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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I was just teasing. Aren't we all projects at one time or another anyway?
  2. This doesn't even bother me. I'm too focused on vendors rezzing and moving myself off the LP to care if I'm leaving behind a tall stack of avatars. Honestly, I only move off the LP because I know it bothers others. I could land and not move at all and still get my shopping done. That's all that's important to me other than being a responsible member of the community so I move my butt.
  3. This is the prevailing thought of those complaining and asking for people to be kicked out of an event for inactivity. If you aren't moving you are AFK which is ridiculous. Honestly, after you land you can't begin to see everything. In a very busy event it takes time for things to rez. Yes, you have time to run to the restroom while things are rezzing. Seriously people develop some patience. It's not like you have to get in the first day or even the first week. Most events are open at least two weeks if not closer to a month. Stop judging people as being AFK when you have no idea whether they are present or not. And heaven's sake stop asking for crap projects that aren't even important .. let the Lindens work on the important stuff. *rant off*
  4. I really get tired of the AFK blame being thrown around at people shopping busy events. I am NEVER afk at an event. Do I move once I've landed and walked off the landing point? NO! I am cam shopping as are 99% of those you are accusing of being AFK. Do you possibly think I can cam shop 3 regions of shops in 15 minutes? There is no possible way to even shop one region of shops in 15 minutes. It took me about an hour and a half to cam shop the center three regions at the Shop & Hop. Even at events that aren't as big such as C88 or Uber it takes me at least 30 to 45 minutes to shop those and they are very small and easily cammed. Please stop accusing people who simply want to shop the effective way which is to stand in one spot and move your camera around the build.
  5. A big part of the reason we have an abundance of avatars with much too short arms is this need to make very tall avatars. There is no way to get the female arms long enough even setting the slider to 100 if you make the avatar as tall as possible. It's just not possible to make a well proportioned avatar over a certain height. Even now with avatar heights generally becoming more realistic the short arm syndrome remains because people got so used to seeing short arms on avatars and now think normal length arms are too long. The reason people started making huge avatars in the first place was to overcome the camera angle problem, but it's really super easy to fix the camera angle so you see things from your avatar's perspective instead of hovering high above your head. I keep my avatars on the average range leaning towards slightly taller than average at 6 feet typically. Even at that height I still have issues with some furniture and doors. I won't adjust my height to fit over-sized furniture or buildings. If I can't mod the furniture/building then it's getting deleted. As a retired art teacher, it's nearly impossible for me to just ignore badly proportioned anything when it comes to my avatar or my home.
  6. When they were running the deal on quarterly it was a great savings if you switch to annual once that first quarter is up. But they seem to have switched to specials on the monthly only and not the quarterly. This is a recent change so who knows perhaps they will offer again on the quarterly. I've been watching for it because I was thinking about adding another premium account if I want to switch from my current Linden home to one of the larger ones when they are released. I won't have enough sqm to get one of the ssp parcels unless I sell off some sqm or open another premium account.
  7. I might be remembering wrong, but it seems like the last couple of promotions the reduced rate has been for a month and not the quarterly. In which case, the savings for me wouldn't out weigh the benefit of priority entry to events. Also, they ran that promo very recently and I wouldn't expect to see it again for at least a couple of months if not more. added: just went searching to be sure of my memory. Last one was Oct. 25th and for only the first month on a monthly .. not quarterly. I wouldn't wait on a promotion... but that's me
  8. Been working on aging my avatar since switching to the paler tone. I will be so happy when we have BoM and I won't have to use precious makeup layers to add details to the skin.
  9. I find that certain brands artificially create that thigh gap in pants. I don't like thigh gap either so I'm very aware. One thing I do when demoing pants is hit the show all button on the alpha tab to see if my inner thighs are being alpha'd to the point of changing my shape. I don't buy pants that do that. Unfortunately, changing your shape with pants that do this will not prevent the thigh gap.
  10. There's no time like the present. Give it to yourself as a Christmas gift. I've never regretted having my premium accounts. When the new premium rates come out you'll be all ready for upgrades if that's what you want to do.
  11. This cabin is impressive. It rezzes quickly and I had no issues rezzing objects on the floors. The textures are very well done. It's small but for a cute little cabin in the snowy woods it's perfect. I know there's lots of stuff out there with much lower LI but most of them have LOD issues.
  12. This cabin is beautiful! I added the wreathes on the windows. So cozy inside with all the furnishings from the hunt. The only thing I added in this pic that's not from the hunt is the wreath over the fireplace.
  13. I am looking and looking trying to find it. I remember reading about this specific problem with furniture and someone listed how to make it appear under the notification. I'll keep looking.
  14. Fortunately, the things that annoy me have easy options for removing the annoyance. 1.) particles that flash at events that trigger migraines (set particle's way down in preferences), 2.) chat spam at concerts that makes social conversing nearly impossible (enable spam filter in firestorm), 3.) people dancing on huds that run over those around them constantly with no regard for anyone's personal space (derender or block the offenders), 4.) conference calls from casual acquaintances who only want to spam invites to concerts/events (defriend in that case) 5.) here in the forums .. my annoyance is my own fault for letting myself get goaded into responding when I should keep my hands off the keyboard. I haven't found a good solution for this one yet as blocking someone is counter productive to what I wish to gain from the forums, which is gaining more information about Second Life and it's residents and being a productive part of the conversation.
  15. I don't remember where it is but there is an option in firestorm preferences that has the windows cascade down so they don't overlap. Maybe someone will read this that remembers where it is and post it.
  16. How is this not opinion? What you think is better others, me for example, think is a very poor solution. Again, my opinion. At least I admit it's opinion.
  17. Your use of better denotes opinion and suggests you think it's better than what is offered now. Therefore, pay attention to what you actually saying.
  18. I don't want to have to search two different places for hair if I'm looking for hair, which is what I'd have to do if hair sold as a gacha has to be located in the gacha category rather than being allowed in the hair category.
  19. I like this suggestion. Too bad this isn't what the lab decided to do rather than making a gacha category.
  20. Not an improvement and ill conceived from the get go, IMO. The issue is spam. Spam on the marketplace is not confined to only gachas, granted it does take up the biggest portion at this time. But spam is the issue and a better way of handling spam is needed that does not penalize a product simply by nature of how it is sold in world. I am just as put out by 20 different colors of the same item being listed separately. But I certainly wouldn't call for the creation of a category just for color variants. So far, IMO, there hasn't been a good solution put forth in this thread.
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