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Knutz Scorpio

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Everything posted by Knutz Scorpio

  1. For specific destinations I just teleport, but occasionally I get an urge to just pick a direction and travel. Sometimes I'll walk and follow the roads, haven't tried driving or flying a vehicle for while because no matter how careful I am I eventually crash at a sim crossing ending up in someone's living room and my vehicle added to the litter who knows where several sims away. Lately I've just been picking a straight line and flying, high enough to clear the hills and ban lines then back down low enough to see everything. The biggest annoyance I had was some Nazi security system not giving me enough time to fly over the parcel and instead of just bumping me away from the parcel it teleported me home! Other then that I've found a lot of neat places to check out.
  2. Something I've often seen with laptops (and not just Mac) is a lent and dust buildup between the cooling fan and cooling fans, it can build up to the point where it looks like a blanket and completely cuts off air flow. Only sure way of clearing it out is to disassemble the laptop enough to get either the fan or fins out then remove the buildup then blow air through the fins till they are all clear. Just blowing air in through the outside vent probably will not be enough to dislodge much of the buildup, or you end up blowing chunks of it into other places and causing more damage. ETA: Disassembling a laptop computer is far more difficult then one in a desktop case, it's really easy to damage to where it will not go back together correctly and/or not work correctly. Probably not a good idea to try doing it yourself.
  3. It works great for me except, as someone else mentioned, not having the ability to derender things permanently
  4. You need to stay away from the "adult" sims for a while.
  5. Best bet would be to do a google search on secondlife "AMD Radeon HD 6770" and see what everyone else has posted about it. See if there's a lot of praise or complaints, what problems others have had and if there are fixes. I just did a quick scan of the first page of results and mostly appears to be problems with fonts, didn't notice any complaints of not being able to connect to SL, but you probably want to read more into that before deciding for yourself.
  6. May try sending them a notecard, several times someone has claimed that their IMs get capped and they fail to receive all the IMs sent to them.
  7. Ima Rang wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ima Rang wrote: What is a rickroll? This is a rickroleplay... right? ...Dres I had to google it...From Wikipedia: Rickrolling is an Internet memeinvolving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up". The meme is a bait and switch; a person provides a hyperlink seemingly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually leads to Astley's video. The link can be masked or obfuscated in some manner so that the user cannot determine the true destination of the link without clicking. Persons led to the music video are said to have been rickrolled. Rickrolling has extended beyond web links to playing the video or song disruptively in other situations, including public places, like a surprise appearance of Astley himself in the 2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. The meme has helped to revive Astley's career. I did not know that...Huhn...learn something new everyday. Guessed it was something like that when the next video in line was "Stewie gets rickroll'd"
  8. Staring at this funny little box on my nightstand wondering why it's making such an awful noise and trying to apply "6:30 AM" to the parameters of a cylinder. After that I decided I was staying up far too late building on SL.
  9. Many viewers have the option to upload a texture temporarily, meaning it'll be there whenever you log in and you don't clear your cache. I think others can see that texture while you are logged in but I'm not 100% sure about that one. If this doesn't work for you then hit the money trees. ETA: Phoenix and Firestorm has this option BTW
  10. I've had my driveway extended out over linden owned land to join the road for a couple of months now, Guy Linden consolidated several small abandoned parcels just down the road from me and didn't do anything to my driveway though he must have seen it. Guess as long as it's not causing someone grief it's not a problem.
  11. I've been using it for two days, only problem I've had is not being able to derender things permanently ETA: I have tried the LL viewers, Phoenix/Firestorm has always run faster for me.
  12. Posting this to Technology/Second Life Viewers may get you more answers
  13. The last 512 I got rid of sat for over a week at 0.5 L$/sq.m and from the traffic count I suspected it was being checked out and they were just waiting to see how low I'd go. I changed the land title to "No more price drops, will abandon [date]" where [date] was one week away, and put in the desc something like "Buy from me at 0.5, or wait and buy from Gov Linden at 1.0". The land was sold by the next day, and the current owner has been trying to resell it for well over a month now at 0.8
  14. Orca Flotta wrote: ...... So it's easy to create a footprint of your house and rezz it on the land (if enabled). See that you have enough space around your house left, as regarded in many covenants if you're going for estate land. Also it's nice to have a bit of free space around your house for some trees and shrubbery. A little trick I've used in places that are not rez enabled is to rez the footprint in a place where rezzing is enabled (like a sandbox), attach it to yourself, and teleport to the location you're checking out. Then edit the object without detaching it from yourself and move and rotate it to the parcel. You'll look like an mega-noob for a few minutes but you'll make sure you don't have encroachment issues with neighbors later on.
  15. Once while playing around with the settings I got Phoenix so confused I had to delete its settings folder, not the folder containing its cache but one up in the directory tree, the folder that contains the cache folder and logs folder and user_settings and such. After that the viewer worked fine again. Course you may want to copy any logs you don't want to lose, and you're going to have to reset all those settings again.
  16. Just all show up with display names Wasted Engineer variations
  17. Rezzed my first avatar on a help/orientation island in Feb 2010 among a big crowd of fellow newbies and what looked like an overwhelmed handful of help staff, so I didn't even consider asking for help at that time. The computer I was using then was all around underpowered for SL so it took me quite a while to explore just that island, but as I watched things rez to me it felt like the unwrapping of Christmas presents. What most intrigued me was the ability to build and customize so I set about customizing myself. No prim hair was to be found in the freebies and I decided to be unique and go bald, I tried to give him a beard but after trying many combinations of skins and bald caps I gave up on that, and being that everyone else seemed to have the butch giant category pretty well covered I moved my sliders down to what looked more normal to me. I didn't care for the painted on look of the available clothing at all and soon discovered how I could puff up some of the underlining layers to make it all look less skin tight, I was so proud of myself I failed to notice it made me look lumpy. To top of the look I got some sunglasses from the freebies, course someone had to tell me to detach the box from my hand then unpack it and wear the glasses. So when I finally decided I had explored the island enough I took one of the teleports, ended up at Luna where I quickly found out how I stood out as a noob in oversized lumpy clothing who had forgotten his hair. I could ramble on even longer about the times after that, in short most of the time I have enjoyed myself.
  18. Another cool little game is at Cape Ekim. Kinda like Myst with a light house and an old dragon. No mesh in this one though a V2/V3 based viewer may be handy for the camera control feature that prevents the camera from ending up in a wall when in tight quarters.
  19. An alternative method to create a small ring that might work? Rez a torus, hollow it to 95%, then use profile cut (not path cut) to carve away the unwanted portion of the prim. ETA: I meant this as a replay to the OP. Thought the reply to button at the very top would reply to the OP, seems it replies to last post.
  20. Looks like they lost all the original "reply to" fields making it look like everyone is responding to the OP, makes me wonder how many other ways they have things misfiled. Just like government archives, all the information is there ..... somewhere.
  21. Was really hoping to see more responses, and some build pics, to this. Probably the most fun I've had on SL is the challenge of building on a steep hill side or cliff side with only +/- 4m of terraforming and an oddly shaped lot. It just kills me when I see someone with such a spot just drop a huge cube on it to level it. My current house is at the SW corner of Thayer, likely not the most fantastic build but maybe you'll find an idea or two there. I'll see if I still have picks of my other cliff/hill side builds if there is interest. And maybe you'll get more responses if you repost this to Creations/Building and Texturing.
  22. A while back I was denied access to a sim because I was under thirty days old at the time. Maybe some way to do this with heavily griefed areas like your rez-zone, deny them rezzing abilities if they aren't a week or a couple of days old.
  23. To this pessimist it just sounds like something you tell to a child to get them to quiet down.
  24. I have to wonder if LL intends anything more then minimum effort with the viewers they put out. It's the TPV teams that take the snowglobe, fix most of the problems, add features that LL always seem to overlook, then put out a truly usable viewer.
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