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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. Allegedly, Mojo Linden is the account he will be using to grace us all with his appearance. "Maybe" before his offical interview on Lab Gab. Hopefully by then, he will have filled out his profile and had @Strawberry Linden help pick out an outfit for him. 😉
  2. I couldn't find an RTFM pic in 20th Century Fox format. What are all you starving artists doing with your lives? 🙄
  3. I'm surprised anyone even wears clothes anymore in SL, heh.
  4. It is essentially public access data on a single public "channel" that anyone can r/w to (or break) at any time, though. It also has a lifetime of 90 seconds apparently if not written to again, no matter how often it is read.
  5. Related to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230771
  6. 'stopping' happens the second the sim no longer renders for anyone outside looking in, ie, disappears. This is when everyone in the region is disconnected and scripts are stopped. This is AFTER the countdown reaches 0 if there are any main agents present. During the countdown, region status will still show 'up'. 'stopping' just means the host is shutting all components down, not that it is in countdown mode. I see this status in the over 1000 regions I monitor every Tuesday or Wednesday. The status I've rarely seen is 'crashed'. I've only seen it a handful of times in the past. I've never seen the 'unknown' status AFAIK.
  7. llRequestSimulatorData() is meant to monitor other regions, not the one you're in.
  8. @Monty Linden mentioned somethng about http-out changes in the last server group meeting. Maybe he can elaborate.
  9. OP is talking about detecting the countdown phase, which only happens when there are main agents present, not detecting remotely. llRequestSimulatorData() can't detect that countdown mode. It will still show 'up' status during that time. During 'stopping' all agents in the region have already been disconnected and no scripts are running.
  10. We would need camera control reform, offering the scripted ability for the camera to follow an attachment or a body part at a local position and local rotation and possibly at a weighting value whether in and/or out of mouselook. Whenever going into any of these over-the-shoulder or scope views it would also be nice if we had the scripted ability to declare what body part(s) and/or attachments rigged to those body parts does not render on screen. This is also needed when using vehicles/furniture in mouselook as well as sword swinging or weapons usage in mouselook.
  11. That might address most furniture, but there is some furniture that does not have a good -forward angle where a side or 45 degree lateral angle(think L shaped couches) is better. Such an HUD might have to offer camera param storage and recall for each edge case.
  12. Here is the script I wrote a few years ago that I drop into furniture AFTER I've got my camera alt cammed on it at the angle I want to see the next time I or anyone sits on it: default { state_entry() { if (llGetLinkKey(llGetNumberOfPrims()) != llGetOwner()) { llOwnerSay("owner is not sitting on me, removing the script '" + llGetScriptName() + "'"); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); return; } llOwnerSay("requesting permissions..."); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA); llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } on_rez(integer i) { llOwnerSay("removing the script '" + llGetScriptName() + "'"); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } run_time_permissions(integer i) { if (i == PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA) { vector cp = llGetCameraPos(); rotation cr = llGetCameraRot(); //vector rp = llGetRootPosition(); //rotation rr = llGetRootRotation(); vector gp = llGetPos(); //llSetCameraEyeOffset() & llSetCameraAtOffset() are local to link not root rotation gr = llGetRot(); //llSetCameraEyeOffset() & llSetCameraAtOffset() are local to link not root llSetCameraEyeOffset((cp - gp) / gr); llSetCameraAtOffset(((cp + llRot2Fwd(cr)) - gp) / gr); llOwnerSay("Setting llSetCameraEyeOffset() to " + (string)((cp - gp) / gr) + " and llSetCameraAtOffset() to " + (string)(((cp + llRot2Fwd(cr)) - gp) / gr) + " for link " + (string)llGetLinkNumber() + " '" + llGetLinkName(llGetLinkNumber()) + "'"); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } else { llOwnerSay("run time permissions is " + (string)i + " instead of " + (string)PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } } timer() { llOwnerSay("timer() removing the script '" + llGetScriptName() + "'"); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } } It can be edited to work without the owner sitting on the furniture. I just prefer to be sitting on it when I drop it in to make sure I don't accidentally drag it to something else and screw that up.
  13. I haven't heard anything else from them since the June 21 interview. I certainly haven't started to see any radically changes happening thanks to any newly acquired investment money. 😉
  14. If you wish to discuss that, I'd rather do so in the Scripting thread under a related topic than here. I can provide the example script I made there as well.
  15. I use a drop-in script to apply llSetCameraEyeOffset() & llSetCameraAtOffset() based on my current camera angle whenever I sit on a new piece of furniture and I see these two params are not set, which 90% of the time has my camera facing the back of a wall because my avatar is facing the foot of said furniture.
  16. If they are, I certainly haven't seen any signs from developers in the server and content creation meetings. What new CEO? I, along with many others who participate in the user group meetings, have been asking for new features that would make in-world game creation/operation better/competitive for years, but there has not been regularly dedicated/key development in this area since 2013 when Andrew Linden and Kelly Linden used to release said features on a quarterly basis. Both are no longer with the company.
  17. You don't have to go anywhere. It could be bots combing the grid looking for users to add to an advertising service or things people wear that also send region user lists to an advertising service every region they go to.
  18. The Lindens draw straws for some poor b*st*rd to come in on Sunday and "babysit".
  19. Something tells me with said script you're going to find drama regardless.
  20. Just wanted to mention a couple of things in case some are not aware. The "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" setting is for parcel privacy. When parcel privacy was first offered, there was no z height or "ceiling" where this behavior could be realized between one avatar height and another. A few months after its release, LL offered a ceiling which starts at ground height + 50 meters. This means if your avatar is below this ceiling and another avatar is above it and both of you are on the same parcel, you won't be able to see or hear each other(chat only, IMs still work). When this ceiling was offered, there was a bug introduced that prevented parcel privacy from working if there was not at least one agent on the parcel ban list. Recently, there was another bug introduced on full region estates that breaks the parcel privacy ceiling. In regards to this, there "seems" to actually be a region setting to block avatars on privacy parcels from showing on the minimap or radar, but LL has yet to offer it publicly. A few years ago I managed to find one region where this behavior was enabled: https://gyazo.com/043ec6a918fc32940f24bf31d0408ee8 Said region had this setting turned off a few days later and I have yet to find another region with the setting enabled. 😢 BTW, in that video, I am NOT leaving the region and re-entering. I am leaving one parcel and going to another parcel in the same region.
  21. Just because an Avastar subscription expires, doesn't mean the software you've already purchased/downloaded no longer works. My subscription ran out before they released Avastar for Blender 2.8 and I continue to use Avastar for Blender 2.79b.
  22. Does any part of the rezzer script let you know it's running or doing anything? Have scripts been turned off at the parcel/region level? Can anything else that uses scripted rezzing, rez their payload/inventory at the problem location/region? Are there enough available prims on the parcel? If your region uses an Object Bonus, are there any parcels that have prim imbalances that would take away prims from your parcel? Does restarting the region fix the problem?
  23. Agreed. This thread really just needs to be temporarily "paused" and turned into a sticky until the next update to the FAQ. @Patch Linden what do you think?
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