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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  2. So exciting .. loved the 50s .. yes, I'm old enough to have been alive during that period of time though I hardly remember it at all. But I remember very clearly dancing the twist while Chubby Checker sang on American Bandstand (I was 6). So yeah!! Excited for the theme.
  3. It's quite expensive to buy in Nautilus City, Bay City, the western coastal regions of Zindra or Nova Albion. I've lived in all four areas and prefer my region, Barcola, in Nova Albion. But that said, you can get a Horizon's parcel for less than any of the ones I mentioned previously. I just don't like the looks of Horizons and am not fond of living in adult rated regions.
  4. The point is you're getting Lindens weekly. How you manage those Lindens is up to you. Stockpile them or spend them. Typically you'd be buying those Lindens if they weren't given to you free so it's still savings no matter how you cut it! It's always puzzled me that some seem to discount the savings unless they save the Lindens. That's not how money works. You redacted your comment too late. Now it's here forever!
  5. In all my years of owning mainland parcels I've never had an issue with going outside my parcel into Linden land as long as the root prim is located inside my parcel. I have nearly always bought protected land and have nearly always gone into the Governor's land at will. I've never had anything returned. I especially do this with roads. I always build a driveway that connects to the road and is seamless. I think what's important to remember is to use textures that match perfectly, or if the texture isn't available then match as closely as possible. If your addition looks as though the mole who built the area also made your driveway no Linden is going to take issue with you invading Linden land.
  6. As long as I can rez a cube, open a group chat box, or tp to a live music concert I'll never be bored in SL. And don't get me started on all the things I do in other programs to support my SL life. SL has been my motivation to keep learning about anything computer related for the past dozen or so years other than a brief period of time playing a computer game where the only skills required was pushing buttons fast and aiming at ugly things.
  7. Very little translates from SL to RL, but ...... but I did buy a "fatpack" of turtleneck sweaters a few years ago when I couldn't make up my mind which color I would use the most. I've never regretted that purchase, so that's one thing I've taken from SL into RL.
  8. There is a way to keep them from timing out. I don't remember what I did. Someone in the group showed me how to do it. I haven't played in years. Maybe they've changed it since I played though. I thought you had to register those alts as scripted agents as per the Linden who came when the AR was filed. So you don't use those to play TE anymore?
  9. Nicely done. Thank you for taking the time to write it out so clearly.
  10. 'Scripted Agent' is our term to describe a Second Life account that is operated by a program rather than by a real person. These are often called 'Bots' by residents and are automated avatars that perform specific tasks inworld, generally without any human intervention. There are Bots that manage Land tasks and Bots that model clothing in stores. My 'bots' were my alts who used nothing more than a run-of-the-mill AO while standing on a pose stand. There is no need for special scripts to make an avatar a scripted agent. Certainly you can use any kind of scripts you want but the same scripts can be used by a human operated avatar and not be registered as a scripted agent. The main point here is not the scripts involved but the registering of the account. added: For those who have never played TE let me give a little background and why those who use multiple alt accounts to play it most likely should have those alts registered as bots (scripted agents). I played TE for a short period of time and have direct experience with the game and the culture that goes along with it. There are many, MANY, who leave their alts logged in while not attended with the game running collecting gold. The benefits are much better if you monitor the game while it runs to respond to the prompts but it is not necessary and especially not necessary when you are running multiple alts at the same time. It's rather common for people to leave those alts on while they sleep at night or go to work RL.
  11. This is what I see. All the pics are of that grid thing. But when I hit the visit this location then it opens up in SL and I can see from there. But no, the map doesn't function as expected on the auctions page.
  12. I really don't remember a time when I could depend on the map, in any of it's incarnations, where it wasn't glitchy. I just roll with it while muttering to myself.
  13. Yeah, I do that too in the very early stages. Of course, I've only ever had one full sim and that was only for a year. But I use that technique even with smaller parcels. It's especially handy for landscaping.
  14. My guess is that the boats use rezzers and that they had just derezzed them. I have gotten the impression from hints given by Patch that SSP will use something similar to what the parcels in Horizons use, which is a rezzer in the mailbox that lets you rez different houses at your whim.
  15. The further adventures of an SSP voyeur - developments: -boats are back - new testing region added .. with 3 green dots (9 in total) I keep watching the blog posts hopping for an announcement. Even just a scheduled town hall meeting would be enough of a fix to keep me from going all jittery. lol
  16. Edit the listing for the adult item and use the delete button next to the demo and it will remove it.
  17. For as long as I can remember LL has referred to them as regions. When we log in the progress bar says connecting to region. The map refers to region. I can't remember anything in the UI that refers to sims. I know residents have used the term sim, but I still think it's a mistake. Honestly, I now prefer region because I think it's a better description of the area rather than calling it a sim. So, I guess that's why I'm motivated to change my mindset to using region. I still make mistakes and say sim when I want to say region, but I'm getting better about it. And I apologize for keeping this derail going. I'll stop.
  18. When I read the statement you posted, I don't get the same meaning you do. When it says, "but in fact" to me it means but really it's this not the prior thing. So I read it like this: In common usage, the term "simulator" or "sim" may also refer to a region, but in fact really a single server process sim can host multiple regions. I took it as correcting the misuse of the term. But we know what people mean when they use the term. Whether someone calls gasoline gas or petro we get the meaning .. right?
  19. I thought your complaint was that you couldn't select a drill-down after doing the search, which totally works. I didn't realize you didn't want to have to go back down the list to get to the sub-category.
  20. I struggle with the transition to using region instead of sim. But I am doing my best to make the change. I think having Patch respond to one of my posts as, "What's a sim?" did the trick for me.
  21. Back in the day before demos were the norm, I used to run two alts nearly 24/7 in my shop as models. They were registered bots but never used any kind of scripting.
  22. I'm glad you shared your experience. It really does address the OPs question about bots despite what one person in this thread might think. I also believe your response to your neighbors' concerns is a great example of how someone should respond when they realize they are taking more avatar slots than might be their fair share. As far as LL doing something about ARs claiming unfair use of region resources, I honestly have always thought that pertained to script usage only. I know I have had Linden intervention in the past when script usage was reported. I don't think a Linden will ever intervene when it comes to how many avatars a person has online in one spot unless those avatars are not registered as bots when they should be. So in your particular case, the Linden involved seemed to be following the rules to the letter.
  23. It's not bothering me at all. I will happily wait for all the kinks to get worked out. At least they are working on it and it will be way cool once it's done. Now SSP .. that I can't wait on but I must.
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