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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. In my best train conductor voice, "All aboard!"
  2. Now that you mention it, that makes total sense. But in no ones imagination would that equal 1/4 of all the bots. Thanks for reminding me though. I appreciate it.
  3. If SSP in reality looks as good as the teaser pics Patch has been sharing, then it will more than likely be enough incentive for me to upgrade my premium to a new tier. For me it's not so much about the house. I create and sell houses after all, but the real selling point is the neighborhood, the access to water and having clear skies not littered by sky garbage. It's the whole ambiance of the area not just the sticks and bones of a house. The one thing that could kill it for me is the amount of prims available per parcel. I love my prims! So far I have been very pleased with all the premium perks. I can't wait to see what the new premium plans offer.
  4. The problem with overextended ankles has been with us for longer than mesh bodies. We started having this issue the moment we put on our first pair of Slink high feet. That was years and years ago. Fortunately some animators have caught on to the fact and have started making animations that don't break our ankles but too many have not. For those few who still use system feet, it's not going to harm their animations if the ankles don't overextend for them. So why not make animations that don't make our ankles break? I can't say this enough or strong enough .. I absolutely HATE ... HATE ... HATE ankle locks. I don't want to look as though I have my ankle in an invisible cast when I'm dancing!!! It's the main reason why over a year ago I stopped buying shoes for the high foot and only buy flats and mids.
  5. I'll take a few Chris Pine bots, thank you. Not likely! Look at most of those 'traffic bots" they can't be bothered to even change one little thing on a noobie avatar. They aren't going to be spending money on animesh. Where in the world do you get the idea that any bots are run by Lindens? Think again!
  6. I've tried nearly all the other bodies. I made my choice. The only way I'd change bodies is if a new one came out that I liked better so saving the sizes for bodies I've already ruled out seems more like hoarding than being thoughtful. Not to forget that most, not all, but by far the majority of creators I shop with have redelivery terminals so why should I clutter up my inventory with useless objects?
  7. Good point. The one thing that might change is that with BoM creators can make a base skin with little details and then they can make feature tattoos to use with those base skins. LAQ did this back in the day just before mesh body parts became a thing. I remember buying one of her skins and then also buying a different nose and eyelid tattoos to use with that skin. So it's possible those kinds of options will return, which might work out okay with a system head. Of course this is speculation but I really believe BoM is going to change how we buy and use skins greatly in the future.
  8. If they are Linden Homes, I very much doubt they will be double prim. But I did spy a region or two that nearly 50% of the region is under water, so those could easily work out as double prim. Time will tell! Take a look at SSP 6, 7, 11 and 12.
  9. They've all but said it officially. Ebbe at the town hall before last eluded to it and Patch did also at the last town hall. But no, not officially yet. I tell you though if they aren't I will be so totally shocked that you might have to come find me in the hospital from having had a heart attack! Too dramatic?
  10. I ran across him while visiting a coffee shop the other day .. totally surprised me. I can't remember where it was .. I got the slurl from someone's profile. *** Oh it's there on the apron .. it was Burrows Cafe .. really cool place .. great photo op! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/In Omnia Paratus/57/38/23
  11. My folder ... This is what I mean about being organized in an unorganized fashion... look at that Powder Pack .. that was 2 years ago .. and you know how long ago Luxe box ended!!! But I am organized to a point! LOL notice that the emptied folders folder is currently empty ... I need to do some serious processing!! This is Debi's inventory btw ... I won't even let you see Blush's.
  12. You know we have totally derailed this topic .. but at least it's a gorgeous derail!!!
  13. I'd much rather a Johnny Depp kinda guy ... lol .. dark and dangerous with a lean mean body But he does have beautiful eyes. I'll give you that ... and gladly keep my hands off.
  14. Looking at the bolded words .. this is exactly the reason why no one should take a banning personally unless you know you did something wrong. If you did something wrong then you know why and shouldn't have done it in the first place. If you were going about your business and not doing anything wrong and you get banned then so what. Move on .. don't try to go back. There's way too much to do and too much to see to be worried about being banned from one region.
  15. Am I the only woman on earth who thinks his face is great but his body is just too bulky?
  16. First thing I do when unpacking a new purchase is deleting all sizes except Maitreya, delete all notecards unless really needed (nearly never is a NC needed), delete any landmarks, add folders to the folder separating colors or functions of an item. Then if it's Debi's inventory it goes into my CTS wardrobe, if Blush, then goes into one of my very organized (well kinda organized) multi-level foldering system developed for my needs by me. Both of my avatars have "to be processed" folders for dropping the newly organized and sorted folder into when I don't have time to or just don't want to sort the newly purchased items into the full inventory. LOL I'm way organized in a very disorganized way!
  17. (For centuries, there has been a movement to reform the spelling of English. It seeks to change English spelling so that it is more consistent, matches pronunciation better, and follows the alphabetic principle.[1] Common motives for spelling reform include quicker, cheaper learning, thus making English more useful for international communication. Reform proposals vary in terms of the depth of the linguistic changes and by the ways they are implemented. In terms of writing systems, most spelling reform proposals are moderate; they use the traditional English alphabet, try to maintain the familiar shapes of words, and try to maintain common conventions (such as silent e). More radical proposals involve adding or removing letters or symbols, or even creating new alphabets. Some reformers prefer a gradual change implemented in stages, while others favor an immediate and total reform for all. Some spelling reform proposals have been adopted partially or temporarily. Many of the spellings preferred by Noah Webster have become standard in the United States, but have not been adopted elsewhere (see American and British English spelling differences). Harry Lindgren's proposal, SR1, was popular in Australia at one time. Spelling reform has rarely attracted widespread public support, and has sometimes met organized resistance. There are linguistic arguments against and for reform, for example that the origins of words may be obscured, or on the contrary that current orthography obscures much. Another argument is that the cost of wholesale change would be large. However, many texts are in computers, and can easily be transcoded to serve new and old readers.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English-language_spelling_reform
  18. It is most likely the animation or a combination of your shape plus the animation. There are some dances that make me have football player shoulders even though when in a normal natural pose my shoulders are very nicely shaped and on the narrow side of normal. But a picture would really help in diagnosing the issue.
  19. The bonus is still there. This just lets the region owner decide how many avatars max to have in a region. Easier on the estate owner to come up with the max number rather than having to figure out how many max and then subtract the extra to come up with a number to set for maximum capacity.
  20. I can't think of any event, shopping, music or otherwise where 100 was left as the max. So in reality it's most likely the case all the time.
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