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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. File a bug report at https://jira.secondlife.com/
  2. Only if the new overlords fire then hire, in that order. 😉
  3. Modern tribalism exists today with political party affiliation even though most members (moderates) cherry pick the ideology/policies as they do with their religion.
  4. With as much LSL code as I've seen from others over the years, there seems to be a disdain for parenthesis as much as there is for if statement brackets. 😆
  5. I guarantee you the major stake holders would love to sell it to someone at grossly inflated pricing. SL is a hot mess and comes with a ton of baggage, though.
  6. Do you leave Luskwood much? 😉 If so, do you frequent the "combat" & weapons testing oriented places in SL? What about public sandboxes or infohubs? IE, places where griefing is most common.
  7. Also, you'll have to add someone to the banlist because LL just can't seem to find time to fix https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-37601 And, if you're on a full region estate don't allow random people to fly overhead if you're on the ground or to walk onto your parcel if you're in a skybox because LL just can't seem to find time to fix https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230749
  8. If the feet "states" were separate attachments like the add-ons and layers, there wouldn't be a need for extra UI, steps or scripts. 😕 It would also reduce complexity. I see far too many mesh bodies still using all foot states in the same linkset or the same link.
  9. Sadly, there are still many internal and even external ways of crashing a region. LL has been aware of these for years as they are sometimes mentioned on the jira and in the server meetings, but LL has yet to implement fixes for them. Yes, there were far more ways in years/decades past, but many still exist to this day.
  10. I see nothing has changed in Sansar since it went public beta. Avatar movement/camera control, world selection and world to world transfer is still clunky. The system avatars still look like uncanny valley claymation. The worlds still look like and interact with as art exhibits or collaboration-of-the-month portfolios/advertisement. The lighting still makes the lens flares from the Star Trek movie more attractive. The concurrency is still abysmal. How many years has Sansar had to get its act together? How many more years are we supposed to wait for it to happen?
  11. FWIW, llGetNotecardLine() now returns 1024 bytes instead of 255 bytes on RC regions. Those are the only two script feature/changes.
  12. Don't make people connect to FB... Sum it up in a few words, heh.
  13. SMH. Even the mech suit isn't allowed legs... I'd hate to see what dogs and cats look like or any animal...
  14. Personally, I think it's completely dangerous to allow random people to change the parcel music url to anything they want. And that's about all I can say on the subject for security reasons. 😕
  15. I beat my shoes, toes pointing skyward, on the floor and examine the inside before putting each on. I do this because I've twice found jumping spiders in them. I shake my jeans and shirts before putting them on ever since I found recluse spiders in a relatives closet inside their clothes... I examine the inside of an oven mitt before wearing it to get a pizza out of the oven. I examine the ceiling of my shower before getting in because I've found a cellar spider in there at least half a dozen times over the last decade. Went over a year without seeing anything, but last week got in the shower without checking and looked up and sure enough, saw a cellar spider crawling overhead. I deflected shower water to it to make it fall and smashed it with my rag. I once had to get up in the middle of the night and use the bathroom with the hall light the only illumination, looked over after sitting down and saw a wolf spider the size of my palm just a foot away on the wall beside me. It made me stop mid-stream, heh. Definitely woke me up. I keep fly swatters in every room these days. This is what the cellar spiders I get look like:
  16. Energy transfer has been changed at least 3x since H1 days. The first time was to prevent near infinite transfer with llPushObject() which would allow orbiting someone to millions of meters in altitude instantly. This was done when H1 was updated to H4. The second was to prevent inf energy transfers from being received by LSO compiled scripted objects which would crash their scripts if hit by near inf spinning physical objects or near inf llPushObject() targeting an agent, LSO complied attachment or rezzed physical LSO compiled object. This was part of the "blitzing" combat/griefing tactics. The third was to weaken energy transfers with pushes and collisions in preparation of pathfinding. IIRC, a reduction of 90% was made. There was also an attempt to prevent the ground for becoming "viral" where inf energy transfer cause anything colliding with it to be stuck drifting along the ground to the east. This was never fully fixed and can still be achieved in some edge cases.
  17. I use a bitwise "verbose" integer check and throughout the script I have specific verbose values assigned. That is how I control what I want to see. Debug(integer i, string s) { if (verbose & i) { llOwnerSay(s); } } integer verbose; default { touch_end(integer i) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { verbose = (integer)llGetObjectDesc(); } } link_message(integer i, integer ii, string message, key k) { Debug(0x1,"link_message() - " + message); } dataserver(key k, string data) { Debug(0x2,"dataserver() - " + data); } timer() { Debug(0x4,"timer() - " + llGetTimestamp()); } } Depending on event usage, "verbose" could be assigned or checked one of many ways.
  18. I would still like in-world application level control of what body part(s) and things rigged to, shows in mouselook. For example, if I was running a game where you used a melee/gun/bow weapon and want only arm(s) and the weapon in hand(s) showing during the swinging/shooting. The same could be done when riding in/on certain vehicles. Another example would be showing only specific body parts during specific bed animations. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. Say no more. A complex example that we currently cannot do yet is second person point of view camera following and attached object (selfie) point of view camera following.
  19. SL concurrency was never in the millions. I don't think it has ever made it past 100k either.
  20. I'm curious what the message said, with names redacted of course.
  21. You also need to consider the mass of the object that the pushing script is in, it's physical state and the current energy it has. Push consumes energy. A "hack" to replenish energy quicker is to turn the pusher non-physical, then physical again before pushing.
  22. I loosely based my comment on the ranking of angels as well as the up to 5 different crowns one could allegedly be rewarded with for good deeds in mortal life. I'd rather not have this thread derailed into religious discussion so I will not obliging any further opinions/beliefs on the matter from anyone.
  23. As a kid I used to poke at these with a stick whenever I found them. I just assumed they were big ants. I had no idea about the stinger until only a few years ago. I also ran around outside barefoot alot. It's a miracle I only got stung by a bee once on the foot and by nothing else.
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