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Knutz Scorpio

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Everything posted by Knutz Scorpio

  1. You stop being a newbie when you can no longer remember just how many times you've seen this subject in the forums But seriously, I'm very happy to see the vast majority of responses saying they are still newbies. I feel that when I stop calling myself a newbie I cut myself off from discovery. Most of my one year in SL and similiar grids I've spent building and had allowed myself to think I knew all there was to know about building, then I realised a really simple way to do something in one prim that I had been using four prims to do. DUH! And wether it is "newb" or "noob", what's the point?
  2. Thank you all for the recommendations and I've finally had a chance to try them all out. The one I have settled on is the taxi from Phoenix, although a taxi doesn't make for the most stylish ride it by far had the best controls for cruising mainland roads and I'll be looking for something with the same controls when I'm ready to spend more on my ride. Again thank you all.
  3. Trying to use the sculpted bushes from the "Linden Homes - Meadowbrook Textures" pack and can't get them to look right, getting jagged edges on top like the sculpt isn't joining together correctly and there is what looks like a 'continuation bar' between the bushes. I'm guessing I need the correct sculpty and texture dimensions and I'm not finding a notecard in the pack?
  4. Sorry if this sounds like yet another V2/V3 bash, but if you are using Viewer 2 or 3 that could be the problem. Since V2.5 I have not been able to teleport from anywhere to anywhere without crashing, but when I go back to any third party viewer all works fine.
  5. I'm looking for a car that I can drive on the mainland roads and be able to enjoy the scenery without losing control of the vehicle. I've tried several freebies and most were just too ugly, found two that looked nice enough to be seen in but the controls were so terrible I spent considerable time dragging the car back onto the road. Guess I prefer controls where I can set the speed like a cruise control and if I hold a steering control key for a bit longer then a microsecond it doesn't throw the steering wheel hard over. Maybe I could get a script and put in a car I make myself, wouldn't be the best looking one on the road but I'm sure I could do better then most of the freebies I found. Thank you for any suggestions
  6. Requests from vampires to accept a "bite kit" from them. Just a couple of nights ago I got the same request five times, guess they were hoping I would eventually accept just to shut them up, except I hit the Mute button with a middle finger instead.
  7. "I got my nuts covered at Mr. Hub Cap", bumper sticker for a shop that sold car hub caps
  8. Mainland "Purchasing" Rights, would be more accurate. Premium Only Sandboxes, last couple of times I tried visiting the public sandboxes all I could really do was watch the mass griefer attacks. Love Chat Support? Got a good chuckle out of this typo ;-)
  9. Void Singer wrote: the main welcome area is at the corner of 4 regions (Dore, Ahern, and I forget the other two).... if one is being lagged by griefers it's very common to have problems crossing from one to another This must be a noob question but I just have to ask. If you are close to a sim border can you "hear" chat taking place just on the other side on another sim but still close enough to be within chat distance. I ask because on an OpenSim me and someone were within a few meters of each other but could communicate by IM only because there was a sim line between us.
  10. 1 4SK3D 83C4U53 1 W45N'7 5UR3. G1V1NG MY53LF 4 H34D4CH3, W0ND3R 1F TH15 15 H0W 7R0N F33L5 WH3N DRUNK Eloise Baily wrote: DON'7 83 4 5P3LL1NG KN08 KNU7Z. A7 L3457 7HEY TR1ED
  11. Wildcat Furse wrote: 7H15 17 4M4Z1NG!!!!! *M30W5* 17, or 15?
  12. I can read it, at first it was torture but after I warped my mind enough. Some insane password requirements I have to deal with regulary probably helped.
  13. My current vote is for the newest version of Phoenix, I've also tried V2/V3 and Imprudence but Phoenix is the only one that has worked fully for me. Could have something to do with running on Linux. Tried using V2 for a while, actually liked the interface once it was improved, but then was forced to upgrade and since then any version of V2 or V3 crashes when I try to teleport. Imprudence was great, except I couldn't created prims greater then 10m. Had this problem with V3 too which surprised the hell out of me. V2/V3 run considerably slower then either Imprudence or Phoenix, and as far as mesh goes I'm not in much of a hurry, it's fun watching you guys trying to make a fashion statement wearing a donut anyways
  14. For a while now the only time I've gone to a Linden Sandbox was for the entertainment of seeing the latest griefer attack methods, I've come to take it for granted that for any actual building I have to go to a group owned sandbox. So making all the Linden Sandboxes Premium only sounds like a good idea to me.
  15. The best I can tell there are four of these premium-only sandboxes, each sandbox made up of four sims arranged 2x2 (for a total of 16 sims), and I spotted two of these sandboxes off the west coast of the Linden Homes Continent.
  16. I noticed eight of these sandboxes, arranged in two 2x2 islands, off of the west coast of the Linden Homes Continent. Thought you might like to know.
  17. Halloween is great fun with a speaker hidden on the front porch and loud scary sound effects ready to play just as the kids are reaching for the door bell. Sometimes even get a bonus as a kid drops their bag while running away. ;^}
  18. About the only thing I enjoy doing anymore on SL is exploring and checking out everyone else's imaginations by riding the tour balloons, pods, etc I come across. I do get inspired to create, but due to SL outrageous land prices and low prim allowances I do my creating elsewhere.
  19. Maybe try creating an alt avatar, revisiting those days when you were new, shamelessly grabbing up every freebie in site only to quickly realize why they are free, and trying not to be too embarrassed when that freebie starship fighter shoots off out of control right into the crowd. Frequently hitting SHT-CTRL-H to bounce from Info Hub to Info Hub just to see what new ones have been built and how old familiar ones have changed. Observing some of the fr^H^H^H^H unusual crowds that show up there. By reflex sitting down on the nearest seat, or rezzing a cube if one isn't available, when attacked by a griefer and observing all the stuff they try on you, and how long they keep trying. May not sound like a fun time to a lot of you, for me it was surprisingly refreshing.
  20. I get the same DNS failure on my Linux, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Have continued using the previous viewer version ignoring the messages to upgrade.
  21. The monitor arm is a great idea being that the majority of monitors I've seen these days come with bases that have very little position adjustment to them, many I've seen are fixed with no adjustments.
  22. I think what you are saying is you paid for the outfit but did not receive the outfit. If that's the case then you need to send an IM to the store owner explaining this and hopefully they'll be decent enough to send you the item after they have verified they received the funds from you. Sorry I can't be any better help then this. Better and more in-person help can be found at the NCI locations, use search to find the teleport locations.
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: That just looks like a list resellers would want to be on rather than have to be on.. kind of like the tpv list.. is there someplace it says they put their accounts at risk of being on hold if they buy $L's from anyplace that is not on their list? just asking because it didn't show anything on the link Venus provided.. if there is it would be nice to show people that may not know they are breaking the rules doing that.. it would help to put a damper on those places that spam the forums as well.. =) Seen at least one post of someone's account being put on hold because they purchased L$s from some place not on the list, and it took considerable time and effort for them to get their account off hold. I believe people who have been associated with someone who've purchased from such sites as getting their accounts locked too. Probably best to be paranoid; read 'suggest' as 'command' be prepared for the worst to happen anyways.
  24. In one of my Linden Homes I noticed that prims do not stop light, even after completely lining a room with black flat prims the place still lit up from the neighbor's disco-tech. As light passes right through prims I believe it illuminates all surfaces including were two prims are butted together causing an annoying glittering, often I've been able to get rid of the glitering by turning the butted together surfaces 100% transparent. Another possibility is prim creep due to server round off error. A simple build looked perfect till I tried turning the whole thing 45 degrees then I saw all sorts of gaps open up between prims, small gaps but enough to cause the annoying flittering at the seems. There's probably a whole bunch of interactions between size, position, rotation, and other parameters that can make number of digits blow up, see what you get when you divide 6 by 7.
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