an event with a lot of nakedness on display.
  19. Almost logged on my alt, Debi Baskerville, just to say howdy. Both Debi and Blush are totally meshed out in bodies and heads. I absolutely love dressing and looking at all my mesh goodness especially since I've been here so long. Just shows how far we've come.
  20. Sounded like you passing judgement on the "they" who do compare Sansar to RL as though there's something wrong with them because YOU prefer to do it RL. Makes me wonder why you enjoy your SL pastimes as you do with your philosophy since RL is so much better. Sounds like you think if it's available in RL then don't go after it virtually. *shrugs
  21. That's the point, isn't it? You seem to assume that just because YOU can do something in RL means everyone should be able to, but that's not the case. I personally don't have the access at this time in my life to go walking in the mountains. I also would have great difficulty with my arthritis dancing for a hour without a break, but I can in SL. I very much enjoyed walking through an Egyptian tomb in Sansar knowing that it was the closest I'll ever get to one.
  22. Personally, I would use a rezzer box. Casper has a very nice, easy to use one for FREE. Then it's super easy to rez and derez your build. This way you don't have to worry with unlinking items after you're linked them and causing issues.
  23. The benefit of that system is that you can change the appearance of your home whenever you feel like doing so. Did I know about the system? Yes. My opinion? It's a good system for those who like that kind of convenience without paying a lot of money for homes and furnishings. You've only paid for 4 weeks. When your rent is up, if it still bothers you that the home derezzes then move to another location.
  24. Something else to consider is that the whole point of the Belgium law is to safeguard children from gambling. Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/gaming/news/loot-boxes-investigated-us-blamed-rise-young-gamblers/ The Commission added that the number of problem gamblers aged between 11 and 16 has reached 55,000, with a further 70,000 at risk and 450,000 children said to bet regularly. The whole focus of these investigations is to ascertain whether children are being targeted. You certainly can't say that gacha creators in SL are targeting children. Even if gacha were a form of gambling, I don't think it is, but if it were determined to be so, it still does not target children.
  25. I'm not a prude, and I do have a naughty sense of humor. I just don't find the item for sale funny in the least and the picture is offensive IMO for anything that's suppose to contain only general content. I honestly don't think the image even belongs in this section of the forums because it really is adult in nature. And I'd find a turd hanging out of a woman's mouth offensive too!
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