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Knutz Scorpio

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Everything posted by Knutz Scorpio

  1. Loren Twine wrote: A pic of me from when I was a little ticked off. Get it? Ticked... Agh nevermind. You need American Maid to back you up :-)
  2. First time I saw them I thought it was pretty neat. But after being bumped by them several times, seeing them piled up in someone's yard, watching them drive down the railroad tracks and even out in the water I came to dislike them. I can imagine how annoying these things are to land owners, they certainly are annoying to those of us trying to use the PUBLIC roads.
  3. I always hated ban lines, think they are ugly, and hate it when I fly into them always unexpectedly I think it is reasonable to lock doors and expect others to stay out, I can not understand the attitude that it is OK to just "break in" even if there is no one home. But people who will lock their doors but leave the windows completely uncovered while they bump hips puzzles me. And I always thought security orbs was going to an extreme, but could change my mind if I lived in a higher traffic area.
  4. One of the first places I visited on SL was the Ivory Tower of Prims, amazing place to learn about building. Sorry I can't get you the location, should be able to find it in search.
  5. I know with imprudence at the bottom of the screen you can select wether to log in at the last place you visited, log in at your home, or log in at a specified region. When you pick to log in at your home an image of your home is displayed instead. Some reason you don't want to be reminded of where you last were?
  6. I have to retract my support for Viewer 2. As I said previously I've had good experiences with 2.5.0, but last night was forced to upgrade to 2.5.1 (Manditory upgrade and 2.5.0 disabled). Couldn't even explore using 2.5.1, movement was jerky and I crashed frequently. Went back to Phoenix and everything was fine again except for the dated interface. I'm discouraged that they turned out a promising viewer then turned around and broke it. Seems I'm going to have to look to TPV for a RELIABLE, newer then 1.23 interface, viewer.
  7. When I first tried 2.0 my response was YUCK! Didn't like the interface, it acted realy glitchy, etc etc. Recently I tried 2.5 and have been very impressed with the improvement. Actually like the interface more then what I had with the older viewers. I'm not on SL very often these days and when I do it's just to explore, so I haven't tried it for building or scripting or such. And I very much appreciate the Auto Update feature, one of my noob tricks was mistaking "Show Updates" for that then spending the rest of my night trying to figuring out why all the avatars and lots of other things are giving off what looked like colored gas [**bleep**! these smileys suck]
  8. Anything from LL or SL I'd expect to be from a secondlife.com address, and I have to agree with another poster that I wouldn't expect LL to give away Lindens for anything. Add to that LL having locked accounts for receiving Lindens from places they have not approved. I think not only would I ignore this survey request but I would also put that address in the spam filter.
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