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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. or the ability of land merchants to manipulate the market and auctions ... .it's a two way street .. with need of repairs. Maybe I'm jaded but I really doubt this is going to have that much of an effect on the overall market... at least not any time soon.
  2. Comments about sailing features and connecting continents would probably be better served in one of the other threads about just that - connecting the continents. This one is about SSP and the new Linden homes. Not meaning you can't post here but that it's probably going to have a better audience in the other thread.
  3. 512 sqm on the North Channel between Bay City and Nova Albion in Barcola. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barcola/53/146/26
  4. Unless there's a Homeowners Association and then he might find himself in court.
  5. If you attach to avatar center, it works great. Try that next time. Just remember to not TP with it attached if you wear a mesh body as you could loose the mesh body when you TP.
  6. And there are tons of bloggers displaying no-mod clothing who manage to do a great job. You just prove that it's completely possible to match up and get great looking outfits without using mod clothing and accessories.
  7. This hasn't seemed like a discussion to me. It's more accusations thrown at merchants, not by all, but that's how the whole thread began with the "shady" comment. The tone was set from the beginning, which was unfortunate.
  8. If you really want to impact a merchant, don't come to the forums complaining. Go to the merchant directly. Explain your situation and see what happens. These kinds of forum posts do not help your cause with merchants.
  9. I don't need to buy mod clothing to be able to put together an outfit from various merchants. All it takes is some know how and knowledge of what I have in my inventory. I mix and match clothing from different creators all the time. Very few of the creators I buy clothing from sell mod clothing and yet, I have no difficulty getting things to work together. It just takes some want to!
  10. Apparently you have no idea how I sell my products or what permissions I do or do not set. Same people over and over. I don't see evidence that it's a large or even smallish percentage of the market as evidenced by what is available on the market. I don't have any problem with criticism. But when it is the same argument over and over by the same people, it gets old. In all the years I've been selling the number of customers who have asked me to make something mod that was no mod I could count on one hand. It's just not an issue in my business. The only place I see it being an issue is in the forums. I'm just going to ignore posts with this topic from now on, because it's just the same old tired argument from the same people. I will listen to my customers. I always have. They are the ones that are important to me.
  11. That's not my job nor do I have any desire to convince you of anything. I made my comment.. do with it as you will.
  12. This argument comes up over and over because creators aren't making mod items. And a few people like to complain and moan about it. If the complaint was valid and creators weren't selling their no-mod products they would change. But that's not the case. There is a very good market for those who choose to sell no-mod or they wouldn't keep doing it. And this very thing is what makes those who only want mod mad, so they come to the forums and complain incessantly. That's why the title of this thread is "Why do people support sellers that do no mod?". This person didn't want to know why creators do it .. he wanted to motivate people to not buy it. Well good luck with that. It's not happening.
  13. Open map and search, Salt Breeze, then scroll in very close and you should be able to see it.
  14. Oh, I know, but it's one more step toward opening. So for me it's still exciting!
  15. The continent has appeared in place on the map .. fyi. You have to scroll in but it's there now.
  16. OMG .. this is not photoshopped .. It kinda disappears if I scroll out .. but when I scroll in .. it's all there!
  17. Glad to see my fashion style has caught on!! lol .. just don't forget to take them off the way I did!
  18. Surely you aren't calling people who live in trailers trash!
  19. You know I'm wondering. They seem to be in the foothills leading up to the mountains. I'm wondering if they might not be little mountain cabins.
  20. Don't worry about it. I've had it happen to me as well. LOL, I didn't even realize it had happened until I edited a reply twice and realized the edits were on different posts of the same reply. I thought I was going nuts for a minute before realizing what had actually happened.
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