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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. It's not quite so simple with your identity politics Luna. Consider this from an economic standpoint: So the net effect from immigration is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Isn't that what you wanted to avoid? The supposed rich white guys just benefit from all the illegal immigration because they can hire them for less than they could the american people of color. Simple supply and demand, the more workers, the less they have to be paid because there is a glut of them available and unfortunately it is the lowest skilled American workers who get the shaft, the ones who can afford it the least.
  2. Thinks it would be a lot more interesting if people were informed they are being ignored by this or that user. At minimum I bet there be a lot less ignoring going on.
  3. I've never put anyone on my ignore list and even had to just check how one would do that. Closest I have come was not because I had a problem with some stupidity posted but because of my own sometimes obsessive need to point that out. So I came close to putting a person on ignore but then realized it would take too much of the entertainment value out of the forums so i have selfishly left them off the ignore list.
  4. Yes I understand that and though as a Canadian I could not vote, for the 2016 election it was a case of anyone BUT Clinton. I firmly believe that party politics aside that if she had won, we'd be in a lot worse shape globally than we are with Trump.
  5. Interesting that i posted it 9 minutes ago and you responded 9 minutes ago claiming to have listened to him. ::eyerolls::
  6. Interesting post in that I relate to it very much except for the following changes: ps I'll acknowledge that my view of Dems has been negatively biased in a large part because of Luna's and some other anonymous posters extremisms which have sought to normalize their positions as being standard leftist. The only one who has made me question whether I am really Conservative is Jordan Peterson in this vid:
  7. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jul/12/dead-cat-gets-voter-registration-application-mail/
  8. A common definition for insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. An extension of that would be trusting/voting for the same person (party) over and over again expecting them to do differently than what they have in the past. By your own admission one would have to be insane to again trust the US democratic party to actually follow up on what has hitherto been nothing but empty promises.
  9. True enough on the forcing but they could sweeten the premium pot a lot more then it is now in various ways without adding another level of premium.
  10. Or perhaps a way to make more is to offer premium sim servers for ones interested in being on faster hardware with more ram. Sure there would be those interested in something like that.
  11. I don't get the thinking that just because one spends a pile of money on the Marketplace that it somehow supports the LL infrastructure.
  12. Nightwish "Ghost Love Score" with Floor Jansen. Amazing singer.
  13. They were making enough to pay for the Sansar development so it would stand to reason that since they no longer are paying for that, they would have a leftover excess of income to invest into S/L development.
  14. I just assumed it was from people who don't know what to talk about and use that stuff instead.
  15. I go to Linden Office hour meeting to hear what is going on and air my grievances for that week. I feel so much better afterwards!
  16. Do I have a problem with tentacles in that I misread it every time you pull a card of Pentacles, and if so, do i really want to know?!
  17. Lol, I see the date on it now you mention it. My bad it being 2 years old! Any case there are enough other pictures and videos out there that show crowding BLM protesters.
  18. Plenty of no masks on both sides of the divide. I know what I saw on the videos played on the nightly news or coming up on my news feeds. Pictures and vids don't lie whereas perhaps your memory combined with an extreme left wing bias may have forgotten or ignored it when you did see it.
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