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  1. I am trying to make a secret door that isn't obvious that it's a door. so having it tell me 'you are too far away to use this door' or 'this door can only be actioned by lever 1' kind of defeats the purpose of that. is there any way to make it so the doors don't give away the fact that they are doors when someone clicks?
  2. Unfortunately I don't have the permissions for that, and I wouldn't know how if I did. so I suppose my girls just can't have nice things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Well, The Teleporting out problem is solved by RLV scripting, My dungeon is within a no-Tp zone, and of course they can always relog and turn RLV off, but most won't go that far and I want to make sure that disabling RLV is the only way out.
  4. Well, that is a solution... although it would be nice if there was some way to limit adjustment to a certain number of feet away from the default position rather than disabling it entirely.
  5. I Have a Dungeon with some Cells and I need a way to prevent my poisoners from using the Position adjustment in the Beds to move themselves out of the cell. is there any way to put a limit on how far someone can be adjusted from the item? or failing that, set a particular place it drops them when they stand that isn't relative to where they are sitting?
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