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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/24
  2. No, not that kind of timeout. The game HUD times out and you can no longer collect gold.
  3. I am an American. It would be pretentious of me to talk of other countries' heroes. Please by all means share about yours. Since I was talking about social movements in the USA I think it was appropriate for me to phrase my comment as I did. Let me remind you as a free forum I have every right to comment on all the negativity. It's really rich for you to quote freedom to me while trying to censure my comments about all the negativity.
  4. Thing is a Linden told you to register them as scripted agents. So that seems to make them bots. I tend to think that Lindens know what they are doing unlike some others who post here.
  5. @Chic Aeon Well, it's official! I'm so friggin excited! Can't wait to move my stuff into one of these beauties.
  6. I have yet to see in the definition provided by Linden Lab say external. You are adding to their definition. And with that I'm out. I've learned the hard way there's no point to continue the discussion with you because you see everything as black and white where I see all the shades of gray.
  7. The whole bash the 50s is a derail. Picking another decade that's better is a derail. The point of the post is the 16th birthday of SL and how we're going to celebrate it.
  8. My alts, who were used as models in my shop, had to be registered as bots or I would have been violating TOS by gaming traffic. This is just one example of a bot not being run by a program as mine simply used a pose stand and pose animations. The point is I wasn't monitoring them. They performed a series of movements prompted by the pose stand. Is that a program? Yes, but is it what you'd call a program? I'm not sure. Do Kali's alts function while unattended? Yes, they do. They collect gold without her doing anything for a given period of time. The HUD times out automatically after a 30 minute period. She can prevent the timeout by interacting with the HUD. And then again for a 30 minute period her alts perform a task, collecting gold, without her monitoring or doing anything with the alts. They collect gold every 3 minutes on their own. Perhaps your definition of program is too narrow.
  9. It's unfortunate, but we live in a world where conflict has always been the norm. To insinuate that one decade is worse than another is simply an exercise in futility.
  10. I apologize for the wall of text, but unfortunately it's the only way to compare/contrast the previous post. A look at the 80s UNITED STATES-PANAMA Squeaking in at the end of the decade, President Bush sent 12,000 American troops into Panama City on Dec. 20, 1989, in an effort to capture Gen. Manuel Noriega and install the government elected democratically earlier in the year. IRAN-IRAQ The eight-year war was the decade's longest conventional military conflict. Casualty estimates vary widely and reaches as high as 1 million dead, two-third of them Iranian. AFGHANISTAN Continuing civil war between Soviet-backed government and U.S.-supported insurgents. Moscow withdrew Soviet troops in 1989. The United Nations estimates that 1.5 million Afghans have died. Moscow says 13,310 Red Army soldiers died. LEBANON Civil war that started in 1975 continues, with casualties mounting to more than 150,000, most of them civilians. The israeli invasion of 1982 led to additional casualties, including 654 Israelis war dead. Almost 300 U.S. and French peacekeeping soldiers were killed in 1983 bombings. FALKLAND ISLANDS Argentina and Britain engaged in a short, bloody war in 1982 over disputed islands in the South Atlantic. The air, sea and ground conflict left 712 Argentines and 255 Britons dead. EL SALVADOR In a conflict that began in 1979, leftist guerrillas have been battling the U.S.-supported Salvadoran government, and more than 71,000 Salvadorans have died, mostly civilians. Thousands have been killed by right-wing death squads. NICARAGUA Since 1981, Sandinista government troops and U.S.-supported Contras have been locked in sporadic conflict, but the war appears to be ending. At least 29,000 dead, according to President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua. SUDAN The Sudan >Peoples' Liberation Army has fought the government since 1983. Casualty figures are not available, but U.N. estimates put the number of war-induced famine deaths at 250,000 in 1988. UGANDA The National Resistance Army battled the government from 1981 to 1986, when it seized power. Casualties estimated at between 100,000 and 200,000. ANGOLA A civil war erupted in 1975 and sputters on, despite a declared 1989 cease-fire. None of the parties released casualty figures, but 200,000 deaths were estimated. NAMIBIA Guerrilla war in which black nationalist South-West African People's Organization sought to end white South African control of territory. Settlment negotiated in 1988. Some 20,000 killed over 23 years. ETHIOPIA Separatists in Ethiopia's northern province of Eritrea have been waging war against the central government since 1961. Casualties are estimated at 1 million from fighting and famine. Other separatist conflicts have flared elsewhere in Ethiopia. CAMBODIA Vietnam and a Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government fought a coalition of three guerrilla groups through the '80s. Vietnam said 25,000 of its troops were killed. The Cambodian government said it lost more than 20,000 killed and wounded. Guerrilla casualties were not reported.
  11. It's true doing a search with just the word Maitreya will end up with a pretty much useless search result. Even though it's made for and not made by using the word Maitreya will not result in a good outcome. So a person really needs to be more specific when searching. That is a good observation. Also nice to know that about the only place you can buy a Glam Affair system skin anymore is at the Maitreya store for those who are switching to the body and keeping their system head and wanting to match the skins in the Maitreya HUD. The best way to find the store is to type, Maitreya, into the map search. You'll come up with two choices. Maitreya Isle is the correct one but even if you just try both outcomes it's still a quick find.
  12. If you want to be negative, you can find reasons, and lots of them, from any decade in time. Come on people, start looking for the good in things instead of constantly being so negative. We can celebrate the birth of the civil rights movement, the beginnings of the anti-war movement, the growing liberation of women in the workplace. Yes, these are issues but stop and think about it. It was during the 50s that things began to change. It took time to get the ball rolling but it started there. We have true American heroes that gave up part of their lives, and some who gave up their lives fighting for these causes during the 50s. There are things to celebrate from the 50s.
  13. Oh I wasn't suggesting using an automated way to keep from timing out. But now, I'm thinking that since I've played, which was years ago, perhaps this has been changed. There was something in the game HUD that let you keep "playing". Really the only thing that you could do in this state was collect gold. Perhaps it was an exploit and I just didn't know it was. Thankfully I didn't play long and never got accused of cheating, which I'd never do knowingly. But to keep this on topic. I would still think that letting your "scripted agents" sit for 30 minutes at a time, with the only interaction being to tap the hud to keep from timing out, and then repeating that behavior all day long is in reality the behavior of a bot.
  15. So exciting .. loved the 50s .. yes, I'm old enough to have been alive during that period of time though I hardly remember it at all. But I remember very clearly dancing the twist while Chubby Checker sang on American Bandstand (I was 6). So yeah!! Excited for the theme.
  16. It's quite expensive to buy in Nautilus City, Bay City, the western coastal regions of Zindra or Nova Albion. I've lived in all four areas and prefer my region, Barcola, in Nova Albion. But that said, you can get a Horizon's parcel for less than any of the ones I mentioned previously. I just don't like the looks of Horizons and am not fond of living in adult rated regions.
  17. The point is you're getting Lindens weekly. How you manage those Lindens is up to you. Stockpile them or spend them. Typically you'd be buying those Lindens if they weren't given to you free so it's still savings no matter how you cut it! It's always puzzled me that some seem to discount the savings unless they save the Lindens. That's not how money works. You redacted your comment too late. Now it's here forever!
  18. In all my years of owning mainland parcels I've never had an issue with going outside my parcel into Linden land as long as the root prim is located inside my parcel. I have nearly always bought protected land and have nearly always gone into the Governor's land at will. I've never had anything returned. I especially do this with roads. I always build a driveway that connects to the road and is seamless. I think what's important to remember is to use textures that match perfectly, or if the texture isn't available then match as closely as possible. If your addition looks as though the mole who built the area also made your driveway no Linden is going to take issue with you invading Linden land.
  19. As long as I can rez a cube, open a group chat box, or tp to a live music concert I'll never be bored in SL. And don't get me started on all the things I do in other programs to support my SL life. SL has been my motivation to keep learning about anything computer related for the past dozen or so years other than a brief period of time playing a computer game where the only skills required was pushing buttons fast and aiming at ugly things.
  20. Very little translates from SL to RL, but ...... but I did buy a "fatpack" of turtleneck sweaters a few years ago when I couldn't make up my mind which color I would use the most. I've never regretted that purchase, so that's one thing I've taken from SL into RL.
  21. There is a way to keep them from timing out. I don't remember what I did. Someone in the group showed me how to do it. I haven't played in years. Maybe they've changed it since I played though. I thought you had to register those alts as scripted agents as per the Linden who came when the AR was filed. So you don't use those to play TE anymore?
  22. Nicely done. Thank you for taking the time to write it out so clearly.
  23. 'Scripted Agent' is our term to describe a Second Life account that is operated by a program rather than by a real person. These are often called 'Bots' by residents and are automated avatars that perform specific tasks inworld, generally without any human intervention. There are Bots that manage Land tasks and Bots that model clothing in stores. My 'bots' were my alts who used nothing more than a run-of-the-mill AO while standing on a pose stand. There is no need for special scripts to make an avatar a scripted agent. Certainly you can use any kind of scripts you want but the same scripts can be used by a human operated avatar and not be registered as a scripted agent. The main point here is not the scripts involved but the registering of the account. added: For those who have never played TE let me give a little background and why those who use multiple alt accounts to play it most likely should have those alts registered as bots (scripted agents). I played TE for a short period of time and have direct experience with the game and the culture that goes along with it. There are many, MANY, who leave their alts logged in while not attended with the game running collecting gold. The benefits are much better if you monitor the game while it runs to respond to the prompts but it is not necessary and especially not necessary when you are running multiple alts at the same time. It's rather common for people to leave those alts on while they sleep at night or go to work RL.
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