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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I've had that mole made bookcase for a few years now. It's one of my favorite bookcases. I love all the titles of the books. It was part of the Premium Winter gift in 2018. The cabin alone is 100 LI. With all the sweet winter deco it comes in at 213. If someone wants to use the Halloween deco cabin, I would imagine the cabin is still around 100 LI. So a person could simply rez the cabin in a sandbox and remove the items they choose to lower the LI to a suitable amount for the size parcel they own. Or they could just pick and choose from the adorable decoration and use those in their current home. But seriously, the bookcase is a real keeper. I'm glad to see it's been made available again for all those who missed it the first time around.
  2. Ah okay. I started with clothes. When I began adding furnishings, I made a tags for furniture, houses, garden, etc. It works quite well this way.
  3. Two Linden Homes, a 1024 Sakura and a 512 Newbrooke, and 1536 of mainland. One account is premium and the other premium plus. I use the extra sqm for my shop and a little parcel in the middle of nowhere with a tiny skybox. However, once the premium plus Linden Homes are released, I may end up with just one Linden Home any my shop.
  4. I'm curious as to why you don't want to use the CTS system for your clothing/shoes/whatever. I've used CTS for years. I use it for everything from body parts to garden items and everything in between. Though it has become such an ordeal having to log everything that I've considered not using it at all.
  5. I think of my avatar's appearance as being the body/head/skin/shape I've chosen. Those remain fairly constant, even if I purchase a new mesh head, I tend to go for the same appearance and only change because the sculpt of the new head fits my desired look more closely than the current head. That said I don't change heads frequently at all! Now for clothing/shoes/accessories, I tend to treat those like I do RL clothing. I change my clothes frequently. I do love shopping, but I tend to buy classics that will mix well with the clothing I currently own. I find putting together many outfits using what we might call a capsule wardrobe to be extremely fun. So, you can change your clothes often without spending a lot of lindens. There are lots of free clothing out there as well. So have fun making new outfits, not avatars, on a budget. And above all, this!
  6. I'm not online much these days, but somehow I still find time to shop. However, while I have no problem paying full price for an item, I do have very particular tastes. When I find clothing that isn't like the million other things I already have in my inventory, or actually looks like it took more than a yard of fabric to make, I will pay full price happily. So has the weekend sales stopped me from buying things at full price? No! What has stopped me from paying full price is the abundance of my own inventory and the lack of what I consider to be fashionably sexy and yet modest clothing. What the weekend sales have managed to do though is get me to pick up things I never would have paid full price for in the first place. As far as furnishings and deco items go, I typically buy those at full price when I'm focused on achieving a particular look for a project. I've seen cute things I passed on buying simply because they didn't fit into my current project. On occasion, I have gone back and picked up a few of those things after seeing them listed on Seraphim at one of the weekend sales. Probably the biggest benefit for any creator to participate in a weekend sale from my perspective as a customer, is attracting new customers. I've found a few creators that I've added to my list of favorite places to shop after seeing their items on Seraphim while scanning the weekend sales.
  7. Oh no, Blush is my Plus account. She uploads lots of textures. I've already saved quite a bit of lindens uploading textures. It's so liberating having $0L texture uploads. So Blush will get the 2048 and Debi or the new alt will donate sqm to the store group.
  8. I have no desire to have a skybox in Belli. I much prefer putting all available prims on the ground either inside the house or in the garden. I have several platforms above my store. A big reason I have the 512 skybox on mainland is that it's in a region with little to no builds and a lot of abandoned land. There is no lag whatsoever there. I like the feeling of isolation. I don't have that feeling when I'm working on a platform above my store. Plus my 512 Linden Home is in an amazing location. I absolutely love the surroundings and being located in the crook of a river that connects to the newly opened route to the Blake Sea is a huge bonus. However, once the 2048 Linden Homes become available I'll most likely want one of those. So, I'm going to have to decide what to give up or perhaps get another regular premium, not plus, account. Right now, I'd have a hard time giving up Debi's 1024 Sakura or Blush's 512 Newbrooke. And of course, I have to keep my store!
  9. Currently, Debi has a regular premium and Blush has a premium plus. Blush uses her sqm as follows: 1024 mainland parcel for my Blushed main store, 512 Newbrooke Linden Home, 512 mainland with a skybox for when I just want to be totally alone or work on a small project uninterrupted. Debi has a 1024 Sakura Linden Home.
  10. I often find lamps that are just too bright. Unfortunately, most of the time, the scripts inside lamps are not modify, even if the lamp itself is mod. In those cases, I simply delete the script, and drop in my own script. Once you figure out how to mod a script such as this one you've used, keep it in a handy place to replace no mod scripts in other lamps.
  11. As promised here's the rest. The bedroom is a nice size but still on the small side. The bath is huge for a bath but not really suitable for a bedroom. Even after furnishing all the rooms I had enough LI left for a nice hot tub on the patio. So, if you're like me and have used some of your LI elsewhere and need a smaller Linden Home, you might want to try out one of these 512s. There are some great locations out there.
  12. I know this thread is rather old now with 3 months of inactivity, but I think it's a worthwhile topic so I'm posting here. I recently upgraded to Premium Plus and since I use up 1536 square meters on mainland that only leaves me 512 for a Linden Home on Blush's account. I had gotten a Sakura with that but since Debi has a 1024 Sak, in a great location, I decided to roll for a 512 Newbrooke this past weekend. I was thinking I can put in for a house by doing a ticket request, but since it was the weekend I decided to just roll. I was hoping for something with water access. I only rolled once and got this keeper. I honestly was so excited when I saw water, but once I opened the map and saw that I was on the edge of a river that goes all the way out to the newly opened channel to the mainland I was more than excited. I promptly rezzed a boat and motored out to Stromberg. You may be saying but you only get 175 prims with a 512. But with this location and the abundance of landscaping around my yard I didn't need to do much with the garden. I added a few hedges and a couple flowers along with a small lemon tree to the front. That's all the gardening I needed to do. I have a nice great room as I enter my home. The view from the covered patio is welcoming as well. Down the hallway is the bath and bedroom. To be continued!
  13. I got it at an event or a sale. Can't remember which. It was part of a set. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/136766
  14. I don't think the inside is lacking even with my focusing mostly on the garden. I did omit an actual bedroom since the futon in the living area serves the purpose nicely. What I really wanted was a cozy dressing area with a powder room. I love the open space between the dining area and the living room. It is the perfect spot for my desk and art supplies. Plus it's a nice area for dancing when the mood hits. With careful planning and linking, you'd be surprised how much you can do with just 351 prims! Here's the slurl to my (Debi's) home if anyone would like to visit. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sugureta Gohan/174/145/32
  15. Recently, I completely redid my Sakura home. I had focused so much on the inside that the garden never was all I wanted it to be. So, I picked a smaller home that I really liked and put my energy into making my dream garden. This is the result. I have 25 prims left. I've used low LI mostly, but I've also included items that are anything but low LI, but they are things I love so have included them. I'll post the inside pics in the next post.
  16. I don't think the inside is lacking even with my focusing mostly on the garden. I did omit an actual bedroom since the futon in the living area serves the purpose nicely. What I really wanted was a cozy dressing area with a powder room. I love the open space between the dining area and the living room. It is the perfect spot for my desk and art supplies. Plus it's a nice area for dancing when the mood hits. With careful planning and linking, you'd be surprised how much you can do with just 351 prims! Here's the slurl to my (Debi's) home if anyone would like to visit. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sugureta Gohan/174/145/32
  17. I was going to post this in show off your homes thread. But considering this topic, I thought it might be more useful in this thread. Recently, I completely redid my Sakura home. I had focused so much on the inside that the garden never was all I wanted it to be. So, I picked a smaller home that I really liked and put my energy into making my dream garden. This is the result. I have 25 prims left. I've used low LI mostly, but I've also included items that are anything but low LI, but they are things I love so have included them. I'll post the inside pics in the next post.
  18. I just bought the Ora for Blush and I love it. I think she has a very natural look. But getting that look had everything to do with the skin used and the add-on skin details that I either made or bought from Izzie's. Face Skin - Glam Affair, Body skin- Amara Beauty, brows- Simple Bloom, Freckles- BoM layer that was included with the head, BoM lipstick and gloss layers from Glam Affair, Izzie's highlight corrector, and a very simple light eye shadow I made.
  19. The texture, on what to me looks like flexi hair, is very much like the textures from Analog Dog. So I'd check that shop out too while you're searching. It's not just the clipping into the body that makes me think it's flexi. It's also how it appears to fall in sheets of flat planes from the top of the head to the bottom of the hair. Also, it's really easy to position flexi hair for a photo and it look super good. Wearing it in world is another thing though. Still, one of my favorite go-to-hairs is a shoulder length flexi from Analog Dog that I bought back around 2010. I do miss the flow of flexi hair and skirts.
  20. Be sure to grab the content pack that's available in the house controller. You'll find lots of goodies and a whole box of textures inside of it.
  21. Make sure if you do go with an Avalon, that you really like the mouth. I like that head a lot but I just can't get the mouth to do what I like. I like a fuller lower lip with a thinner upper lip and that's impossible with Avalon as animations don't look right when I get the shape to my liking. There are so many great EvoX heads to use. Don't get stuck thinking one head is better supported than another. Just about any skin that works with an Avalon will work with the other heads. It just takes some time to demo heads and skins to see which combination gets you the look you are after. I went through the process just last night with Blush. I was ready for a new look having not bought her a new head in literally years. So I went demo shopping for EvoX heads and skins. I bought the Ora head, combined it with a head skin from Glam Affair, and matched it with a body skin from Amara Beauty. I love how we don't have to worry about neck seams now with how Lelutka does their heads. It really does blend perfectly as long as the head and body skins are very close in tone. It took some doing to find a head skin that would be close enough in tone to work with my favorite Amara Beauty body skin. This is the result
  22. I typically won't submit an AR unless the problem exists next to my home. When I do submit an AR, if I don't see any change within two weeks time, I resubmit the AR thinking that it was either addressed and the person has just recreated the problem or that my AR somehow got lost in the system. It's never occurred to me to not resubmit an AR when the problem that was reported has not been solved.
  23. Maitreya still has the lead by far so any creator dropping that size is simply cutting off their nose to spite their face; however, I have noticed a huge drop off in support for the petite add-on. That's why I switched Debi over to Legacy Perky. Many of my favorite go-to designers for conservative clothing have dropped petite but do support perky. Also, quite often I can use a regular legacy size when the perky isn't available and it works just fine unless the garment is super low cut. That's not the case with Maitreya and Petite. Also, since I am pretty much totally BoM with Debi having issues with the Meshbody HUD isn't an issue for me. Though, knock on wood, I've not had a HUD issue so far.
  24. Debi is very limited in that she only wears conservative, not what you would call sexy clothing, so finding clothes for her is a challenge anyway. I just have found that shopping for Perky has been easier than shopping for Petite.
  25. Forgot to mention that I haven't used applier eyes in forever. Love me some BoM eyes! Love everything BoM.
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