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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. A majority of young adults aren't coming to SL for art, creativity, education or positivity. They're coming here for higher quality avatars and sex. Since LL absolutely refuses to offer content creation tools that compete with MMOs who young adults have already been using, I don't see them coming here to do anything else other than to use the platform as a messenger service. Once VRChat irons out it's new physics bones feature, they might decide SL's archaic asset based animation protocol leaves everything else to be desired and head back over. I predict VRChat private room usage will spike once "content" is offered to cater to said new feature.
  2. 0.001% No "official" marketplace. No "official" DMCA process. No "official" exchange. No "active" Governance. You connect to who knows who's servers etc.
  3. I've given up flagging MP listings for keyword spam as I have nothing show for it but hundreds of listings still showing "Already flagged" months later, still using the same keyword spam with no way to flag again. Sometimes I wish listings publicly showed what flags are active against them with a tally each, but we all know that would be abused.
  4. And I hate sounding like a broken record, but, are you sure you've set up the executable and not a shortcut as "Application Web Process" and not "File"? Have you tried disabling MWB, relogging and teleporting to see if the issue goes away? If it doesn't go away, are there are other AV programs that might be interfering?
  5. Do you have it set up as I mentioned in this bug report. https://gyazo.com/1fcbe0f4a8e04e770463fe2cc5e0a56c This remedied my problem of crashing when teleporting back to a region I had previously been to.
  6. Curious what byte code and stored data about a region would heap a script after just a few iterations.
  7. If it doesn't fix itself within 24 hours, you should file a bug report on it. Linden Realms problems have been addressed through bug reports filed at https://jira.secondlife.com
  8. "We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong."
  9. I managed 3 sandboxes for 10 years. Babysitting eventually became tiresome. When Animesh came along in the months that followed, I returned to what originally brought me to SL. "Building". Sadly, Animesh ended up like so many other major features, half-implemented with no roadmap to complete the previously promised follow-up additions. 4 years later and still no roadmap.
  10. I think this is all wishful thinking or hope, which is all of us can do and have been doing for years now. No single VP of Engineering is going to turn around years of management incompetence, especially when those people still occupy key decision making positions. To attract new users and maintain interest from recent users, LL simply needs to go back to their roots and focus on offering competitive content creation tools. Will they do that? No. They are using Sansar's failure as an excuse for all the wrong reasons. It wasn't features that caused Sansar to fail. It was not following that platform's own mantra of "We listened to you!" and instead, practicing the time dishonored tradition of "Linden Knows Best".
  11. The bug is in the error handling causing the wrong message with tp failures to down/crashed regions. You should be given a different message. File a bug report on it.
  12. I've been told that the meeting will be in voice so be prepared for that as well.
  13. Perhaps bring this up this Tuesday at the first Skill Gaming user group meeting. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:User_Groups
  14. Once you find out the answer from support, could you mention what the reason is here? I have suspicions it's tied to registration of personal information with Tilia or lack thereof.
  15. Because a published banned word list would easily allow people to get around it. So headaches for listers are in LL's, and possibly the public's, interest. Also, LL has lately been adding banned foreign words to their master list. So listers could be in for double whammies. For the reason I mentioned above, you won't be getting said list. It's been asked for before in the Web and Governance meetings. https://jira.secondlife.com/
  16. And if the product uses all mesh links, each unique mesh will, in turn, have a unique and immutable creation time which can act as an identifier which can be used even if links are removed or added or names or descriptions changed. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetObjectDetails and OBJECT_CREATION_TIME.
  17. Another texturing/image rendering setting I'd like is the ability to turn on/off tiling of textures. OpenGL calls it something specific which isn't coming to mind. Being able to shrink/offset textures without seeing that tiling effect would open up many use cases.
  18. I say, starting with this viewer, we FINALLY remove the stupid user bounding box reference with attached rigged mesh LOD drop calc and use the bounding box size of the mesh links them self. I don't care about the screams.
  19. You can "sort of" do this with http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlCastRay to create hits that your shots will go to to lock on a target and if no hits are detected, triangulate either your character's position or the guesstimated projectile rez location with the camera position and some clamped distance from the camera to simulate aiming at the horizon or to infinity. The aesthetics problems come from lack of features, such as no controllable IKs to rotate your upper body (or torso once the upper body hits a limit) to whatever you're aiming at. This can only be done in mouselook without any AO overriding it, not over the shoulder or third party perspective. Currently, you'd have to use a ton of incremental upper body rotation animation assets and choose the closest one. Also, we have no client side effects capability with prim parameter "updating", so if you want some fancy highlighting or glow outlines for targets it would have to be something done in-world and seen by everyone...
  20. Those or 9 volt batteries in smoke detectors. Weird battery choices. At least they aren't C batteries. Anything still use those?
  21. 99% of the time it's "Internal Fixes". There certainly aren't any features coming.
  22. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/278-forum-français/
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